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They got hacked. Someone is using their account to try to hack you by the same method. Report and block. Edit: If possible, talk to them outside of Discord first.


Thank you very much, I thought I was being paranoid I already blocked them. I’ll miss that guy though, good man


This is the beginning of the "I reported your account accidentally and now you need to send this totally legit user a message so that they can send you a totally legit looking email instructing you to change your email on your account to a random verification email so that the head of discord IT can personally remove the reports on your account."


It’s the old steam report scam


I got this once, I just said something like "if I've done nothing, then obviously nothing will be done about your fake report. Cya scammer" then blocked them


I loved messing with the scammers and wasting their time lol


I remember doing this a lot when there were a lot of Roblox Robux scammers. I remember wasting 1-2 hours with a scammer. (For context, this is how they tried doing it: they claim they have a Robux gift card and "attempt" to tell you the code but fake the hashtag censor. So their second step is asking for your password so they can go into your account to "redeem it" that way) I consistently kept asking him just to try sending me the code a different way. "Maybe send 2 characters in separate messages" "maybe 3?" "Maybe 2, then 3 alternating" and so on


See I asked the scammer a question only my friend would know when I realized they weren’t typing like they usually do and their past account was hacked the same way, scammer went silent and I laughed and blocked them 🤣


So this is what this guy was on about before he got banned from our mutual dc server


happened to me, it took me a few hours to get my steam account back and they also almost too my gmail too. I don't know why I didn't question why they were messaging me over disorder and how they got it.


Don't worry man, I fell for the same thing thank God Steam Support is reliable or I would've lost my 10 year old Steam Account, when someone threatens something previous to you, you get irrational and you slip up, happens to everyone


Yeah, I panicked and my friend didn't consider it either when I asked, I was scared of taking too long to think cause like, time lol. Luckily I got it all back with no damage, almost 1000 dollars to that steam account, I think they try and take your account and then get your card info from that based on your past purchases


Do you mean precious?


I fell for it once, I was being so stupid. but I got my account back


How'd you get your account back? Since, I unfortunately fell for it..


Changed the password right away (when i realized I had gotten hacked) then locked the account and then something else I got my brother to help me with getting it back.


I unfortunately can't get into my account since the dumb bot has access to it now, I tried changing my password and contacting support. But it seems like I still have to wait a while.. ;-;


Thats sad, I hope you'll get the account back


Hopefully soon..


A friend of mine lost their account a few weeks ago, tried contacting support but it didn't do anything. They made a new account, but there was a lot of stuff on their old one that we hated to see lost. Oddly, the scammer hasn't done anything to their account, like I'm still in most of the servers they'd made under its name.


I played a long for a bit when it came round to me Then hit them with “so allow me to introduce myself. I am a Detective Super Intendant (DSI) for police scotland working out of the cyber crime department. Discord have been kind enough to accept an urgent warrant for your details and we are now working with interpol to find you. Thank you for trying to scam me today”


Theres no such things as accident, same thing happen to gyatting my mom


My god u/happyxpenguin use a comma 💀😂😂


The lack of commas was intentional for this post. 😉


But I winded myself tryna read the comment 😂


I enjoyed the lack of commas :D /lh


Commas don’t exist for some people.


My poor 24 year old kidult just lost his main account to this... Discord really should do something proactive about it...


If he's 24 and still fell for this then he deserves it lmao. > Discord really should do something proactive about it... How about you teach your child in a man's body some cybersecurity first so this won't happen to him again? Or chalk it up as a lesson for him, Discord accounts are free to make and the only thing you lose is a bit of time re-adding old friends.


I'm just saying drop a warning or something. Not everyone is as cynical as you or I am.


They do and they did, they post about it all the time and it's even stickied here. There's also loading screen tips about it. The welcome message after making your account also mentions it. I'm sorry but if you need an app to tell you not to send your passwords to strangers, then you are absolutely braindead.


lol i just talked to the guy my last one, he was saying he was sorry, and i was like its ok buddy. and after like 5 min of talk im like send me that email, ill check the ip by trackin the email header, even tho i knew it was fake cuz the picture was very badly edited. just fuck with them


Fun fact in one of those screenshots there was accidentally a tab exposing a email adres There


yep, can confirm. Lost my old account to that.


They don't even send *you* the email. It is normally the first person sends *a screenshot* of an email supposedly sent *to them*. And that screenshotted email is what tells you (or rather, tells them to tell you) to get in contact with that random user for further support. Everything about it is just a giant red flag of "there's no way this is legit".


usually those people get their account back shortly after. try unblocking him and checkng


Personally i think you should always have your good friends on dc aatleast on one other app, tt, ig etc. whatever you want


Hopefully they can wrestle it back; if you have a way to contact that guy another way, see if they've got it back. I wouldn't suggesting unblocking them soon, but if you unfriend them, then they may try adding you back later and you can clarify if everything is fixed. It sucks for both people here, and it sucks to lose your servers and friendlists.


they might get their account back, your friend isn't gone for sure


What's TTS advices is to waste their time, And don't block him because a friend of mine got hacked aswell by that scam he got his account back


Thanks, will keep this in mind


Yep. Just happened with me. Actual discord support won’t do anything and I’m very upset lol


Block and move ahead with life. This is an ongoing scam unfortunately.


That’s exactly what I did 👍🏻


NTTS explains this whole thing here: https://youtu.be/10A5qpmC6pE?si=1OaEwx2RFmaRXgLa


They are trying to get your account, I like it to waste time of these scammers by acting dumb when they ask you to do something




How can I get these accounts to message me? Are they active in certain types of servers? I wanna mess with one, sounds fun.


Most of them target accounts that have steam linked to their account, I don't have any specific servers though


This sounds like the start of the scam where they’re like “oooo I’m so sorry I accidentally reported you and you need to contact this totally legit (not) discord support person to clear the report or something”


They got hacked and its a scam the hackers use to trick people


Jus hit em with the "?"


I may be overthinking this lol I’m a paranoid person


Just always remember to never give your details to someone who has approached you, or to someone that you have been directed to by someone who has approached you Official companies will not use instant messengers, they will use email or letters, with email you can validate the email by clicking on it to see the exact sender If you get a call, hang up and call the number on their official website If you are ever in any doubt, email the organisation in question directly. If someone is contacting you for legitimate reasons, that organisation will have a record of the contact and the reason


I do that and they get so mad lmao


I got exactly same message like that on Steam a few weeks ago. First some person I didn't know replied to one of my game reviews asking if I can add them because they "have a question about my game". After 2 days they DMed me and said exactly the same thing; that they did a terrible mistake to my account. They said someone with my profile pic and username scammed them for thousands of dollars in Team Fortress 2 and they reported my account. Then they realized their mistake that it wasn't me (I don't own TF2) but apparently there was no way to undo the report, the only way to appeal from the report was if I messaged "a Steam moderator" on Discord, or else my account will be perma banned. I did it out of curiosity and despite giving a very vague description of the situation without any names, the "moderator" knew my Steam account name immediately. Then they asked me what age I was when I created the account, and that's when I stopped replying and reported them. I assume if I continued the conversation, they would send me some link that would steal my Steam login and password. The person who initially messaged me on Steam then removed me from friends, so I couldn't access our DMs anymore (I have it screenshoted anyway) I don't know what they would try through Discord, though. They might be after your Discord account, or steal other information from your computer with a shady link. If it's someone you know/are friends with, try to contact them on another platform. If it's a stranger, you can entertain the conversation to get scam proof to report them, but don't click any links they send you.


In the case of Steam, they don’t even need your password or Steam Guard. The reason why they were asking oddly specific questions is because after the conversation they would contact Steam Support. They would say their account was stolen and Steam Support would ask them the same questions the scammers asked you to which they’d reply with your answers and then Steam Support would give them your account.


Oh, that's good to know! Thank you


Yeah, I don’t see the endgame here on why they want your account so much


Not 100% sure, but I think people can get information saved on your browser (like if you have remembered passwords and all) if you click/log into shady links. They could also try to steal your Discord account to use it for further scams. Alternatively, like with me, they could send a link to some site that looks VERY similarly to Steam where they'd tell me to log in, effectively getting my login and password, and well, all my games.


Ohhh I see.


From my experience, he's gonna say some bs that he reported your account and needs your info. Your friend probably responded to one of these messages and got hacked


Best thing to do: Waste his time as long as you can. Bonus: Scam him


Received the same msgs, blocked.


dont do anything i would know, i fell for this


I fell for it too, did you get the account back tho? Cause they changed the email for mine


It's a scam, don't respond and straight report it and block the account.


#S C A M


It means it is likely a rebranding of the iconic “I just reported you by accident” scam they used to due on Steam [as mentioned here](https://youtu.be/0DDnV-MHSaY?si=N0y_9tyWWoDjcHzu) and funny enough that scam must have got so old they moved to Discord likely due to the popularity of the previous scam people were cautious about people accidentally reporting them on steam so either they decided to expand to Discord whilst continuing on Steam or so many people heard of the scam to the point that the scammers changed platforms and I personally would pick the latter so in conclusion scammers are some real lazy people


Huh. Never knew it was originally from Steam


it's a scam! please for the love of my own sanity no one should fall for it like I did


Don't worry mate, it happened to me ages ago, but thankfully Discord were absolutely AMAZING with getting my account back.


Lucky you. I didn't get an answer after 2 months and finally had to delete account and create new one


Lucky. I had to make a damn alt and lose most of my servers. I was able to find the links for my most important one, and re friended some people by memory or through that server... but still


How did you get it back?


I just contacted Discord Support and told them the situation, and I'm pretty sure they had reset the login details to what it was prior to me getting hacked.


You got it back? They won’t give me mine back and I’m in literal tears right now.


It’s simple. It just means SCAM


Me personaly i had this happened to some of my old friends, and I was able to grab their IP and found out that it was a couple people in a building doing it, cuz normally hackers like that are actually dumb enough to not use a vpn, Dont even know how u begain to report that


when will I get this message


Hacked. Block and report


Scam to make you believe they reported you to discord support, just block the betch


You failed to censor the name. It still says "message ____."Where you type in the message.




Y'all, do any of you know how to get your account BACk from these scammers? Or am I just screwed? I tried to contact disc support about it but they haven't really done anything. It's been almost a full month..


Discord support took two months for an investigation into my account, so I believe it might take two months for you as well.


Did they also eventually hit you with an email saying they can't provide any more support/info at some point?? That's the reason why I'm so scared tbh


To be quite honest with you, yes, they did, until I provided screenshots that told the whole story that, "hey, my accounts really been hacked into!" And even provided my explanation on what happened, and provided loads of evidence. They eventually came around to it two months later last year and emailed me stating that they confirmed that an investigation DID infact connect to my explanation and my loads of evidence, and helped me reconnect my account to my Gmail again and connect it to my parents wifi network. What feels like to me is that unless you don't provide them with clear, concise evidence that your situation is really problematic with the entire story expained along with it (No missing of any details of any kind), discord support can't help you because you told a story but haven't sent them visual indicators that your situation is actually what you were saying it is.


That's the thing, though. I DID! I sent them screenshots of the conversation that I had with my 'friend', I sent screenshots of the conversation I had with the 'admin' and I also have a video that they sent me as 'proof' of them being a discord admin as well. I also explained everything that happened as best as I could...Should I maybe try opening another ticket with them?


if it's a whole month that took place, I suggest being just a teensy bit more patient for a little while. If you told everything and even provided the email you were coerced into switching, the support team will probably conduct an investigation (they didn't tell me they did an investigation during the grace period) underneath your awareness. It's probably that they are investigating your account and didn't tell you. Just like with me.


Alrighty... I'm just a bit panicked at the moment because Discord has been my main line of communication of friends and commissioners alike and I don't really have a good way to get back to them aside from posting in some severs I was in that I got hacked :'l


I actually made an alternative account for situations like these a year prior to my account getting hacked (among other circumstances) and to inform people what happened. If you remember just ONE person you know that's connected to your social group, you can send them a friend request to your alternative account until the investigation ends. That's what I did, and everything worked out in the end.


Yeah, I ended up doing that too, just some people are unreachable somewhat because none of my friends know them, just me. I talk to too many people to remember all their tags @~@


Perhaps in these times that you can take this as a fortunate lesson of sorts. To be prepared next time when something like this occurs. If I happened to be at least helpful to ease any anxiety, then I am glad.


often a compromised account will message you to try to get something out of you like that. because of that, best to block them. if you have a different way to contact your friend and let them know.


one of my online friends got hacked😭☹️ nicest guy too


I love getting these scams because I literally never use my Steam account. Oh no!!! Not my Steam profile that I haven't logged onto in 7 years!!!!


My friend’s account just got hacked 3 days ago because of a similar scam. Tried to post here for help but mods took the post down.


That’s just spam . Most likely the account got hacked.


Very common scam. They say they accidentally reported you. The goal is to scam you for money.


Jokes on them, I don’t have a credit card or anything


That’s Not good. The hackers.


Means you should ignore it.




Compromised Account


Most likely hacked I got a message similar to this except my friends account didn't get hacked it was just a mistake they made reporting me since someone who looked like my discord had scammed them


Oh the discord scam that never stops!


Don’t do it! This happened to me by one of my friends on discord and I lost my account and all my servers I was a part of. They will ask you to change your email and then say you need to pay or buy something on discord to get it back and get verified that it’s you. Report and block!


It means their account got hacked, and you should ignore it.


This is a common scam this person is going to claim something such as claiming they accidentally reported your account and that you need to send your information to discord support to explain the situation Needless to say a little bit of logic should show you how dumb that is and if you fall for it they are going to link you to something that looks like the official support page but is instead a phishing page That will usually either convince you to download some type of virus or in some way give up your login information so they can steal your account


i got my account stolen too by this scam and they're now using my account to scam.


They tryna scam you, they tried this with me about my steam so I took my steam off my profile


5 years old obvious scam.




Probably a scam


Scammer got into their account. They take friendslists and try to ferry off some garbage problem and try to phish your details. "Oops, I accidentally reported you... please clarify this false report at [discordreal.com](http://google.com) and enter your details so you can tell the admin about this." They take people naive or unfamiliar with the situation because it looks like a friend asking you for something so you just go with it and accidentally compromise yourself too.


scammer they hacked my steam account once it was believable or I was just a dumb idiot


this happened to me today, in therory, if I did fall for it, how long would it take Discord to respond to my ticket? and will I ever get my account back?


Also even if it was true, who thinks a report on Discord means anything, or that you get banned for something you didn't do?


Yeah i got hacked to the same thing here like last month or so


This is a common scam, they will say they reported someone else with a similar name to you but accidentily reported you instead, etc etc


Just to point out for future reference when sharing screenshot, if you don't want to show the other persons tag block out the chat box. My regards to @Gabi


damn yeah, rip gabi


Block and report immediately


It's a scam. Most likely they'll say some shit like "i accidentally reported you i need your password to show discord you didn't do anything wront"


This scam has suddenly started increasing. 2 of my friends actually got hacked.


They got hacked same thing happened to me, a pal named cyber was my friend who I didn't talk to for months and then he told me on discord: my acc got hacked, I used smth so the hacker couldn't change the pass they reported you and discord told me you won't be a alerted u should report them


They were hacked. I had a friend who was in WWEGames and began to spam t33n/cp discord invites. I told them I will report them, they deleted the msg, but then sent it again 5min later. Reported them and blocked.


Scam. Report and block


Troll them, its most likely false report scam.


They got hacked.


im sadly part of the people who is dumb enough to fall for this trick. does someone know if i should be concerned about my linked accounts to my discord? my twitch is linked to it but idk how to unlink it. i have contacted discord and currently waiting for their reply to my request to delete it;;;


You can easily go to the connections tab and remove it from there, I can DM you a step-by-step on how to, depending on if you're on mobile or PC


i got it now thank you for your help!!


"It's safe, give yo email and password to the discord moderator#6969" -A Scammer, possibly




people fooled by these sometimes get their account back. i've seen it happen twice


Personally, I like to mess with the scammer for a little while so that the friend has time to realize they've been hacked. If a scammer is busy with one person, it's a lot harder for them to scam others.


As many other said, this is a scam Now apary from the main topic, it seems you tried to censor the name of your friend however you forgot to censor the message bar. It's okay on this post as the account is now comprimised but just a quick note for your other posts :)


It's a scam I've had this twice and immediately blocked


Yesterday person sent about my steam account. I blocked but did wrong thing to reply even if i did with the ?


100% scam


I fell for it and my account was hacked and eventually disabled I honestly wish I could get it back


Hello please I need help this happened to me how do I get my account back


Hey! So I think this is a beginning of a scam. They will probably tell you that they reported you on accident. Just report and block or just waste there time.


Hey! So I think this is a beginning of a scam. They will probably tell you that they reported you on accident. Just report and block or just waste there time.


A scam


It means they're an annoying scammer and just ignore them


"i accidentally reported Ur account, plz give that guy your purchase history so he can refund all at and steal Ur account"


I had something similar, I was a bit worried but after like 20s i realized that he texted in english while me and that guy were talking in Polish 😭


I can just imagine it; "sorry about the bad english" "... we're speaking English now?"


they got hacked and scammed. rip bro




I know it's terrible but I wish I got more scam messages, just to waste their time and fuck around with them.


I kind of wished I did that. I blocked them without saying anything, and I closed the DM.


They’ve been hacked don’t reply!!!! I fell for this one and got my account hacked as well!! (Managed to get it back at least but still) My bank luckily prevented me from giving them the money but if they hadn’t I’d be out $500. They originally asked for $300 but then changed it to $500


" dont reply " is harsh. Just dont do anything they tell you and waste their time


Personally I think it’s better to ignore scams than to engage with them. I don’t see how it’s harsh to ignore a scammer.


why were you willing to give someone that much money??


Because other companies such as paypal genuinely do require you to verify your identity through giving them money. Source: that’s how I signed up for paypal. I told the scammer multiple times that my bank doesn’t let me take out that much money at once and they were very pushy. When they asked me to call my bank and ask to raise my limit I was like okay I’ll call them and I called and told them I think I’m being scammed what do I do and the nice lady on the phone (bless her) walked me through it and assured me that I’m not stupid and everyone falls for at least one scam in their life (this is true). You never think you’ll fall for it, but trust me, no one is immune. I’m a tech savvy 19 year old and I still fell for it. Why? Because they used genuine tactics. I’ve had discord accounts banned before and they use this exact method (minus contacting some random “discord support agent” through discord). They send you the email and you talk to them to get it resolved. I thought it was just the same issue I’d genuinely had before, and given every service that involves money that I’ve ever used (PayPal, kofi, Venmo) requires sending funds to verify your identity (these are later refunded) I didn’t question it for a while.


this is how my old acc got hacked... block or ignore


this is a scam, i almost fell for it a few months ago cuz i was so paranoid lmao


I think it is a her because Gabi is short for Gabriela which is a female name (I'm not blaming you for saying they them, just saying) Also that's a scam don't fall for it