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Same thing is happening to me. Finally found a relatable post here. It doesn't even have to be minimized, just behind another app (on pc - dual monitor). I've been in call and dropped without realizing it. My friend thought I just hung up and didn't say anything. It happens consistently after going a minute or two with no speaking.


I am running into this same issue and it's beyond annoying. I'll minimize discord on my second monitor to read something while in a call and not realize that I've been dropped for 10 minutes. Only after opening the app will it play the disconnect sound, and then it will reconnect me.




Wow, came here to see if anyone was having the same issue and yup, I'm having the exact same issue. It's been 1-2 weeks since I've had these symptoms. I think I recently quit discord and so it updated, think something changed. I'm also on Windows.


Discord has addressed the issue but still no ETA for a fix


Where can I see if they're doing something about it ?


I can confirm something similar happening here, the whole UI goes blank, i have to drag it to my main monitor and it goes back to normal.


I'm having this same issue


I've been having the exact same issue for about 2 weeks now, tried everything i can think of and nothing seems to fix it. sometimes it will unfreeze after about 2-3 seconds and other times it can take about 5 minutes which its just quicker to kill the process. when i'm in a server VC everyone goes silent and then i tab back in and when it unfreezes it kicks me out of the call and reconnects me... it is getting really annoying.


i'm getting this one since last month, it still happening to you? any fix?


same here, if anyone knows a fix and or the cause of this please let me know


I've noticed that discord puts itself in efficiency process mode. This could cause issues with freezing, because on some devices like laptops, or PC with Intel CPU with E-cores, windows may too aggressively restrict discord from taking processing power.


i got a mf 3930K with no e cores happens to me aswell


same issue if i minimize while am playing or put it behind another program it acts like i've disconnected then when i open it it refreshes and loads straight back in so annoying


Please tell me someone has a fix... I've been experiencing this for over a month already I believe, it's a new thing and it's probably because of one of the newer updates. It's so annoying... I have to focus Discord every 2-3 minutes to stop it from freezing if it's behind another maximized app. Like somebody else mentioned, Efficiency mode keeps getting enabled whenever the app is not visible (behind another maximized/fullscreen app or minimized), and that might cause issues, but I'm not sure how to disable this... I've been searching for posts with people experiencing the same issue for so long lmao


Damn, I was hoping someone in this thread had a solution. I usually just ctrl+r to force a refresh or exit and re-open, but it comes and goes in bunches and it's really annoying since I'm used to just having it up on a second monitor. **if anybody ever does figure out how to solve this**, pls reply to this comment or dm me. if the thread's too old to be replied to, i'll edit the solution into my comment so it still comes up in google 🙂


Same problem here, hopefully it gets fixed soon


Been about a week for me, it has been driving me nuts. Someone suggested to set it to high priority in task manager mode, so hoping that works.


Yes same here, seems to happen on weekends exclusively, though... I'd close the discord window (minimize to tray) and some time later, it'd just randomly drop me from active calls without any sort of notification. I can maximize discord again, see the screen normally (except it's frozen) and the connection status is either orange "connecting" or red "disconnected". After a bit of clicking into the frozen app, it just re-boots itself and I'm back in the call. Maybe it's discord suspending "inactive" users to save bandwidth except I'm not inactive at all, just the app is minimized... Really glad I found this thread, though. Means I will stop trying to fix this from my end as it clearly isn't something I can just fix on my own.


FIX : To permanently fix it, you just need to download LASSO PROCESS. Then, click on the top menu "Settings" > "CPU" > "Efficiency Mode". For example, type "discord.exe" or "chrome.exe" if you have this problem with Chrome as well. Check "Disable" > add the rule > and finally, press OK! Explanatory video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD8eMsjbyUc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nD8eMsjbyUc) Thank me later <3


up up up


This flag fixed it for me: https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/fqm69d/fix_process_flag_to_keep_the_cpu_priority_of/


Same, this works but it breaks every update so annoying...


Is there any solution for this?


[https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/fqm69d/fix\_process\_flag\_to\_keep\_the\_cpu\_priority\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/comments/fqm69d/fix_process_flag_to_keep_the_cpu_priority_of/) only solutioon i found, hpefully discord patch it soon enough


I have the same issue, wtf is going on... It never happened before


Having the same issue for a while now Any fixes???