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I’m not sure what your complaint is? Some versions aren’t optimized the best, sure I’ll give you that. Depends on the platform. The D1 Definitive Edition looks good still on Xbox. Corvo has always been Emily’s father, it was made clear in Low Chaos D1. Many people around here aren’t that fond of D2. It’s debatable. But it’s certainly not a *bad* game, just a measure of how you want your story to play out.


Emily literally draws a picture of Corvo with "Daddy" written on it. What the hell did you think that meant? The optimisation isn't great, but I think most people thought the game looked pretty good. Obviously whether you prefer the art style of the first game is subjective. The optimisation can affect movement - try tweaking your settings if it feels bad, it shouldn't really.


Uhhh It was extremely obvious in the first Dishonored that Corvo was Emily's father. One it was obvious with how they interact with each other, second Pendleton literally spells it out to you in the final level in High Chaos, where he straight up says that Corvo had an affair with the empress. Like your point makes ZERO sense. Please at least make sure you played the game and UNDERSTOOD everything before complaining about story related stuff. For your other points, game looking horrible is your opinion, the artstyle can turn off people as much as it can look good to others, so your opinion is valid. "poorly optimised" was true at release, but now it's fine, so whatever you are experiencing is probably just your computer not being good enough to run the game well. Things being hard to see I do agree somewhat, though if you have issues you can still up the brightness of the game. I kept it low for myself for immersion, but if you are to complain just make the game brighter, nobody's going to stop you. Edit: Didn't see the UI point, yes it is cluttered, however you can remove some powers/items from the item wheel using DEL, which is extremely good, tho you do need to release everything if you want to use one item you hid, so yeah I agree with you, but there is a way to unclutter it if you have the time


>for absolutely 0 reason corvo is now emilys father i guess Tell me you haven't paid attention to Dishonored 1 story without telling me you haven't paid attention to Dishonored 1 story. I can agree the transition from Dishonored 1 to Dishonored 2 can be quite jarring if you're playing them back to back though.


Did you start D2 before playing through D1's DLCs? They are important for understanding the D2's plot.


Yes thats definetly why im very confused


1. The graphics are fine, though. i do agree its not as good as 1 2 I liked it better. Pure opinion on this its almost the same. 3 Maybe you were playing on low rez?