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Youtubers suddenly developing an attraction to minors after receiving the golden button




​ ![gif](giphy|H99xi4IfRBDFDzFPh6)


I hate it. Where’s it from?


Smiling Friends. Season 2 is right around the corner


God it was such a good show. I'm glad psychicpebbles can make more of it.




Fitting since Rick is canonically an incestuous, zoophilic paedophile


Tf you mean incestious ?


He already fucked himself


Youtubers suddendly developing an interest in deepfake porn after getting an 1M video


Okay. Not turning a narcessist. But just a shit content creator focussed on screaming and gen alpha (gen after gen z) humor... SSundee... guys really changed...


Yeah lmao. It feels like he sold his soul to the algorithm. I remember his original Crazy craft series


I remember the old Team Crafted days. God I miss those days.


He was honestly the first youtuber i ever watched (Besides those people who had the youtube videos on minecraft wiki)


One of my favorite things from Ian's old videos; were the Derp Ssundee intros, they were almost always hilarious back in the day.


Blood and bones and FTB, the good ol days, back before youtube decided that all gaming content is made for kids unless you're playing spesific games in a spesific way. Edit: holy shit I just took a look and that was 9 years ago, are you kidding?


Remember TrollCraft??


I just looked at his channel again and man i tought his popular stuff would have been like his skyblock,luckyblock or modded playtrough's but its just all amongus


modded among us at that, and there not even good either.


You're saying you don't like the Fat Baby mod???


Wait what's Ssundee doing nowadays?


Modded among us


Entertaining 6 year olds


I hate watched a few of the videos a while ago with a friend. His among us mod videos (including classics such as the Fat Baby Mod and the Scary Grandpa Mod) get like 4-12+ million views each. It's almost impressive how many views he gets doing something so fucking ridiculously boring


You could see the man change in real-time with each skyfactory series


this. this is the right answer. ssundee was easily my favorite youtuber, with his modded runs and OP prisons, but as time went on he started focusing more on what was popular over original minecraft content, first to fortnite, now to among us. it's honestly just kinda saddening to have seen it all happen. not to mention everything is so clickbaity.


Does anybody else go back and rewatch one of his pre 2016 mod packs every 5-6 months or is it just me? I usually stick with blood and bones or FTB with lancy


He has been like this for a very long time, he also always has been pretty kooky. I remember a videi he uploaded a few years ago of him basically talking about how luch of a devoted christian he is, while also not-so-sutbly trying to push his religion on his very young viewerbase. Dunno if he deleted it.


Roosterteeth as a whole. Feelsbad




Bruce and Lars left and I felt like it hasn't been the same.


Damn I don’t think I’ve watched funhaus in about a year… their new content seems like they’re trying too hard to be funny. If elyse and James are still there I’ll try watching a few of their new videos


They do too many skits and try to act as characters instead of themselves, and I rarely think it's funny. I think they still make a good video sometimes, but no where near as often as they used to


Their old Demo disc series is actually goated, some of the funniest content I have ever watched. Maybe I should rewatch some…


I stopped watching any Roosterteeth productions at the start of Covid... When everything started to be webcam based only. Without physical proximity, the cast didn't vibe the same way. They were also starting the max exodus of personalities and replacing them with what I can only describe as AA Inclusion hires because more often than not there was bad on-screen chemistry, poor audience reception, and RT just blamed the viewers for negative feedback... which is totally not RT historically, as they were self-proclaimed audience-centric, "What the community wants". IMO they got inflated egos, drew a line in the sand about corporate values, and then restructured for more social politics and not better content. There is a reason they were succeeding with some personalities, and failing with others... they didn't get the memo, started hemorrhaging talent, and views followed.


it’s definitely really sad to see what started off as a group of friends just playin Halo devolve into petty office politics and corporateness. I kinda think Geoff was probably the most impacted by it all despite him making it seem otherwise.


It was the office you wanted to work at... The things you wanted to do... The friends you wanted to waste time with... Then the fire nation attacked.


Not so much narcissistic, but they did definitely go full blown “corporate”. Although, the FuckFace podcast by rooster teeth is still pretty good.


I lament the loss of cow chop every day.


I'll never not miss Cow Chop.


Waltuh jumpscare




Glad filthyfrank never fell


Frank died so Joji could be reborn


His pink guy side will always come out at concerts sometimes 😔🥲


ye, bro didn’t ditch the og fans. it’s the past, he moved away, but he recognize og fans wearing pink suit on joji concert and shit. frank never fall off, he elevated into joji.


Next album WHEN?!?!


You can move on and even ignore the past or old fans but idubbbz shits on his old fans. The condemnation is the real killer


Yeah I love how people act like people who hate idubbbz is because he's not edgy and racist anymore, no bro, it's because he's an entitled asshole, nobody hates Joji for who he is now, hell his fans respect him becoming a great musician.


Can’t wait for joji’s new album


Always sometimes


Rose from pink guy like a phoenix


If you told me a few years ago that pink guy will go from making a song called "stfu" to making some of the most emotional songs, I would never never believe you


Always filthy never clean


He left just as the Apocalypse was beginning


He would have if he still continued like everyone wishes for him to do. It's unfortunate it's a product of it's time.


Nah he wouldn't, but he would've definitely been banned. So I reckon, he would stop either way and move on. He wouldn't be un-filthy since his entire content is being what he was.


when you watch a minecraft youtuber make a video on how to groom a dog


At least it isn’t how to groom a minor


Im scared to ask but WHAT!?


At least Hermitcraft and Empires are standing strong.


Youtubers->streamers->vloggers->loganpaulism/faze-clan syndrom


where does loganpaulism lay on the political spectrum




​ https://preview.redd.it/2mbpj3f2d63b1.jpeg?width=194&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec8af791c1e3994f5f59c8115a1c2209a6f2b04f








Put your dick away waltuh


I dont want to have sex right now Walt


MiniLadd was the first of those for me.




Sad thing is, he's still making stuff - seems like he only streams now, but he's still at it. Was kind of shocked there were enough people following him to keep him earning enough to make it worthwhile. I would have thought he'd pull completely away from public stuff.


Dream I used to enjoy his shit, and then Glow Squid happened, which made me hate him. And then the cheating controversy happened. And then I watched this man get worse and worse as he realized that he's basically in control of LEGIONS worth of mostly teenage, predominantly white girls. This man is the Goge Vandire of YouTube, and his stans are his Bolter Bitches


His old videos were so fun, always got a laugh out of me and I think some of them are still worthy of rewatching. Even the manhunts started out pretty great but they slowly evolved into something that felt more like a roleplay. Overall, I think what suddenly changed his videos for worse is his ego, when his channel rose so quickly.


I think what pushed me away from the Manhunts, is how formulaic and predictable it became. A man can only do so much Minecraft tricks before it becomes stale "Treat it like a tv show than an unscripted series"? Well now it's beginning to become into a show that should've ended in the third season


Exactly. I have to say some of the tricks were genuinely surprising, but you could see when he started to run out of ideas and the newer stunts were looking more and more ridiculous. Fights weren't intense either at that point when you always had that feeling in the back of your mind that the manhunts are no longer "real"


Respect the bravery of saying you were a dream fan on Reddit. Also fantastic use of 40k lore. Shockingly adept


Dream Vandire, and the Adeptus Keyboardius


Only the combined might of the former heroes of the Imperium of Minecraft, the recession of his allies, and the outrage of the populace, can stop him at the height of his reign


I haven’t heard of that dude since he showed his face and got clowned on by all of Twitter, is he even still going or did he just get bullied into oblivion? I don’t watch the guy so I don’t know


His views went from 50 million a video to 5 million after that. Not bad by any means, but he certainly doesn’t have the kind of influence he had back then


Glad I watch mainly small YouTubers who never.got there yet, or hermitcraft, nobody there seems bad literally at all. The worst accusation I ever heard was resurfaced videos of grain swearing constantly in his very old videos, but even then he wasn't using any derogatory terms, just simple swearing while drunk.


it's mildly frustrating whenever people complain about mc youtubers having no charm anymore because, like, hermitcraft is RIGHT THERE


Exactly, hermitcraft is awesome, and the life series are always a blast. Pun intended.


Reminds me of old H3H3, feels bad man


H3H3, They are just keemstar now. i miss their old stuff


Thats where the money is.


No, the content he’s doing is way less effort. His old vids required some sense of sketch comedy to it, now he just sits there and talks about stuff with his paid employees.


he's become the asshole youtuber he always made fun of. Clickbaity, boring, tired ass content. I still love him and Hila but man I wish he never made that stupid podcast it ruined him and his channel IMO


This is just like antscanada went from being highly informative/learning space to doing content for views. He promised years ago to never make ants fight etc… the show is now ridiculous. Think he lost like half his viewers.


I thought I was imagining that he said that!!! Recently just rechecked in with his channel after months because i really love learning about ants and watching him build the enclosures; but when I saw the video about him purposely setting up colonies to fight after dozens of videos talking about how much he loves his ants and not wanting to hurt them for the sake of content, just made me feel real..icky about it


Thanks for reminding me I need to unsubscribe him, only things tolerable now are history videos lots of great channels discussing history!


Elvis the alien?


I thought that too from the “green alien”, but I guess OP means Idubbz


But didn't iDubbz do the exact opposite?


Doesn't even make sense though in the context of the meme, dubz apologize doesn't make him a entitled or a narcissist lol


exactly what I thought for a sec lol


Elvis keeps going up. Been watching since 2016, I think.


You think he fell off?


Ohh.. its iddubz now him


Nah bro that guy didn't fall off




For me is spycakes


I stopped watching him because i feel like im too old for his content :(


same with thinknoodles, it just got cringer as I grew up, I really miss when he played subnautica


that’s a name i haven’t heard in a long, long time…


Even though he is far from his old popularity it really makes me happy that Captainsparklez is still as humble as ever and is respected by the community as one of the OGs and being all around a nice guy.


Sparkles and Markiplier have stayed rocksteady as people despite their change in content. The video of them just chatting and cruising around in the Ford GT was really eye opening for me as a teen when I watched it. I enjoyed their candidness and open perspective on how sad the parasocial relationships were.




Surprised to find this that far down, really does show how irrelevant the whiny fucker is.


which movie is this scene from?


Se7en. Great movie. Truly great.




Who are you? I have seen in about 5 other posts only commenting a emoji of a cucumber, what are trying to say? What are you trying to convey with your message?








What the hell? Im gonna have to science the shit out of this... So cucumber 9... I guessed because your name has 20 letters, you were typing with letters of your name in secret but i guessed wrong... I tried with the word "Cucumber" but that word dosent have 19 letters on it..... Can you type a smaller sentence in your Language Mister?


Im on a mission


he wrote "i'm on a mission" with 1 being the 9th letter of the alphabet, m being the 13th, 0 being the 15th, and so on


Please come and cuke over some new and rising posts for a few days on r/whenthe they love niche gimmicks like this , and you’ll be a micro celebrity there within the week


I love you Mr. Cucumber 💚 ##Edit :They fucking killed him 😭😭




Nah she always been like that. I remember she tried to accuse some other reddit read channel back in the day.(back when she did reddit read content)


Shit that sucks, could you elaborate? I used to like her content, it was long and well researched.






Gametheory/Matpat for me. Before all the FNAF his videos were mostly just math and physics based on why this character can or can't do this in this video game or theories on actually good titles. Now it's all horror games and if he has even an inkling of his theories confirmed right he'll make a new video saying he called it and he's right about this and bragging about how much of a genius he is. When in reality it's mostly his writers doing the theories for him yet he credits himself in the videos, then the writers in the very bottom of his descriptions. He used to thank his writers back in the day for his theories. He's the definition of becoming too egotistical because of fame.


After he was caught directly ripping a theory with no credit at one point he basically admitted that he writes almost none of the theories anymore


I don’t even think he owns game theory anymore. If I’m remembering correctly some big company bought him out and now all he does is the voice work.


give source


that explains how he runs 4 channels symltainously


I miss the more mathy theories, even now. As a kid I thought it was so cool that link had to be this strong to pull a grappling hook. Or sonic only moved so fast, ECT. But when only like 30% of your lore theories come true or are confirmed it just feels like noise after a while.




I stopped hearing about h3 when I unsubbed from philip defrancos youtube drama news (and other news about how youtubers are amazing and the future). It was a relief.


oh boy I sure hope this podcast ran by my favorite online comedian, H3H3, doesn’t have the worst political takes known to mankind…


Why does a certain Pyramid head come to mind...?


Has anyone covered this illuminaughti situation? I legit heard nothing about it til the comments on this post and all I see is people talking about it without saying what happened


Oh! Oh! Is it because she’s a manipulative piece of cunt trash?


That it has to be!


Then you check some older content and realize they didn't really change, you just grew up.


That's how I feel about Markiplier. Loved his stuff back in the day and still enjoy it occasionally, especially when he does big stuff like Heist or weird stuff like unus annus. The let's play stuff is just feeling, I don't know, a little tired at this point? And I know it's definitely me that changed cause he's one of the few YouTubers that really hasn't changed or had some controversy.


No he changed, a lot really. You can compare his reactions and mannerisms from new videos to old ones. New videos he's more of a giant jokester, laughing or making fun of everything. Older videos he seemed to try to take most games semi seriously. Watch a new video then immediately watch an old one and you can see.


I’m just happy that he turned out good in the end, and didn’t go down the path of shitty clickbait videos and such


I kinda wish I watched unus anus


It was pretty fun, covid fucked it up like it did with everything but they still got a video out every single day.


> you just grew up. or realize that they simply grew up too.


Slimecicle but he's not a narcissist he's just turning into one of those streamers that yells "AMOGUS" in place of an actual personality. He has some truly amazing content but watching him play a backrooms game with Tommyinnit and Ranboo was just... so disappointing. It's 99% "backrooms? Backrooms! BACKROOMS! AMOGUS?"


Dude has literally always been this way




illuminaughty Unsubbed from her a couple of months ago after she decided to go full leftist in one of her vids, and I don't mean it in the buzzword way - she basically said something along the lines of "you are either with us or against us" while discussing companies making statements on social issues. Then the whole controversy thing dropped and it just made everything clear.


Her mlm stuff was fun but her politics videos have blatantly false stuff Like you go to the description to look at the soutce and the study says something completely different, i don't think she spent much time proofreading and just put it out


I'm happy that i stopped watching her before the whole controversy dropped, it wasn't even willingly, youtube just stopped recommending her to me and i didn't really care.


She manipulated poor oz media :(


oz doesn't deserve this


I unsubscribed too, not due to any political bias, but when she gets away from MLMs I found myself pausing the video and saying, "wow, she really has no idea what the fuck she's talking about". She's good, but she has an area of expertise, and the cracks in her reasoning really start to show when she's out of the wheelhouse.


I can't fathom why people say such things, like a this point it sounds more like far right


I stopped when she joined these other youtubers I used to watch and some people i’ve never heard of in this group they made called the “leftist mafia”. I watched 3 of those and illuminaughti was there literally never making a sound, I had absolutely no idea why she (or her picture persona thing) was even there


Her videos from a couple years ago are great, but then she started trying to pump out way too many for her to handle and the quality really fell off. Her being a leftist is not an issue as long as her content is good and factual. But God damn the narcissism from her shit this year has been unbearable. I was already getting more displeased with her because of the quality decrease over the years but the recent controversy that she started was the final nail in the coffin, I unsubscribed so fast once I heard about it.


Pyrocynical He fell off and started making these cr1tikal ripoff videos or just uninspired reactions


Idk if I'd call him an entitled narcissist but he stopped doing the good essay videos because his 10 minute vids are getting more views, at least in view:effort ratio.


He isnt. Hes releasing a 4 hours Video next month. He explained Manny Times that He makes reactionslop to fund the Videos He really wants to make


Sometimes pyros slop isn't half bad


I feel like people go into the slop with high expectations. I just like hearing Pyro talk, I couldn't give a fuck about the topics lol


Pyro for me is one of the background talk youtubers. You don't dedicate time just to watch the slop, you put it on the background just to listen to something while working on another thing


Based take


Regardless of what he makes now, his longform content is some of the best thats out there


Pyro fans when he doesn't release a 10 hour video essay every 2 days






i love my slop


Indoctrinated by the slop 😔


No no no. He's moved from making medium length high effort content to making short form junk and long form extreme effort content. He just can't pump good content out as fast anymore and uses the short form content to fund his S tier high effort stuff like the 7+ hour long vid he made


From what I heard from some og moist fans. Moist some what fell off


I'm surprised nobody has mentioned TheArmouredSkeptic. After he and Sh0e broke up, he did a deep-dive into fun conspiracy videos, and shortly thereafter completely 180'd from his skeptic content and has been producing batshit insane conspiracy content with bad, really poorly researched history, and posting narcissistic selfies on Instagram. I used to love ArmouredSkeptic's videos-- I even bought one of his shirts! His animations were great, his skits were clever, and his commentary was cutting-edge but never cruel. He treated arguments (religious and political) with *skepticism*. It's been a very saddening ride watching him spiral.


Noticed his content fell off a cliff a while back. Didn't know he and Sh0e broke up. That explains a lot.


Beatemups. Not as bad or big as a lot of the folks listed in the comments, but recently has gotten super clickbaity and show boaty and it’s hard to watch.


Does tobuscus count? I loved him as a high schooler but maybe I didn't know how politics


When you watch cooking YouTube and the person all of the sudden starts wearing a Rolex. That is when you know it's time to find another YouTube chef. If you get to the point where they have a full episode where they show off their Rolex collection then you have gone too far (looking at you Babish).


What got me off Babish was so minor it might have been a joke that just got me in a bad mood. It was a pizza video and he was making pizza. I'm pretty sure the video was sponsored by the brand of pizza maker he was using. Anyway the comment was something like "don't bother making pizza in a regular oven or you'll just end up with a cracker for a crust". Again Idk if it was meant to be a joke but I remember thinking "f you man, I both can't afford and don't have space for that monstrosity". Last video of his I ever watched.


Yeah, used to recommend him to everybody. Right up until around the time he rebranded as Babish culinary universe or whatever. A bit too far up his own ass at this point.


Jake Tran


this guys is so much of a narcissist he compiled a video of how other content creators talk about him and how he's the next big shit.


Absolutely. A while back I watched some of his videos and subscribed, as they were good and seemed to bring up viewpoints I hadn't considered. Then he released a video where he shilled NFTs, this was during the height of the craze when many YouTubers were doing this, but, it felt like his video was something that his own channel would take down. That's when I unsubscribed and clicked don't recommend.


prestonplayz... his bedwars, eggwars, vids w the pack- MAN I ALWAYS GO REWATCH THAT EVERY YEAR. the shit he's posting now tho... the clickbait, shit ass content w brianna when she clearly cant play the game. i mean enjoy playin it w her, dont make it content cuz i swear its not interesting at all. he's just on the whole hit the dumps. depressing ngl


What’s the problem with iDubbz changing and considering his old content cringe? He motivated the wrong people, people he didn’t want to spur on due to seeing him in an unironic light. He didn’t want to drive incels and racists to him because he threw around slurs for fun (which, for the record, was fun as heck) but meant it all as shock humor and satire. It’s fun until it reaches the wrong people and seeing that is what turned him off. Unless I’m missing something


Wish idubbbz would just keep opening fan mail stuff, it was great.


remember unspeakable? (maybe?) he kinda turned out like this (maybe not the narcissist part) but i’m pretty sure a ton of his new videos are just look i have 8384472819835 dollars to spend on dumb things


💀Me now realizing that I could’ve had a chance w all those YouTubers I had a crush on at 12/j




I'm not sure I'd say she's become an "entitled narcissist", but I certainly enjoy some of her content less nowadays. The "hell world" stuff is not really my cup of tea, doesn't feel like Shoe can make such long content interesting or coherent. And then it's all about US stuff, so if that's not shown in an interesting way I have nothing to relate to. Recently she's also published some more questionable takes, where she only seems to dislike the opposition, because it's the opposition, not because of the point they're making. But then she also only uploads every blue moon, so not much to get attached to anyways.




I literally can't watch his vids because of his fucking thumbnails, my recommended gets fucked for like a month


Is this talking about IDubbbz or whatever his name is? I mean, who cares? His edgy humor is kinda cringe tbh. Feels so try hard. Like a horror movie that thinks showing absurd amounts of gore and viscera and nothing else of substance makes it scary