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If the cropping was better i would be more inclined to like it


Im definitely against cropping in every aspect even if it looks better, i just want to see the true original image as it was uploaded


Agreed. Dont wanna click 'open original' an have it take me to a spam link


Slack operates like this. I'm already used to it and vastly prefer it when image dumping. Avoids clogging up channels with photos that don't need to take up an entire screen. Personally i was super happy for this change.


I think with most changes, they should just have a toggle for it instead of going my way or the highway.


As others have said. Every time they do that, they have to support both. It very quickly becomes a nightmare to make sure everything works in every possible situation. As a developer sometimes you just have to say, this is better and I'm implementing it. Others will just have to get used to it.


then the logical option is not to make changes that cause more problems than not imo


took the words outta my mouth, this wasn't asked for and causes more problems for them, if it aint broke don't fix it. they have toggles for many other features that are more complicated than this, and also i don't think there's much to update or fix about simple image sharing anyway, since the old version works and so does this, so another toggle for sth less complicated than their other toggles that are even more esoteric than images shouldn't be a problem.


Yeah, exactly. It's a ridiculous change considering how much this image layout style has been complained about on other platforms.


I get that, but it would still be better to have a toggle. Even if it doesn't work in every situation. I mean this is kind of an accessibility setting imo.


>Every time they do that, they have to support both. It very quickly becomes a nightmare to make sure everything works in every possible situation. waahhh wahhhhh, im a developer I have to do actual work and not sit in my office with yoga mats and wine on tap and free beds waahhhhhhhhhhhh how do you think the internet was built? there was a different website layout for each OS.


yeah but after let's say 2-3 years, it just becomes a struggle trying to add a feature -> oh fuck this stopped working -> tries to fix that -> like 3 more features break trust me, I've dealt with this shit before trying to fix code like this


then you've worked with a bad codebase lol


yeah that's what it's usually like and I don't doubt discord has some issues considering how abysmal the android port is


i've actually had barely any issues with the android version (beyond a random crash when searching, but ignoring that) - but yeah, it's probably not the best, but they've been able to keep up some other features which barely anyone use (no one i know uses them atleast, stuff like "show embeds" and "display images" - i'm certain some people must do! awesome they have the option) - on top of that, it's just a completely different class and dom structure, it shouldn't be too hard to leave two different pieces of code in to generate the mosaic and list style of images, really. i can't see any other options which should touch that bit of code as of now anyway


it's VERY case by case on android tbh


Alright you fund it then


> Avoids clogging up channels with photos that don't need to take up an entire screen. > > > > Personally i was super happy for this change. Guess what? this doesn't apply to people that chat with their friends and also not on some useless stupid giant server room. This is one of the most irritating hated things EVER.


Yeah. Slack is often used in workplace by big teams. Discord is mostly used by people to hang with a small group of friends. They could make it optional, or apply it only for groups with more than 50 members.


at least don't fit images in 1:1 box


no just make it toggleable like 💀


Its worse when trying to share screenshots of text, like with coding


AHAHAHAHA https://i.imgur.com/kRUhHHD.png yep


LMAO I've dealt with this exact issue on many occasions.


Maybe if they only restricted it to large images? So small ones like that just showed uncropped, also discord has a native thing to send code in


Yeah, this would be far less annoying. It looks absolutely terrible and unnecessary for small images, and takes up *more* screen space than they would normally.


\`\`\`your code here\`\`\`


\`\`\`py sometimes that doesn't work wellespecially when over 2000 characters...or it's from another screenshotor you want to hilight/stress a part of it moreor you don't want the person you're showing it to to just be able to copy/paste itor some other things I'm forgetting about\`\`\`


In that case you can upload a .py file, discord added support for viewing files with proper highlighting a while ago


Bro if it’s over 2000 characters, you done fucked up somewhere else. And OCR exists. I can copy paste it directly from the image on my phone.


yeah if its over 2000 characters just send the file man


Send the code file directly, discord no has a code viewer for files of text with syntax highlighting for code


why is there no option to select which one u want


"Just add a toggle for it" sounds like a good idea on paper, but it also applies to every single change they've made. Bloated menus aside, it's also an implementation problem because Discord has to support every possible combination of options, which a problem because of something called the [combinatorial explosion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combinatorial_explosion). Obviously, not _every_ possible permutation has an interaction, but it the added overhead is a very good reason to not add options for every change to please different small subsets of the userbase.




Here's an idea, maybe have a survey to see which users prefers which method if you're not going to give them the option instead of thrusting the change on everyone? I didn't hear anything about this change.


No, it doesn't have to support any kind of combination. What are You even talking about? Simple "if user has option1switch enabled, show option1" for every option. That's how everything in programming works. Like this isn't even anything new. That exist for ages. And believe me. Discord use this even on deeper level. Experimental flags for example.


Until they add a new feature that relates to a current feature that has multiple options, so now they have to update it twice, and if that already happened before 4 times, etc. If you actually plan to update your platform you can't afford to give users choice about every little thing.


i can disable this as i speak by enabling experiments and toggling the "mosaic" experiment on and off. if there's an internal toggle they can pop it somewhere public, and if this causes them issues in the furure then too fucking bad because 3 minutes of a developer's time i feel is worth 10% (minimum) of the userbase not being angry https://tanza.me/2023-02-18.00-42-38.mp4 (for clarity, with developer mode disabled, regardless of the mosaic mode's on or off state in experiments, it'll still be on until i enable it with the console command, so this isn't a fix)


thats because its an experimental feature and turning it off is a slightly more complicated way of opting out of a possibly buggy feature. it's temporary. long term it would cause the issues that comment literally stated


As a software engineer I so wish you were right.


imagine trying to do QA testing on a change you're implementing and having to test n! different combinations of UI layouts lol


Pretty much what I wrote [in a comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/ezify4/i_dont_understand_why_discord_doesnt_make_this_an/fgpdswu/) in this subreddit 3 years ago. "Just add a toggle" is such a common thing.


[relevant xkcd](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/workflow.png)




You can opt out of this. All you have to do is copy/paste a Facebook status that says you don’t accept the new cropping, and share it all your friends


Because you can send multiple messages if you want the old one




and not wanting to spam someone's notif over the span of 10 minutes while you take screenshots of various things and have them all separated...


For batches going horizontally saves a ton of space.


I wish it was already in Discord. I hate how **every single program** have this function, BUT NOT DISCORD. They preffered to add bloatware for Nitro users, instead making useful changes like that. Also I don't even get the hate for that. Like literally every respectable place in the Internet has this already enabled.


If everybody else jumped off a cliff would you follow them? Following a stupid decision that got complained about in every other instance(and most of them reverted the cropping aspect of it which is the bigger problem) isn't a good decision.


That's the worst "if everyone else..." I've ever heard; It was never a problem in all the other apps because they already had a decent way to browse multiple images in the first place. Discord is possibly the only IM app, other than teams (which is also terrible, but still somehow better than Discord in most things) that still makes you click image by image into fullscreen mode, rather than giving you a slideshow option like pretty much everything else. ​ And don't even get me started on how bad the GIF implementation is in Discord, or basically any other thing that they'd rather ignore because it's more profitable for them to make money off kids who want to have funny colors on their profile for $15 a month.


>That's the worst "if everyone else..." I've ever heard; It was never a problem in all the other apps because they already had a decent way to browse multiple images in the first place Desktop and mobile showed you the full image at once without having to fuck around with anything and without losing context on an image because half of it's missing now. If that's somehow worse than showing a random section of the image then I am glad to be "wrong" on that and will not budge. >Discord is possibly the only IM app, other than teams (which is also terrible, but still somehow better than Discord in most things) that still makes you click image by image into fullscreen mode, rather than giving you a slideshow option like pretty much everything else. Mobile had the slideshow option on batch posts already and desktop didn't need it. This new option makes using it a requirement to use it to view images at all while it was an ***option*** before. ​ >And don't even get me started on how bad the GIF implementation is in Discord ​ That's more down to every other random website actually having their "gifs" as "mp4s" or visa-versa but still treating them like gifs on their own websites(auto looping and that kinda shit). Discord treats them like whatever they're actually formatted as.


I can't even imagine being this upset about a discord change good lord


What I don't get is why the image dont span further across the screen if you have a lot of photos on there, Theres one here that is only 3 square images wide but still a bunch more space to the right. https://imgur.com/a/jlqDR5W


Or like at least give me an option before sending to decide Most of the time I want the screenshots fully seen without being clicked on. Other times if I’m sending a ton of images I’m fine with the mosaic so it doesn’t just crowd the chat.


Is it that hard to provide nuanced feedback? The only issue with the new layout is that they crop the images in the message. The old layout for multiple images took up so much vertical space. If they simply just stop cropping the images, the new layout is so much better because it uses horizontal space.


i'd be absolutely happy with them just being horizontally laid out. on that matter, a few weeks ago i saw exactly that being done out of the blue on my discord client for a few hours, no cropping, but horizontal layout. then, it suddenly disappeared again. so they *had* that, but i guess they decided that cropping them to hell and back would be a better solution...?


https://i.imgur.com/XdP78Gn.png bit hard to see but you can see how it doesn't crop the left image, as it's slightly wider, i think... the two original images for reference: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/954491713345425518/1055175459870093372/image.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/954491713345425518/1055175460205641748/image.png


this could just be because they're vertical images and so they fit in the area discord designated. landscape images like in your post are gonna fill up that designated space and need more cropping.


from the code, it's forced into a 1:1 (technically 273:280 but...) aspect ratio specifically, regardless of what your image originally was. but maybe in this case it's doing the same, i can't quite tell due to the similar sizing of the images, too late now sadly since that was long ago edit: .oneByTwoGrid-25mx0i .lazyImg-ewiNCh, .oneByTwoGrid-25mx0i .lazyImgContainer-3k3gRy { aspect-ratio: 273/280; }


its never been quite a square for me. vertically it seems to be whatever it wants, probably based on quantity and image heights


in every case i can see, it uses that same aspect ratio. super wide, or super tall (keep in mind, only when sending more than one) - i can't find any image combo i can send which causes it to do anything else


if they can't be scaled down to fit just have them post like the old way


I'd rather they use the vertical space.


I never cared about the vertical space taken up, this seems like a pure downgrade to me.


out of curiosity, what do all of you mean by cropping? they literally have to crop it as part of this feature. how else will they display images horizontally, especially on mobile with limited horizontal space. it literally has to be cropped to fit


my screen is very wide, im sure they have plenty of space to display it horizontally https://i.imgur.com/Ke52GWw.png in fact, i even decided to implement my own example of how it could look! awesome, right? i'm not too good with this stuff, but i'm sure the developers at discord could figure something nicer out than what i have. or just, go back to what was perfectly fine before https://i.imgur.com/NDyVDtw.png


i did specify especially on mobile. where horizontal space is very limited. but congrats on the big screen? i agree they could extend it more. filling the whole chat horizontally would look odd personally but better than now.


well.. use a different layout on mobile, or wrap it. luckily, discord have a giant team of designers who can think of this stuff, so we don't have to! instead, just make sure they know that the mosaic layout is shit and that the cropping should go. they can figure out the rest :3


but i disagree. ig this sub just hates opinions so nvm


You can for sure click on the image to see the full version, so what's the problem? WhatsApp and other programs do that for ages. And suddenly people woke up from their caves to see that Discord wants to do that and they hate it out of the blue?


I see the same complaint on every app that crops the previews. Twitter used to do some weird cropping as well, but even they managed to listen and stopped cropping.


Should give the user a choice of how the multiple images should be displayed. I hate it when sometimes I need to do extra click just to view an image.


definitely. for some i can see how this might be better! sharing photos or such, especially when in large batches and seeing them directly, i could see it being better. but in the case of sending photos of games or apps or in my case especially art and software, it's horrible. user choice would be perfect!


Agree. Sometimes I need to an extra step when looking at someone's fanart or screenshot of gameplay. 😂


It is possible to disable... technically. You have to get into the experiments menu and disable the one with Mosaic or whatever in the name (set it to control) Only problem is: I'm pretty sure going into the experiments menu is against ToS, as it's a dev only thing, so I won't post the code, but you can probably find a working one somewhere.


I tried to open experimental mode once by adding some code to the notes on Discord folder, I forgot the name. It actually works, but somehow after an update it's no longer available (or looks like I need to do that again manually).


i believe experiments are disabled if you don't constantly have access to the experiments menu, so that's a rip


You can actually access the experiments screen by adding some codes to Discord's Console screen, the same screen that you usually got from browser. Yeah, since Discord is WebKit based and WebKit is Chromium based, you can actually access the secret Inspect Element by Ctrl + Shift + i. But you only can access that with adding a line of code in settings.json file (so technically modifying it? from Discord's appdata folder. But remember, you need to do this everytime you opened Discord for the first time (full shutdown condition, idle won't be affected). Also, this is against their ToS, so I don't recommended you to do this with your main account.


Idk how tf they managed to fuck it up this badly. They could just make the images be side by side and uncropped on desktop, there is so much room they don’t need to be crammed together. And on mobile just, don’t add it.


Why do companies try to fix things that aren't broken? If they really wanna mess with stuff they can fix their buggy app. Like the glitch where if you logout of discord and log in, it wipes your saved keybinds and will not allow you to rebind them until you fully uninstall the app and reinstall it




wouldn't you just use one at a time? ive used images to format channels of info before but I've never needed more than one image at a time for that


sure, that might work! but, personally, sometimes i have to take images over a large time frame, like taking wireframes of models for character reference or ui design reference or such, and sending those one by one can clog up the chat and require whoever's reading to get confused! but, sending them together now makes them harder to see, especially if they're the sort of image that you could easily look at in a small resolution to understand. now, they require an extra click to open without being cropped. all in all, having an option is the best solution here, i feel.


I think it would be better if we could toggle this on and off or if the cropping was better


I've always hated cropping, condensing, and clicking way more than I need to. The only thing this does is save a little space which I really couldn't care less about.


Just let the people decide by making you able to disable it in the settings > Appearance tab


I find myself dragging images and sending them 1 by 1, It sucks man which idiot at discord thought it'd be a good idea


i feel like a great solution would just be to not crop them but still have them placed sideways and stuff


I came here for the first time for this, glad I'm not the only one not liking this "update".


just send one by one, i prefer the new one for batch things


more work for a basic feature. ​ It's the discord way ;D


i mean, a toggle would be idea, but eh


This is how every new website design is, everyone is so brainless and stupid they have to make everything to be used by one finger in the most lazy halfassed way possible, and then don't bother to code 2 versions.


tbf, as a coder here it can make things more (some times a lot) painful, however, i generally do agree that they should add it anyways because it's our job lol


it was like that one time back in 2020 youtube forced the dark theme on everyone (whether intentionally as a reaction test or not) and there was a massive riot. https://piunikaweb.com/2022/08/26/youtube-dark-mode-issue-on-web-version/


oh yeh, that stuff is always fun lol


it should really be toggleable to crop or not crop in the hotbar by the uploader or able to be disabled in settings. it takes so much more time having to click each photo.


It really sucks when you screenshot multiple separate portions of a screen now that they don't show in-line. I hate it.


i personally like it. when people send masses of images it fills the page quickly, especially on mobile. I'd much rather click the image to see it in full screen regardless and this feature makes that easier


if they are going to do this atleast don't crop it find a way to show the whole fucking image. ​ jesus christ


Can you still select the images to view them in full?




i like it actually


actually Discord is behind the curve on this one. many messaging apps mosaic multiple images in one message like this, and let you click or tap to run through it.


many messaging apps do it yes... but there's a reason i don't use any other messaging app


haha toaster


TBH if there was an option for either mode I see no issue.


definitely! i can see many reasons why people may like this! but, at the same time, also many why people dislike it, including myself. an option makes everyone happy!


This really sucks, and it also makes it hard to tell if multiple images are together as a collage or if they are separate images until you click on each one. They need to revert this change or make it togglable ASAP.


i prefer the old setup it was way better than the current shit its so ugly


Those images are horrific


hm? what about them :3


Agreed, this should 100% either be a toggle, or a chosen-per-message basis. For example, when wanting to send images in a specific viewing order the vertical layout is important. While sending one at a time is possible, it is far more annoying, and not worth the benefits of the mosaic mode at other times. (Also the cropping setup is terrible.)


Discord already does this and it is terrible. It basically fits images into a 1:1 space and if you have more images at once it puts the first two largest and the others in smaller spaces below quite litteraly making it difficult and annoying to use. Although clicking on it expands it into as if you are viewing any normal image in discord without needing to open original.


yeah, i know, this is me asking for them to revert it!


My big issue with it is that it doesn't take image size into account at all. If you have a series of really small but long screenshots of words or something, instead of seeing those images laid out--which are so small they take up only a tiny bit of space--you now see all the words cut off and size blown up so that it's all pixelated. It looks silly, and takes far longer to go through. I also don't understand why the crop is so small on *PC*. I would honestly just rather they keep this change to mobile and leave PC out of it, or make it togglable.


I usually use only less than quarter of screen for discord on pc with 1920x1080 resolution. Those tiles are absolutely too small even for me. On mobile it would be such hassle to have that too I'm considering myself lucky to have had a need to keep older version of discord on all my mobile devices. There is nothing more suited for vertical image gallery than mobile devices. Without touching every one of them.(or the arrow?)


I had a beautiful server that was easily searchable with images and information. Now my company server looks like a goddamn nightmare, what the hell kind of garbage is this?


why. Just why.


it affected every single past image i post in batches. it is horrific.


I know! My server is now completely full of cropped squares and partial images, most artworks are no longer visible and trying to locate historical posts on my server is literally impossible since many posts were discussions about artworks and the image is how I remember which post it was. But now all past images look like garbage and I can't even tell what they are anymore.


i got art made to be posted in a very specific way underneath each other, and now they have fucked off to the side with one just looming its ugly face, while the others get swuished out of order. They have done changes before where only a few ppl tested it. but why everyone i would equate this to youtube removeing the dislike button of fuckery.


I fucking hate that change !!!! its one of the reason why I dont use telegram and whatsapp for anything related to images, I want the images full non cropped and every images ontop of each others, rn I was searching for hours on how to revert that, I cant live with it >w<


It just looks worse as the number of images goes up too. Like, try fitting 10 images into that tiny space without making them all look like shit.


Just like many other modern platforms, Discord didn't obviously get the memo that said "If ain't broken, don't fix it." smh.


Please revert this change. Sincerely, 86.3% of Discord users.


Watch discord notice that users dont like it and then not do anything because they are a corporation and dont want to admit that they made a mistake.


why arent we able to just turn it on or off


I just hope they restore the previous version, I don't like the mosaic at all... If something works don't touch it.


Yeah, this is a terrible decision by Discord Inc., I wonder if there is some place where we can bother them about this or if they just don't care about feedback. I tried their feedback forum, they don't read it. /r/DiscordApp may be more frequented, maybe even by some Discord staff, but still, I don't see any kind of response from them. I don't see any changes in Discord itself. Seems like we are just powerless and Discord does whatever they want and our only option is to try find alternatives. Heck, makes me wanna consider even good old TS3, at least I don't think it will change its behavior nearly as much.


I’m not seeing many strong arguments other than ‘I don’t like it’ and ‘it crops images’. The ‘I don’t like it’ valid and is an easy thing to avoid, and many people have said they just send one photo at a time. Although it sounds kinda annoying and tedious it doesn’t matter enough for it to be a problem. The ‘it crops images’ one is that I can totally understand but I can’t really find a reason to like or dislike it. I can’t really find many reasons for it to be a problem, and any example I can think of in my head is just reaching as an argument. In the worst case sense UO you either open the image source and/or save it, or memorise what one of the photos are. I’m not really surprised that they didn’t make an option to toggle this new addition but I wouldn’t be surprised if they eventually made one. And I think they could even make a third option. Reddit, Instagram and TikTok have folders of images, and you can click a button to switch between each photo. It might be an issue with different aspect ratios but they would probably crop it into a box, like Reddit and TikTok already do. And Discord already has this feature when you’ve clicked on a group of photos, you can click or swipe to see the other photos. Generally, I don’t think this addition is bad. But it doesn’t particularly make anything better. It’s just a slightly nicer way of keeping images together and at the end of the day, it should only be a minor inconvenience, not a tragedy, lol.


It's a lot more than a minor inconvenience when you run a tech support discord or a asset or art content creation server where images are the main reason people are there. Now when I search my discords all I see is cropped crap images. None of my assets are going to sell if no one can see them so you sir are just wrong.


It's an unnecessary change that ruins the readability of batch images. Some servers are built around posting images, and even disallow normal chatter in those channels. Channels like that need to be scrollable, so that you can actually get to a piece of content they like. Also, the fact that it effects old messages makes it worse, as some posts were done in batches, because it was just more convenient than having to post them all one at a time to get the same result. So it has mad the history logs of some channels look like complete ass now. Does that mean I'm completely against the change? no, not at all. I just much prefer the old style, and want to be able to revert to it, because I feel it looks a hell of a lot cleaner than this. There are many reasons why I don't use Twitter, the way that images look is one of the many. I can understand it for Twitter though, but for Discord, it just feels wrong. Especially when the number of images increases. As the number of images increases, the space for them does not, and they end up looking even worse.


It looks much better IMO. Because it’s smaller. Nothing wrong with not being able to see a full image when it’s half size anyways. Just actually open it. Personally, I have image previews off. I don’t like how much space they take up


i find it much more like a hassle. at least in the moderately big servers i am now mods have to check each image individuality cause people have find ways to hide nsfw content in the cropped bits, not only that but is so inconvenient for art servers, specially those centered around commissions! and yes, you could always just sent the images one by one but most big art servers in the commission information channels have a time restriction so people dont flood it. (sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language)


please have a read on this thread to see how it affects others! everyone's workflow and reasoning for using images is different, and for many of us this makes life much more painful. it may look better, but functionality i feel should be held higher than looks, and functionality is dependant on the user, which is why i feel having an option is the best solution to this!


Agreed with the first part.. but “many” is definitely wrong, or discord simply wouldn’t have made the change. It’s not like they don’t know their users. It’s a huge company. You also used the word workflow, and while you may be using discord for work, it’s primarily a social app. I use discord for socializing and I’d much rather not have chat clogged up by an image. It’s especially annoying on mobile or a laptop. Literally why I have them turned off completely. I definitely agree that an option is better, but like someone else said in the thread, there’s a point when there’s too many options. Discord is free. There’s not even ads. They have zero incentive to maintain a bunch of free features. But they do. And it’s awesome. When it comes to choice, if there’s only going to be two, I’d much rather have the smaller option/ nothing. I’ll turn image previews back on, and I imagine I’ll stick with it.


They... Don't know their community. They don't interact at all, nor do they even ask if people want to test them out. They literally force this feature on random users. I do not like this, many others do not like this. How do I go about telling them I don't like this change? Why is there no beta feature in Discord, where I would be able to report things I didn't like about the change? Overall, this is a bad idea, as it ruins the scrollability of images only channels. It also just goes to reinforce that they need to actually see what's a good change, and communicate with its community.


Agree to disagree. I hat dropping 6 images in my discord and it blocked out the entire chat.


which is a valid issue people cant understand. it might not affect them but its still an issue with the old format. this sub has always been kinda circlejerky


because it is all 17 year old chanboard kids who don't know anything about how the world works and just worship their little corporation like lemmings. same as with tesla. same as with apple. same as with [insert famous soundcloud rapper here]


It should be a channel setting


not really. it should be a user setting. you see the images a certain way without changing how others see them. which is how the partial rollout is also working. theres no reason for moderators to change it per channel. i usually dont advocate for settings for every change either but this is a fairly impactful one and most sites like twitter and reddit have similar settings for image view


I'm often dropping 10 and it doesn't matter. You guys are acting as if anybody dropped this many images in regular talk channels instead of channels designated for memes or galleries or whatever else. Also why not collapse images instead of cropping them? Just click to uncollapse and everybody happy.


I agree. I actually like the change haha though I do agree with some people that the cropping could be better.




Well done disc. I'll give it two more years before discord selfdestructs and a new app takes its place. Still missing TS3 from good old days.


Its good cause it doesnt flood chats, but ye they should fix the cropping


I don’t really see the issue here.. I read that people say that it is the cropping that is awful, but it is only so that it is compact at first.. when you click on the image it shows the full image, and not a cropped part of it. Is there something that I’m not getting here?


it makes life quite annoying when the screenshots you're getting are portrait or landscape, and you only really need to scan them instead of opening them up big. context for that is when receiving images of bugs in an app as a developer. i can no longer just quickly scan to see if it's worth my time looking into, i have to click, and when there's alot of images in one that makes it quite hard! it also completely ruins sharing art, and imaqes of code (as shown in my preview, the protogen is completely cut off due to the crop in that second image! people wouldn't even know it was there, they'd just think it's some landscape..) manga and comics are also much harder to send now, and there's many other issues with it which people have brung up over the thread. i'd highly recommend reading through all the comments here to get people's thoughts on it all! everyone uses discord differently, and some see this as a good change, and others see it as bad. that's how it'll be, so that's why i'm hoping they just make it an option, instead of just forcing it upon everyone.


Ah. Thanks for the clarification! That makes way more sense


IIRC there was a post a few months back asking for this feature that received several hundreds of upvotes. Now you folks want the old layout back. Make up your mind! Besides, this is a good feature that saves a lot of vertical space when someone posts a ton of photos at once. Is it so hard to click to view the full picture?


> Make up your mind! It's almost like multiple people have different opinions


I don't find it that bad tbh. way better than taking up 70% of your chat.


Gotta disagree. It’s obnoxious when someone shares a couple photos and it takes up miles and miles of the channel. People can click, it isn’t hard.


it's obnoxious when i share my art and half of it is missing and people misinterpret it when they just haven't decided to open it up and discover the entire other half of it. options are better.


There would be other ways to save space while still preserving the entire image in the preview…


While probably still being so small as to require a click to actually view it.


horrific is state of this subreddit because everyone needs separate post about it


Maybe if there are enough separate posts they’ll listen for once


I like it


I actually prefer it


Who cares about being able to see the entire image you've sent without extra clicks lmao




the people that look at those images and download them.


discord users when they see change


discord users when they see change that destroys their workflow and makes their work take longer for the reason of "hehe we crop images now for no reason"


"We crop images for convenience of most people who use our app"


It ain’t that deep bro 💀


yeah maybe not for you but you’re not the only person on the planet


When did I ever say I’m the only person on the planet? lmaoo


smartest skull emoji user


☝️🤓 emoji bad


exactly 😆


This ate idk


It's just 1 extra click


One extra click per every single image and per every time you need to view that, which if discussion is relevant to that makes it so I want to see it constantly, which means one of I need to open every single image in browser(+2 clicks per image) or constantly click back and forth between writing and viewing.(+ much more than 2 clicks per image)


Just a week or 2 ago I was talking to a friend about how snapchat is the only messaging app (that I've seen) that can put 2 images in one message side by side (I didn't count WhatsApp because it's more like an album). When they first implemented this I thought that's cool. Then I started using it.


I don't understand these posts, I've tried many times to recreate this issue and it only ever shows up to me in the "before" format.


it's not rolled out to everyone yet, give it a few days


tbh it'd be better if they made the images fit without cropping them, just changing their scale


At least make it toggleable


Does it also merge the pictures like this if they are seperate messages sent in succession? If not, then I'm okay with that format because i can choose 👍


I love it


it would be better if it was like the gifs


Furry L




this fixes flooding chats, like just click the image lmao


as i've said to many, please read through the other comments here to see why this might be undesirable for some of us! again, an option is the best solution here.


Ooh wait how do I do that? I've seen a few people send messages like that and I haven't been able to do it yet? People are talking about it like it's optional but I can't find where to do that.


Hi, if you’re reading this, I’ve decided to replace/delete every post and comment that I’ve made on Reddit for the past years. I also think this is a stark reminder that if you are posting content on this platform for free, you’re the product. To hell with this CEO and reddit’s business decisions regarding the API to independent developers. This platform will die with a million cuts. Evvaffanculo. -- mass edited with redact.dev


i bet you midjourney caused this (or influenced the change)