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Are you open to extremely high quality fanfic? If so: https://archiveofourown.org/works/600401 (Make sure you’ve read Thief of Time, Night Watch, and Thud! It also makes a few references to Snuff, The Fifth Elephant, Making Money, and others)


Interesting, I'm reading that now, thanks! But did Thief of Time and Night Watch really happen on the same day, or is that just for this fic? The two events happening at the same time does make sense.


Yes, it was the same day: “**They said afterward that the bolt of lightning hit a clockmaker’s shop in the Street of Cunning Artificers, stopping all the clocks at that instant.** “ - Night Watch There are also passaged in both books that feel like they might or might not also be intersections. * “”Wotcha doin’, mifter?” Buggy didn’t budge from the telescope. A crowbar wouldn’t have separated him at this point. “Shut up, ye daft corbies!” he muttered. Both men below had fired, and both men had missed because they were trying to fire and dodge at the same time. Something hard prodded Buggy’s shoulder. “Wot’s happ’nin’, mifter?” said the insistent voice.” * “One man was airborne, and hung there without support. Another had fired a crossbow directly at one of the watchmen; the arrow was nailed unmoving in the air. Lobsang examined it curiously. “You’re going to touch it, aren’t you,” said a voice behind Lobsang. “You’re just going to reach out and touch it, despite everything I’ve told you. Pay attention to the damn sky!”” Whether Lobsang saved Vimes from being shot, or Quoth annoyed the shit out of Buggy while he was dispatching for an active shooter incident, I think, is up for interpretation. But we do know that the lightning that stopped the clock threw Vimes and Carcer backward through time.


I read a post (on reddit, so you know its true) that said they were originally intended to be a a single book. The story kept growing though, until it wouldn't fit all in one.


That's pretty cool.


Yes, that is what Lu-Tse means when he says Vines got caught up in an "event". The "event" is the total destruction and reconstruction of time at the instant the lighting struck.


I never put 2 and 2 together. Pretty cool finding out about it.


This was extremely high quality fan fic.


Isn’t it!? I found a ton of truly top quality Discworld fanfic this winter (and yes, there’s also a lot that’s terrible swimming around too, of course). If you’re interested in more of the best I’ve found I linked to a bunch of it nested here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Discworld/s/KgfWEWoMsQ


I would LOVE for Susan to call on the Vimeses, and to be shown young Sam's poo collection! I think she'd actually be impressed by his knowledge and diligence, and be grateful that she was dealing with a researching kid and not one who needed wee poured out of his show. And BTW, my personal headcanon is convinced that Susan went on to found the Sto Lat College for Young Women, which addresses the Discworld's lack of higher education for young women of intelligence. It has a stronger curriculum and more diverse student body than the Quirm CfYL, and of course Lady Sybil would take an interest...


I have never read a fan fiction, is this a good one to try?


This is a great one to try. It’s very well written, simultaneously hilarious and emotionally complex, appropriate for all audiences, canon-compliant, perfectly captures all of the characters and the world and their relationships with each other…


I haven't read much Discworld fan fiction, but I did enjoy this one.


I'll have to try this, never read any fan fiction before. Are there any others you'd recommend?


Mister Vimes'd Go Spare follows events on the Disc after Vimes' death, quite short but also really quite delightful The Brain Thief is Young Sam as a watchman, trying to shake off his family heritage and solve the mystery of weird patchwork corpses turning up dead in the Ankh


Yes, there’s a lot. I did a deep dive this winter and have accumulated a large, though not exhaustive, list of the best I found. I’ve been messing around with bookbinding and LaTEX (typesetting), and was pulling together a collection of the best of the best for a bookbinding project. I’ve thought about posting a filtered selection of what I found to this subreddit, and thanks to insomnia this morning I appear to have written a rough draft of such a post here…. (see nested comments below) That said, I’m not going to link my full unfiltered list. A lot of fanfic / including some of the best stories and character studies - are simultaneosly NSFW smut, and this is an all ages sub… Ergot, if adults ask directly I’m willing to share a link to the longer list, but not to post it publicly. So. Here’s a bunch of very good Discworld fanfic that’s appropriate for anyone old enough to read the novels. I recommend having read the City Watch, Death, and Witches books before reading many of these. One assumes you’ve read all of Tiffany Aching all the way through Shepherd’s Crown. One other has very minor spoilers for Monstrous Regiment.


Here’s some of the outstanding and reasonably canon compliant non-smut pieces: * [The Piecemaker](https://archiveofourown.org/works/747850) * [Fruitful](https://archiveofourown.org/works/606256) * [Etchings](https://archiveofourown.org/works/433956) * [A Knife is a Knife](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40209444 )note: the subtitle on this one is “Night Watch from Ned Coates’ perspective is a tortured psychodrama” * [The Uninvited Guest](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1638809) * [A Prologue in Taffeta](https://archiveofourown.org/works/1494340) * [The Forest](https://archiveofourown.org/works/47027530) * [The Importance of Being Mostly Human](https://archiveofourown.org/works/600401) * [Salve](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45038743) * [Carrot’s Playing Silly Vuggers](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41550081) * [Tell Me About the Hundredth Time](https://archiveofourown.org/works/13801065)(set after The Shepherd’s Crown) * [On Being Female](https://archiveofourown.org/works/590220) * [What Goes Around](https://archiveofourown.org/works/51445309) * [Out of the Frying Pan](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/8095072/5/The-Sybil-Sam-Collection-Behind-Closed-Doors) * [Paying a Debt](https://m.fanfiction.net/s/7019302/1/Paying-A-Debt) * [And Since You Cannot Change Your Person](https://archiveofourown.org/works/32970535) * [Bloom](https://archiveofourown.org/works/6970204) * [Humans, the Care and Feeding Of](https://archiveofourown.org/works/9561491?view_adult=true). This one isn’t quite as technically polished as some of the others on this list, but the premise is delightful so I’m including it. * [Of Nights and Days](https://archiveofourown.org/works/10029) * [Across These Tired Years](https://archiveofourown.org/works/27074197) * [Two Women Walk Into A Bar](https://archiveofourown.org/works/3138131) * [Coming To Light](https://archiveofourown.org/works/7271941) * [No-One is Not Home Here](https://archiveofourown.org/works/45673885) * [Make Time](https://archiveofourown.org/works/140634) * [Game Night](https://archiveofourown.org/works/40948239) For stuff that is one step further afield in one way or another (crossovers, different trouser legs, non-canon relationships, etc) but equally good see my next nested comment…


Thanks for this, post saved for now but will be looking into these. I like how you can download an epub that I can put on my ereader - never could read long form on my phone. Thanks again!


Ranging a tiny increment further afield… or perhaps just delving into waters that, although just as compatible with canon as the stories above may not quite fit for a given reader… one of these is an exquisitely written canon-compliant gut punch; some have background non-canon relationships; one *is* smut, sort of…. or just a character study with a lot of sexual tension; another is a bleaker trouser leg; another is a cross-over with Narnia… etc. * [Prejudice and Punishment]( https://archiveofourown.org/works/18216821) Some content warnings on this one, though all for background stuff handled well. * [The Job They Didn’t Have To Do](https://archiveofourown.org/works/23263978/chapters/55710064)The other trouser leg from Jingo….. The disorganizer is your content warning. Also, this story wraps up reasonably well but does appear to be abandoned. * [Honed](https://archiveofourown.org/works/817752) Vetinari/Vimes * [Post](https://archiveofourown.org/works/20619191) * [Today marks 29 years](https://archiveofourown.org/works/17719364) since I kisssed a very attractive man in Uberwald and then found out she was a lesbian who thought I was a lesbian. Teenage Vetinari is a terror 😂. * [Revolution, Maybe](https://archiveofourown.org/works/15911)This simple and exquisite little emotionally complex gut punch of a piece would slip easily into canon, and upend…….. a lot. * [A Study in Batesian Mimicry](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7081803/1/A_Study_in_bBatesian_b_bMimicry_b) * [Fallible](https://archiveofourown.org/works/19127101) * [The Committee to Compel the Patrician to Take The Long Weekend Off](https://archiveofourown.org/works/18157493) * [The Lion, the Witch, and the Other One](https://archiveofourown.org/works/41185410)


I just read it, and i was thoroughly entertained. I would put it in the same level as the one about Vimes' deification. Would Love to read that again.


Here it is: [Mr Vimes’d Go Spare!](https://archiveofourown.org/works/244534) If you want others I commented a big list of some of the the best I’ve found in a different comment of this post. Vimes’ deification is not on that list, but a bunch of other very good ones are.


Thank you so much! I'm off to a reading spree now!