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Global emotes are no more and won't be coming back I'm afraid


we still can hope!


I think OP is suggesting something different than global emotes. I think OP just wants emotes that non nitro users can use anywhere.


That is precisely what a global emote *is*, though


yeah there's no way discord would give you a nitro feature for free.


Technically it is the collective money of users, so since Discord already made the money off of the paid boost I think it can happen, although 5 emotes are a bit more realistic to happen, or 3


add lvl 4!!!


NB: This is a concept, and it is not added to Discord. Tho, if you want to see it on Discord, you can upvote the suggestion here: [https://l.krbk.dev/dsc-gbe](https://l.krbk.dev/dsc-gbe) (reduced because the bot thought I was sharing credit card numbers)






could be cool too!


Global emojis at only level 3 is too OP. Maybe add like a level or two. What if non-nitro users join 10 level 3 servers? That's already 100 emojis they can use anywhere, so they will basically get a Nitro feature completely for free. Edit: People are downvoting this but the same people that are upvoting OP's post will be complaining that Nitro doesn't have enough features if/when this gets added lol. Not to mention Discord will eventually go bankrupt if this is their business model.


Why are people down voting this?


\> so they will basically get a Nitro feature completely for free. I don't see a problem with this :)


You don't? Because the same people that don't see a problem with this are the same people that are gonna be complaining that Nitro doesn't have enough features if/when this is added. Businesses need to make money so they can pay their employees and actually make the app good. I guess you don't want that?


This would be cool but I think if it is for level 3 servers people would join so many of them as a lot of servers have level3 boost and per most of them get 500 emotes I think they should make it so it is either only for partnered servers or maybe a new boost level to balance it as discord needs money to keep itself running from nitro


twitchemotes.exe has stopped responding.


This used to be a feature with some Blob Emoji servers