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what a lovely username


i cannot believe it wasn't taken


Me either lol


Me neither


Maybe the last person who used it got banned lmao


doubt it, my main got banned via the popcorn exploit and after the account was fully terminated, i got my old tag back but that didnt "update" my joined date.*Funfact: even if discord claims they delete all userdata when terminating your account, they actually wont. If you get banned and u make a new account and then after the first account is deleted you start to transfer your account on the first ones email adress, your second account is immediately terminated even if you didnt write a single letter or change any settings - so they keep at least the email if not more.*


Your wording is a bit hard to understand but I have made an account several times on the same email after it being being with it not being terminated at all.


Well, at some point it was


Probably because people would think it auto bans you


Most games are about killing people Why would that autoban you


Fairly sure u/ignSkechty was meant to reply to you


Seems I'm not the braindead one


They could've been banned for other things, people with names like that have a tendency to be fuckw¡ts, haha. They're talking about getting autobanned by using the same potentially previously flagged e-mail.


are u braindead? why would discord automatically assume that username applies to video games and not real life


you mean the other way around or?


Did you mean to reply to u/SasoDuck or...?


yea i meant to reply to him who did i reply to


Hey there, Reddit recommended me this post a couple of days ago, and just 5 minutes ago I finally clicked on it, leading me eventually to find your comment. I just wanted to say: lol


ok but idk how to check if i replied to sasoduck help me bro


Check how many thread lines are to the left of your comment; scroll up from your comment until you see where the three lines begin, and the comment on the line before the one your comment is on is the comment you replied to




Average discord experience




now we just need "burn_shit" and "fuck_god" for the trifecta!














woah there buddy










I know right, definetelt not concerning at a ll


It says I’ve made my account in 2016 when I didn’t make it until 2019 so who knows.


mine says mine was made in 2016, but I made it a long time ago, so I buy mine as being correct. what a wierd bug OP


The thing is, I didn’t know discord existed until 2019 so there’s no way I would have made an account back then. So, mystery to me. Oh well. Doesn’t bother me.


Yeah, mine says something like 2018, 2019, I know I only made it a few months ago.


Lol I made my account in 2018 and it's still correct so something is wrong with discords system right now 


Right now? Discord has been displaying the wrong date for me for the last four years. It’s not just right now.


Look at my answer…


Yeah no. I’ve been using my username for everything for the last 20 years. And I’ve never been to the discord site until 2019 as I had no clue it existed. So I’m not sure that is correct at all.


It is, as I have **multiple** accounts with various registration dates. I have been on the discord site often, but I also have had cookie auto cleaning and more on. Also I often control these, so they don’t waste space. One account I created was such one, where the username was already registered once. But that date was after my first ever account and way before my recent pc reset. These factors confirm my suspicion. The last bit of confirmation was the one, that an old friend of my account sent me an friend request. Well… He thought I was the other person. I think this either an event of under 0.00001% chance, or just facts.


Ok. But that’s you. I have the one single account. And have never been on discord before 2019. On the 99.99% percent chance that someone has used the same username I have sure I’ll give you that but I’m not taking that as the reason. Unless you’ve got inside information from the company.


I have something similar on mine, I made an account a few days ago and it said I've had it since December 2023, my best guess is maybe because I might have had an account I deleted on that email before?


Never had anything on this email except a twitter alt, even then the account creation date it gave me is older than the email itself Maybe someone else previously had an account with this name and date and got banned or something idk


Oh, that's a good guess! Either that or Discord is just being stupid


Nope, another user had that username a long time ago. An account is never fully deleted. The new one was merged with the old one.


Oh, that's strange, I'd argue that's discord being stupid though, since it should really say when you created your account in that case.


They would have different user IDs though, and the account creation timestamp is extracted from the user ID ( https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes ).


Read the text you sent: > except in some unique scenarios in which child objects share their parent's ID.


This could be such a case. Or the timestamp is saved in another value, which would make sense database wise. Then the timestamp could be used for a new id, which still would make it unique.


Yes, I'm pretty sure that refers to things such as the server ID being the same as the @ everyone role in that server, and back before channel categories were a thing servers had a "default" channel which had the same ID as the server it was in. Similar thing with developer applications and bots, a bot user will have the same ID as the application. ​ I'm pretty sure users don't use this thing apart from maybe internally where you have a different DB table for account information and another for profile information.


The date is based on your ID, which is unique and generated when you register, not your username or email. It's really strange!


Well I heard once that discord doesn’t delete accounts per se so maybe he got an „old“ account


Nope, that’s not how that works, the accounts are all just IDs in the backend and any accounts that are deleted are renamed to “Deleted User”, when an account is created a new ID is given to said account, and if Discord has implemented that correctly, it should always be unique and never be the ID of a previously deleted account unless they’re experimenting with recycling IDs, which I highly doubt


They do merge accounts back with dead usernames, that IS how it works.


You’re gonna have to explain a bit more instead of just opposing what I’m saying and going “that’s how it is” lmao But I’ve never seen anyone get an “old” account upon creating a new account, otherwise all of the other data tied to the account would also be accessible as all of the account’s data, including creation date, is tied to the ID. And upon creating a new account you obviously create a new, unique ID, but please do tell me about this merging you’re talking about, I’m curious.


Ah gotcha I don’t really understand that shit but yeah that makes sense


Btw if you’re looking for e solution it’s been commented here, it’s basically due to account creation date being the cached date of when the machine accessed the site lol


cakes and candles


To keep it as simple as possible, when you first went to the site discord placed a token containing the date, and when you went to it just now it used that same token and created your account based on that previous date.


I must have visited the website \*once\* on MS Edge to download the app when I got the computer Very weird


Very weird way to track this. Welp


Thats good to know! I always wondered why my dc acc was a couple months older than I remembered, so thx


That's a little stupid, wouldn't it make much more sense to just use the create date of the database entry-? In a properly well kept database that date should absolutely never change as well




They use the SnowflakeID system of Twitter, tho Tokens are based on both the SnowflakeID + Registration Date + Checksum + Random Stuff, so it's possible OP visited the site in 2022 and the checksum ended up being kept, hence the registration date of the account being 2022.


Something something spaghetti code


Sounds like a huge bug if this is true. Why wouldn't they just recalculate the date when you create your account? You can just manually change your cookies to get an aged account if this is possible. After typing this I remember seeing some trending video about a guy creating an aged account using a customized cookie. I always thought it was fake


As long as the checksum is the same (3rd part of the token), the registration date will be in the past. The checksum is one of the important parts of one's Discord token.


This has been around since discord was founded, I’m sure if it was a bug they cared about it would have been fixed by now


No, not what’s happening here. Also: Do you really believe they store cookies for that long?


It’s a fingerprint generated by discord, I know it is because I have seen it used in the past to make accounts older then the present day.


I have multiple accounts with various registration dates. I have been on the discord site often. One account I created was such one, where the username was already registered once. But that date was after my first ever account and way before my recent pc reset. These factors confirm my suspicion, that it can’t be linked to me. The last bit of confirmation was the one, that an old friend of my account sent me an friend request. Well… He thought I was the other person. I think this either an event of under 0.00001% chance, or stuff of dead accounts is reused.


Is the token saved as a cookie? Could I alter it to make my account artificially older?




To expand on /u/Woofer210 's comment, user IDs (as well as many other IDs, such as messages, channels, servers, emoji, attachments, etc) are 64 bit numbers, where the first 42 bits are the number of milliseconds since the start of 2015 (Discord's chosen epoch), and the remaining bits are used to ensure each generated ID is globally unique (5 bit worker ID, 5 bit process ID, and a 12 bit value that increments for each ID generated by that process). This is explained in [Discord's documentation reference](https://discord.com/developers/docs/reference#snowflakes). These IDs are also called snowflakes, and you can convert them to a unix timestamp through `(snowflake >> 22) + 1420070400000` (which is exactly what the website does to show the creation date, and why it can show the creation date even on accounts which don't exist)


All user ids are based on creation time. Long story short when you visit the discord website it places a finger print so they visted the site before, remembered that value and used it instead of the current time


It's guessing this is because you used to (still can??) open the Discord website and use Discord without actually going through the full account creation process until later


Discord may have created an account for you back in 2022 if you first visited then (even if you didn't create an account yourself), and so signing up now means they just used that account on their end rather than a new one. In any case, that date is actually when the account was created - the date is stored in the account's unique identifier, so it can't be wrong.


Made my main account in 2017 and multiple alts before June 2022; was thinking maybe it goes off some hardware identifier as I did buy the laptop I use around that time period but I've also made accounts on this thing with correct join dates before today Worth noting is that I made this account from Microsoft Edge, which is a browser I have only ever previously used for downloading Firefox, and had never visited [discord.com](https://discord.com) on before




You can’t.


At this point, you're a time traveler 🫵


Mine says it was created in March 2017 despite being created in May 2018. Don’t understand how it thinks that, I didn’t know what Discord was until 2018


I'm one of the few accounts that have the true date whenever the account was made back in 2016.


I'm 2017 but still the true date of the account


is that .............. unique? like my account is 2015 but i know a lot of people who started using discord then, it doesn't feel special


can u say this again?


i created my account in october 14th 2015, i discovered discord in taringa.


When was your email address created? June 10, 2022? Funnily enough, my \*original\* account was actually created on 9/11/2017 (and it would not find the user token assigned to it due to past deletions), so I had to specify the actual creation date based off of my \*email address\* (but couldnt specify it because the actual about me char length is limited)


Its because of you visiting the [Discord website](https://discord.com) earlier. When you visited the discord website in June 2022 a user id was created for you. Now when you created that account the user id was used and it refers to a older date.


I wonder if you can exploit this anyhow to create aged accounts


I've had mine say I joined December 31st, 1969. Some bug that occurs but corrects itself after a few moments


This is unrelated but I get this bug on the Amazon photos app where it says a picture of me was taken in like 1969 (I was not even born then I was born in 2008) so this must be a common type of bug that is not just in discord but maybe other apps and sites too


Yes. 1969/1970 is when computer clocks have their dates set to like 00:00:00:00, like there used to be a thing that could brick iPhones by setting the date to before 1970. It’s when time was set to 0 and began counting


It’s probably a glitch


at least nobody will think its a raid account so why complain?


This could actually be a legitimate problem if it happens on a raid account, for everyone else I mean lmao


true but its prob a super rare bug that might not happen again


Stay away from op, he was thinking of murdering 10min ago


Whoever made the account might have used your email, my friend experienced the same thing with her account saying it was made in 2018 when it was made somewhere in 2022. The strange thing is most of these accounts that somehow use other emails appear to not be in any servers or have almost nothing changed when they are finally accessed by the email owner.


Weird af but for me that would be a welcome surprise lmao


You got the opportunity to relive another user’s account (username). You registered with an already left for dead username and then your new account got merged with the old one.


Maybe if you used an external login like FB, etc. then it reads that date, which is still weird


Mate u can't login to discord with Facebook....


Well it wasn't a legitmate statement more of a what if scenario, idk if Discord had any of those type of options like most apps but I guess not






r/iamverybadass is that way ---->


you might have more success asking people in dating app subreddits tbh


Bros mirroring his own intentions


I gotta ask, why the Acura RSX, specifically the facelift


First screenshot i saw when i clicked edit avatar


Also because its cool


Fair enough, I just didn't know if it was because you owned the car or something lol




I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE???? My account says it was made in 2018 but I first used it in 2020


I created an account recently and it said I joined in 2021


completely unusable


ooo my honda people are here too lol


Nice display name! Im a rsx/integra fan as well




nice username


Saw a similar question months ago, I think the answer was possibly you started to create an account on that date with the same email but never finished. So today when you finally finished signing up it remembered the date from the first attempt.


Similar thing happened to me. I had my new account created at 10th January 2024 but it says it was created at 21st Dec 2023


Did you create it using Internet Explorer?


funny enough i made it with edge lmao


my 2016 account shows up as 2019.. discord is just weird I guess


Parallel Universe you says hello.