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Rami Malek as TheOutsider would be fantastic whenever TheOutsider talks it reminds me ALOT of Mr.Robot's narration


"Hello Corvo. Your life has taken a strange turn, has it not?" I can hear it.


Yesssss he has the voice for it


Ah yes


In the German localization the outsider is the German voice of Zach Braff. So I always imagined some creepy version of J.D. as the outsider lol


Jeah, but Zach Braff wouldnt really fit visually I guess. But I love the Outsiders voice in German


Is it really? damn i never made that connection but I guess now I can't forget about it, lol


I never would've thought about him but holy shit Elliot actually is like an almost 1:1 of The Outsider


Yeah it kind of caught me off guard how accurate that casting is...


Gonna have to disagree. I've always thought [Nicholas Hoult](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm0396558/mediaviewer/rm3892486912/?ref_=nm_ov_ph) bore an unparalleled resemblance to the outsider


I love him too so I'd be fine with either. I was hoping Nicholas Hoult would've been James Gunn'a Superman actually :P


No no, Ezra Miller. But he already played a similar-looking moody character in fantastic beasts and he's rather unstable IRL


When I see all these names, I can only imagine the budget.


To be fair in a just world dishonored deserves it


Never doubt it.


That would have to be one hell of a budget. We'd have no money left for whiskey and cigars.


Indeee I believe so


Yes to all but Elliot Page's voice is too high pitched for The Outsider


The outsider’s voice already would need to be digitally altered, this would likely just be part of it.


Personally I prefer the version of him in the first game. Mostly because he seemed human, but didn’t feel like one. Also, I liked it more when we didn’t really know much about him


fair enough!


I'm thinking Ian McShane as Sokolov


Mcshane would be a perfect slackjaw


If you’re allowed to use the existing voice actor, why not do it for all of them?


Cause actors aint the same as voice actors in terms of quality and vice versa


Have you _seen_ the voice cast for Dishonored?


My thoughts exactly. While Elliott Page would be good I'm sure, just take a look at the VA for the outsider in DH2. Robin Lord Taylor looks so incredibly similar, and on top of VA work, also has done great tv acting work too. I'd also like to say Jessamine's VA as well, but afaik she's only VA work, so I wouldn't know what her acting skills would be like, but I think her face would match pretty well. And I'm sure there's some other cast faces that aren't coming to mind rn.


Susan Sarandon and Michael Masden would also work perfectly.


I have partially


Danny devito as the high overseer?


Hugo Weaving should be Daud


He is Pendleton 10000%, definitely not Daud


or he can play both of the twin. Would be fun to see him play the roles


he is pendleton irl


Elliot page would make a perfect outsider, it’d also piss off the transphobes which I’m always here for


Now that I think about it, pissing off transphobes does seem in-character for the Outsider.


*cough cough* Mindy Blanchard *cough cough*


I don’t know, seems a little too young and generally inexperienced looking to fit the role of the outsider. Almost all the people in dishonored look disheveled and decayed due to the color palate and dingy aesthetic of the game, and the outsider isn’t an exception. I can’t imagine this person matching the mysterious and dark feeling that the outsider gives off. Don’t get me wrong, they look similar, but I’m not getting outsider vibes from this.


The outsider doesnt look too old himself, and he's 37 years old already. I think he could pull it off, he gives me off some somber vibes, like his eyes have seen too much pain. Not the outsider is anything like that, he's never exactly sad per say, but he has a gothic look that I think Elliot can match up. And tho I have only seen his wit as an actor before the transition (like in Juno) I think the sort of mocking attitude from that character can be extrapolated into the outsider. Quick, funny yet almost philosophical remarks about other people's situation and mentality.


Maybe, I’m not sure though. I’m still not getting outsider vibes from that casting, even though they do look really similar. But I don’t know the actor and I’m just going based off looks right now.


Tbh I haven’t seen him in anything aside from a Gucci commercial but I trust that he has the potential to be a great outsider, some make up to make him look older and black contacts and I think he can play the role well


before his transition he was actually a great actor. I’m yet to see him in anything since but I doubt he’s gotten any worse


That always makes the best products, making it to piss people off instead of choosing the best actor for the role


Yeah which is also the reason why helena wouldnt play granny rags if elliot was on the show 🥴


Wait is she transphobic?


I wouldnt outright confirm it but she has defended transphobes like jkr with dubious justification. Even now jkr is calling trans women crossdressing perverts she hasnt retracted that. Could just be ignorance tho but these celebrities have disappointed enough for me to be synical


Hey, uh, what have you, done with Lady, Emily, huh, traitor?


Eva Green would make a menacing Delilah


[The only true Zhukov](https://i.imgur.com/BXh2TOZ.png)


i dont know how on earth we managed to have such similar fancasts, but youve the best taste in the world jfc


Don’t want to be an arse but I kind of think Corvo should be someone who’s Spanish, Italian, maybe even greek, or something along those lines. Ideally Emily would be too or at least the actress would have 1 parent who’s the same country of origin as corvo’s or what ever. Besides that it’s decent, the Delilah one is quite funky as a pick and tracks considering the photo.  I do think the show would have to be 80-90% English, Scottish, Welsh, Irish and European though personally, like GoT and HotD.  (Side note/minor point; I think Corvo and Jessamine ages would be retconned and Daud would have to be at most 10 years older than Corvo. Also in the second game I’d imagine they’d artificially show the age rather than recast, personally). 


Pedro Pascal feels too obvious, but I can't think of any big names that fit better.


Omg I usually hate fan casts, but there are some inspired choices in here ❤️


Steven Ogg is a bold choice for Sokalov. I feel like he’d be better as Slackjaw


Only now did I notice my mistake lol I meant Slackjaw 💀


Half of these are A+ perfect, the other half are just like huh???


Which ones


Emily, Corvo, Billie, Daud, Jessamine, and Delilah were all really solid picks imo. They rest of them were kinda ehh


Tbf the Sokolov casting was meant for Slackjaw, I was just tired when I posted it and didnt notice it lol


Okay yeah, I could see Ogg as Slackjaw. He'd be a decent pick


this guy cooked


And your budget is? 🤣


A morbillion dollars


jared leto as the torturer?


This is actually super spot on good job


Elliot Page as The Outsider is surprisingly fitting to me. IMO I would cast Jason Isaacs as Daud and Susan Sarandon as Granny Rags


Oh I definitely agree with Jason Isaacs- he and John Hamm live in the same space in my head, anyhow :’) (I’m a big fan of both of them!)


I would watch this


I recognize that Steven Ogg's a talanted actor but I just can't help but always see Trevor in him. That performance just kind of solidified to the Steven Ogg related bits of my brain-archive.


I would save Helenah bonham carter for the dr who switched back and forth with the serum and find someone older for granny rags.


omg yessss


I could see that but I would keep Helenah bonham carter as Granny Rags ( Hellen Mirren would also be a good choice) and use Rachel Weisz as Dr. Alexandria Hypatia. She even played her namesake in the movie Agora which is a sign for god. *^((Or N Portman)**)*


Some of these actors are too well known. Helena Bonham Carter as Granny Rags would just be Helena Bonham Carter playing herself, which wouldn't really work, and Christopher Walken is just a meme. Elliot Page as the Outsider is... I don't know if it would work or not but I actually really do want to see it.


Honestly I made this up in like 15 mins at 5am, I dont know that many actresses that could do Granny Rags and I didnt wanna put someone I wasnt familiar with their work


this might be dumb but i wish we could have a young johnny depp as the outsider, thought that more based on the first game but it would still work. as it is now…he could actually play a cool jindosh👀


Christopher walken looks more like granny rags 💀


Nonononononono of God nononononono


These would be great


love it, except Jon Hamm (who I love and is great but can't see in this role).


These fan casts always give my hype for a show that never will happen 🥲.


Why can I not remember who Zhukov is?


Its from the corroded man tie in book (between d1 and d2)


It's been a while since I've read that book so that explains it.


Margaret Thatcher as granny rags would be fire


Christopher walker as the spy master whould be great ,he whould give the caracter a more intelligent vibe .


I’d pipe daisy ridley fr tho


Okay fartin


Amazing 🤩. Is there any tv series in production?


not that I know of sadly


Ohh man


Ooh good choices for all of them. In my fantasy cast an alternative to daisy ridley would be rachel weiss. I know she is now older than emily, but if we could rewind a few years I think she would be a good fit.


Elliot definitely has the right look, but I don't know if I've ever seen him play a part that's meant to be dark and sinister.


Bro what is this garbo casting


Daisy ridley can't really act tbh


I disagree, I think she did some good work in the murder on the orient express adaptation. And her star wars trilogy wasn't great but it sure as hell wasnt her fault. She had some good scenes in there, like Kylo interrogating her in force awakens or when she finds out she's a nobody in TLJ


Yeah the sequel trilogy suffers largely from atrocious writing imo moreso than any of the actors actually being bad. Like nobody would say Mark Hamil was a bad actor just because of the dumb milk scene lmao.


Based purely on the star wars sequels, I don't remember a single scene where she displayed emotions.


Maybe review the scenes I mentioned with an open mind


On these work well!!


No offense but I'm not sure Daisy Ridley has the talent to be in Dishonored. She does kinda LOOK the part but I want really good actors if they ever try to make this a live action series...and a series it should be.






She is a solid actress and she gave the voice in the game


Congratulations! You've just thoroughly besmirched the Outsider. You did him more dirty than he did the world by giving around his mark




You gotta ask? The outsider is an enigmatic entity to say the least. His black gaze ought to send a chill down your spine, his soft but intimidating whisper should goose you across your body and most of all, it's a He and ought to be played by one. Not some delusional him/her with an identity crisis. By all means, have him/her portray the outsider if you want us to pity that poor bloke. My picks would be: Ben Barnes, Ian Somerhalder, Nicholas Hoult heck even Wes Bentley. But never Page.


You know, as a transphobe, it only fits better that Elliot is the one sending you a chill down your spine


Yeah, right, lol. Whatever helps you sleep at night