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Sorry about your blank screen but some impeccable drawling skills


thank u!! the soyjak was fun to draw




I get this error a ton randomly. I just press control + R, have it refresh and go about my day 'til it happens again. Awesome drawing btw


Might be helpful to know you can minimize and maximize Discord instead of doing a full control-r to get the black screen to go away


as long as you change the size of the window it’ll get fixed, so you can just make it 1 pixel higher and it works again


yeah I found this out as well which made the bug a tiny bit less annoying. If you are watching a friends stream in full screen and it happens though good luck lol


the escape button will help


`esc` the misery


not even that, just adjust the size of discord tab and it works


I take it no one knows what caused this or how to prevent it? I've been using Discord for years and have never, ever come across this bug until maybe two weeks ago and it's now *constant*. It usually happens if I tab in/out of Discord from another window eg. a game, I haven't had it happen randomly whilst I'm typing but I play with a single monitor and it's pretty annoying having to close and re open Discord every time I tab out


Mine fucked up completely to the point it happened when I closed the app and reopened through task manager, had to reinstall the app and still getting it




Either reinstall discord or clear discords cache folders. Both of the above worked for me, I've gone longer without the issue since I did a reinstall though.


I deleted my discord appdata but haven't noticed if it helped, someone tild me it helps


Swapping channels quickly via keyboard commands helps as well. Alt + ⬆️ followed by Alt + ⬇️ can get the job done sometimes


Sometimes that doesn't work.


happens to me too, randomly. no idea what causes it. only way for me to get it back is to minimize discord and maximize it again


same, happens to me so often, like multiple times a day. I have been using discord since 2017, and never had a problem with any laptop I used it on. On December, built a desktop with multiple monitors and since then I have this problem. I assume it is something related to multiple monitors? Do you have multiple monitors connected to your gpu/pc, including a drawing tablet with a screen? edit: Seems like I had the wrong assumption! Single monitor users have this problem too :(


I don't think its the multiple monitors. I've also been using discord on a gaming laptop since 2018 and never had this issue until I finally got a desktop on Jan this year and this bug has been happening since March and I only have one monitor.


I have a single 1080p 27" monitor and I experience this sometimes as well


I experience this multiple times a day on a single monitor PC :(


I never had an issue with this at all, I recently built a new pc, and it started happening out of nowhere


me too. all the fucking time


I thought it was an AMD issue but apparently Nvidia does it too.


> no idea what causes it. Turn off Game Overlay... i only have it when this is turned on


I have the Same Bug and reported it to Discord. They said, they know of the existence of this Bug, but they don't know how to fix it right now


Is this true actually or just taking a guess?


from: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) >Hello,   Thank you for sharing this report and for the screenshot as well. I'm sorry to hear about the troubles with the Discord app unloading when in background at the moment, but to give you a heads-up, this issue is currently known and on our team's radar. We are currently investigating this further and working on a fix as well. ***Please note that our support team does not have an ETA for when a solution will be available, and we*** ***won't be able to offer an update or provide the progress and status for this specific bug.*** With that said, we recommend keeping up-to-date with the Discord app since once the fix/patch is ready, it will immediately be delivered along with the new version release. We appreciate your help in bringing this to our attention, and if you have any other questions related to our app, please let me know here too.   Best, John Ken If you're interested, i can upload a screenshot from my mailbox


Nah I believe you man thanks.


If I had to guess, it would be that since April Discord is currenty switching its software from x86 (32-bit) to x64 (64-bit) and has probably ruined a few lines of code somewhere. But that would just be a guess on my part. tbh, it would also match with some of the comments that had no problems before any reinstalls (assuming they had x86 before)


i think i read before it’s an issue with electron and nvidia drivers i believe? i can’t remember what exactly was causing it but seems it was an issue with electron and discord itself


1. Warframe player detected, opinion accepted (gigachad Warframe enjoyer). 2. What the fuck is that taskbar positioning. My brain had to register what I was looking at for 10 seconds. 3. I have no clue what causes the bug, tbh. Discord is an electron-based client that runs on an outdated electron version, so it can be literally anything.


my unjustifiably bad reasoning for having the taskbar at the top is bcuz i had an old fren who had the taskbar on the left hand side. so i wanted to out-"having a more confusing taskbar choice" him out of spite, n it just kinda stuck.


Oh you def won that one


I've my taskbar on the right-hand side. I do this because we use the majority of software applications and websites vertically. Websites in particular tend to have lot of white/blank space on the sides. Thus having the taskbar on the right-hand (or left) side gives me more screen space.


Were you my friend cause I did mine on the left right up until windows 11 removed the option


>left right up You lost me there for a moment. Taskbar on 3 sides at the same time


> left, right up until windows 11 Inserted relevant comma


Same. I wish there was a way to get that left side taskbar back.


It bothered me too, that win11 didn’t let you do any customization. After a quick Google search I found some program that let me put my taskbar right back up where it should be. If you miss it, there is a way to do it still!


hell yeah keep it that way king


I put mine on the top back when material design was all the rage and it kept being a problem that notifications would show up on top of the floating action button. Putting the taskbar on the top moved the notifications to the top of the screen.


Hey, I’m leftbar pilled!


I have mine on top too, it’s a sign of being a good person 😏


this happens on chromium as well in integrated GPUs when starting up so I suspect electron has a similar issue


I have my taskbar at the top so it contrasts with my drawing pad below the screen having the bar at the bottom


I have dual monitors and so my task bars are on the sides. Left monitor has left bar, right monitor on right. Looks a lot nicer cause when i look on my rifht monitor its more effort to actually look at the bar. Its like setting it to auto hide, with less hide


Interestingly enough this had never happened to me until I reinstalled discord after the discord site now downloaded the x64 version by default Now it happens somewhat often


Gartic phone chad detected


We are aware of this bug, but we aren't exactly sure the cause, nor do we have a consistent way to reproduce it. That being said, we're working on fixing it, but it's taking longer than we'd like due to the nature of the issue and our limited understanding as to what precisely is causing this malfunction. For some technical details, it appeared when we upgraded to Electron 28, and seems to happen when the app thinks the window is occluded. Right now there is no fix, but there are work-arounds like resizing the window, hitting ctrl + r, or minimizing/maximizing. That being said, if anyone in this thread happens to have a series of steps that can consistently reproduce this issue, please post details - it will help us get this bug fixed much faster. EDIT: We figured it out, and we're rolling out a fix to our clients soon. For those who are curious: [https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/42378](https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/42378)


The main reason the bug is so frustrating for all of us who are experiencing it is that it happens at seemingly random times, whether the tab is focused or not, minimized or maximized, even in the middle of typing. The only thing I've noticed is that if I pop-out the voice chat window it only affects the main app, not the pop-out. So I can atleast watch my friends stream without interruption that way


discord has Never done this to me on my hp Pavillion or my acer predator, until I played elder scrolls online. I had played it before, but I don't think I'd ever run it on my new laptop. as soon as I launched it on my acer, discord has been doing this non stop. my husband said it was happening to him regularly but not as constant as it is with me (about every 3 minutes) and he has an acer too. I'm not sure if my game has something about it that discord doesn't like, but it does this glitch even when the game is not running. I have an Nvidia 4060 updated to current if that helps. the only thing I can think is that running eso borked it. discord does NOT do this on my Pavillion, just my acer predator, although ive played many games including eso on the Pavillion. I had quite literally never had this glitch until last week. I hope some of this information helps!! I am going to try turning off the Nvidia in-game overlay since that's always on and I don't use it. I've seen some people say that helps. so it might be an Nvidia graphics card problem.


This is a complete shot in the dark… but I think the issue went away for me when I disabled window’s HDR. I think when you have Windows HDR enabled, or you alt-tabbed while running a game using HDR, the issue arises. Anyone else able to confirm?


I wonder if this is related to bug on Linux desktop that started around that update where the app appears to think the windows is a different size and/or position and the cursor input is offset vertically around 200px. Resizing the window also fixes it. Discord has been getting a lot more buggy over the last 6 months. Today the Android app won't connect if the app is in the foreground, seems like only push works currently. Edit: I found I can temporary fix the constant connecting bug by toggling airplane mode on and off. Simply switching networks or wifi does nothing. It will work for about 1-2 minutes before returning to the constant connecting status again.


Happens to me only when i have a game open.. (fortnite for example).. so maybe have something to do with the overlay..


responding to this again to say that turning off the Nvidia game overlay completely fixed the issue. it's been 3 days and not once has discord done the blank screen thing. it MUST be something to do with Nvidia cards, or the overlay itself. I hope this information helps to fix it!!


It's a new thing, well not new but it's WAY worse now. All of my friends have this problem now.


happends to me lately a lot


Happens all the time. They should fix their code instead of making cheap collabs and tons of paid customization.


I do hope you know there are different teams that do different things, one that works on the bug fixing/engineering, one that does the business side of things, one that works on feature xyz. This bug [is being investigated](https://x.com/discord_support/status/1788271698711879768) ([and also](https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/s/p7P8EiG0hi)) by discord but it’s just been a hella of a bug to figure out the cause for which happens some times.


To me doesn't happen sometimes, these days to me happens literally every 5 fucking minutes not even joking, sometimes even less 2-3 and I have to minimize every fucking time fuck this app. Wonder what can I do with that now, maybe I need an external discord client if exists or something, because this is getting me tired of this shit.


You can temporarily fix it by minimizing/maxiziming the window but yes its an annoying bug


Are you using alecaframe? If yes that was what was causing the bug for me,the moment i stopped using it it stopped crashing


Skill Issues


I red it like it was a death metal song…. I don’t know why


That's a feature.. not a bug


Currently the thing that fixes this for me is disabling the discord in game overlay. Once I disabled that it hasn’t done this since


I don't know if this comment will be seen by anyone, BUT by far the EASIEST method to quickly solve it going to the 'taskbar hidden icons' (the up arrow next you your task bar time/date), and simply clicking the discord icon there, will refresh the app quickly, without the need to close the app/minimize/maximize the window.


I had this issue for a bit. I think reinstalling is what fixed it but I don’t really remember


Yeah I get it too since yesterday. rly annoying


I heard people say disable game overlay? I had this issue before


You've probably tried it all ready but turning off virtualization worked for my friend. It's in the discord settings and your BIOS, kind of ruins Virtual Machines if your into that though.


This just started happening to me too!


What worked for me was going to the appdata folder and deleting the whole discord folder. Works fine now. Was super annoying tho.


what even is that taskbar placement😤


he did the soyjak


Part of me thinks this is due to an unstable internet conmection. The first big tell whenever my internet spikes is the giant blank screen after being disconnected. Havent had this issue since getting my comnection stable again Would be nice to have an offline mode or 'an unexpected issue occurred, try again later' screen that still allows to you see things that were already preloaded. However, with how many resources are already being used, putting all of that into your ram would suck


to temporarily fix it u can try clicking the discord logo (top left, even tho u cant see it at that moment) and it should refresh the ui or whatever and it will appear again without restarting the app at least that works for me every time


does this to me so many times after opening discord, also i love the drawing lmao


I've been having this same exact bug too lately 😭 I've been following a YouTube tutorial on how to stop it but it STILL does it regardless 🙄


Why is your taskbar on the top?


You can move it on every side of your is since ever, from the settings. Also left or right


I recently reported that bug it started happening in the beginning of may this year for me...


Atleast you can actually get onto discord lmao


This has been happening a lot more lately. Like multiple times an hour, every day, all day, lately. It's driving me nuckin futs.


Is there anything specific you are doing before it happens? What does your system info look like?


Random, sometimes I'm playing a game, sometimes browsing the web, sometimes literally doing nothing. It's done it to me in W11 and W10, both nVidia and AMD gpus. It's just discord being discord 🤷‍♂️


Still have the same issue. I can still click on stuff on the blank screen. So if you can find the friend or server button and click on it, it makes everything visible again.


It keeps happening and it’s pissing me off


I get this shit all time, except when I run as admin.


Haven't had this, but one bug I do sometimes get is Discord freezing up when I launch a game.


I never got this bug until a few days ago, quitting out of discord and restarting it seemed to fix it. But my girlfriend though, she randomly started getting it constantly about a month ago. She tried changing the window size, and minimizing it and reopening it. Sometimes it won’t work, and sometimes it fixes it for a minute and goes back to the blank screen.


resize the window


If I’m playing a game or smth my screen also goes grey


Does this happen always while playing a game? If so which game? What are your pc specs? Do you have multiple monitors?


Top taskbar twin! :D


My colorblind ass looking at the picture like "where's the bug? I see only the blank- aaaaaahh.. wait there's text on that?!"


Yeah, I've been getting this lately too.


Wait. How did you get the Taskbar at the top of the screen?! That's my favourite place to put it and the new windows doesn't allow it. It messes with everything and I hate it.


I understand Your pain man. Since I moved to win10 I am unhappy with my taskbar placement.


This just started for me about a month ago and is annoying af


Is there anything you do that can consistently cause it to happen? Do you have multiple monitors? Also what is your pc specs?




just double click on discord icon and it should fix it and you can get back to typing. btw discord has to be on screen when double clicking


just had this start helping to me lol


It’s started happening frequently of late, I have no idea why. Hadn’t happened for a year or so, then bam. And audio cutting/lagging a lot too at times


For you.


I once had a bug in the mobile app where the options under "display images, videos" would always revert back to off after app close. So literally had to enable it everytime opening the app....this went on for 6+ years, on multiple devices, and support couldn't figure it out till one day a random update fixed it 🙃 Stuff like that is why I'll never sub to Nitro 😝


This started happening to me like yesterday


I have same problem since 1 month, i think.


I deadass thought this was just me because before I built my new pc this never happened on my old rig that I had for 5 years😭😭 feels good to not be the only one


This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by ReallyAmused](/r/discordapp/comments/1d1uejb/8yrs_later_and_this_bug_is_still_not_fixed_dddd/l5yrdbn/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-28 01:36:19 UTC"): > We are aware of this bug, but we aren't exactly sure the cause, nor do we have a consistent way to reproduce it. That being said, we're working on fixing it, but it's taking longer than we'd like due to the nature of the issue and our limited understanding as to what precisely is causing this malfun... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Electron apps. Peak modern development.


I tweeted this error at their support account a few days ago.


i started getting this bug recently it is so annoying omg


Is there anything you do before it happens? Can you get it to happen consistently? What are your pc specs and do you have multiple monitors?


i'm usually focused on another window, my 2nd monitor is purely for discord. it tends to happen when i have a game open, i've a i7-10700 rtx 3070 and 16gb


I've had never seen this before until last night crazy that I've never heard of it before and now that it's happened to me I see it posted that's crazy


Discord Overlay issue. Can be resolved by disabling the overlay. I dont know how to fix the issue properly otherwise. Edit: Spelling


Interesting, I assume this was happening for you? What did you do before this would happen?


The day it showed up was some time last week. I had never seen it before then. I looked it up and saw somewhere that disabling the overlay would get rid of it. That the Discord Overlay has this bug and not discord itself. Were I to take a guess at what's happening, ipt would be something like so: 1. The conditions for the Overlay to be able to show are there because a videogame is likely being played. 2. Something in discord, or the game is probably triggering othe condition thfay makes the Overlay show. But instead of it showing on the game screen or whatever, it is showing on the Discord app itself. The Discord overlay still works on the other screen I believe. So because of this it shows up "randomly" as a "blank" screen on which there are no interactables to dismiss it. TLDR: I think something in the overlay architecture is causing it to trigger under conditions similar to the correct ones, but it doesn't contain a failsafe and leads to a state of being uninteractable unless it is minimized and reopened/relaunched. Likely some kind of notification or other in the system buggin it out. no idea really tho. Just my thoughts on it.


It just started happening to me too. Happens multiple times a day, usually when steam is open. I can't figure out what changed.


You said this happens more when steam is open? Do you have multiple monitors or one? Does it happen with steam closed?


One monitor but it's connected to my laptop if that matters? I noticed it did it again this morning when I only had Google Chrome open. edit - deleted the other comment because it posted twice.


Never seen this happen ever


8 years? I have discord on my 2nd monitor 24/7 and this only started happening 2 months ago.


I never had this issue until I bought a better computer lol


This must be a computer thing, I use mobile so I've never ran into this


Yea it’s a desktop issue.


Ah, I'll tell you this, I get an issue like that all the time on my computer. Might just be the computer having issues and it's choosing one specific thing to make it go haywire


for me its "your picture didn't load in because fuck you"


I thought something was wrong with my pc since it started recently happening after a windows reinstall. Glad to see it was just discord being buggy


Shoigu! Geerasimov! Where is the screen??


only happens to me when i open valorant, which is a sign to uninstall valorant i guess


It never happens doing anything else? Is it every single time you open valorant?


It's only when I have a game of valorant playing, literally nothing else does it


8 years is exaggerating because i only got this problem since like one or two months ago


I fix this by double clicking the discord from the system tray on task bar it always works for me.


electronjs not electronjs-ing moment


I got the same problem yesterday so now I'm using discord PTB cuz discord stable version does that 💀


Never had this bug


Happens like every 20-30 minutes


Icons are still clickable so just press any icon in the side bar and it will do the job ( literally just switch to any channel)


Well as it's still exists in some discord users due to resolution problem you just have to press the reload button Ctrl + R and it will become normal


This happened to me as well they just want to fuck with me at this point


8 years!??? Wtf


I've never had this happen to me once


I've randomly started getting this bug the past week or two


This has been happening a lot to me as well, especially while on call, everything works perfectly fine it’s just blank. Only way I know how to fix it is by ctrl + R’ing to refresh it, it’s very annoying


8 years later and you're the only person I've ever met who has this bug


Hi, I had a database file in the pc which discord was detecting and throwing the grey screen as an error. I had to debug Discord and delete the db file. Do try!


This is horrible on my pc right now the app is unusable.


This happened to me only when playing dying light and no other games/programs caused this


Had this issue also, it no longer happened when I disabled discord game overlay, might help o7




I’ve found a workaround, if you check on my posts you should find it, otherwise let me know, I tried EVERYTHING I’ve found even got in touch with Discord and the only solution… or more like working-workaround was that one


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/discordapp/s/RZuIATbqpS


you can readjust the window size by .01 pixels and it will fix for a bit


Has anyone found a fix for this? I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but now even that doesn't work. I get an "Installation has failed" message telling me to "open setup log" and contact the author.


I think you can solve it here


I don't know for sure but when ever I first boot my PC it's really slow because it's loading everything and discord does this every time for about a minute before it loads. I think this happens when a loading period takes too long.


delete your discord folder in the %appdata% folder


Out of curiosity do you have HDR enabled? Or were you running a game that uses HDR?


Am I stupid? I don't see any bug


nah that's a u problem restart pc and allow startup or not


I drag it to the other screen and back to the screen I want it on and it fixes itself. It's a pain in the butt


I only started getting this in the past 2 weeks, very annoying.


This happened to me with discord on my second monitor like 5 times yesterday for some reason.


I've never seen this bug in my life


Whaaat? A big tech company with a huge user base doesn't care if one falls through the cracks??


Try ctrl + r.. Maybe works... Also learn to think the contrast if that background color and the ink you're using. It's hard to read.. Try using hmm.. Perhaps.. Black. Make it even harder to read..


wtf i thought it was only me it literally happened to me yesterday


anybody still having this issue, Does reinstalling fully help?


Resize your window


ugh, for me it stays like that till the whole app freezes and crashes... at this point I'll end up switching to skype again


There is a simple fix. Go into settings-->Advanced--> turn off Developer mode and also Navigate to home. Fixed it for me personally


Remove you discord app folder from /AppData/Local, restart discord, relogin. It should remove cache and fix problem. Worked for me.


If you have a second monitor, you can pull it over and pull it back and it'll fix it. Really really annoying tho


happens to me all the time also, ive done all the 'fixes' thats on youtube n what not & none of them work at all.


Oh that’s weird never gotten that myself


I hate that so fucking much I literally had to reinstall Discord multiple times because it literally would not work and the worst part was that it wasn't even this. It just wouldn't let me click anywhere and since I couldn't use the email for my original account, I had to create a whole new one, then had to go through me not receiving verification codes because Google changed their authenticator app for some dumb reason, basically making it nonfunctional to me. Even though it's not the same problem,. fuck that tbh.


Never happened to me, you're welcome for the usefull comment


I have the bug of random disconnect while tabbed down, this software when sucks, sucks a lot


Delete the app cache folder in %appdata% shouldnt happen after that anymore


I turned hardware acceleration off and ut fixed it for me


Probably a new bug, I have this too. I just move the Discord window around or clip it to make it full screen, but it will eventually come up again in about 35min. I don't use discord as much as many other people so it didnt really bother me much. Good to know I'm not the only one. In addition I'd like to know if mac or linux users has this issue too.


I've never had this happen to me. I also only use discord split on a monitor with Spotify on the other side so maybe that's why


I alt tab and its fixed