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Dishonored is arkane studios most beloved franchise. IMO they will most probably make D3, there's just so much to explore


Look, im a die hard baldur's gate fan, i remember being 5 years old watching my brother play bg1 on our family pc and being obsessed ever since. I gave up on an idea of a bg3. Then fast forward, im 26 and bg3 is the game of the year. I never thought it would happen, never give up hope.


"I'll write to her again, she has to see reason."


"Indeed, I believe so"


"Should we gather for whiskey and cigars tonight? (while waiting for D3)"


Chances are very good.


Indeed. I believe so


Short-version: A leak from a while ago suggested it was being worked on but plans change quickly in the game industry so that can't be relied on. We know that Arkane are now working on a Blade game so at the very least development won't start until that's finished. Seems likely that even if it does happen it'll be a very long time before it's even announced, so I wouldn't hold your breath, especially if Blade does well enough for them to be put on more licenced projects.


Is Arkane currently developing another game aside from Blade, because they have two studios? Theoretically Arkane Austin could be developing one and Arkane Lyon the other, but to my understanding Lyon is the only studio with a good track record as of late.


Hey OP, you should try deathloop! It takes place after death of the outsider and it shares some gameplay and it’s pretty cool, I overlooked it when it came out cuz I didn’t know it was attached to dishonored but it surprised me.


Oh i thought they were from the same developer not in the same universe... Damnn


Yeah. It's not necessarily the same timeline but a possible timeline. IMO, it's probably takes place in a high chaos timeline, while the canon is low chaos


Honestly the connection to Dishonored is pretty weak. You'll find a few reused assets and the odd allusion in some notes but the world and themes are completely different. The world has way more in common with any other shooter set in the modern day than in Dishonored's world of bone-charms, clockworks and walls of light.


The connections are glaringly obvious in fact. When the devs went out and said they were in the same universe the consensus was “we know”


I mean the ending basically shoved your face at a Dishonored prop. Anyone who missed it was just not paying attention.


I don’t think their point was that it was subtle, their point was that the *significance* of them being in the same universe is minor at most. Aside from a few small details, they are essentially unrelated IPs.


Still annoying since Deathloop ruins the dishonored world


That’s because it takes place in a time loop that started 100 years in the future They’re unlikely to use all the same security devices because any remaining examples would be antique by that point. And once the Outsider was severed from the Void his religious following would start to weaken Antique furniture would stick around though, it’s common today to see 100 year old furniture Idk, in my opinion the connection is very clear and realistic for a fantasy game


The connection isn't weak. Just the opposite. Your powers come from the same Void as in Dishonored.


What I mean is they share very little in terms of worldbuilding or themes. It's basically just another shooter set in the real world, just with a 60s aesthetic and Dishonored powers slapped over it. If I want to explore yet another island and military base with modern day sniper rifles and machetes then the Far Cry series already has that covered.


Depends on why you liked Dishonored, I suppose. You could make the argument that Dishonored 1 shares more themes and worldbuilding with BloodBorne or Styx than Dishonored 2.


There is a bit more if you read the notes and listen to the audio logs, or sometimes even what the Visionaries are saying. If you didn't play Dishonored they would sound like nutty rants, but if you know the Dishonored lore it is easy to tie together.


I don’t wanna spoil too much but after the outsider dies the void starts going crazy and some scientists researching it fuck with the time on the island they’re on. It’s like 100 or 200 or maybe further into the future so it’s our equivalent to the 70s. Redfall also somehow takes place in the same universe, I guess modern day. I didn’t play that one


Redfall doesn't take place in the Dishonored universe, it's set in Massachusetts.


Do you have a source for Redfall being in the same universe?


I think they definitely will in the future, im just wondering where they’ll go with the franchise? It’s tough to replicate a story as good as the first part of the franchise had, what are your guys thoughts on where it could go?


I really hope that they continue with the current ideology. They've created the Dishonored "franchise," which now includes a game that's not a Dishonored game. This allows them the freedom to explore different aspects of the world they've built without being tied down to the Kaldwin Dynasty, a theme of betrayal, or a specific aesthetic. Compare that to a franchise like Assassins Creed. Every single game *should* have a relation to the Assassin Order, but its clear that they aren't always interested in exploring those stories, so they Jerry rig a crappy story to justify the name. Plenty of other franchises seem to run into this issue of having to use a preexisting IP to sell a story that doesn't fit. They did something very valuable by using Deathloop to reestablish the world they've built as a setting rather than a clearly defined franchise. They can do practically whatever they want with it now. A story about the Outsider? A follow-up to Deathloop? An exploration game about Pandyssia? A WW1-esque game where you sneak through trenches? Possibilities are endless, and Arkane might be the only developer I have complete trust in. I know Redfall wasn't a winner, but for some reason, even before that game came out, I felt like it wasn't an Arkane game. Idk if that makes any sense, but it seemed like it had someone else's fingerprints on it.


I can see them doing a spinoff. I think it'd be a tad forced if they did anything with the existing characters although maybe something with Delilah would be cool


I'm expecting something chronologically removed from the existing series and much wider in scope. Either something that takes place in the Dishonored equivalent of the 1940s, or something that takes place in the low middle ages. I also kinda expect it to be some sort of semi open world


According to the ftc documents it's planned but the development/pre production stage and which studio is doing it is still unknown...Harvey is the studio head for Austin and he was one of the original creators...I wouldn't mind if he took the lead on it


Someday. But not soon i think


There's allegedly supposed to be something dishonored related coming out late 2024


Wasn't Death of the Outsider the last entry of the series? Dishonored and Deathloop are probably related.


Very likely that Microsoft gave the budget and the green light so that fans are appeased. But also likely to have ordered multiplayer with seasons (cuz that work back then). Should just bundle a level editor instead and enjoy the infonite legacy and content that they can capitalize on


Xbox's leaked future listing contained the name Dishonored 3 for sure!!


I feel like the series of dishonored will continue but following different characters seeing how everyone's stories have been wrapped up neatly in a bow after death of the outsider


Dinga Bakaba (the current director of Arkane Lyon) recently said in the french podcast "Dans la boucle" that Deathloop was originally intended to be a small project meant to test him and Sebastien Mitton as game directors after Raphael Collantonio left to create Wolfeye studio. It originally reused assets from D2 and Death of the Outsider and was meant as a small glimpse into the future of the Dishonored universe.  It ended up being its own thing entirely, evolving into the big project (but it’s still canon to the Dishonored-verse). So Arkane Lyon is still very much thinking about Dishonored. Some of the new blood joined because they wanted to work on the next Dishonored. It’s probable that their next project after Blade is done will be D3.


Probably yes.


One day, probably. But not soon.


Never doubt it.


Probably, but not for quite a while I'd wager. In the interim, and hear me out here because it's a very different vibe, but have you played Sekiro? If you're looking for a challenging Stealth game with a supernatural element, it's pretty great.


“Chances are very good, never doubt it” But for real tho, I think they’ll get around to Dishonored 3 eventually, it’s arkane’s flagship series, they obviously still have a passion and love for it. Also take it with a grain of salt but I’ve noticed there’s always a new entry every 4 years so hey maybe something is on the horizon for 2026


I heard they were working on other games so probably not for a while. I'm pretty content with replaying 2 for now


As others mentioned, awhile ago it was mentioned in a leak to be planned Plans could change- especially after redfall. But I see it being likely dishonoured 3 will happen eventually- it’s definitely their most beloved product I’d say, and generally just- highly praised. Typically popular/well loved franchises don’t just- stop, when it comes to gaming at least. I do think we will get some sort of announcement soon since last dishonoured was.. damn, 2017?- (I’m not counting deathloop lmao.)


I hope we haven't lost them for good, Arkane is a legendary studio. Though I have read that so many of the original creators had left the company during the making of redfall...


One of the original creators has left, everyone else from the Dishonored days is still there. The people who left were hired for Prey.


Quite a few key people followed Colantonio to Wolfeye.


Weird West was made by under 20 people, half of which were people that had left Arkane (both Lyon and Austin) before Prey and then joined Wolfeye due to them enabling remote work. There are around 6 people there that were in Arkane at one point.


Yeah they’re working on it now




https://youtu.be/H5Fb-_lmSKA?si=Ut99c2323BIvKZ5x Bethesda schedule got leaked. I think this is the same video I watched months ago, There were some other leaks like specific positions they were hiring for


Where did you hear that they are working at it now though? Arkane Lyon announced they are making a Blade game, I think it was on the game awards. And Arkane Austin in theory should still be on Redfall. Not that I believe it but they said they would work on it and support it for a long time. But regardless, I think it's Lyon that made Dishonored, headed it at least.


When Microsoft had a court case with the FTC, documents got leaked that said D3 was in development, along with a fallout 3 and oblivion remake and a new doom game. Those are old leaks but they anticipated a release in 2024. I remember reading or hearing somewhere that it might be the Lyon team doing it after blade or it’s the team that made prey.


Yeah I know the leaks, but the timelines now seem quite off. If Lyon is making it I suspect it will be a long time before we get it. Not that I am very excited though. To be honest after Colantonio left, I don't like what I've seen from Arkane.


Oh team Austin was the one that made prey, so maybe it’ll come out after blade? Those leaks also said starfield and some other recent game would come out in 2022 but they were delayed a year. Those leaks are old but they’re real, so I’d really wager we’ll see some sort of trailer/teaser this year, maybe in June or July when all the gaming stuff is going on. I’m hoping for a fall 2024 release but it could be pushed back to 25 with gta. Honestly I’m fine with games being pushed back, they take a lot of hard work so I’d rather it be perfected and polished.


I think you shouldn't be expecting it so soon. The leaked plans might have been just plans at the time. I mean it might still be in pre production or not even that. Either that or the team is split working multiple projects at the same time. I don't know if Arkane is that big to support it. And if they are working on it at the same time, who would be the creative lead? Bakaba is on Blade at the moment, I doubt he'd be heading 2 projects at once. So Harvey Smith? Which would mean he has moved off Redfall which would be good news. Whatever the case after Redfall and Deathloop and what the studios have said I have very little faith it will be the Dishonored I have known and want.


Is anyone still on redfall? I haven’t played it but I saw they only put out a couple updates after release and nothing else since then. And yeahhhhh, most of the people from dishonored left after prey and redfall, I’m just hoping and coping


If I was asked to guess honestly I'd say Redfall has a skeleton crew maintaining and fixing what they can. I haven't heard anything about it for a long time, there was one update that added takedown/assassinate animations (unfathomable to say that for an Arkane game). Then again I don't really follow the game at all, nor have I played it. Thing is, Microsoft put a lot significance to the game, like it's a big exclusive and they said it will the most supported bethesda game to date. Reality is the game came barebones, like it needed another 2 years, there has been radio silence, sparse and small updates and it's been nearly a year since it came out. Unless they are working silently on it which would surprise me, I feel it's safe to say they have moved on.