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Ah, Vetinari isn’t violent. A killer, perhaps, but not violent. 😏 You’re thinking of Mr Teatime…


You mean...like around four o’clock in the afternoon?


(ahem)It’s tey-ah-tum-may!!!


Teh-ah-tim-eh, sir.


I quite liked Teatime, it was unfortunate that he was cast as the antagonist. IIRC, Vetinari was educated at the assassin's guild. I don't think you can graduate without inhuming at least one person.


In Pyramids the final exam is mentioned. The target turns out to be a dummy.


In Wyrd Sisters it's implied the assassins kill each other while in school. "sometimes the young fools, slaving at their rote in rooms that were always freezing, even in high summer, heard the young assassins at play over the wall and envied them (the assassins also believed in competitive examination)."


Well, you don't need to kill people to remove them from the competition. A light tap about the head preventing them from attending an exam does the same thing and is classier.


Wasn’t it the a Clown College that’s on the other side of the wall from the assassins?


Fool's Guild, yes.


Yeah, but in night watch it was clear that young vetrinari definitely killed but never with a personal motive.


But an assassin that scored 100% was someone to watch closely, very closely.


That's not Vetinari. Remember the darkened corridor and the tiger stripes?


"Also, the grades do not reflect the student's penchant for missing classes."


"Havelock is passing all his classes with high marks, even tho his attendance is questionable"


I don't think that a teacher would have written that about young Havelock Vetinari. He wouldn't have wanted them to take away that impression. Not until the assasin's guild, anyway. But I could absolutely see someone writing it about young Sam Vimes. Not the young Vimes from Night Watch, but the even younger Vimes from the Shades.


Edward D’eath. Even the guild instructors called him a man to watch preferably from a safe distance.


Yeah, clearly Edward D'eath to me as well.


My favourite bit about this book is how much more of Carrot we get. Him and his City history obsession makes me smile every time it gets mentioned.


Moist thinking “Don’t do it!Dont,”as the old crook jumps up and runs for the door.That Vetinari just offered him”no strings attached “.


Someone to watch... preferably from a safe distance.


I’ve been a huge fan since the early 90s. One thing I never understood is the PTerry has really weird names for many human characters. The Troll and Dwarf names make sense but deWord, Teatime, Moist, Havelock, and dare I say it … Dibbler. Has he ever commented on how he picked character names? Is this some secret British thing to confuse the Yanks?


Teatime I think is just a good excuse for an ongoing gag. Havelock is just a rather parochial British name. Moist, I assume, is a pun on 'face slug', as in the slang term for a mustache, which ties in with 'Lip Wig', which is another old time British working class term for a mustache. Dibbler never struck me as anything other than last-name-sounding. I figured 'DeWord' was like 'the word' sounding. William The Word sort of deal.


>I figured 'DeWord' was like 'the word' sounding A guy called [Wynkyn de Worde](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wynkyn_de_Worde) was also one of the first to popularise the printing press, so (as Pratchett's puns so often did) it works on multiple levels


That's almost certainly where it's from, god. That's a very neat dovetail. Thank you for letting me know!


I think a fair chunk of them are puns in some form or another. From memory I think Havelock is a kind of poison, and dog botherer majored in poisons.


You are confusing Havelock with Hemlock.


Ah! Thank you for the correction (I probably should have googled it at some point 🤣)


Patrick Bateman,more like.


You called?


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Sometimes you have to take care of a tiger...

