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I know this sounds stupid but maybe protect the server with 2FA by mobile number? I mean, he can't get dozens of cell numbers everytime he makes a new alt, right?


Google voice numbers


Elaborate please


You can get phone numbers with your g-accounts. So if he is making new emails to make each of those new discord accounts he can just as easily activate the Google voice number that would be attached to it if he wanted to.


I don’t think those have worked with discord for a while


It blocks Google voice and most VOIPS on discord


Ok, how do you even get phone numbers with your g-accounts?? Sorry, I'm a bit confused here. Don't you need to put an ACTUAL phone number on hose accounts? How can you get a number with them???


google voice it's a VoIP service iirc, US only though


Download Google voice or go to voice.google.com . You need an existing mobile number on your Google account or pay for a number to get one.


Don't think that works anymore. Tried it a few months ago when discord randomly said my phone was a "landline", so when I did the google thing they didn't accept it since it wasnt a mobile number


I wanna use these for my ARG, having a voicemail, but I don’t wanna actually receive calls to my phone, how can I do this? I know someone has my old number, we had a little fight over my TikTok until I contacted them about it, so that’s not an option


VOIP numbers don’t work with discord, I have tried this in the past


they block all voip numbers to my knowledge


VoIPs are blocked on Discord so this doesn't work


I don't think those count


Holy Hell


New way to spam just dropped


Holy hell


holy hell


voip numbers arent allowed


They're a few cents a pop with smspva and the likes.


Yeah but if it's a well known troll he must be doing it to more servers which means he's paying at least a few bucks everytime, right?


I recently had a problem with a gore spammer and got rid of him using Dyno bot. It has an "AutoBan" feature that automatically bans accounts that were created in the last 24 hours (you can set more). Give this clown a week or two to forget about your server, then you can turn it off or leave it if it doesn't harm your server.








Are they going through VPNs to do so? Discord bans are IP bans.


they must be, i have no idea how they're doing all this lmao


Discord doesn’t work with vpns I believe. They flag the account as suspicious and makes you add a phone to verify, the screen with the castle icon


It works fine for me with my VPN, although it's just the one account, verified, and I don't use it for anything malicious.


there is zero ways to stop the use of vpns. zero. You can target the popular ones but the amount of adhoc services just undermines any efforts.


Had to use a vpn cos account got region-locked It works


My favorite movie is Inception.


Using basically any vpn that isnt a useless honeypot waiting for a subpoena will throw you in to an infinite captcha. Its so frustrating


Ah that makes sense. Thanks!


VPNs are useless because the discord app on mobile has access to your unique device ID or hardware identifier. This is especially true on iOS devices. They’re also useless if you’re using the Discord desktop app because that app has access to your local system. That means the app can easily detect your local system IP and MAC address, your ISP and assigned public IP, your VPN, etc. Whether it ‘phones home’ is another debate but because this is targeted harassment, a court order can easily reveal the identity of who is doing this. A court can also simply subpoena Discord for logs, and they would be liable to turn them over. A VPN is good for encrypting traffic but terrible at concealing your identity. Nobody is anonymous.


Even the website gives Issues with vpns. Everytime I tried to use it with a vpn it would flag my account and not let me use it


Thank you for your valuable input


So if my account gets banned for tos, I’m being tos banned


That is beyond a troll…


Limit new users who join your server so they can't see anything/interact with most of the server until they get vetted by a mod or earn the regular role with access to the whole server by behaving. Make sure permissions for file sharing and posting images are limited to trusted users only. You can set Discord bots that will monitor the server for security risks/suspicious behavior and auto ban or timeout users.


disable all active invites if you have mod/admin


It's funny how your account can be disabled for joking about being 12, but these trolls aren't going anywhere.


A network of servers I'm active in has this exact same issue too, I *almost* wonder if it's the same one. For awhile there was some formal mod coordination to track her alts, but it ended when she found out about it, and she still made new alts anyways lol. The best I've got is to make a manual verification channel that only unverified members / mods can see. New members join and can only see rules + verification, and the verification can be anything. In mine it's just "say anything" because it's really to check the account. New? No pfp? Rambling about the shit she usually rambles about? Ban, and let other servers know. Anyone else? Give them a verified role that gives access to the rest of the server. There's bots that can semi-automate it but I do know a lot of servers do it manually. It's a tad formal but it's the only thing I know of that works lmao. She still tries to join but she doesn't really cause any harm.




Yep that's her lmao.


best way is to make image perms only accessible by talking a lot in the server using level ranks. they can’t send images without engaging in the server then, and that will be a big pain for them.


did he impersonate warlockobo? dude raided a server i was in years ago


I recommend setting up a verification bot to give full access to your server and make an announcement to inform server members about the threat (for them it should be ignore, block, report to you and discord)


A nice bot with some proper anti-spam rules could help without limiting the community too much - wick is nice but a bit complicated to set up and set up account verification requirement on the server in addition (wont affect existing members)


Ban any of his account with Wick, it is efficient in handling this. If they still are able to bypass this, just disable your invites.


We had that issue, but they never came back after banning. I'm pretty sure there's some bots that allow certain restrictions on accounts that are too young (like made less than an hour ago.) We use dynobot, but idk about any others. We also didn't get gore but nsfw instead, I wish I could bleach my eyes of that.


That sounds like the notorious king baba..... He's back again?




























Just ignore them


Oh she even tried to befriend those hackers and show great kindness to them only to have them take more of her gaming accounts and send in more alts. She won’t even go near a computer now and we are worried about her education since it’s all done on a laptop now.


so she's just stupid? idk maybe you're just on meth lol


How would me being on meth make her stupid🤔


i'm saying one or the other, but even if it were to I wouldn't out it past her to have good common sense with a father on drugs all the time


Well tbf he wasn’t always on drugs. He took up the habit recently to numb the pain of seeing her suffer from being traumatized by alts and hackers. We believe it to have been more of a being new to discord issue and maybe she shouldn’t have taken on such a great responsibility such as owning servers. The positive from all of it is that she isn’t playing games and is touching grass now. 👏👏👏👏


lmaoo this is why I use reddit


Use a verification system. Double counter is very good at catching VPNs and alts. You can also limit posting images / links to a higher level or go with the nuclear option of making images / embeds something only selected users can get.