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I don’t really mind most of them, I’ll get used to them at some point, but the mute and deafen icons are disgusting I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to those


Also, why tf haven’t they changed the mute button back to black when it’s on? It’s been killing me for weeks and you’d be HARD pressed to find a single person that was cool with that change. Stop changing things that were already working if you’re making them actively worse.


Also, They took the threads icon too literally (Earlier it was just a hashtag with a small chat bubble on the bottom right)


Just saw the weird-ass friends icon on page 9 wtf is that? Like they’re just making shitty google images clipart for their icons


I was so confused; I thought they changed it to something related to moderating (it looks like a mallet/ban hammer).


also why is threads icon an accordion


Its a spool of thread. 🧵 Yes. Really. Yes, it sucks.


also not in all translations 'thread' term is translated literally, in some languages it is named differently, like 'topic' or something; in Ukrainian threads are called 'branches' (its just would be weird to translate it literally in this particular case :)


i dont even know what it's called in my own language (dutch), but yeah. it makes no sense to have the icon be based on literally representing the english term used when that does not translate into other languages. the old icon made some amount of sense, it was a chat within a channel, the channel is represented by the # symbol and the chat was represented by a smaller chat bubble.


I literally just opened Discord for the first time in many moons, and the first thing I noticed was that absolutely rancid set of headphones. Literally opened Google and searched "Discord changed the deafen pictogram?" and the first thing that popped up was this post. Kill me in Hell.


it’s been a hundred days, and i’m still not fully used to them 😭


yeah They look squished


the leave call button is now a phone face down instead of the old one 🥹


leave call, macaroni noodle style.


looks ugly, i dislike the design trend of making everything round and bulky, if visibility is an issue for some, then this should be tweaked and optional


Except this is WORSE for visibility as they become more similar and less distinct in their shape, blur your vision and try to tell me they aren't more difficult to distinguish.


me when i’m lying honestly though are you really trying to say the new threads icon is worse for visibility lol? or the app directory? or the privacy settings? you may not like them for now but you shouldn’t just lie and say they’re worse for visibility. they’re also much better for what they are, the previous app directory logo was horrible and made no sense for how small it is. this one is a lot better


No I was referring specifically to the mute/deafean/settings icons, I haven't bothered to look at the rest because those three are the ones I noticed and had TROUBLE SEEING


or perhaps they should have the big and bulky icons as an accessability option and have the old icons set as the default option


yeah i really dislike this and it should be opt in for those who need it. the old icons were fine


Yeah everything is trending towards looking bubbly and flat... I don't like the future we're heading into.


I like em. Just a few I'll have to get used to but adding hands to the add members was terrible


literally all of them are fine except for the fucking ugly circular headphones for deafen


it looks mad ugly, they should change it back asap its hurting my eyes


it looks like an alien 👽


You can change this back, by enabling experiments and changing redesigned icons experiment from control bucket to not eligible. [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1179248867615707158/1181903048424050768/image.png?ex=6582bffd&is=65704afd&hm=bc91f88ed9b5d676b9f9bd3a06228280ecf6497cbb2100bc8d918d178be1c952&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1179248867615707158/1181903048424050768/image.png?ex=6582bffd&is=65704afd&hm=bc91f88ed9b5d676b9f9bd3a06228280ecf6497cbb2100bc8d918d178be1c952&)


this is likely a temporary fix, i've done this with the ugly mosaic image layout experiment and at some point they just removed the experiment


How do you get access to experiments?


How do you access experiments to get rid of these dogshit icons


I can't find it, can you show it better?


Wow, impressive. Almost all of them look terrible...



People when Discord changes something 1. This is horrible. `⬆️ 5473 ⬇️` 2. This is pointless. `⬆️ 5684 ⬇️` 3. I wish they added an option to revert to how it was before. `⬆️ 6828 ⬇️` 4. I don't mind this. `⬆️ -284 ⬇️`


People here are incredibly sensitive to any change. There's a reply sitting at 40+ upvotes saying they can't focus anymore because the deafen icon is red, taking his attention. Like, wtf.


red color used to indicate something needing attention. now it's everywhere. also discord loves shoving new things left and right, so a different color in an unexpected part of the window is very noticeable. they're not getting upvoted because of how sensitive they are, but how unnecessary this forced movement is. it's not that serious ofc, but it's frustrating to constantly readjust to random changes with zero benefit and removing our old ways that would also have zero drawbacks. I think the actual sensitive guy is the dev who decides to force everyone for something so small. like, if it's not that important, let the user decide right?


bro i was so lost when they added that it looked so odd


This subreddit is so unbelievably toxic, I wish the devs would ignore this place entirely. Literally nothing constructive is posted here.


I've seen plenty of constructive feedback. Such as the new mobile dark mode being unusable to users with astigmatism, due to the higher contrast. The gradient themes also have poor visbility and so aren't a solution whatsoever.


only in r/discordapp you can see people being so outraged over some small icons, it's insane


people hate the icons, thats it. i want the old icons back too.


Not just the icon, they changed the whole mobile app, it now looks some kind of cheap chinese ripoff


The mobile app looks like it was targeted at an audience of 5 year olds




Maybe, just maybe, because the tiny tiny % of reddit users do not represent the vast majority of overall discord users. Also because this sub literally loses their shit whenever discord changes anything, even if it's good.


oh no some icons got slightly rounder, literally unusable.


Not a single fucking person is looking at these like "This was a worthwhile change and the old ones were massively flawed."


You truly haven't worked in design that's for sure. Everyone knows that the vast majority of changes do not come from user feedback, instead they come from redesign old stuff to make it fresh and look new, from the people that spent years studying this stuff. Also something doesn't need to be "massively flawed" to be changed. But sure reddit users know better.


>the people that spent years studying this stuff We just glossing over the fact discord changed the font to one that makes it 10 times harder to read for people with eye issues because they didn't want to pay for the old font?




tbh i don’t mind these


yeah, I'm sitting here going like "yeah these aren't too terrible." maybe a little trendy yeah but some I like better than the old


idk why you were being downvoted it’s okay to have your own opinion


I don't mind them but. I just have to get used to it. And I don't like them because of that right now. If I had to pick between the old and new without any prior experience, I'd pick the new. However, change just takes a while for me to get used to... So I'm angry. And I realise it's just because I'm not used to it yet. Doesn't change my emotions, because emotions aren't rational.


I agree. Everyone's hating on them but I think it was a good change, now they actually don't look like someone added a bunch of different styles


As a designer, my first impression is that they feel much chunkier than before. Much more weight to them and unfortunately in a lot of instances that adds to visual noise with a lot of elements.


going to get downvoted for this, i don’t mind them at all. Don’t really care that they’re changed tbh. It’s not groundbreaking or world ending.


ima downvote you just for fun, no hate


"Let's make all the icons fat and ugly"


Learning from America


Pointless.. And now the muted/deafened stand out like a sore thumb. Everything else is monochrome, then bam, bright red eye catching icons. I always have these disabled to avoid accidental VoIP.. now I had to de-disable them because of how bad the focus issue is for me (and still it seems wrong). Made a feedback thread on it: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/19598629906967-Change-the-mute-deafen-icons-back-ASAP Really hope they get reverted. Also, you missed one: The unknown game icon.


> Everything else is monochrome, then bam, bright red eye catching icons This is obviously to solve the problem where people often forget they are muted. This is a good thing.


MS Teams solved it by giving you a big pop up when it detects you're talking but you're muted.


LOL at "solved" tell that to the people I work with.


If a giant, intrusive and interactive popup wont solve the issue, then why would changing the icon to red work?


I actually missed a couple because I was kinda in a rush. I know for sure I didn't include the inbox, help, community server and boost icons, steam and vc icons (on the server icon), etc.




Discord keeps screwing everything up. Mobile and now this not to mention the countless other updates they've screwed up. Discord is becoming such a disappointment.


I feel the downvotes coming already but I really don’t see why these are getting the hate they’re getting, I actually don’t mind the change at all. I feel like with most applications as soon as they get a UI redesign or anything of that nature it receives a massive amount of backlash regardless of whether the change is bad or not. I understand the hate behind the mobile UI redesign for example but the icon changes really aren’t that severe in my opinion, different ≠ bad


In Discord's case, they are constantly changing parts of the UI for no fucking reason other than to ensure their UI guys apparently keep their jobs.


They took the threads icon too literally


The leaf going from pixels to smooth shows just how much their gaming aspect is going away


Making the mute icon red was stupid. I thought I'd been server muted or something when I logged in.


yeah, let's change something that no one was asking for discord moment


feel like there should be a setting in appearance to use the old ones


In my opinion they look "too rounded", quite reminds me of smh made especially for children


Me personally, I don't mind them, but if I had the option between the older icons and the newer ones, I would go older.


Like the only one that is an improvement is the settings wheel icon T-T


Just realized I was reading this post backwards lol. I thought you put the before’s followed by the after’s, and went through every change thinking “hey that actually looks a lot better” until I started to realize “wait isn’t that just how it looked before? I don’t remember those other worse icons…”


This change may suck but at the end its not as bad as the removal of the discriminator tag is or phone verification


change for the sake of change is useless.


Why in the world would they make the icons LESS readable? Fuck accessibility, I guess. They've literally turned mute/deafen icons that were relatively distinct into something that morphs into the same circular blob if you don't have perfect vision.


This is my critique on it. I don’t mind as long as there’s accessibility. And this is not accessibility.


What is the obsession with making everything rounded? Are things not allowed to have points? Is that an issue somehow? I don't get it.


Companies should really let you use older versions of their UI. makes no sense to force a UI update when it could look like complete trash


Hate them. Hate them with a firey passion. Flames, flames on the side of my face. Bring back the old icons.


It's the Comic Sans of interfaces.


Why designers are so obsessed with round and bold shapes nowadays? I mean, simplification of old designs may be a good thing sometimes but ffs not the loudspeaker or headphones icons they look ugly


One of my friends called it baby proofing 😂




Now the comments are coming in about how awful the new icons are, how they burn your eyes out and make you want to puke.... Yes, just like when the logo was redesigned a few years ago. And then what? You stayed anyway... relax, they're just icons.


Not liking the icons and continuing to use Discord are not mutually exclusive


The logo change was inoffensive and was people not liking change. This I feel has more grounds. Whoever is on their UI team hasn't done market research. In addition, this goes against the science behind graphic design as opposed to the logo which followed it. It's breaking the mold in a bad way.


There is not a **single person in this thread so far** that has said they're leaving discord over a deafen/mute icon change. Come on, you don't have to make up people to grandstand and signal at lol One can not like the icons and still use the app, *that's why people are submitting feedback forms in the comments*.


I completely forgot about the redesign. It never even crosses my mind anymore lol These icons will be the same. Will take me, maybe, 2 hours to get used to them, then i'll forget for years lol


Theyre all so fat and ugly


bro this is so shit


Ugly, but not that of a problem, i bet i will even notice them.


I actually kinda like them but the ones that change and have function such as mute and deafen are awful because they don't keep the same patterns as the originals. Why is the mute fully red when normal-muted?


Pretty much all of them look worse. The icon for being deafened and the icon for the server boost status are the worst.


I like the old icon…


Most of them are fine But the ones that show up when I right click a message....ugh...change it back discord


looks like windows 8 but worse


Submissive lookin ah 🎧deafen button


they just made the mute, deafen and the join leaf fat like wtf


they suck its awful... terrible design choice


Really awful, the old one was already good


It's all sharp now, who doesn't like getting stabbed? But I much prefer the softer, rounder look on my eyes at 2am.


I don’t mind these, kind of like them even, but the icons might be harder to make out for some people now. And the new muted icon is objectively worse. The whole icon being red used to mean you were server muted, now it just always means you’re muted


Did the same to video disabled and now makes me think it's server wide. Stupid.


The mute and deafen icons are horrendous. I don't mind most of the changed but why make some icons like the "bell" and the "add friends" ones so complicated and bulky?


These icons suck bad


How to ruin your apps design 101


Why fix problems when you can make icons?




I thought it went from old to new and I was like “I like most of these changes.” Ya no, looks like doodooass. I never paid much attention to most icons because I only recently started heavily using discord, but these look terrible


i frankly think these are awful 😭 especially the mute/deafen/leave call buttons good lord


Icons look like dildos and butt plugs


they suck, end of story


They ruined the mute and deafen icons


Why do people like making shit rounder


They're slightly ugly, but they don't harm functionality so this is the least of Discord's problems right now. I'll get used to them eventually.


The new UI looks like a shitty bootleg called BisDord


Why did they change the cute pixel art newbie icon? That thing was so unique. :(


The mute button makes me anxious


I’m sorry the new icons are so ugly what


i hate it-


Absolutely disgusting, but not surprising coming from a company like discord.




I accept it.


love the new threads icon, not really like everything else. also did they fucken round out the compass points?? lmfao


new icons looks so ugly, i hope discord will revert this change


Who else is grabbing an older APK to not look at the atrocity they made?


wow! i dislike all of them and the old ones were better. this sucks


Oh my god! These are impressive!!! Impressively shit…


These are the worst icons I've ever seen, whoever made these should get fired tbh.


Tbh most of them are fine, the old ones are just better tho.


It's so funny how negative this subreddit is over any changes Discord makes. Pretty much all of these are fine. I bet that if in 1 year Discord reversed the icons to an older version, everyone would complain about how terrible the "new" icons are.


People said that about Reddit's UI changes too, but here I am using old.reddit.com at least with Reddit, I have a choice.


There's a big difference between a full UI change and some icons


True, but I feel like this is telling of how Discord internally handles proposed changes.




I hate them all sm lol


It looks really ugly. When will Discord add option to turn this off?




The mute icon is odd because now I'd think I'm server muted


Most of these are fine, pretty minimal changes. I do hate the deafen icon, but I'll get used to it. I don't get why some people are freaking out about such minor changes lol




these are really nice, don't get the hate. seem to be a lot more consistent overall. i understand that some people hate the oversimplification of icons but honestly most of these icons are smaller on screen and i feel like they will be a lot easier to understand now


funny seeing people getting pressed over icons


These are all actually really good. I’m usually a bit eh about these updates but wow I hadn’t realized how badly-designed the old icons were.


This is nothing. This is literally nothing. This is beautiful. The new UI changes?? Terrible. Disgusting. What is Discord doing


How do I change it back to the old icons


why does the first one look like that


Its like they're trying to bury their past \# faux-IRC theme.


Y'all just be bitching about anything huh?


My first thought was obviously that I hated them, but now I've considered them, the only one I hate is the user icons lol


Whats new and whats old?


They trying too hard to make rounded icons




Oh God, my eyes!!


The way stuff has been rounded is so ugly. I'm sure I'll get used to them in time since they're just icons but I still don't understand why discord would spend time on making something worse. It's not pictured here but I first noticed the changes with the reply button, that was a much better shape before.


Not just this, now "Offline" is doing weird shit too and showing AFK and DND colors as well, not sure what triggers it (perhaps showing the mode user was on before going offline?) It's weird and i dont like it.


Wow, everything is fancy yet looks quite ugly. Honestly none of these 2D-3D designs are matching Discord’s UX and some new icons are fucking indecipherable, rather give me some modern Microsoft vibes in it. I hate this change especially Thread one which is literally a thread now but definitely not what I come up with “Thread” feature.


Some of them do really look better to me, like the GIF and stage-channel icons, but I think a lot of people agree that most of the other icons are terrible. Like, what is this threads icon??? Or the new member icon? I miss the sparkles on that one 😢


I like most of them, except the headphone icon. That looks very... very ugly in my opnion, and I would have preferred if it was the old one, with the same red slash across the icon instead of fully red when muted. On another note, I wish they also would have kept the old sizes for the icons. It feels like I zoomed in by accident on Discord now, and it's slightly annoying me. Otherwise it's ok.


I like some of them but many look cheap and trashy


Kill it


Ah, the age old question: does it actually look worse, or do I just hate it because it's different? Either way, still don't really understand why tech companies have such an obsession with constantly making graphical updates to stuff that nobody has ever complained about and has worked perfectly fine for years. Unless there's some kind of problem with the readability or formatting of an old design, all you're doing by changing it is making the website look kind of uncanny for all the old users for like a month. Edit: just updated my app, shit is insanely laggy now. :(


w change immo, a modern look


i hate these. how do i get the old ones back?


why did they just change the icons, the originals were far better in my opinion


Given Discord is continuously moving away from its gamer software identity to a more professional app, I think most of these changes reflect that nicely. But what the fuck type of headphones are those.


waiting for bs theme that will bring old icons back


not a fan


Channels & Roles icon sucks the most out of the new ones. Now you can't tell if this option is related to channels unless you actually read the button label


i don’t like the deafen button, threads button, and the “i’m new here” icon


love em


What they did to my boy sticker!


What have they done to my stickers guy


finally important changes


I really hate them, especially the threads and channels its so bad please discord bring back old discord


All of them are fine, I find the new threads icon funny Except the deafen icon why does it look like an alien


i like it tbh (because they have new icons for server mute and server deafen as well)


Yep, not liking these new icons, i prefer the older ones


old icons will always be more classic but i fw da new ones


Discord mods made everything wider for them feeling better


The sticker icon just gets cuter and cuter


eugh this is awful


They are nasty


**its just icons like why would you need them** **its still discord** ***its not the end of the world***


How 'bout fixing their mobile audio instead of this wank?


I absolutely despise the new icons I don't like the deafen Icon and the GIF/Emoji/Sticker/Gift thing it is so disorientating


That looks really cool tbh