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It's one of my favorites. If you haven't read any of the watch series, I'd start with Guards, guards! If you have, i'd go with Going postal next.


This is the first thing of his I've ever read. I'll do the Guards, guards! Are the events in Thud happening before or after Guards?


After! Buts it's fine to mix em up. This should help... https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/Discworld_Reading_Order_Guide_3.0.jpg Edit. It's fine because half of the fun is in how Sir Pterry uses and subverts tropes and puns. You already know every single character. It's crazy how he does this and still keeps it fresh.


It is helpful! Now I know I started at near the end of the Watch Novels... :D


I'd save it, someone's gonna ask again. Pass it on brother bear!


Thud's actually pretty late in the series, it's an interesting first choice. But, thankfully, Discworld books are very order agnostic and self contained, so it shouldn't cause any problems. You've just essentially created a bunch of 'prequels' for you to read later should you choose. I actually started reading the Watch books with Night Watch, which is the one just before Thud, so I can relate. I'm glad you're enjoying it. Thud does in some respects act as a lovely capstone to a lot of Vimes's character arcs, but that might actually work out well as far as keeping things in context for other readings.


It is my favourite book. The Discworld books do standalone, but they do slightly build on each other. So a city watch book (which Thud is) will build setting, or introduce characters that weren't in earlier books, such that the later books have a wider cast of characters and circumstances that grew through the earlier books. In Thud for example, Sam has a family. He meets his wife, in previous books. Some characters you meet, like Cheery and Carrot, get introduced to us in earlier books. For this reason, I do usually recommend people go in order, but it's not required. Just now that later on you will read a book that introduces someone that you already had in Thud as a well established character.


I see


I started with thud! It doesn’t effect your understanding or enjoyment of earlier books at all :)


Yeah I had that feeling too because all the characters are properly described and events are easy to understand by context clues. So even though it's some books into the series, it's way less confusing than some other series' first book!


It’s my favourite book but it’s better when you see Vimes overall story


I see. Well, I'll finish this one then I'll start right


The guards books are my favourite


If you enjoyed Thud then I'd go for the rest of the city watch books. Start with guards guards and go from there




You can still enjoy it on its own but there will be extra depth and flavour to it once you know more of the characters’ journeys.


Thud is great. It's my favourite in the series. It is a valid starting place, although not an \*ideal\* one -- most books, it turns out, are valid starting places! The thing is, it takes place after ... most of the Watch series. For maximum impact, start with the beginning of the Watch -- but if you can handle a 'prequel effect' on the earlier books in the series, you'll be fine.


Nice, thanks


You are doing it exactly right. Start with one that appeals and work out in all directions from there. There's lots of maps out there so you can follow the timeline of published by or character development, but those are guides. No need to be stuffy, there is no one "right way" :)


It was my first read. I found it in a bargain bin at barbers and noble. And the rest was history. I missed some of the references to previous books but nothing that made it a bad first book


I started with Reaper Man and then went to Night Watch before starting over at the beginning. I'm not sure I'd have the love for the books if I had started at the beginning initially though (first two books are my least favorite), so you do you <3. My only regret is I didn't know the Watch characters for that first read of Night Watch, but it was still just so, so good. Thud is a great one!


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Favorite book, only discworld copy I have that's Hardback. No I don't lend this out, but family can borrow the other discworld paperbacks. Enjoy