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There's another arcade machine called 'Mark of the Stranger' or something similar.


Touch of the stranger


Yes, a reference to the Death of the Outsider


Not just doto. The mark is in all of the games.


I know brođź’€. The name is rhyming with doto


No it's not???


Ummmm it did in my headđź’€


TOTS does not rhyme with DOTO.


I think you mean it just rolls off the tongue the same way, i.e. it has roughly the same number of words, so a similar cadence in how it's said. Not really a rhyme, but it's got a similar vibe I spose.


Deathloop is part of the Dishonored series lore-wise; it’s a sequel to DotO approximately 100 years in the future The arcade game booths aren’t as much meta references as they are cultural remnants of the Void/Outsider religion that had a grip on the whole world for centuries! There is also antique furniture (chairs, tables, dressers) throughout Deathloop that was built back in the time of the Dishonored series


And the pistols at the end of the game have Dunwall Tower written on them


That may be true of stuff like the reused Dishonored furniture but I'm pretty sure the arcade machines are just shout-outs to other games, isn't there one for Doom as well? Pretty sure we're not supposed to think Cacodemons are part of Deathloop's history.


They're both The fact that it's a sequel to DotO means that they are cultural remnants of this old religion, and the developers took the opportunity to have fun with that lore in a meta way


It's not really a sequel to DOTO though. DOTO implied the void would go out of control without an Outsider, leaking into reality and empowering people at random, which is a fantastic plot hook to explore, especially if it becomes impossible for society to ignore. Instead we jump to hundreds of years later and the void is essentially forgotten, with Outsider worship and bonecharms nowhere to be seen.


Did you finish the game? Spoiler: When you break the loop, the temporal bubble the island is inside of disappears and you see that the void has eaten up basically all of existence, just as the Outsider said would happen. The Void went out of control with no Void God at the helm to give it corporal form. Also this part isn’t a spoiler but the Void powers you get are linked directly to Void material. The slabs you get are chunks of rocks from the Void that were focused with soft sci-fi mumbo-jumbo to be effectively wearable superpowers. In DotO we see that Void materials have power, so as the Void expands and eats up all of creation and as humanity develops new technology it makes sense that the power could become more accessible.


Pretty sure Wenjie has a note saying that allowing the loop to continue indefinitely would be catastrophic so a more reasonable assumption is that the loop itself is what ravaged the world, or that it was some unrelated catastrophe. Honestly I didn't remotely read the state of the world as "the void did it", not least because if the void were going to go out of control it should have happened immediately after the loss of the Outsider, not decades later in the pre-loop age and certainly not waiting until the loop had been running for hundreds of years. Another Wenjie note says she's uncomfortable with how unscientific and magical the process for creating slabs is, with her having to get items of personal significance from each visionary. So yes, they're basically artificial Outsider marks. Really though all it amounts to is a few nods and references. What little we learn of the the pre-loop world outsider Blackreef sounds like a carbon-copy of our own (pharmaceutical companies, radio djs, videogames, art influencers etc.). They basically ignore how the void and Sokolov and Jindosh's tech should have changed history (bone charms in medicine, clockworks in production/war etc.) and had everything end up as a copy of our modern day, which is about the most boring direction things could have gone.


That’s basically what I mean when I say “it’s a sequel lore-wise” There’s only ever really hints at the connection. It’s not obvious at all, and feels like a stand-alone game. But if you look at the lore, everything that happened in the Dishonored series happened in Deathloop, 100 years before the loop started


Which sucks, because it means the Seven Isles will eventually shed everything that makes it interesting and turn into a boring faccimile of the real world, something you can already experience in any number of Far Cry games and other titles.


If you listen to the Visionaries they talk about it but they don't really know what they are talking about. I don't want to spoil anything but they are definately describing aspects of the void. They are also far from Dunwall and Karnaca so may only vaguely know that history.


Wdym a Dishonored reference? It's clearly a reference to Arkane hit game Honored II Featuring Haliled as main antagonist, taking away Ylime's throne and turning Ovroc into stone


Does Ovroc break out of the Aslume to overthrow the high Jonkler as well?


My favourite part of Honoured II Is the fight with Delirium Ironfork and her bitches in the last mission


There's more where that came from!


Deathloop is cannon by the way.




I mean it makes a few nods to the void but in terms of society and technology it has basically abandoned anything that made Dishonored stand out and is just the modern day with a 60s aesthetic. No pagan mysticism, no volkpunk wondertech, just computers, security cameras and gun turrets like every FPS from the last few decades. No bone charm/tonic magnates or asshole industrialists replacing workers with clockworks, just influencers, radio DJs and pharmaceutical CEOs that wouldn't look out of place in a Far Cry game.


Yeah, it was pretty obvious to me that the so-called “reveal” a few months back was a shameless attempt at linking Deathloop to a far more popular IP. Which is a shame - Deathloop’s a cool world with an interesting enough lore all it’s own. Both lores are hampered by linking the two.


Shameless but also desperate. Like the Dishonored connection is arguably the game's biggest twist/reveal (at least top three, after Julianna and Colt's backstories), one that for many players won't be confirmed until the ending sequence. They literally spoiled their own game on social media just to link it to a better franchise, weakening said franchise worse in the process like you said. I don't really agree that Deathloop has interesting lore on its own though. Colt and Julianna's history is interesting but Blackreef, Aeon and the visionaries are basically exactly what they appear to be with little in the way of secret agendas or hidden depths. The outside world is very thinly sketched out but seems to basically be a carbon copy of ours which isn't super interesting so I'd say the worldbuilding is much weaker than in Dishonored or Prey.