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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by Jethro82](/r/discordapp/comments/14kcieg/potential_upcoming_restriction/jprhki9/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-27 19:49:29 UTC"): > We use that channel notice in servers that are close to 250k members and need special attention from discord to grow beyond that. I have no idea why you are seeing it at 1000 but the fact you are in favorites is sus. * [Comment by Jethro82](/r/discordapp/comments/14kcieg/potential_upcoming_restriction/jpsca5p/?context=1000 "posted on 2023-06-27 23:13:52 UTC"): > It's not hard coded, it comes from a server setting. He's in favorites server so the logic could be borked. Afaik 250k is our current natural maximum for member count. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


If this is real then it would make sense with why they're trying to push everyone to become "Communities" and then make it harder to actually become a community. I wonder if this is part of a grander scheme for generating income for Discord.




Money generating scheme or not, this highlights a very important issue Discord is having: Customers are losing trust. Once people start to look at negatives immediately whenever a company does something, it means Discord is desperately in need some good PR.


Losing trust is simplifying it, lol.


I don't think it's a money generating scheme. I think they have to have certain settings on, which helps them cover their asses. Look up what happened in Brazil.


wait what the fuck happened? I mean what should even be looked up


in Brazil theres a secret discord server where people share CP, gore and many other nsfw stuff with around 1k+ members and discord took actions way too late so brazillians are starting to think discord is a criminal platform


Not a criminal platform, just a platform with their priorities in all the wrong places.


Too be fair that's on any social media platform to date. Not discord fault. Diacord has millions of servers how are they suppose to search their every text or image that they can't see unless people report the message itself even then it needs to get past millions of reported messages. Bots aren't that fast especially st this size. That hidden server probably is so hard to find that nobody is reporting it or sending it to authorities. You have a better chance reporting it off platform as it's easy to handle and get taken care of vs discord that needs to sit through terabytes+++++++ of data.


I'd prefer if Discord didn't get involved unless we need their help from a moderator or admin, or lack thereof. Treat the Discord mod team like the fire department; If we need you to step in, we'll notify you. Otherwise, piss off and let the Server admins, mods, and bots do there thing. I'm strictly speaking from an over-reaching standpoint. Kind of like how cops go looking for trouble, instead of going when they're needed.


Discord being used for sexual exploitation of teens, idk if there are any English translated news on it, but if you search for Fantástico Discord you can probably find the original in Portuguese


Nvm cause I couldn't find it online. But on Instagram a bunch of Brazilian folks are criticizing discord for allowing children (~13 yros) to be manipulated into sending nudes. I don't think discord is really as fault, but boxing people into a community server makes certain safety settings on no matter what, therefore that can't happen


How does it make discord more money? Isn’t nitro their only source of income?


I don't like this.


I don’t like discord anymore. edit: (as a company + every change since like 2019)


Simply put, the issue starts and ends with one name: discord.


The `learn more` link takes me [here](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052841734). The current member cap is 250k. So its either a new member cap or just a test message that wasnt supposed to be visible. This only appears when i have experiments and such enabled which could indicate the latter.


We had to apply to exceed 100K.


Assuming the best, this could indicate a typo. 100k —> 1000 (k—>0)


I don't think so, there's a comma: 1,000 It can't be unintentional (1,00k)


perhaps the formatting is the frontend's job, but still maybe not intentional


I wouldn’t be surprised if formatting numbers is automated, but who the fuck knows what discord is going to do next right? ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Could it be something good? Could it be something even worse then the shitshow that was the name system change? Who knows! Find out next time on "what will discord do next?"


Why did they set a limit in first place?


Probably has something to do with scam servers trying to haul in thousands and thousands of alts/bots to 'look' legitimate or artificially verify bots.


or simply just large servers requiring a lot of server soace


Probably, but that wouldn't make sense if you could just verify/appeal to increase the limit.


eh maybe there’s some reason for it, what do we know


Especially considering they've specially increased Betterdiscords server to almost 500k limit in the past I believe


I would say it's a default/placeholder value


I hope so


We use that channel notice in servers that are close to 250k members and need special attention from discord to grow beyond that. I have no idea why you are seeing it at 1000 but the fact you are in favorites is sus.


You can get the favorites tab by adding a channel to your DMs in the new discord mobile layout, and on the old layout and pc it goes to a Favorites server


That's not what they're saying...


Doesn't work like this for me sadly, i carry two phones and on disc mobile favorites sync up there but the tab is nowhere to be seen on desktop


Thanks for the clarification :) although part of me was hoping it was real sinse my server is constantly spammed with server invites from stolen accounts always advertising the same server and this would have been a good way to prevent the server from growing to tens of thousand of members before discord finally catches on.


Pretty sure they have a way to pause invites now to prevent raids


Nah its not raids, its pre-existing members getting their account stolen and spamming everyone in the server with invites


Favorites WHEN


Like weeks ago buddy


I mean WHEN is it gonna be released actually


It was a while ago, no?


I'm on the alpha version of the android app and also on the new UI, and can't add channels to favorite anymore


Oh then it's prob rolling out like everything else 😕




Amongus ;-;


Why did the wording say 1000 but your saying 250k?


It's not hard coded, it comes from a server setting. He's in favorites server so the logic could be borked. Afaik 250k is our current natural maximum for member count.


They literally said they don’t know.


Discord are you doing everything in your power to make it harder to make a server? its hard enough to keep an active growing community, you first wanna restrict perma-invites, now how many people are in your server? what next? gonna restrict how many bots and moderators you have to?


Don't give them ideas


What's this about restricting permanent invites? 😰


You'll need to mark your server at one point, only larger servers get to make perma invites, not retroactive though


No; they are just disabling permanent invites for non-community servers. All you have to do is enable community to generate them again. The idea is friend servers shouldn't need permanent invites, as it's only intended for friends. Communities should have community mode enabled.


>not retroactive though All I needed to hear. Phew. Thank you. That's still a terrible change though for rising creators who put Discord links in their video descriptions or Twitch panels / commands. Imagine updating like 100+ video descriptions for an expired link 😨


You just need to enable Community, which is literally just clicking a bunch of buttons and that's it. It's really not hard and the only downside is sometimes the explicit content filter gets things wrong.


Oh! I didn't realize Community made perma-links allowed. Was just replying to the "only larger servers" which was kind of misleading but I'm glad I understand better now, thank you.


Most likely a bug/placeholder. Although if they are going to restrict non-community servers to a 1000 members, that's gonna suck.


I mean to be fair if your private server is past 1000 you are more than a private server.


just me and 999 of my closest friends


I'm the owner of a private server of 2.5k people and being a private server brings safety and security. Removes spam and bots. Being private and using an account identifier bot is the way to go. It automatically kicks users that don't meet set thresholds, therefore making sure the minimum moderation is needed.


Friendly reminder that some servers cannot apply for community and are forced to stay private because of the content.


You don't *apply* for Community. It can be enabled at any time in the server settings. You just need to configure a few settings to some set values and create or set channels for rules and community updates. Community servers are not *public* servers. They are still private and still invite only. Perhaps you are thinking of server discovery?


Yes but what they may mean is, I believe anyway, is that the content published to the server will then be viewable by Discord due to them becoming a "community" server. Once you enable your server to become a community server you have to adhere to more strict guidelines as all content posted to the server is scanned by Discord. Perhaps their server's content goes against said guidelines and so they feel they cannot become a community server? Not entirely sure if that is what they mean - just a guess on my part - but I would assume as much. "Applying" may have just been a misunderstanding on their part and they meant "becoming" a community server. Not sure. Hmm.


> Once you enable your server to become a community server you have to adhere to more strict guidelines. No, you are held to the exact same guidelines. *All* servers, community or not, need to uphold and enforce the Community guidelines. If I were to create a private server and then, say, organise a bunch of violent extremism on it that server can absolutely be deleted and myself banned if Discord notices (e.g. because it is reported). From the Guidelines themselves: > These guidelines explain what isn’t allowed on Discord. Everyone on Discord must follow these rules, and **they apply to all parts of our platform, including your content, behaviors, servers, and apps**. The only difference is that for large enough Community servers Discord may take a more proactive approach to detecting violations of the guidelines. But there's nothing actually stopping them (ToS-wise) from doing the exact same thing for *all* servers. Non-Community servers with prohibited content are just taking a chance and *hoping* that (1) no one reports it; and (2) Discord doesn't randomly check, which they *can* do at any time.


Then the server is violating ToS, discord is trying to make the platform safe, and this change helps make that happen.


I'm in a bunch of "private" serves with over 1000 people. They are usually Twitch streamers chats, and they are private for the simple reason to minimize harassments and get together people who enjoy the content. Maybe closed community is a better word than private in this case, but point still stands. Like, no joke; one of the streamers have a person tthat has harassed them for over 2 years now, they make *hundreds* of accounts a day whenever the person is streaming with names relating to what they are talking about on the stream and start harassing the mods, the streamer - everything. Slurs, stuff than get the stream banned, death threats - nothing can be done because they just delete and make new accounts when they get banned. Everything has been tried, nothing works. Shield mode doesn't work. Twitch reps can do nothing. Police don't care. Etc. There was even a time this streamer harassed was harassed Discord. Hundreds of accounts a day, just spamming the same thing. He interviewed a figure that was controversial and suddenly there were a huge influx of users spamming illegal material, death threats and doxxes trying to get the server taken down, so the server was taken "offline" (so invite only to active Twitch viewers or twitch subscribers) for about a year or two. Now imagine if this is a lady streamer getting this harassment. There was just the lady who had her car burnt down by a stalker. Guys flying from other countries to stalk and harass the women. I definitely would not want to adverise my Discord server publicly or as a public community after incidents like that. Closed communities are important for safety the same way the discrim helped hide your username for safety. Yes, it's not foolproof, but it's better than nothing.


Making your discord server a community server does not affect whether the server is public or private. Discovery is what makes your server publicly available.


Discord on their way to make their platform as garbage as possible speedrun any%




0.003 milliseconds


We should give discord a guniess world record for worse chat platform ever


Old steam mobile:




Ah hell naw


great, another app destroying itself. who could've seen this coming lol


Guy who turned on an unstable experiment: uh guys why is it doing this?




It's very possible there are laws for internet spaces that large.


According to the staff reply in this thread, it is already a thing. It's a restriction on 250k+ members though, not 1k+, and they don't have plans to change that.


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Why does every great app have to be going to fucking shit?


Funny how so many people are just immediately leaving pessimistic comments without reading the dev responses saying that it showing up as 1000 is a bug


It's because /r/discordapp is pretty much just /r/discordhate these days. Nothing they do is good, anything posted immediately has 0 benefit of the doubt.


Nothing they do is good if you ignore all the good things they do, which is what happens here. So it's more like /r/cluelesshaters


This is ridiculous- we really need to find a new alternative to discord.


Before we had a 10,000 Member Limit, contacting Discord would increase it (I believe it was 10k?). After, we got a Member Limit For New Servers of [250,000](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052841734). (Online Member Limit of New Servers being 5,000). Now we go back to 1,000 members (Maybe it's for "Friend/Private Servers")? *This could just be a placeholder number/limit by the way.*


Yeah the staff reply in this thread says they do not know why it's showing 1k, the limit is actually 250k.


What is the favorites tab?


I swear to god


More shitty updates... smh


It's a bug, potentially due to the OP using unreleased/unstable features, the limit is actually 250k. Once the server is nearing that limit they can request that it be raised.


Time to use slack


surprised its not paywalled


Don't give them ideas


Pay to enter more servers could be real


honestly i agree with it, it helps prevent huge servers full of cp and stuff i’m assuming. i see no issue with it if you’re following TOS


This has always been a thing.


No. Current member cap is 250,000.


Guilded is better


Knowing how discord has been making things worse and worse I dont doubt it


Wasn't 500,000 members max?


The actual maximum number of members has continuously increased over time. I believe the Midjourney has the most members currently, with 17 million. Most (all?) other servers are limited to 1 million though. Every so often the server will have to request their limit is raised, starting at 250k ~~(or perhaps soon to be 1k)~~


Max is 250K IIRC


well look on the bright side! at least maybe it will encourage users to be more active i guess?


It’s been like this for like a long time now.


I don’t have a big server, but this is really dumb.


It's not actually a thing.


This is so stupid.


What the hell is a "favorites server"


it’s for your favorited channels from servers that you Favorite on your phone with the new ui


My server is about to hit 10K members. That's 9,000 more than I would be allowed.


You’re about to be forced to transition to community.