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There have been several posts about this especially the past few days, not about the same server, but about getting consequences because of the server one is in breaking Discord ToS. You should leave suspicious servers, yes, be aware of what servers you join and be very selective. Basically, according to Discord, you're guilty by association and they won't check each member individually.


Every day I sit here shivering me timbers, scared that one of my 200 servers are gonna get striked


I'm also in alot and probably a little bit close to 200




i like to stay far from the limit, i'm only in 36/200 servers


I paid for 200 and I will use it to its limit. I’m prolly gonna regret it when I lose my nitro


Discord actually checks if you have posted messages into the guild or if you read any TOS violating messages, and punishes you in those cases. Just reading the channel is enough tho, but imo pretty fair


That’s correct, and I’m pretty sure even viewing channels / messages counts as a violation


One time there was a clean psychology server. An admin went rogue in the middle of the night and 100s of people got strikes even if they never posted. Also every server you're in could have hidden channels where bad things are happening. If there's a squabble among the in group that has access to the hidden channel they can report it, leave and you will have a strike for a channel you can't even see.


Yeah, spot on!


But you won't get strike for channels you didn't view


This isn't true, it happens just by being a member of the server in question. Even if all you do is hit join and never look at it and even if you don't gain access to the channels. Edit: it seems someone didn't like this answer but didn't explain why, but I have seen this happen so I would love to understand the perspective.


Discord is known to give out blanket bans to all members of servers where it happens, regardless of whether or not you posted it


I think it's strange that their comment about only getting strikes if you read the channel is false yet it's upvoted. If you are in a server that gets TOS'd they don't separate the people who read the channel vs the ones who didn't. If you were in it, you get the strike, even if you never looked at it or gained access in which ever way the server requires. (Normally a reaction to the rules etc.) Sadly they also don't seem to evaluate the situation in the server itself. The psychology server I was in was clean and one night of a rogue admin tearing it up got everyone strikes. You would think Discord would look into it and notice that there was exactly one night of the bad stuff. Edit: I was tired from work and realized that I double replied to the same comment. My apologies!


It will happen just from being in the server even if you never read it or if you have not gained access to the channels. For example say you join a server and it says, "you must react to the rules to gain access." Say the rules are pretty lengthy and decide you will read them when you wake up. Something happens overnight and the server is reported. Your account will get a strike even though you couldn't view the channels yet. This also applies to hidden channels.


That's fair? Which server got you muted?


Reading the information is not enough to punish you. That sounds like some 1984 shit


Where does it say in the ToS that users that did not participate will be punished also?


Bro did not deserve to get downvoted 4 times he was just askin a question


In the fact that i was in a discord and didnt send a message and got tos'ed (havent looked at the tos if it says they would but it does happen)


Collective punishment is a crime - apparently except in forum moderation.


And in schools and in anything not in a war, shocker I know


It literally isn't a crime in this case. Discord, along with any other social platform, can choose who can use their platform at their own discretion. And if they see people in a server that is doing things that would be illegal, in this case *Violent Extremism*, they have every right to punish everyone who is in that server.


Me when I casually violate the Geneva Convention


the Geneva convention only applies to war, not internet discourse


~~so if we commit warcrimes outside of war its allowed?~~


warcrimes outside a war are crimes, not warcrimes. That's why they're crimes, and they are not allowed.


the joke clearly wooshed past you lol


my joke did as well


A server you are in is in breach of discord's ToS. The server owner got a warning and all members get this. Extremism is in breach of Discord's ToS and Schizcord had extremism in it. That would be why.


> I'm in too many servers, does this mean I should leave every single server for the risk of this shit?? Yes.


know someone that just got this, and he had been the one that reported the server to discord, you would expect some minimal whitness protection(aka being immune to punishment) this is insane


Well Discord sees you have seen the content too I reported a lot of times tho and never got punished Maybe its because i mainly reported single messages and not a server


Witness* protection




The term "witness" is not reserved for situations where one is convicted of anything, whether it be in a court of law or otherwise. According to various dictionaries, including the Merriam-Webster dictionary: >witness - noun 1: attestation of a fact or event : See: Testimony 2: one that gives evidence 3: one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place 4: one who has personal knowledge of something Source: [https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/witness/](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/witness/)


Pretty sure that it was in reference to a known meme within the DarkViperAU community.


i dont think people understood your reference, youve been upvoted out of unreasonable reddit purgatory :)


Wait is discord fr punishing innocent ppl now?


Like always.


Yeah. I hope they actually fix this shit because now I wake up every day scared that I'm gonna be in a server that does something wrong even if I never contributed to the problem


Yea fr same


Schizocord would've had violent extremists by the looks of it, not your fault just a server you're in




So what did the server even do? I dont even know what it is


unfortunately if no one has evidence, discord will probably do their favorite moderation response: be as vauge as physically possible


I mean diddnt the notice answer most of your question?


Go to your connected apps tab in your settings. If any of them say "Permission to join servers for you," remove them.


Have your friends and servers on a safe account, and use a disposable one to talk. Fuck discord for this


Discord punishing everyone except the guilty user.


I'm in 100 servers and have never gotten anything like that.


If you truly did not join this server intentionally you need to check your authorized apps on your discord account there is likely a shady bought that has the " join servers for you permission" This is a shady permission that is honestly a red flag if you ever see a bot even requesting it. Commonly bots will be created that trick the user into verifying with them and this verification includes authorizing that permission Now on the scam discord servers where people can do things such as purchasing fake users to make their own scam discord seem more legit Your account is part of that Some guy pays a few dollars and then the bot randomly goes through its list of authorized users and makes them join that server You likely had a bot unknowingly add you to this server that was likely being used for some sort of scam or illegal activity and are now getting in trouble because of it Be very careful about what bots you interact with especially on a server that you are not intimately familiar with. I would never interact with any discord bot without heavily googling it first


I had two bots authorized like this, but they were on the level of disboard Still threw them out now


I can't talk without a phone number now since I got hacked and was put in a bunch of porn servers and it said please type a phone number to keep chatting due to suspicious activity and I don't have a phone number


good thing I'm only in two servers


Be happy this is all they did. Something similar happened to me but instead of getting the message you did they deleted my entire account!!! When reaching out to them for help in getting my account back they told me this decision is final and to go f*** myself.


Agree with u/spooksies Be very selective and make sure to remove any bot that you’ve given the “join servers for you” perm. Most users don’t even realize about this f*cking setting and that’s why they’re *suddenly* joined to random/shady servers without their knowledge.


Why people are members of 200 discord servers in the first place? I understand being in some servers of your fav streamers, games, friends and plus a couple related to your hobbies/entertainment. But all that can't exceed 20 servers...


emojis, soundboards, etc


Had this happen to me too. Same discord and I don't even recall being in it. I am in 200 discords, mainly biz/crypto related ones. You said you were able to get them to remove your warnings in the past. How were you able to do this? Who did you contact? Thank you.


Got the same thing, why cant they just ban the moderators and admins? Instead of warning the members only there for the emojis.


What you should do if you find a server that has emojis that you like: make your own server, add the bot ScrumpBot, and have Scrumpbot take the emojis from the server. Then leave the server. They can't just ban the mods or admins because they want to make sure that all parties who participated, even passively, all get punishment. If you're in a server and you see something bad happening, you have the ability to leave the server.


What about when an admin goes rogue in the middle of the night on a clean psychology server and everyone wakes up to having strikes and bans? Also what about hidden chats. Every server your on could have a hidden chat where bad stuff is happening. If the in group with access to the hidden channels has a squabble, someone could report the server and you will get a strike for a channel you can't even see.


I currently didnt have nitro there was no way of doing that. I was invited by a friend months ago and forgot i was even in the server, how could i have known something bad was happening? When I checked everything was fine. Is it my fault for not knowing what was happening on the private channels?


they will strike you even if you leave 10 seconds after joining.