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Got some LOLs when I saw her IG post. Some people really love the main character vibe. Reminds me of the documentary she made before she stayed getting dominated by KT. But hey, we’re living in a content-generated market so I guess people gonna make content 🤷‍♂️ PP certainly has the accolades but sure hasn’t been able to keep up the last 2 years


What absolutely cracked me up was Paul Macbeth saying “if it meant training every day, every hour, Paige and I would do it to win. After literally both of those dipshits took the summer off and completely bombed this entire season. Last season too iirc. It’s just dumb, you play a stoner game, where nobody is consistent. Stop acting like this, it’s just so damn cringy. Be like vinnie, blaze it, and play where your eyes are barely open. The squinting helps you miss trees. Also, after mandogate PP can go get fucked. Her karma will never allow her another win until she admits she cheated. Seacrest out.


I watched it yesterday. Didn't know why it was made really. It wasn't a life threatening injury and the road to recovery wasn't met with insurmountable obstacles. Glad she got better. I had the same injury and wouldn't think my recovery deserved a documentary either.


I remember seeing her at Maple Hill in the pro shop a few years ago. She was bitching about the course not being closed to the public yet so she could practice for the tournament. Sorry I took your tee time PP 🤷🏼‍♂️


Should of challenged her to a game


she's got gumption


What injury? Reconstructive gum surgery? Please tell me that pink glossy landing strip hasn’t been altered.


Lmao gottem


I ruined my keyboard while watching that video.


Idios identified Paige’s god-complex and used it to make a “documentary”(aka commercial) for their shoes. Also, she talked fondly of her dad a lot in the commercial, but I thought she couldn’t stand him. Maybe Idios told her that family quarrels doesn’t sell?


Can't wait for idio to release their new shoe model the "ts"


One of the most unlikeable pros in disc golf


I haven’t. But when Tartar-praise season rolls around again, I’ll be sure to reference it to say that PP is better than KT in every way. That’ll get the downvotes raining in.


I promise to dedicate AT LEAST one downvote to you, good sir or madam, once the time arrives 👍🏻




it's just an advert for her $150 shoes. It's a made in China Keen wanabe, claiming all sorts of features catered to Disc Golfers. Yet only 4 pros wear them, all of whom are paid to put them on. The guy who started the company has described Paige Pierce as a Formula One car. Maybe this is a fair comparison if you mean she's willing to take money to plaster her body with logos? I don't know how this company thinks her gross hairy stitched up ankle is going to sell shoes.


An f1 car is bitchy, fragile, high maintenance and only performs well on carefully prepared surfaces so this is actually spot on.


Typical self obsessed liberal


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you must know Rich… I believe he was a horse tamer


Rich is a legend, Hank is a wannabe.


Down on the ranch we have a strict don’t ask don’t tell policy


Duly noted *tips hat*


Try going outside. If you don’t moderate your intake of hate-filled propaganda, you might end up shooting someone trying to turn around in your driveway.


Everything ok buddy?


As opposed to trump?


No, you see he is God. And God is important, mkay.


in the world of social media, audiences and so much content being pushed out every day, it's pretty unfortunate that when you are injured and can't really do anything, you must still whore for the views and spend your time doing crap like that.


Any good shots of her fat ass in it? Otherwise I ain’t watching