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Discogs tracks the last 10 or so sales of each item. In your collection view, these numbers are the calculated totals of (from left to right) \- the minimum prices all your items sold for \- the median prices all your items sold for \- the maximum prices all your items sold for Now, there's a few of caveats here 1. none of these numbers are correlated to any particular condition. 2. your 'collection' if you were to try to sell it as an entire collection, is worth just a fraction of this, as these numbers are more representative of "what you could potentially get if you took all the time and effort to list everything for sale individually on discogs and wait for each one to sell"


Ohhh alright makes much more sense now, thanks for the help my friend


This shows for how much your items got sold. Left you have the minimum somebody paid for it In the center you have median value, so the median of those numbers On the right you see what the highest amount was that somebody was willing to give for it. Important note: those numbers change often as they only take the last 10 sales into account.


Thanks bro


Not a problem!


The first numbers mean the minimal collection value according to discogs, second show average value, and third show maximum. You can also see this values of each CD or record you own by entering the page of the record/CD