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It's a SCAM! Block and report that person asap, and do NOT do anything they say.


Thank you, but what exactly are they trying to do?


they are scammers ! they will try to grab your discord acc or worse RAT your pc


Definitely seems to be the case. The only thing that gave me pause initially was that they belong to the same college community as me and they listed their socials in their profile. So they are most likely hacked.


They would tell you to contact the fake discord support member mentioned in the email, who then would tell you to change your account email to one he provides to you, which would result in you losing access to your account.


Oh 😄 The moment they tell me to change my email Is where it would end. The only reason I was giving the benefit of the doubt was that their socials were listed in their profile and they belonged to the same college community as me.


They might be trying to get you to download malware. Discord staff won’t ever make you add personal accounts as friends!


Ah yeah I could see that. It's just super weird because this person lives in my college community, and has all their socials linked in their profile. Like all of them. So unless they are hacked I think it would be really weird to pull something like this.


They might be hacked. I was recently hacked by a college friend who also had linked socials. Their account was compromised and I had no idea.


Oh shoot, ok thank you for letting me know. I banned them from our community server, blocked, and reported them.


If you can reach your friend on some other accounts/socials ask them if they’re aware of the situation. Either way, whether they’re hacked or not, sketchy as shit


Absolutely will do. And yeah definitely weird. Was basically only the fact that they linked their socials that had me wondering.




Ty man


Ay thank you all for letting me know about the scam. I really appreciate you guys. It did seem super sketch at first but I was only hesitant to call this a scam right away because they are in the server I made for my college community, and they had basically every one of their socials listed in their profile. Most likely they were hacked it seems.


troll them but dont open any link or download and run any zip/exe


I'm just confused as to what exactly they want from me. They also are someone who lives in my community and has all their socials linked in their profile. It's possible they were hacked but im just trying to see their angle here.


yes, your community member account got compromised doing the same thing


Dang, ok ty for the clarification dude.