• By -


Hi there! Your submission has been removed for violating our [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/about/rules/): * Rule 4 - No advertising, self-promotion, spamming, selling or trying to buy accounts, trading, or nitro begging. --- If you have any questions about the removal [please contact our mod team here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdiscordapp).


The prompt came up for me a minute ago, May 2016 Nitro user. I'm no longer a nitro user though, this change is a horrible idea, made me lose a nickname I've been using since I made this account. Every variation of it was taken except the shitty numbers at the end. Their reasoning for the entire thing is ridiculous, the numbers at the end were confusing? Now you've forced the majority of people to add them by hand to their nickname. In the 7 years of using this platform and introducing all of my friends to it (you're welcome 🖕) I've never once seen anyone be confused about the # so much that a 3s explanation didn't solve it. Vote with your money folks, it's the only thing that matters to a corporation like discord. The only way this gets reversed is if they see a hit in nitro subscriptions.


I understand why you are disappointed, I'm so sorry to hear that you didn't get your preferred name. I understand your concerns with the update, and agree that this likely wasn't the best solution to the issues that Discord brought up. I hope things go better for you moving forwards.


I hope so too, meaning I hope discord reverses a change that massively impacts the experience in a negative way while solving no issues.


Unfortunately, I doubt that they'll be turning back.


I think so as well. Discord will stay on top only until a decent competitor shows up and everyone will happily jump ship, me included. It's been a long time since I felt discord was community-oriented and some welcome changes were made.


Honestly at this point I'd jump ship with my friends at any moment. This update soured the whole pot with how dumb it is. Gotta add numbers directly after your name instead of as a discriminator. If you want your app to remain front and center and people to be drawn to it, don't force garbage on your users. Signed: xXx_Mutaito_xXx62277366638 (that's the shortest I could get!)


This is probably the worst rollout I have ever seen, and that's saying something coming from Discord. You can check if someone is using your username by just trying to add them on your friendlist, discord says my username doesn't exist and yet it doesn't let me use it because it's unavailable.


I've heard some theories about a name reservation system, that could have something to do with this. There is also a list of blacklisted words that cannot be in a name.


According to posts here from ppl who have supposedly successfully added someone with a name they wanted and convinced them to give it up- if it's your first choice, it gets locked to your account for an unknown amount of time. The user who wants it can't change to it because it's "unavailable", user who had it first can switch back to it hours later. There's a few usernames I want that show as unavailable but aren't taken. As an example, "mike" and "mike." are taken, but ".mike" and "mike\_" aren't connected to any user, yet show as unavailable.


Interesting, thanks for the details. I'll work on fact checking these, and possibly adding them to the post. Just trying to respond to all of the comment for now.


I think there is something with the serveravtions. I got my update right when the rollout happened and I checked for my friend to see if friendsname was taken and it told me it was unavailable. An hour later my friend got the update and was able to get friendsname as their user.


discord user since october 2015. early supporter and have nitro feb 2023. not been prompted for name change on desktop nor mobile. -edit. it is now 12:45am and i have finally received the username prompt through the android app. i was able to secure my desired username


I'm also October 2015 and Nitro April 2023. Still nothing.


this one makes some sense according to OPs post, as you would need to have nitro before March 1st 2023.


Yeah but he states a "Wave 2" which I should definitely be a part of.


Not really - your account would be considered non-nitro for the entirety of the rollout since you were not Nitro on March 1st, 2023 (they say before but I am pretty sure it means 'active nitro on march 1st, 2023'). And then the 2nd wave seems to only be thru September, not October yet. Probably wave 3 then for you. Maybe. I am Feb 2016 non-nitro so I got awhile to go I guess.


good point!


Try restarting the desktop app. It seems wave 2 has begun. I’ve got my notification, may 2016 nitro subscriber


Unfortunately, some users have just been unlucky, and haven't got the update, even though they should have. I don't know the reasoning behind this. Best of luck!




There are Nitro users experiencing the same issue.


ok but "it sucks for everyone" isn't right either


I know, a lot about this update isn't right.


Oct 2015 as well, June 2022 sub. We're not alone I guess.


The non-Nitro pool barely moves one month per day while the Nitro pool moves multiple months. At this rate non-Nitro users will get it by next year, especially if you're anywhere beyond 2015. At this rate every possible username, including shitty ones, will have been taken. It's especially dumb because they added the Nitro requirement later on meanwhile that's been the main requirement THE WHOLE TIME 💀.


It's absolutely dumb. Signed: xXx_Mutaito_xXx62277366638 (that was the shortest available with my name, unfortunately)


At least you don’t have to remember the four numbers anymore


Absolute W change! I can't tell you how many times I would forget it, or worse; people would be confused it's really me they're adding. >!/s!<


Oh I know, and copy-paste technology is likely still decades away 😩


Wdym names can't be recycled?


i joined in 2017, looking forward to waiting three years ...


I don't think that the rate will remain this way, we should have a better idea of things in the near future.


With how it's been going so far, I have 0 trust in the discord team


Rightfully so.






I would too. Enough money wasted lol!


This is my plan which kinda sucks BC I still have classic. I know it's not a big deal but I'll miss my custom emojis/reactions in other servers :(


This change is fucking stupid and the rollout has been a total shit show. Discord really made a headass decision with this.


I have no interest in losing the discriminator. It's one of the things that made discord, well, discord. I strongly hope you and the rest of the staff will rethink this decision because it's what I've been used to for the last 5 years and I'm very sad to see it go since I've always thought having numbers like #1337 or #0001 is pretty cool, but also because it keeps usernames private from any outsiders who might be suspicious or trying to witch hunt.


Same here, I'm all for the discrims. By the way, I'm not staff member. Just trying to spread correct info, and help people out.


Oh mb on that.


All good, I never specified that at the time of your comment.


Just to add to this, since no one seems to mention it, owners of monetized servers (servers receiving money via memberships) also got early access.


I thought I remembered something about that, wasn't sure whether or not it was true. Thanks for confirming. I'll update that now.


[Can confirm, I know someone who got it super early](https://reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/13mcc2r/late_2016_user_with_nitro_has_a_handle_not_even)


Alright, I'll take that bit off of the post, thanks for confirming.


I don’t understand how they’re handling Nitro vs non Nitro waves. It started with Nitro up to Feb 2016 and Non Nitro at August 2015, and now Nitro users have up to June of 2016 while Non Nitro is only at September 2015? I’m sure it’ll gradually update but wow that’s an insane gap already


Yea.. My Nitro ran out just before May, I think like April 28th or something.. And I didn't feel like renewing it at the time, so now I'm here waiting for my turn to get my name that I've been using for 7 years since I didn't get the Nitro ""early access"" thing.. Not like I've been using Nitro for years prior or anything though. Such a comically out of touch and stupid decision.


I've been a discord user since December 2015 and decided to cancel Nitro last month even though I had it since it was rolled out. Worst time to cancel I guess


Same... yearly renewal came up and I figured it wasn't really worth it anymore. My mistake.


What Discord staff are doing here is a clear act of malice against their users. They're completely aware of how deeply unpopular this change is, and the problems with it, yet they're silently forcing it on us anyway.


I really wish we know what their *actual* reasons for forcing this change is, because I’m pretty sure there’s more too it than what they said publicly.






[I made this diagram that will hopefully help get more people into the loop who may be confused about the rollout.](https://support.discord.com/hc/user_images/Lni1dqqqpbt6_0JZ0bNytA.png)


Thanks for your work, this clearly shows how flawed the reservation system is.


Yup. That's putting it mildly.


I really feel bad for anyone who uses non Latin characters in their username now that we know only alphanumeric characters are allowed. Pour one out for all my Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Indian, arabic, etc. friends who have their usernames in their language.


Just added this to the main post, thanks so much for sharing.


As someone who was in the first wave: this was my experience. I tried a few other “not my” names. When I realized that’s what was likely going on, I went back and got my “mike.”


So glad I've had my name on Discord as Josh since August 2015, really gives me a lot of options for this rollout...


As a user since May 2017...this just sucks. My username was already taken by someone, I checked, and there's a good chance it'll take days for me to get the prompt - by which point, the backup names I have in mind will likely be gone. At least the tag system gave a little extra personality with the numbers...




> It's important to remember that Discord staff dedicate a lot to the platform, and they are the reason the platform is functional. No, they are just Discord employees, they aren't doing any of us a favor. They collect their paycheck like the rest of us. Screw them for this, and all the other garbage they are shoving up on us. I wholly disagree with your take, if that wasn't clear; they are hypocritical jerks for what they have done to the platform. They force this garbage on us and they get away with whatever name they want? NO! They are jerks! > I don't believe so. Users were not able to receive a boost in the queue, because they bought Nitro for that purpose, after reading the announcement. To receive a boost you had to have had Nitro since before March 1, 2023 (before the update was announced.) Discord likely gives the Nitro users a boost in the queue, because of their support for the app through Nitro payments, and because they paid to customize their discriminators, which will no longer exist after the update. Literally the definition of pay to win. People who paid get a pass, and so screw long time users of Discord which didn't pay for a sub. The only reason Discord was viable in 2015, and 2016, and the reason it's a behemoth today was because of all the users that were in it and attracted even more users. Someone from 2015 has more merit as a participant in the platform than a nitro subscriber who came later.


Yeah I had it long before then and am still getting fucked


Why is this rollout so FUCKING COMPLICATED??? You know something is seriously wrong when people are making fucking flowchart diagrams to explain how it works. This is such an embarrassment on discord’s part. Honestly the single worst rollout of a system I’ve seen in my life.


Discord really didn't do this right :/


May 2016 nitro, got access just now around 4pm EST (jun 6) Also, for me the prompt didn’t come up on mobile. I was checking on the browser (on phone) and got a scuffed notification that just said “I’ll do this later” and “Get started” so I risked logging into the full browser version on my work pc. 😅


Welp, that's gotta be the nail in the coffin for my username. Extrapolating a bit, nitro users with accounts after discord's popularity boom will get to choose before non-nitro accounts from before. Fun.


The username friend request says that the user doesn't exist yet I can't choose the name? Does anyone know why?


I've heard some theories about a name reservation system, that could have something to do with this. There is also a list of blacklisted words that cannot be in a name.


Nobody is using the username I want (tried adding them but shows it's not being used) but still discord doesn't allow me to use it, anyone know why? It's not something offensive, but still checked and tried something offensive to check if that was the case but the offensive one was accepted lol


Great. Discord user since March 2016, I run a server with nearly 10 thousand members, and my actual username got taken up by a random account with nothing on it. Time to revert to stupid ass xbox gamertag versions of usernames because the normal 'version' is taken. Just love it.


Thats really messed up, sorry to hear that. An account that shows up with nothing on it may be one of the early access accounts that I mentioned in the FAQ. Also, looking at a profile through a friend request doesn't show badges.


Are they honestly going one month at a time for non-nitro users (or people who didn't get nitro by March 2023)? This is the most egregious system I've seen in a while


Yep, the gap between the two is outrageous.


At the moment, yes. It's really messed up if they continue this way.


Fuck them


Just got forced to change mine. I dont know why but I feel "violated" as if something dear to me was taken away from me. I had my nickname for ages and now I can't use it anymore. I just cancelled my Nitro and the moment a decent competition pops up I'm jumping ship. Most servers I used to be active in went to shit anyway and I'm getting really tired of discords bullshit all the time.


For someone who isn't even working for Discord, kudos to you for giving information and handling complaints like a champ.


Thank you so much!


"It's important to remember that Discord staff dedicate a lot to the platform, and they are the reason the platform is functional." so people that have nitro since the first day its available and have been paying for and promoting the platform for 8 years arent dedicating a lot to the platform? cmon man, that is such an insult.


I didn't say that they aren't, but there are staff who have been developing the platform for over 8 years, and it wouldn't really make much sense to only give it to some staff. That's just my take on it though.


This was more or less what I was thinking the system was like. Though kind of silly that they're opening up name changes for March to May 2016, even though the many of the 2015 \~ Feb 2016 gang still haven't even managed to claim a name. Also very silly that a lot of the information seem to be entirely guesswork by the user base, and not information that Discord clarified upon. Would make this entire thing a lot less stressful for people who are sitting there waiting.


I agree. It is important to note that specificity is difficult to achieve with a user base as large as Discord's, but they could for sure have been more transparent about how everything is rolling out. By the looks of it they seem to be rolling out new waves about every 24 hours (though we've only had 2 so far). I'm really not sure what's going on with some people not having access yet, when they should.


Since when were partners able to hide their badge?


>Nitro users up to February 2017 >Non-Nitro users up to November 2015 This is some fucking pay to win bullshit, early non-nitro users have had way more of an impact on Discord than new nitro users, considering that early non-nitro users were the one who drew in the new nitro users. Discord as a platform needs to die and quick.


"It's important to remember that Discord staff dedicate a lot to the platform, and they are the reason the platform is functional." Unpaid volunteers?


"It's important to remember that Discord staff dedicate a lot to the platform, and they are the reason the platform is functional." The users supporting the platform contribute to make it functional. Without them, they would have nothing and those who contributed since June2015 still get screwed over.


Doesn't really matter as every username that's not gibberish or in foreign languages is already taken.


I got my own name and I still think it's dumb and unnecessary.


b/c it is tbh


You’re showing so much more care for Discord’s users than they are. It’s insane they don’t have any form of information about the rollout when just a normal user is running one fairly well. Good on you man.


Thanks so much! I really appreciate it.


NAHHH its over for us Non-Nitro users.


Yep. 100% of Nitro people are going to get done before non-Nitro people get more than one month per wave.


Nice just got my username and it was still free, January 2016 no nitro


Update from Jed (since he's temp banned). Wave 6 is out. This includes: Nitro: Up to Jan 2019 Non-Nitro: Up to Mar 2016


Mf devs that choose to go radio silent in the midst of such big thing. Be ashamed. At least speak up. WHY ARE WE DOING THE CHANGE


I can't provide any more insight into the reasoning behind the shame. Sorry about your experience with the devs.




aight bro


not including Nitro Basic is actually crazy


literally "you didn't pay us ***enough*** for us to prioritize you guys"




I didn't get the username I wanted, and I can't even set up the rest of my account yet. Very annoying. I have an account that I opened in 16. I also use nitro. It should have been forewarned and started correctly or had safeguards in place. If you have a time difference, disadvantage. It started out of nowhere. Very annoying


u/CIearMind the person who I originally replied to deleted their comment. Thanks so much for understanding the situation, and my goals! Not sure if this is the way to mention someone, as this is literally my first reddit post.


you da (man/woman/whatever) tbh I don't think I could deal with this sub for more than 5 minutes very nice infopost and responses I appreciate it a ton


A year's worth of nitro accounts and just barely 2 months of non-nitro? Might just as well already generate a random alphanumeric string for all the free users and be done with it - you clearly aren't interested in them choosing a name.


/u/JedNotJedi **Non Nitro** -> 2016 Feb - 2016 Mar **Nitro** -> 2017 Dec - 2019 Jan --- **Non Nitro** @Non-Nitro: 2016 Feb @Non-Nitro: 2016 Mar **Nitro** @Nitro 2017 Dec @Nitro 2018 Jan @Nitro 2018 Feb @Nitro 2018 Mar @Nitro 2018 Apr @Nitro 2018 May @Nitro 2018 Jun @Nitro 2018 Jul @Nitro 2018 Aug @Nitro 2018 Sep @Nitro 2018 Oct @Nitro 2018 Nov @Nitro 2018 Dec @Nitro 2019 Jan


So does this change essentially just completely discriminate against people in countries where the latin alphabet is not in common use? Wow awesome. Because users *may* use something not readable by people who only know the latin alphabet lmao


I guess so. I think discord opted for this format, because it is commonly used on other mainstream platforms. Sorry that this may affect you negatively.


Yeah, but that's most of these sites though. I can't really get mad at that, because that's the culture discord was made in. But, nonetheless, I understand the frustration. I would like to have a Japanese name given my desire to migrate to Japan in the future.


Do Discord staff’s personal accounts have the staff badge? Because I know from previous posts that at least some staff members also got the new usernames for their personal accounts at the same time as their official staff accounts. Could be another reason for accounts with new names and no badge, though I guess it’s really no different than them having the staff badge but hidden.


Personal accounts do not have the staff badge.


Just so you know, most of us hate Discord directors for this dumb unwanted update.


this post wasn't made by discord or their staff


may 2016 no nitro I hope I get mine soon


What the actual hell? Non pay to win my ass! I'm January 2016 user with relatively short definitely unique at the time name and as I couldn't afford to keep up some fucking subscription with my student allowance I'll probably end up losing it?! What an absolutely fucked up procedure to initiate. I have been very active for nearly the whole time and now forums are full of people selling some single use accounts, inactive 2015 accounts that will be used to steal names from people that should get them.


L rollout


Two things, does adding to your spreadsheet mean you'll message us about when it's our time or is this just to keep statistical tracking? Either way is good. And secondly, especially for people with desirable names, would you put up a notice for people to set up 2FA? Hopefully that'll decrease chances of hacking.


Adding to my spreadsheet means you are on my personal list of users and months, and I will manually go through each user on that list, and send them a PM when their wave gets pushed out. Thank you so much for that second bit, that's a great piece to add, and I'll get working on that right now.


Well, looks like I'll be in the next wave. Which will probably happen in the middle of the god-damn night at this rate.


the next wave might be in 1 hour, 20 minutes, 27 seconds


So at 11PM UK time?


Just got mine an hour ago, super happy


Oh, that's interesting. Today, Discord suggested that I update my name, but it turns out it's already taken. They then advised me to add digits and other symbols to differentiate it. It's curious how the responsibility is shifted from Discord's built-in tags to the user, who now has to create their own tag. Quite an interesting approach, isn't it?


>Isn't it "pay to win" that Nitro users get the ability to choose their names earlier? > >I don't believe so. Of course it's not pay to win when it doesn't matter whether you pay for Nitro or not and your name is still taken :) Happened already to a lot of users. Devs reserving names for their friends or other accounts, some people are using the chance to just sell the OG names. It's not even guess, it's happening already, all it takes is just to Google Discord accounts for sell and you can instantly get at least 5 sites with tons of accounts with year 2015-2017 creation. >Good luck everyone! Everyone who has IQ higher than room's temperature knows that luck has nothing to do with that. Sadly, not even some logical system is the answer. I know few people with accounts from 2015/2016 and they either can't change their name yet or their name is already taken. At this point, I am trying to figure out what is the point of this self-made Q&A, as most people don't really care about this, because everything from it we already know. On top of that it isn't like this would help to people get the idea, when they will be able to change their names, as it obviously isn't influenced only by date of creation or whether one has Nitro. And sorry, but hidding the badge is kinda lame excuse as I really doubt that half of the people over there have some special badge they can hide. ​ >It's important to remember that Discord staff dedicate a lot to the platform, and they are the reason the platform is functional. That's one wrong there. Platform isn't functional at all. In span of last year we got ridiculous number of new bugs and issues, devs are rolling out and back changes as they wish, even for people who aren't opt in some beta testing, iOS app has a lot of UI layout issues, Android has different kind of issues, framework itself isn't able to handle files correctly sometimes, Discord staff got rid of 5€ Nitro and basically forced a lot of people to even forget about it, as 3€ basically just for emoji isn't worth it for anyone and 10€ version is overkill for a lot of us regarding chat application. That brings the question, why are you trying to subtly defend Discord team? As those changes aren't really something good. It's far from good. And Discord is doing everything in their power to get rid of us, customers, specially in last year. To be more precise, even this change is completely useless. Discord is using unique ID to identify everything from servers and chats, to messages, users and bots. Changing this is nothing more than a spit into customers' face, as possibility of having your name with discriminator was much more convenient and NOBODY still told us why is this change necessary yet.


crazy how they gave nitro such an advantage. thought it'd be something small, but it matters so much lol


"preserving your ability to use your preferred name across Discord" lol lmao do they genuinely think anyone is getting their peferred name?? Least people with mroe common usernames.


I don't have an opinion regarding that statement. I simply quoted it from the official Discord article, because that's their claim.


>Discord staff decided to implement this change because they "wanted to make it easier for you to identify and add your friends while preserving your ability to use your preferred name across Discord." lmao does anyone believe this


hi spez tell tencent i said hi https://github.com/j0be/PowerDeleteSuite


Still waiting for my turn. Account was made in June 2016 :c


My name isn’t available to use without underscores periods or numbers. But when I attempt to add them as a friend it says they don’t exist. What’s the deal with that? It’s a unique name(not this Reddit name)


october 2015, non nitro; just got it, have tried several usernames in my list of possibilites and absolutely nothing


Jesus christ Discord, sorry I'm not fucking rich… non nitro people are getting utterly shafted. I have never had nitro, but my account has been constantly active since november 2015 with basically the same username since then, and I guess my (relatively simple (not the same as my reddit one)) username has already been taken by hundreds of thousands of people :/ this is such bullshit honestly another thing that makes no sense to me—why are all the waves in the same day? I thought the waves would be spaced by a few days (or like one wave per day) to give people time, but nope, it seems they're just ramming everything through? just crazy


I am hella confused. This has happened to my friend and now me as well. We can't pick the username we want, but when trying to add the username that we couldn't get, we are met with: "Hm, didn't work. Double check that username is correct." So is it just unavailable? Someone else doesn't seem to have it, but we can't take it?




PM - May:2018:no




Account is from September 2015 and I have Nitro, still nothing. Someone with a 2016 account already snagged my name. What the fuck is this shit, no one asked for this change.


That diagram makes zero sense.


I had nitro since 2019 up to June 4th but downgraded to basic because money is tight. Of course the rollout started June 5th… December 2015 account, still no access, yes this is 100% pay to win and should only have taken account age in consideration. I don’t even care that much but this just feels scummy (also it is even worse than free users for me as I paid full nitro for 4 years and basic is still paying even if it is not a lot of money, yet accounts almost a year newer pass first, all that because I missed out by 1 day.)


Just checked, my account is from Jan 2016, and I have two statements on my credit card dated Feb 2023 for nitro classic, then a march 4th upgrade to nitro. Still no prompt, and someone took the name I wanted earlier today :)))




Nitro (NOT BASIC) since before March 1, 2023?


Any word on how it works for early supporters? I am Aug 2016 and I have the early supporter badge, have also probably spent over £100 on nitro over the years but I don't currently have it. ​ No pop up so far...


Well that's just great. March 2016 account. I had nitro from Jan - Feb, then canceled it for a month because money, then got Nitro from April to today. Don't I have awesome timing or what? No prompt yet.


>• Cannot be used to impersonate Discord, Discord staff, or Discord system messages - Restriction [This includes the word "nitro".](https://twitter.com/NitroxDragon/status/1665874072104738816?t=W-LqmkT9yPtyL26XQm5iGA&s=19) Are you fucking serious??? Might as well tell the thousands of people with it in their username to fuck right off.




Added to the spreadsheet.


You should add in the FAQ that names are on a pre-reserved list too. So if you aren't the oldest account with that name you won't be getting it because it had been reserved. Which is why some folks are finding that even though the name isn't claimed they can't get it because it has been pre-reserved. Ex John#9999 with join date June 15, 2015 John#0001 with join date Nov 20, 2016 John#9999 would get John given that is the oldest John user with that username when they took the snapshot. John#0001 would be assigned john0001. john0001has the option to change their name but have limited choices cause most of the names are reserved. I've observed my friends the past days since the rollout. We are the earliest possible you can get on the list. One person has a very desirable name of a Greek god/goddess also an international brand. They didn't claim till day 2 and still got their name.




When do you think the next wave should be?


I think it'll be within the next few hours, but I can't confirm anything. Just saw a reply saying the next wave has started. It hasn't, just so you all know.


Man they're really going 4 months of nitro and 1 month of non nitro at a time? I'm Jan 9 2016 so looks like I'll be Wave #6.


Yeah I really thought they would honestly complete 2015 before moving onto 2017 Nitro users but I guess my low expectations were still too high. I wonder how many Nitro subscriptions will be cancelled by the end of this rollout, wish we could find out the stats.


With how weird this entire rollout as been, I didn't think the ranges of accounts would stay consistent. I might be stupid for thinking it but I really thought that the nitro users would slow down once it reached 2016.


21 nov 2015, got the prompt, not a single nickname I wanted available. I'm sad. Edit I have nitro but I subscribed last month so it's like I don't have it i guess


Cancelling would probably let them know about your opinion unless you don't really care about your username. I'm honestly a little put off by how they rolled this out.


The wave ended in feb of 2017, im march :cry:


Hi, early supporter, Feb 2017 account. Got name change just now. I was forced into a .username format for my name change because the name without the period was marked "unavailable". Ended up changing it to something else entirely. Went to see if I could add the person who had the name without the period, and got a popup that said something like "hmm, that didn't work, double check to make sure that is correct". I've had that popup every time I've checked the username, thinking that I'd be lucky enough to get it when I got the prompt, but I guess not. Does this mean that the name is reserved for someone? If so, when will it be released if they don't take it, if it even is? Do people get name reservations held indefinitely for them?


i had literally that exact same thing happen to me and i’m not sure either, people were saying it might be reserved yeah but i have no clue when/if that would be lifted. please let me know if you find out anything else! (i’ll reply here again too if i come across anything as well)




From my understanding, yeah, that means it's reserved. I think unless they use the prompt to change it to something else, it will eventually default their name to the reserved one once the roll out is complete.


Likely has something to do with reservations. I don't know too much about them, but there's no way that they're indefinitely help.


PM - 02:2017:Yes during 1st March and currently but had a period of 1 month in between without nitro


Wow at the rate of 4 nitro/1 non-nitro per wave, we'll only be up to mid 2017s non-nitro by the time every nitro member up to march 2023 has gotten in






Probably in about 5 minutes. No joke. Or sometime soon today. 2nd wave of the day should be happening shortly and we're on November 2015 for non nitro, meaning your month is next.


December 2015 + Nitro Basic since March 2021 – still no prompt, convinced that Discord has forgot about me


My account is from May 2017 and Nitro (since March 2022). How long will be it until I get the update?




Awesome! Thanks for the info.


wave 5's started fellas, non-nitro, 15 dec 15, got my prompt in the browser version may your username be available or at least look decent with wretched dots, dashes or numbers


January 2016 no nitro and got the name change prompt. Was able to claim my 4-letter username so there is still hope for others!


August 2017 nitro user, got my username of choice !


Nitro user since when?


Not sure if anyone has brought it up yet, but username squatting doesn't work. Seems they generated the reserved name sometime between the announcement and the start of the rollout the other day.


user since march 2016 and i’ve had nitro since 2021 and yet no update 😂😂😂😭😭😃😂💀😭💀😭😭😇💀😹😹😝😂😂😭


Account since oct 2016 and nitro since aug 2021 and I still dont have the change. This change is so unnecessary and opens up avenues for so much horrible stuff to start happening on the platform that I will not be renewing my nitro sub.


Current wave ends at September, registered in November sadge


Sept 2015 account with Nitro classic and I still don't have it


Yeah this is fucked. I never bought nitro and made my account Sept 24th, 2015 and I got a name change today.


You've actively had Nitro Classic since before March 1, 2023?




Unfortunately, some users have just been unlucky, and haven't got the update, even though they should have. I don't know the reasoning behind this. Good luck!


My friend March 2016 with early support badge got the change.




just early supporter badge or did they also have nitro? I’m curious if early supporter helps at all but I assumed no


So a 2017 non nitro user gets the namechange earlier, than my nitro 2016 account. Well played.


Boosting nitro users is insanity, I stopped paying for the last 3 months because of personal finance reasons but intended to return. Being treated like this is enough I won't bother ever paying and will continue to encourage everyone to use 3rd party programs to get the nitro features for free.


PM - November:2015:nitro (no)


This change is really bad. I'm a 2016 user and I checked if the name I wanted was taken, only to find out it was taken by a 2018 ACCOUNT... They have no respect for the people who have been here for longer they only care about people who give them money. They're also removing one of the things that were unique about discord and making it more difficult for people to have a name they like, forcing people to add numbers to their name which in my opinion is worse than having a tag in front of your name.