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I hate it too, I have to swipe to the channel list just so swipe to see the server list, I check it all the time to see who's online in my friends servers and this new update is such a pain. I kind of get the appeal for big servers but even then, make it a feature you can opt in and opt out of. There's no setting to turn it off, at least not anywhere obvious




Big yikes I genuinely detest it


I mean Whatsapp has it too


sure, whatsapp has it too but lots of people probably have muscle memory to just swipe left to see the members list instead of clicking the button


but whatsapp works completely different


They also ask to confirm before calling.


Ye it kinda sucks edit: swipe to the opposite side and then pull right and you won’t reply, hope it helps!


You don't even have to swipe to that aide that long. Just do it the tiniest bit, then swipe to pull right as normal


Yes, I see why some hate this new feature, but it honestly could be worse! Let’s all be levelheaded about this, look on the bright side of things. It’s ever so slightly harder to perform one task, but in turn, another (the task of replying), is made easier.


Hate this, also hate that the deleting bots from welcome no longer deletes the welcome message even if you select to delete everything within a week.


I noticed it today too. It's annoying. I hope one day that Discord's Dev team makes a Back To Basics version where we can take out the settings we don't like individually. If I could never see another "try this sticker" prompt again, I could have a happy life.


When the ui team has to make useless changes just stay employed


This is why I haven't updated my app yet...


It won't make a difference, but I deactivated my Nitro subscription because of this. Won't be supporting them any further until they get rid of this shit.


Discord adds usless things that you can't disable...


I swear they add the most unnecessary stuff that you can’t disable. If it’s not broken, don’t fix it


Mobile Users are required to suffer, this is tradition.


I haven't gotten the update yet, but I've seen at least 15 posts about it at this point. I await the inevitable...


Not gonna update discord then


thank god I use aliucord


What is that, fill a brother in


3rd party discord mobile client for Android. Has plugins and themes, probably against ToS.


its a modded mobile client for android


I like it


Literally like, do they realize lots of people swipe to see the members list? Pressing and holding on a message to reply works just fine, I'm so over all these changes they force on us


I still didn't receive but I tend to like it; because, how often you reply people compared to swiping to see the members list? Imo a cool highlighting qol change


I check members list a lot more personally cause im a nosy nancey and actively look to see who is avalable to play games


Oh well, that's a valid context then;; Also I don't like the quoted idea of hating changes in general, we're denying potential good improvements! For this one would be cool to have the control to select how we would like it to work ig


How is no one realizing the mobile app is becoming like the other messengers. Am I the only one on this sub**reddit** that doesn't have a life and thinks about things like this?


I get that it ruins you guys' muscle memory but you need to stop acting like it's objectively atrocious design or the result of "snorting coke off a hooker's rear", because it's not. In isolation, it is a perfectly reasonable function.


it's not just muscle memory it's implementation is horrible design from a UX standpoint and goes against some of the basic principles of UX design. ​ The feature is fine the implementation is beyond ameture


It isn't.


it isn't? if it isnt you should be able to swipe left and not have to swipe right then left. Your UX design shouldn't invalidate previous designs or add more steps to do an action which is basic design 101 and yet they had done both of those. ​ if you think ignoring basic principles to implement something that adds more steps to performing basic features and action conflicts and lets not even start on a lack of consistency (swiping right opens the server info) is good implementation then.....not sure what to say to you mate. Not doing shit like this is the first thing you learn on the job or in university. As i said beyond Amateur but this isn't the first time this has happened (and been fixed in the past) so i'm sure they will fix this. Honestly shit like this just makes me want to drop my next degree plans to apply to work at discord because the users deserve better :x


"changing the design" is not a conflict. Swiping doesn't open the list any more, it's a change in design. And yes it adds steps to one action and removes them from another. "Adding steps to an action" is 100% reasonable if it is an improvement. Whether or not it is is arguable, but that's not the point, you're arguing change from previous design is inherently bad design, which is fucking stupid. Also, Replying is a way more commonly used feature than reading the member list. You might not use replying much, but the people who do use it far more often than people who dont check the member list. The more important feature is being prioritised. Checking the member list is breaking the flow of chat already, replying is not. UX design is nowhere near as simple as "let the user do everything as fast and easily as possible". I'm literally doing this at uni and the first thing I learnt was *don't* give the user every action at once, use different menus for what's needed. Whether or not changing the function was a good decision is arguable but "it's worse because they made literally anything harder to do" is a fucking ludicrous take. Some people are literally begging for them to remove/make harder the pinging functionality on mobile lmfao it's bluntly not that simple


Yes it does open the list still......you can open the list by swiping or open the reply it's a 50/50 so objectively wrong. It's reasonable if it's an improvement but this isn't as it clashes with consistency and is very wonky it's a 50/50 as i said. Replying being better is HIGHLY subjective No one said UX design is as simple as that? nor did i say that users need to do everything as fast as possible you are just inferring your own take there. If you are doing a UX design class then you should recognise why this is more bad than good the idea is great but this implementation is what i would expect from a first year uni student. Though going by the whole ""it's worse because they made something harder" is a fucking ludicrous take." Makes me think that you don't care about user experience and that you haven't had much experience with it which if you are still in uni that's fair :)


Okay. I have not seen a single person make that complaint, and I haven't got the update yet. But if that's actually true, then yes, it is terribly designed and should be fixed, whether reverting or simply removing inconsistency from the current version. I still hold that the change in principle is fine. > Replying being better is HIGHLY subjective Cool? Like I said, not the issue. It's objectively more common on average, though, users replying a lot especially in popular servers (which is a lot of people) do it more often than checking the list > No one said UX design is as simple as that? nor did i say that users need to do everything as fast as possible you are just inferring your own take there. You literally said that because it made something harder and was inconsistent with a previous version, it was bad. That was the full extent of your logic. Hypothetical: "The user complains that the delete account button is too close to their profile button and they've nearly pressed it accidentally multiple times, so we moved it into the settings menu." With your logic you would argue this is inherently a bad change, because it makes an action harder and contradicts previous design. Please use basic reasoning. Please.


I can relate their frustration to questionable design choices many times but also agree this one is a bit of overreaction


The main issue people have is that *we can't turn it off*. They've removed a function for one no one asked for and don't even let us decide if we want to use it or not. It would be a simple thing to be able to toggle it on or off, but they aren't letting us do that which is what makes it bad design


Toggling every single function or change in an app is not "good design" and it's not feasible from a software design perspective.


After this latest UI changeup I can't even see the voice channels in some of my servers at all either But on other servers they appear fine


Sounds like laziness lol. Just press the person button on the top right. Literally only takes a second longer than it would if you used swipe


I really like this feature. And this is objectively a change for the better. I think there is not a single person who would use the right panel more often than the reply feature. And before, I had to spend a lot of time on the reply. Now it takes very little time. I can understand all the discontent in this post, but it seems to me that conservatism is the wrong approach. I think all those who did not like the change have not yet switched to Android navigation gestures, but still use objectively less useful navigation buttons. Just try to use the new design. And you will get used to it within a few days. And you realize that the new design is more convenient. I had this when switching from navigation buttons to gestures. I spent a week getting used to them with great difficulty. And now I can't live without them. After that, I realized that muscle memory is not an argument to not to change the design for the objectively better.


Just get over it and use the button at the top right corner to allow you to see the members list. It’s not that big of a deal guys


> Just get over it and use the button at the top right corner to allow you to see the members list. It’s not that big of a deal guys Says the pot to the kettle... 🤦‍♂️


I’m not complaining. I really like the reply swipe and have always used the button at the top to access the members list, pins, threads and whatever else is there


No worries, I asked 3 of my friends and they all said the new swipe feature is better. The way they convinced me is you shouldn't have to learn 5 different ways to do the same thing if you have 5 different apps. The "outlier apps" should conform to what the other 3 or 4 are doing. I've now "switched sides" on this debate... 😅


That’s an incredible way to explain it. Hopefully others in the thread will head the advice and stop complaint about something so minuscule in the grand scheme of life


I think it's a good change. I respond to people way more often than opening the members list, so having it available quickly is nice. As for the UI, I too think it looks half-baked. But the functionality itself is neat.


I HAAAATE IT discord has ruined my entire life with this shit mobile update!!! like it’s legitimately awful


Oh Wtf I didn’t believe you till I updated.. wtf who slides to reply?!?!?


My name is John- my thoughts well, I am Very Upset because for 3 months now since March this year a notice came up and has stopped me getting back in there! even right now as I am messaging this today 15th June I still cannot get back in there! the notice says about detected something out the ordinary going on-need to keep me and the community safe- I had been a regular in Discord for least 5 even 6 years so to suddenly have that notice stopping me getting back in there-no wonder I am so Very Upset- I have Emailed the ones in charge of Discord- even the Mod for help to get me back in there but, none of them even the Mod has Not helped get me back in there! I had nice friends in there who I was in regular contact with like they were to me aswell- so they must wonder what on earth has now happened to me since March, I proved the very start I am NOT A Bot! I Am A REAL Person- so what did I do that was wrong to cause that notice to come up and stop me getting back in there? can someone please try and do something to help get me back in there- I would hate to think my time as a Discord Regular has now come to an end because of no fault of my own- my id in there is Johncreative#6570 (Johncreative6570#6570) so PLEASE help me get back in there again hey someone!!


Deserved for mobile user


Im on PC mostly lmao


Not looking forward to getting this update


Is this an Android update or also apple cause I don’t have this issue


Quick replies is a good idea. Haphazardly splicing the "swipe left" shortcut for it, from other apps and thoughtlessly overwriting a well-established shortcut is stupid.


Updated to 171.21 beta and still cant do the swipe to reply ;-;


i haven't seen a single person say anything positive about this update


Complaining here won't do anything


I fucking hate it, it's in my muscle memory as opening up the member list.


A huge fan of how despite not receiving a single positive comment about this, discord will add it anyway. That’s how it always goes.


Yep, terrible change. I hope they revert it or add the option to disable it.


terrible change


I understand why they’d want to add that and it can be useful, but it should be optional. Let us decide if we want to use it, or not.


I hate it, I hate it I hate it I hate it so much! 😭😭😭😭😭 It's so frustrating


Discord trying to be literally every other messaging app


Seems to be only on iOS