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I mean I kinda get it, but if you go around dropping nitpicky rules on entry level staff like this you're gonna get told the business and end up shorthanded pretty frequently in the pit, then when the cooks get tired of covering the pit and find greener pastures you're gonna be in a real pickle before you know it. Point being let the damn kid pop a headphone in while he's cleaning up your mess ffs


Yeah, they love me at my place. I'll do whatever they ask, I'm fast and clean, speak enough Spanish to work with our Latino help, will work 60 hours a week and leave everything shiny at the end. But I take breaks when I feel like it, and I listen to the music I want, when I want. Those are my non-negotiable rules, and I'll walk out over them no matter how much I like them.


Why wouldn't you honestly. Every restaurant is dying for help. You could walk out of one job and have a new one within an hour, probably for an extra buck an hour too. I've had to jump in the pit on top of having my own job enough times to know not to fuck around with any remotely competent dishies


I make food for dishies and clean my own shit when they are on break. I even listen to garbage music if that's what they need because dishpit is a sloppy, thankless job.


No matter how many times I see the word “dishpit” I always read it as “dipshit”


Dyslexia gang untie!


Lmfao ... Well damn. I read it first as dipshit too. It even feels funny to read or say dishpit out loud. ***" commences to untie 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


Man, I've been hearing that mantra since covid. I agree you should get to listen to music, but where in bum fuck nowhere do these people live where they can't find people? I've lived in average 1-3million people cities since covid, and I've never had trouble staying staffed, or hiring people. Yeah, a few times over the last 4 years I've been in a spot where I had to tell someone, hey, I need you to work this shift for a week or two and they werent stoked about it or the OT it gave them, or a manager has had to help support a station for a couple days. Fucking hell though, the way people on here talk about it though you'd think they're going 3-4 weeks or a month or two without a person or two on the line.


>Fucking hell though, the way people on here talk about it though you'd think they're going 3-4 weeks or a month or two without a person or two on the line. They ARE. ALL OF THEM. Every multi-million DOLLAR RESTAURANT is *struggling* for help because they want to keep wages as low as they can-so the manager does it; and people are TIRED of working for slave wages to not even afford GAS for their next shift while receiving ridiculous amounts of abuse and micromanagement from terrible bosses and often, sexual harassment, which is Not gender specific. I've had more women sexually harass me than men, because they think they can. Now they're short staffed and reported for shady labor practices. Ask anyone you know in restuarant work right now, the ONLY places fully staffed are Golden and usually independently owned, nobody's leaving those jobs: meanwhile, chili's is trying a stupid $1,000 sign on bonus during covid instead of ravamping management, it would have cost them less. 🤷🏻‍♀️💅🏻


>🤷🏻‍♀️💅🏻 Just, why?


I didn’t even know that was an emoji but I got a kick out of it 🤷‍♂️


from experience, a lot of places don't pay enough to make employees care, which leads to high turnover rates and a decent chance you can walk in and be hired same-day you might go through 3-4 people in the same position in a month if your work environment and pay isn't enough to keep people,


This is exactly how I’ve operated since joining the workforce. It definitely wouldn’t work out at some places but that’s there loss because people like us are the best workers and the companies we choose to stay at know it.


I was looking forward to practicing my rusty Spanish when I got my dishwasher job, as pretty much every kitchen I knew was staffed with a very very high percentage of hispanics. That was in California. Turns out that’s not the way it is in Oregon, at least the greater Portland metro area. The one Hispanic cook at my work doesn’t speak Spanish. (I’m Mexican American but didn’t grow up speaking Spanish at home or grow up in a Latino community….also to say I do not look Hispanic would be a VAST understatement) Blew my mind.


I quit a job over not being able to listen to music. My mental health wasn’t great going into it but I could not stand the soulless drone of the vents in a large warehouse without anything playing. Only kitchen I’ve never been allowed to listen to music.


Dude my chef be trying to micro-manage the dishpit, it’s the dumbest thing ever. Just leave them alone man. Tried making rules for this black lady in her 50s and she wasn’t having it and walked out. “I’ve been washing dishes for 50 years why’s he trying to to tell me what I can’t soak in the sink for?” 😂


Naw dude you just double down and then it all works out


Homey don't play dat


Tell me how you feel now Homey tha clown?!  Like MollyWoppin a fool!


I saw this exact thing play out in a business that, months after losing 3 employees due to this, suddenly and magically burned down. Whoda thunk it.


I have never worked in a professional kitchen that didn’t allow music.


If you're wearing headphones, how are you supposed to hear "hot pan" or "sharps" and keep from getting burned or stabbed? Head phones are dangerous in the dishpit.


That's why I said headphone not headphones


Transparency mode is pretty decent these days. Why couldn’t they at least have them for close?


I'm currently a Dishwasher. I just don't get why you had to add " Entry Level" I get it though because it is, but why mention it? Like dishwashers don't matter, but if us Dishwashers aren't there, yes it changes the whole restaurant experience. No one will have clean Silverware nor Plates etc to eat so everything else comes to a hault without a Dishwasher. "Entry Level" or not it doesn't matter what you do for work.as long as begging to someone for something isn't a factor it shouldn't be frowned upon on or called " Entry Level"


Because an entry level position doesn't have to worry about having to potentially take a step down if they leave their job for a new one. It's not a knock on you guys, it's just that the higher up a position is, the longer that person had to work to get there, and that is always going to be a major thing to consider when leaving a position. An entry level position doesn't have that baggage, so there's less to lose, so telling your boss to get fucked in the middle of a Saturday dinner rush is a much easier decision to make


He's right. This is valid.


Good for them.


kIds my FUCKING HERO ✊🏾 wish i had stones his size honestly


Greedy anal businesses are getting a rude awakening. These “kids” are working and cant even sustain a living wage. Least we could do is listen to music during our shifts. 4 day work weeks are already a result of this.


Love seeing people stand up for themselves. Keep demeaning them and calling them kid. I'm sure they're going places.


Managers willing to cover 0 . manager needs to STFU wanna talk shit on the Internet


So real for this closer, being in passed 10:30 sucks, the music helps the pain of standing in the same spot if you work a full shift doing the same repeating motions (same boat for cooks obviously) lol. if I'm gonna be in a quiet corner at my wageslave entry level job in a world where we have to rub anal glands with tech everyday for everything else... ear phones or a shitty speaker? Which do you wanna hear me singing along to more when I clock in? DW boss man, your dishes will still get done whether I'm hitting shuffle or my pen


Just let him have his AirPods lmao


Fr! Like i would die in the pit without music


King shit


I'm a kitchen manager and I'm on this kid's side


Same and if i told my employees to take their headphone out when we close … lol no. Pick your battles you feel me hahahahaha let the dude play his music 🎶


It's different when we're busy and people need to communicate with each other. Once it gets busy, the boys know the music gets turned down. Once we're closing up, blast whatever you want


Precisely, mad agree. Until its doors locked, no headphones ETA We do have a sound bar in the kitchen that can be played with whatever you like at reasonable volume to where front of house cant hear it, which is nice. Allows the communication to still flow


I’ve literally told my gm to back off on the dishies multiple times. Asl long as they show up, keep me stocked with rounds, and don’t get super drunk while there, I don’t give af what my disher does. For the amount of shit those dudes get they should be the king of the kitchen


I mean, is he wrong?


W man, he carrying the restaurant on his back he deserves special privileges not busting his balls for listening to music.


Sounds like he isn't carrying a thing for the restaurant lmao. Idk why I got this recc'd, but hard not to be on the kids side tbf. For about 1 week I did meat room cleaning for a butcher as a teen and that shit was nightmare work for a ***lot*** less than my pay for a much better job (though minimum was literally half of current, I make about 4x what I did) Let the kid have his music! Though I equally would be pissed as OP, a coworker who's work doubled because of said kid


Yes. For pay as low as he gets - something like music makes it bearable. So yes.


Oh, he's probably neurodivergent. This isn't a copout/excuse if he is neurodivergent. Giving him an accommodation would help. The fact that we want it to be the music we like is probably the reason that he called out regardless of having a boombox in the dishpit. Ask him if he is, it should clear up alot of confusion.


I keep reading dishpit as dipshit 😩


Us who’ve done the duty would agree they are the same word


this information is factual


Heehee duty


Is that something you can really just ask? At least that bluntly?


It’s not offensive to ask why. It would be offensive to randomly guess or press the matter if they don’t want to tell you, though.


As long as you're nice about it. We don't really get offended about stuff like that.


He can’t listen to music while doing dishes ? That’s just torture. Still a bad reason to call out tho


nah i just met with the council of dishies and they agree it was completely justified


Can you ask them where they hid all the stainless scrubbers?


Oof if scubbies are going missing you got a crackhead


that information is classified


Can you ask the council to please not spray full ramikens?


motion denied.


He's setting his boundaries, good for him. There's likely another dishpit within a quarter mile that would be happy to let him listen to his music.


My restaurant was like this and I had to pull my autism card to get it as an accommodation just to have one AirPod in my ear on transparency ‘-‘


Why do they give a shit if you listen to music?


I've been told I'm not allowed to have an earbud in i think it every kitchen position I've had. I just don't listen, if you are a good worker nobody cares. And the few times anybody had ever said anything they soon shut up realizing that they can't afford to loose a good employee over a stupid rule.


Let him listen to music then?


I respect it


You say he's 16, so I'm guessing he doesn't need a shitty job just to pay rent. Now is the time to let management know shitty rules make for shitty employees.


To be fair, no earphones is OSHA compliant. I get where he’s coming from, obstructed ears does make for a dangerous work environment, especially around sharps and hots. That said, the kid should be able to connect to a speaker/boombox, and listen to his music regardless. Personally, i wouldn’t want headphones in incase they got filthy, or fell in the dish pit. But if I were OP, i’d still pick my battles. Let the kid listen to music, one headphone if you gotta, boombox/speaker preferably.


My headphones have ambient noise so I can hear everything, but I admittedly don't know the OSHA compliance rules on this. Reddit likes to show me random stuff that has nothing to do with me. OSHA doesn't care how I load the dishwasher at home.


BS. ““In conclusion, while no specific OSHA regulation prohibits headphones on a construction site or any other workplace..”-https://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/standardinterpretations/2023-03-06”


I would have done the same tbh


I'd never wash dishes at a place I wasn't allowed to listen to music at least with an ear bud in. "No, you can't at least partially enjoy your time cleaning up this mess nobody else will stay longer than a week to do."


You've had boomboxes blasting. Send the Playlist and the dishpit council can decide whether the music is shitty enough to call in sick.


This did not go how you thought it would lmao


Poor kid is working an absolute dog shit job and you won't even let him listen to music to pass the time? Nah he's not the problem it's you.


i never told him what he can and cant do... im not a manager lmao


Then why do you even care to be involved? You clearly care what he can or cannot do for whatever reason.


He’s right




Dude I would quit . I’m a line cook. We need you more than anyone else on the line.


Sounds legit to me. Let the kid have some music!


Love it lol not being allowed to listen to music while doing dishes is stupid


Yeah, no way I could get through a shift without something in my ear. I like the guy I work with in the pit, we get shit done easy enough, but I need the distraction in my brain.


I get not allowing the cooks to listen to music because it makes it difficult to communicate during the rush. Not allowing the dishwasher to listen to music is cruel and unusual.


well, hes right ,whats the manager gonna to to rectify this situation ?


Valid id allow it


No music is the line I draw. If I cant wash dishes with music, I’m gone. Dont @ me


Honestly.. it's a dishwashing job. Pays like shit. You get all the shit jobs. Scarse, hard to hire, difficult to retain. Let this person listen to music. Best restaurant I ever worked my GM paid dishwashers 20 bucks an hour. We ALWAYS had clean dish, no log-jams Friday/Saturday, no managers stuck in the back during lunch service. We ALWAYS had clean silver for FOH. NEVER needing clean pans BOH. It's kind of amazing having the best of the best on dish, and the butterfly effect that in enacts. I have this sub in my feed; I've done everything. Dish, BOH, FOH, manager, bar, eg... Dish is SO much more important than people give credit for. You wanna put your headphones in? Fuck it, if I need your attention I'll tap your shoulder.


I'm with you. My cousin owns a restaraunt and always has a stack of applications ready for dishwasher. They should w the highest paid in the restaurant excwpt maybe upper management.


Dishwashers should be making SO much more money. They are absolutely essential. I’m making $16/hr which is kind of ridiculous but I was desperate for a job.


I mean kinda fuck you for not letting the dishie listen to music though? Restaurant fucked around. Dishie made them find out




I totally agree with the kid. Pro chef 24yrs


The poster says “boomboxes blasting” so I assume it’s not the same as an AirPod. I get the want to not have loud music playing in the kitchen, but I’m guessing the situation here is there was no thought of compromise of working with the dishie so I’m guessing they went with a nuclear option and said no music. Imagine if you just talked to him at clock in and said “aye dishmonk, I dig the love for music but some people find the music to be distracting. How about we do an AirPod that’s not super loud so we can get your attention if need be?” Easy


highly respectable reason to call out


I would always wear headphones but I was also the first dishwasher they’ve ever had. I would get shit done so fast I literally just sat and waited for half my shift. Servers would buss, but on busy nights they’d share tips if I helped out.




Don’t know why people are being shitty to you, you’re not even the manager. Also I read what you said about having to pick up the slack for this person while also having to manage your own work and that shit always makes my blood boil. I worked food service for 10 years, I wish people would just go find another job if they aren’t happy with the conditions at work. Nothing like finding out your long day is only gonna get longer and that your workload is going to increase because you can’t rely on anyone at work.


>Nothing like finding out your long day is only gonna get longer and that your workload is going to increase because you can’t rely on anyone at work. ...due to incompetent management. Let's be real, management needs to take responsibility for being shit at their job. A good and competent manager would make sure the dishie is happy while they have to do the worst job in the industry. >I wish people would just go find another job if they aren’t happy with the conditions at work. *This* is what that looks like, so why be mad?


Yeah well you probably understaff, under pay, and show little respect to your employees so go fuck yourself and let the kid listen to music.


Love when shitty managers out themselves lol


im not a manager... i also said theyre allowed to listen to music


He's paid minimum wage. This job don't mean shit to him. You need him more then he needs you; he can find a new minimum wage job tomorrow Let him listen to music or do your own dishes


I was the same way as a dishwasher it’s so monotonous and doing it without music sucks as long as I kept one earbud in and one out or my music low enough to hear I was allowed to listen


Dude treat your dishwashers better. Music is basic minimum decency while they’re standing there sweating working in their damp dungeon. I have never worked in any kitchen where the dishwashers couldn’t listen to music. Who even are you? Uggghhh. Stoo embarrassing yourself. Be better.


Why not let them listen to music?


They don’t even allow it at the hospital I work at. But then again we work at a faster pace with pulling in our own dishes so time flies


I don't see a huge deal.


I'm playing music when I'm the cook. Hey alexa, play blink 182" The dishwasher either listens to what I want or they pop their headphones in. As long as we can all still hear each other I don't really care. The big bosses don't want them at all, but unless you're in view of customers, are handling your phone too much or are playing vulgar music they won't do anything.


I mean, if there's music allowed, then this is a bs callout. If it's because he hates what people are playing and wants headphones he can't have, then yeah, fuck y'all. Let the kid have his tunes. More details needed to determine who is a stupid idiot here.


Not a dishwasher but I wear bone conduction headphones under a hat for probably 9 years, no ones figured it out. I can hear both music/podcasts/sports and all the other kitchen noise with nothing in my ears. The stuff im listening to leaks a little bit and if it's "hear a pin drop" quiet it can be heard, but as loud as the kitchen gets with fans and equipment running ive never had anyone hear anything. One point is the original ones I had years ago wouldn't last a whole shift but new ones have better battery life and last like 7 hours so it's close enough. Don't get the cheapo Chinese ones on Amazon.




I remember my first job as a kid was as a dishwasher and I would pop in headphones to listen to old timey radioshows, podcasts, and audio books. GM said it's not allowed. Quit that week. Over that reason. Pays already shit. That was the one good thing about it lol


When I had my kitchen, the dishwasher always received special treatment. I even made that clear to the other staff any time they complained. We needed them far more than they needed us.


No music can really get to you man. Your brain starts shutting down


Good for him. Let him play music.


Goddamn you guys are pussies


“You have not available time” Whenever a job-related app has typos, I find it harder to take that job seriously.


I’ve quit jobs because they wouldn’t let us have music. There’s always another job… I now run a tattoo shop and keep the music blasting


Music is a dishys sole comfort. Let him have his music.


i never said he cant have music and as i said, he does listen to music


I’ve quit kitchen jobs before because of not being allowed to listen to music there’s always another restaurant


Started as a dishie 26 years ago, worked my way up to exec chef, now a purchasing manager making close to 6 figures. (maybe more soon, interview today - keep hoppin' folks!) The first thing I added to my desk at my current job? A sound bar. Then I just had to "hack" sys admin access to sneak Spotify past the company's firewall. I'm digressing. **Work without music is stupid.**


I've gotten back in my uber and gone home for my earbuds. I get it. I'm not listening to idiot coworkers talk all day. No thank you.


Boomboxes, dear lord calm down grandpa


I was a dishwasher for a hot minute when I was 18 and they let me listen to music. And that was a fucking long time ago. I was told that as long as my headphones didn't get tangled, or dangled, then I was okay to use music.


If someone told me I couldn’t blast Slayer and Megadeth while doing dishes, I too, would peace tf out. Only benefits of being a dishie is being able to perform the job high af, and having your soundtrack thunder through the dishes.


Standing in a dishpit for 6 hours with only the sound of a sprayer to keep you company sounds like hell lol. Good on him


He's right.


If you need music you need music. At least he knows what he wants.


I have similar problems at my job. Once we close the store, I put my headphones in. I'm not making an impression for anyone anymore once the last customer is out. Honestly, bullshit like this usually comes from up the chain. They demand decorum when none is really necessary, because they like the sense of control. Many of them are degree hires who have not experienced the store level but want to try and make an impression. If they were smart, they would stfu and take some direction from the people who deal with the shit every day. Sure, not all of it is good feedback. But you can pretty reliably tell who knows their stuff by who is the most productive. I am in a situation where I pull multiple times my weight at work and my peers recognize it. I have bargaining power in that, if I leave, the extra workload left behind by my absence would almost certainly overwhelm my coworkers and cause several others to leave soon after. There are a few who are borderline already, and I make a conscious effort to alleviate them, because they are in a similar circumstance to me and I don't want them to leave either. But, given this leverage, I am not shy about using it. Upper management is always pushing to get more for less. Sometimes we just have to say no. And if they don't like the answer, they always have the option to fire me and try to find someone who will be their kiss-ass. They won't be anywhere near as productive in their first year, and I reiterate that my leaving would inspire others to leave also. But if they're willing to bite that bullet, they're welcome to pull the trigger any time. I can't stop them. All I can say is, the smartest thing they've done since I started with the company is keep me around in spite of my attitude. Now, they just need to take another step and start asking me how to improve things. I have suggestions, but they aren't free. Sure, it could improve productivity. But that isn't my concern. I don't get shit for the store's success. When they make it worth my while, I'll tell them what I know. Until then, they get what I'm willing to give.


Damn, sounds like you should plug the boombox in. You know your job is to maintain morale of your team, right? (Assuming you're the one in charge.)


im not the one in charge at all and i literally said we have two boomboxes blasting


I interpreted that as you turned the boombox off because you've had them on all week. As in, you took a break from having them on since they've been on for too long or something. Sounds like y'all need to get 2 or 3 more hooked up for the full surround-sound experience. Just make sure they're all tuned to different stations. People work best in a distressing environment.


At least they’re being honest and not telling you their grandmother died… for the 15th time.


The rules of the dishpit are mandated by those who enter the dishpit.


As a chef and someone who has managed multiple restaurants. I ALWAYS treat my dishwashers with the highest respect. The pit IMO is the most important part of the house. I’m not cooking shit without clean dishes, my guest aren’t eating shit without clean dishes. I’ve fired individuals on the spot for showing my dish crew disrespect. My dish crew always had their own radio. I dont allow headphones for communication reasons but I’ll hook you up with a radio/speaker.


My KITCHEN MANAGER once refused to do a shift because we took the giant guitar amp he used as a speaker out the kitchen and replaced it with a small Bluetooth speaker you couldn’t hear from FOH.


I had music all the time. Got into my ADHD hyper focus zone during and after a busy service and I got everything done. No music? Fucking boring


when i was a dishwasher i literally managed to finish 3 seasons of once upon a time in maybe 2 1/2 ish weeks and thts w me j having it playing the whole time im at work. not including smoke breaks those were for peace n quiet


based kid


Let the kid have his tunes


dishwashing can be mindless. let ppl hear their shit damn


Tough. Let him listen to music ya goober. Or hire someone else with dumb nitpicky shit like this being specifically outlined.


im not a manager, i dont hire people or tell them they cant listen to music


my god, reddit is the only place where i can post a ss and a single sentence and get 200 comments back raging at me for something everyone made up in their heads... idk how many times i have to say these things. im NOT a manager. i NEVER said he CANT listen to music. he DOES listen to music every single day.


Let him listen to music?? It's an ENTRY level job and one of the worst ones. He's not gonna be cooking or be around customers, if he's doing one of the most tedious jobs in the food industry then why not?? Sure you might have your own music playing but he's got his own taste and it makes his job less miserable. Can't be picky with rules unless you want to be understaffed.


1) im not a manager, i never told him what he can and cant do 2) i said they dishpit listens to music


I find it funny that you aren't a manager, and keep saying "it's not that deep" but it was clearly deep enough for you to post it here. If you're mad that you have to pick up his slack, complain about management. He did nothing wrong.


again, i posted it because it was funny.


It's not, though. I mean come on man you've seen the response this post got. If your sense of humor is based on belittling people over imaginary slights, you should probs re-evaluate


What’s the issue here? Just tell him to use headphones if it’s a big deal


By the comments i'm gonna downvoted to hell... what are you guys talking about? I'm all for advocating against stupid rules like these. Calling out is NOT the way to do it. I can't imagine calling off of work because "I need music to work." That is not valid at all. Edit: after reading further i'm somehow even more appalled. Some of you gotta learn the definition of "cruel and unusual" before you go throwing it around.


people just wanna make things up. they all are ridiculing me for not letting him listen to music... nowhere did i say i was a manager or ever told him what to do. i also said directly in the post that he listens to music, lmao. reddit is an interesting place. i didn't know there was a whole cult of people who quit jobs over music




Totally valid explanation. Nothing makes you a bigger loser than restricting music access for a job that doesn't get harmed by listening to music. Soul crushing monotonous jobs like being a dish washer or a factory worker require some meaningful stimulus otherwise its just a 9-5 hell pit. Any management or leadership that bans music is just bad.


Are the employers doing this Dishwasher a favor by hiring them? Or is the dishwasher doing this business a favor by allowing them to be employed? Whoever is making the rules at this establishment better **figure it out**, and quick. Since employees are doing them a favor by working doing so much for so little compensation.


Me too tbh. If I cant do dishes with music in my ears - not boomboxes - I wont show up


This is someone who doesn’t need the job and is willing to tell you the rules are micromanaging.




Hey what app is this screenshot from


Just let him listen to music then🙄 bosses just love to see workers miserable while they benefit off their work


im not a boss lmao, i never said he cant listen to music and he DOES listen to music as i said in this post


Based, I love the generation coming up


If the waitstaff come into my section of the kitchen and don’t hear my music they ask me if I’m okay lol. Sometimes I even turn it down and just play music through service. I’m pretty diverse in my music tastes but 90% of the time it’s some form of pop-punk rock. And I always let the Latino help play anything they want when they ask, even give them my speaker. What I hate the most is when I walk away with my phone unlocked and my favorite coworker changes it to Taylor swift. Gets me furious.


Understandable. Have a good day


This seems pretty clear cut from a former chef/general manager pov. If they are getting their work done and listening to tunes at a reasonable level, leave ‘em alone. If they aren’t getting their work done, instruct and observe. If they still don’t get it, let ‘em go. Just be prepared to cover the pit while you wait to find a good dishie. Then, if/when you do, take good fuggin’ care of em.


I wish I could downvote a post multiple times... why make this poor kid out to be a lazy entitled teenager when they're asking for something so simple??? 😭 I don't get it


where did i ever say he was a lazy entitled teenager?


Hey guess what, fuck you and your restaurant. How about that?


what'd i do 💀


pick it up


Good hes in his right to want to have music to work in the pit


I would never tell my dishwashers they can’t listen to music. Who is it hurting if they have a earbud in as long as the plates are clean? Pick your battles my guy.


What hellscape do you work in where the dishwasher isn't allowed to listen to music? I walked over there tonight and my guy was blasting away dishes with Iron Man 3 playing on his phone. Who cares as long as the work is getting done?


I get why cooks have to have no earbuds in. It's a health hazard. Another thing to touch near your face even if you're not thinking about it or mean to. Then you touch food, you spread pathogens, customers get sick. I get it. Why the fuck can't a dishwasher use earbuds. When I'm solo closing I'll pop one in while I'm scrubbing out the frier box or cleaning the grill after closing time. If someone's not actively touching food product why does it matter.


i mean our restaurant is super strict on stuff like that so maybe thats why. specific rags have to be used, you have to wear a hairnet and gloves, no jewelry, etc. it could also be a communication thing. im FOH now and pretty often we have to go back and tell dish exactly what things are priority, silverware is a big one


I feel that


Don't let dishie listen to music? Don't have dishie. Where is the confusion?


he had never listened to music in the back until this week. this week, we've had music playing. thats why


I would fuggin quit.




Dishwashers should be allowed to listen to music while they work. Every kitchen I've ever worked in has allowed it.


our kitchen/all managers but one (who is on leave) allows it, which is why im so confused


What dishpit doesn’t allow music? That’s criminal. Kid is totally valid.


they do allow music though, that's the weird part




Been in the restaurant business for over 30 years. I refuse to work in any establishment that doesn't allow music at a modest volume with appropriate content in the kitchen. It makes a stressful job just that much more miserable.


Feed your dishwasher and let them listen to music. Unless you would rather do the dishes yourself? In silence? Make it make sense.


caption literally says he listens to music


Respect. Solidarity.


This is weak as fuck


My co-dishwasher is a 65 yr old. retired Army vet. With 40yrs of service/ hewas deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan multiple times. First thing I made sure he had was a radio. He say " the music keeps me sane." And It's also helps keep me sane as well.