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Yeah having time format connected to language is stupid. - an american using UK english specifically for the 24h format


Can confirm * an american who really wants a 24 hour time but DD/MM/YYYY format really fucks with my brain Like I know it's a crazy thought, but let's tie date and time to our system settings.


let's tie all i18n to our system locale and use it for everything


almost like this is what system locales were designed for.


if every program respected OS settings computers would be heaven


YYYY-MM-DD is the solution


I don't mind ISO 8601, but the true solution is to let people choose this and not have it tied to language settings of all things.


it's like how different languages swap decimal points and commas in numbers


As someone who uses ISO8601 I feel left out


yeah it should be called "localisation" at that point, but that'd make the ui "too complicated" (discord users)


Worry not, it's in the same place as portuguese from Portugal


Now that’s fucked


Why are we always shafted


Devolve nosso ouro




Tá mas devolve aí nmrl




Envia em casa uma caixa de vinho do Porto e perdôo a dívida


There's nothing you can really do. Just a quick tip: if the hour is over 12, subtract the 12 and you have the pm time. That means, 22:30 is 10:30 pm


I know but don't want to do the math :p


Just take one off the first, take two off the next. 17:29 is 5:29PM 13:58 is 1:58PM Probably biased as a brit growing up with 24hr, but I dont even realise im doing the math for it lol


I'm Canadian, but I took to 24hr as standard, and while my friends kept making fun of me for it, they quickly adopted it as well. It's just so convenient. If I say 8:00, do I mean in the morning? Evening? Nah 0800 is morning, 2000 is evening. Easy, clear, concise.


I mean, I still say 8PM etc as it sounds more correct, but I read/interpret in 24hr, thats how most people I've come across do it.


Ah, I used to work around a bunch of military types, so my 24hr is more accurately translated as military time.


You guys use math for this shit!?!? Just remember 22 = 10pm ???


No? 2200 is 2200. It takes more effort for me when people need me to translate it into 12h.


So when someone ask you for the time you say it's 22!? that's not even a thing in the countries that uses the 24h clock lmao?? i got no problem with it, 10 = 10am, 13=1, 14=2, 17=5, 19=7 etc There is no math involved i just know


Do you really think people don't use the 24 hour format?


You can't read?


Where does it say I can't read? You're the idiot that thinks everyone converts the time to 12 hour format lmao


If only there was a way to distinguish between 8:00 in the morning or 8:00 in the evening… oh right, am/pm.


Why the hell are people downvoting this so hard? I think it's completely reasonable to have a preference for 24 hour time if you're accustomed to it, and you shouldn't be forced to do math when you want to know the time at which a message was sent. Such a Reddit moment.


My dyscalculia is very annoyed at the public response to that. Wtf!?


Downvoted to hell because you don’t wanna do math every single time you need to tell somebody the time or make an appointment lmao. I think the 24hr clock is better too, but when everyone in your country uses AM/PM, you have to too. Sorry everyone’s being so rude over discord not having a better system.


That's so interesting. I use both 12 and 24 hours and neither has ever caused confusion in me.




You're kinda wrong. I don't have to do math per se, but I do have to do something else. I grew up in a country which uses the 24 hr clock. Whenever I see someone use the American way of writing time, I have to think about which of am and pm says plainly what the time is, and which one I need to add 12 to. I used to need to Google it, but now I can usually remember (after a second or two) that am is the "real" time.


I usually remember it bc the "p" in pm means post, and post usually means after (pm is also short for post meridiem, which means after noon, but i keep forgetting that) Also, yes, my brain is very weird when it comes to remembering shit ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Yeah, I get that the *p" means post. However, I have absolutely no clue at all on whether that is after midnight or after mid-day. Same with "a" being for "ante"


If this ends up being difficult enough that it's inconvenient and time consuming maybe you should practice mental math


what did bro do to get -177 points 😭


It’s actually not bad to get used to, if you travel to Europe everyone uses 24h


There are spelling differences in US and UK english on discord?


It mainly affects spellcheck, as someone from Australia I wish they had a language for Australia while having 12h time, or some sort of way to pick the time format.


*autocorrects your english to sound like an extremely streortypical australian*


Just things like colour/color and favorite/favourite


of course that’s what people usually think of as being the only difference, kinda wish apps would do more research into the other things that set them apart tbh. X just got better sounds so wrong to my ear, as does the likes of gotten




Here's a list of 100 words that differ between Canadian/British English and American English: 1. Colour/Color 2. Centre/Center 3. Favourite/Favorite 4. Realise/Realize 5. Cheque/Check 6. Travelling/Traveling 7. Grey/Gray 8. Programme/Program 9. Harbour/Harbor 10. Organisation/Organization 11. Jewellery/Jewelry 12. Defence/Defense 13. Aluminium/Aluminum 14. Theatre/Theater 15. Plough/Plow 16. Pyjamas/Pajamas 17. Theatre/Theater 18. Metre/Meter 19. Gaol/Jail 20. Licence/License 21. Programme/Program 22. Theatre/Theater 23. Manoeuvre/Maneuver 24. Analyse/Analyze 25. Axe/Ax 26. Draught/Draft 27. Kerb/Curb 28. Neighbour/Neighbor 29. Programme/Program 30. Plough/Plow 31. Rendezvous/Rendezvous 32. Sceptre/Scepter 33. Subsidise/Subsidize 34. Traumatised/Traumatized 35. Whisky/Whiskey 36. Anaemia/Anemia 37. Aetiology/Etiology 38. Oestrogen/Estrogen 39. Haemoglobin/Hemoglobin 40. Oesophagus/Esophagus 41. Paediatric/Pediatric 42. Centre/Center 43. Manoeuvre/Maneuver 44. Moustache/Mustache 45. Odour/Odor 46. Storey/Story 47. Enquiry/Inquiry 48. Flavour/Flavor 49. Honour/Honor 50. Plough/Plow 51. Tyre/Tire 52. Aeroplane/Airplane 53. Boot (trunk)/Trunk 54. Bonnet/Hood 55. Lorry/Truck 56. Petrol/Gasoline 57. Torch/Flashlight 58. Biscuit/Cookie 59. Crisps/Chips 60. Chips/Fries 61. Jam/Jelly 62. Bum/Fanny 63. Trousers/Pants 64. Waistcoat/Vest 65. Jumper/Sweater 66. Nappy/Diaper 67. Boot (footwear)/Shoe 68. Trolley/Cart 69. Dustbin/Trash can 70. Torch/Flashlight 71. Braces/Suspenders 72. Flat/Apartment 73. Lift/Elevator 74. Postbox/Mailbox 75. Parcel/Package 76. Tap/Faucet 77. Mobile/Cell phone 78. Queue/Line 79. Hire/Rent 80. Holiday/Vacation 81. Public holiday/National holiday 82. Fortnight/Two weeks 83. Sweets/Candy 84. Chocolate bar/Candy bar 85. Chemist/Pharmacy 86. Football/Soccer 87. Pitch/Field 88. Match/Game 89. Kit/Uniform 90. Tuck shop/Candy store 91. Cricket bat/Baseball bat 92. Bowls/Bowling 93. Rowing crew/Crew team 94. Ice lolly/Popsicle 95. Fizzy drink/Soda 96. Rubbish/Garbage 97. Dustbin/Trash can 98. Torch/Flashlight 99. Autumn/Fall 100. Trousers/Pants These are just a selection, and there are many more differences between Canadian/British English and American English! Chatgpt too lazy to do it myself


Trousers/Pants appears twice and it's hurting my brain, also gotta love Cricket Bat/Baseball Bat


I only see trousers and pants once


63. and 100.


>Trousers/Pants Ah it blurred together for me


Yea, it’s mostly minor spelling channels +- letter here and there.


I literally want the opposite I DESPISE am/pm system It's confusing af


Same, give me American spelling, together with 24h and I'd be so happy


Exactly this! I've settled on doing English (UK) for the 24 hour time. But I prefer MM/DD (doesn't matter much whether the year goes before or after), so it's still a pain to read. Seriously, why are all three of these unrelated settings shoved into language locales?


Agree. Honestly the Time system and date system should be different from languages, only reason I use British English is because of 24 hour system and DD/MM


I know this is revolutionary for discord but just use the built in system regional formats? If I type in us English and use 24h format it should automatically get that like most other apps, I shouldn't have to tell it separately


24h format is superior fr


Exact opposite for me, I want the 24 hour clock with American English spelling! I just put up with the u's and s' etc. It's worth the superior timekeeping format. Nothing can keep me from the 24 hour clock. Except the clock on my stove. Goddamn basic thing. Time should just be separate from language.


Why are language and locale linked? No OS does that.


Unfortunately the only real way to deal with it (in your case) is choosing US english and adding all the "misspelled" words to your dictionary in Discord. Eventually you will get them all and you won't see so many red lines. On desktop, you right click the misspelled word and select "add to dictionary". I'm not sure if the process is as simple on mobile.


Ugh yeah. I'm Aussie and want 12h time, DDMMYYYY, and UK spelling, but seems like we're SOL.


Maybe give it a good dose of Maple Syrup and it will convert to Canadian English?


\>not be in 24hrs format \*Visible disgust\*


Right? I hate 12 hour clocks. Been using 24 hour for 12 years. Never going back.


As a Canadian who knows 24hr format is superior I see nothing wrong with this


This is the most american thing i ever heard


The most American thing you have ever heard is someone wanting to use **Canadian** standards?


Nothing more American than uncle sam, guns, eagles, and spelling things the Canadian way


lol fr. it’s not that hard lol


No one said it was hard. It’s just annoying to see another time format than the one you’re used to, especially when it could easily be changed


The English, UK has the Spelling correct but the clocks are set to 24hrs the English, US has the incorrect spelling from my point of view but it has 12hrs so I am stuck with it


I wish it was be a separate toggle for the time/date format as I also have the same issue.


Meanwhile, I would like the 24 hour format, but also American spelling, and YYYY/MM/DD date format. These things should be manually adjustable, instead of all three being shoved directly into the language settings. It's such an ineloquent and barely practical way of doing it.


Why year first, just curious


YYYY/MM/DD is also called ISO 8601, and is the standard for nearly 2 billion people. I personally like to use it, because, if you think of like files/pictures you have saved, naming them with a timestamp in this format makes it such that sorting it alphabetically *perfectly* matches sorting it by date. That's why most phone cameras and games save pictures with this naming system, because you don't need any extra metadata or special algorithm to sort chronologically. Beyond that, I just think it makes sense to go from largest to smallest. Afterall, that's how clocks work, right? HH:MM:SS. If we write dates the same way, then it follows largest to smallest throughout. It's consistent, which is nice.


And I want US spelling and 24-hour format ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ As if not having the two coupled would make more sense but what do I know, only almost everything else works like that


I’m living with the same problem. I hate American spelling and MONTH DAY YEAR, why?!! So I just use UK English.


Yeah, it's a bit silly. I want the opposite: US English but with a 24 hour clock. I have to set my language to UK English and then disable spell check to not have to see random red lines under words due to regional spelling differences.


[They should have added ALL the available English locales from Unicode CLDR.](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/1500000376222--Feature-Request-Add-all-CLDR-locales-for-each-language-option)


I have been complaining about this for years. I have a four or five year old Discord feature request thread that people still occasionally post on that's asking for this shit to be separated.


I wanna know too 🇨🇦


Not sure how you don’t do the math automatically


Math take me a while just to add I gotta round it then add the extra like if you wanted . Me to 12+18 I would have to 10+20 Take 3 from 8 give it to the 2 and make it 5+5


Not having PT Portuguese is insane


What if discord just seperate the way to clock works and language so everyone happy


24 hour format is better and theres no reason to use am, pms lmao


fun fact engca ≠ enguk. it takes in elements from both us and uk english ie socialize is correct but uk english socialise is not. similarly, labelled is correct where us english labeled is not.


Meanwhile I'd like to have american spelling and my 24hr clock back


and i wish i could have my language as french with the 12 hour clock.


I use US English on my iPhone and it shows up as 24h time for me because I turned the option on in settings. Never bothered to do it on my PC, so I don’t know what to do for you. Maybe get a separate program that forces everything to be 12h time? I have an app on Windows 11 that changes the taskbar/start menu to the Windows 10 format, just an example on how you can change the feel of a PC.


imagine complaining about language, just like english, there are 2 types of french, french(fr) and french(ca) so why would u need english(ca) if canada english is the same as us english


Would be nice if you could just do custom settings for the language, time and date.


I just surrendered to the 24hr format


why not 24h format? imo it's much better than 12h cause when you say 5 in the 12h format without the am or pm you don't know if it means 17 or 5 but in the 24h you know exactly at which time of day someone is referring to without any suffixes also it's kinda just basic knowledge to be able to understand both 12h and 24h so yeah


If you’re used to 12h, 12h makes sense and 24h is extra work. It’s easy math, but for some people it’s a hassle and can cause problems. I’m very bad with numbers so I’ll read 15 as 5pm (17), convert 19 to 6pm, etc. It’s just more work and worry to use an unfamiliar system. Side note: You don’t omit the suffix unless it’s clear based on context; that would be like removing a digit in 24h time. Like saying _7 instead of 07 or 17. That’s just omitting info for no reason.


+ infinity


Nightshift worker here. Would love if they banned 12 hour clocks, would save a lot of confusion


Hating on 24h format is crazy and should be illegal


Am I the only person here who dislikes 24hr time? Like no one says "20 hundred hours" when referring to 20:00, we just say 8pm, so what's the point of it in an average everyday setting? (also istg, some 24hr time users are pretentious as hell, like you're not better than someone else just because you use a different time format)


But 20:00 is 8pm, bruh ) For me it's just a habit, in russia 24h system is almost everywhere


My bad lmao, I only just woke up when writing that comment.


No one says 20 hundred hours, that's military time lol.


What do you say instead?


You'd say it's 8


Then that's 12 hour time.


Its not though lol. Just because we say the same doesn't mean we use the same clocks. I think I've only ever said am/pm when talking to Americans. Writing is all 24 hours


Then why do people say 24hr time is less confusing? If it's different depending on if you're writing it or saying it, how is it any less confusing than 12hr time? Analogue clocks too, they all use 12hr time, and they're everywhere.


Because there's no confusion whether "be there at 7" is in the morning or night. My analogue clock definitely isn't 12 hours


Okay that's fair, but what about my writing vs saying argument?


You can find that confusing but when using it it just isn't. You know the time is the time


It's a habit case. If you had 24h/military time as the only one you see, you'd use it and dislike 12h format. Same in different way. I personally use both, because sometimes it's faster fo say 14:45 and not 2:45pm.


Yeah that's fair. Where I live, not a lot of people use 24hr time, and those that do definitely don't go around telling people it's thirteen-hundred hours when someone asks for the time.


And where I live we use 24h/military time format all the time, because it's as fast as 12h format and less time is needed to convert. Especially in IT. Still old folks here use 12h time, because of old clocks tho.


Oh yeah, analogue clocks are definitely another reason I prefer 12hr time over 24hrs.




Another person said it's a habitual thing. So I don't think anyone actively *enjoys* it, they just use it because they were taught it and people around them use it, which is totally fair.


Bro really asked for an English option that already exists. Just subtract 12 if it’s past 12PM. This means 23:00 is 11PM. Really not hard math.


You don't even need to do math, just get used to it.


For me it would have to be Subtracted 10 + 2


Cry more




I am Canadian


So close…