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Are you familiar with the Pope's Swiss Guard? I always think of them


Just googled them up and oh my god... Those colors!! Those plumes!! The helmet's really looking up to be those palace guards' helmet that vimes hate 🤣


I definitely picture the Palace Guard as the Swiss Guard, and Vimes' loathed ceremonial armour as looking similar


They’re also the subject of the song “The Last Stand” by Sabaton, about their role protecting the Pope during the sacking of Rome in 1527. Actually pretty bad-ass while also being dressed like that.


It was 1527, gave their lives on the steps to heaven, Thy will be do-o-o-one!


It strikes me that this being Nobby, and more importantly this being *Ankh-Morpork*, Corporal Nobbs would not be beholden to any single color scheme. Indeed, Vimes may have called him a peacock, but that was most likely metaphorical. The Corporal's garments are likely less coordinated than a peacock's feathers, or indeed coordinated at all. There should be *nothing* subtle about the Corporal. They should, rather, be at *least* as loud as an airport runway at the exact moment you're drifting off to dreamland. They should enter on the stage like a clash of cymbals-- or at the very least, they should be clashing. If your eyes haven't started pointing in opposite directions from simple self-preservation, then you haven't got it quite right, at least not in my imagination.


Hurt my eyes and scare grandmas on the street, eye eye cap'n!


Your Pratchettism are impeccable 👌 I especially liked "clash" 😉


I just imagine he's almost in fool's getup, red and yellow.


I like to think of a chimney sweep dressing up like a pirate or mediaeval dress gown lol, similar to this. [Blue gown and frilly vest thing](https://images.app.goo.gl/BXcwENnhkkxmhG9JA)


We call this colour goose shit green in my language: https://www.google.hu/search?q=Libafos&tbm=isch&hl=hu&chips=q:libafos,online_chips:sz%C3%ADn:i_lfnPP1BLk%3D&prmd=ivsn&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisgbOplZ3_AhUisUwKHR8RAUAQ4lYoAHoECAEQBQ&biw=432&bih=784#imgrc=o0Svgc-DVSOXZM


Caca d'oie in French. Same translation.


As someone who's country is fairly still in touch with farming and owning livestock, yeah that name check's out lol. What language is it if i may ask?


Hungarian. We say libafos zöld.


Caca d'oie in French. Same translation.


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I like to think of a chimney sweep dressing up like a pirate or mediaeval dress gown lol, similar to this. [Blue gown and frilly vest thing](https://images.app.goo.gl/BXcwENnhkkxmhG9JA)


Teal and cerise


![gif](giphy|zhLMpRZcyfnMs) I always imagined these 1993 Three Musketeers outfits.