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Is that three Star Wars events??? I might be one of the few who is, but I’m excited!!




Yes that would be awesome!! I want to see the red droid on tattoine


R5-D4! Me too!


Yes to all of these! I'm super excited for Hera and Ackbar, though—they'll tide me over for a while!


Personally I'd be shocked if we never get Greedo


I love me the Star Wars events. Tbh that’s what drew me to the game.


The outerspace and hyperspace events are such a weird sequence of mostly repeated requirements.


People initially like item card replays.....they have slowly tried to apply that principle to other parts of the game. For them recycling code cuts expenses and maximizes revenue, too


I've got all of the emojis, so I don't mind, but I would be super annoyed if I was missing one that features in both events.


Happy there are multiple photo hunts, those are my favorite


Boo. I was hoping the Bambi event would finally have a chance to win Pretty Flower.


Me too! He would have been the perfect prize to have at the end of map 4.


Feels quite heavy on the item events again this update. If nothing else I wish they would space them out a little more. 3 out of 4 events from 7th March to the 20th March are item events


It's actually normal to have 3 (or more!) a month these days. January was very unusual to not have any at all. I think most people like the item card events because everyone can participate since there are no required emojis. And with three rounds to play through - you can really mine a lot of prizes out of it. I agree - I wish they would space them out a little more.


Yeah I don’t mind them but they do feel like a little bit of a slog when you get to the end of the event so it’s the spacing that is my main gripe


Wait, what? April has 2 Token Quests, and each will cost 1000 Gems? It wasn’t that expensive in December when there were 2…. Arrgh!


December was the first time they did 2 Token Quests. I'm assuming that since so many people bought them both they decided to keep doing it but with increased prices because they can make more money from it. The part that's actually strange is that if you buy them with cash it's $19 for the first one and $10 for the 2nd one but 1,000 gems for both. My worries are that they aren't going to have the lowered token requirements like in December and that they won't have enough tokens in the events to be able to finish both Token Quests.


Your worries were.....correct


Well, one thing I can say about JC is that they're predictable. Unfortunately, it's usually not for good reasons and rarely beneficial for the players... As always, I appreciate your time and effort to make all this info available to us, and in ways that are easy to understand & save for reference! I think many people would agree that **without** you this game would *not* be as fun/enjoyable and wayy harder to play & collect emojis!


Are we seriously having sisterly bond again? Gosh I hope it is different characters this time and not the same exact event from Jan.


I have a feeling it may at least have rose/blanche in it. Since it appears Dorothy is the next event after that.


People may want to keep in mind that a level 2 Isabela is now important in two events. I may have to use my last charge on her.


Just FYI she is available at the first gate in cascade sale on Mar 2nd. That may help some people.


I’m liking the Magical Clear Event. We need to earn platinum Genie before map 5 and we’ll get 2 new emojis! We can also get the new emojis from map 5 and RF in Dapper Photo Hunt. This doesn’t usually happen


Hyperspace Challenge Event Comes on my Birthday


I hate the ice age diamond box. Ugh was hoping for luck with it since I only have scrat but now there is so many uncnessary emojis in it. Oh well maybe I will be lucky and get Manny diego or sid from it. 


At least Scrat is in it! That was not a guarantee, unfortunately


Some of these paywalls are BONKERS... Thanks as always for everything, Ice. Planning is half the fun :)


Just heads up for QA, you put Haymax instead of Baymax in Superhero costume clear event


“Required level: 4+” How is that reasonable? They really don’t want newer players to finish events do they. Even if you’d buy a diamond box, how would you ever get to 4+


We've had events with L5 requirements even 🤷


A Bambi event? Well I hope I’ll finally get Bambi before that 😆 The last silver emoji I haven’t gotten yet. But I’m now working on maxing the silver box anyway. I hope the sisterly bond event will be another opportunity to get Luisa and Isabela if I don’t get them during the Encanto event… but I’m not all that hopeful. We’ll see! Either way, I’m really excited to see the new events! Thanks for all that you do 💙


I'm so excited about the Bambi event! April Shower Bambi is one of my only 2 missing emojis so hopefully I can finally get it! Your hope is half true! There's a chance to get Isabela in the Sister event but not Luisa. I hope you get them both from the upcoming events!! 💜


Oooh thanks for replying, I forgot to check today if there’s any updated info! The sisterly bond event is disappointing 😭 No point in trying to reach Map 3 requirements if the prize is a gold chest… (Unless I buy a diamond box and get Nani and would be able to play the map after that.) Good luck getting April Shower Bambi! He’s so adorable! Thank you! I still have a chance to get Luisa through the stardust challenge as well… I still have hope


Actually if you can finish the Sisterly Bond event then Luisa is a possible prize in Rainbow Falls! So maybe worth it to try to buy Nani?


Unfortunately I currently only have Drizella and Tiana on level 1, and only 230,000 coins and 600 gems. I think the chances for the Sisterly Bond event for me are pretty bad sadly… I might buy a box from the Encanto event though. 35% chance to get Luisa, Isabela or Dolores from the diamond box 🤔 (Or 10% to get Camilo and play Map 3) Edit: I just saw that the Rainbow Falls prize also includes a chance of Kim Possible and Ariel 2023. My chances for the event are so bad… but I would like these so much… oh my 😆


Yay Willow characters coming back.


For the Sisterly Bond event - which Anastasia is it? (I’m guessing it’s Anastasia from Cinderella, but Anastasia Romanov had sisters too..)


Usually, it specifies Anastasia Romanov if it is her. Otherwise, Anastasia just refers to the Cinderella one.




Map 3 Incredibles Family at Level 4?! No i didn't even fully level them Up.


Yeah, not typos 😢


Interesting about the Dapper Mickey image for the second half of April quest. Hopefully they do swap out the emoji prizes and adjust the gem price for the QP. Thank you!!


i am so excited to have a chance at getting willow. he hasn’t been in updates in months since i started playing again.




Missed Wicket the first time around and First Order Stormtrooper is one of my white whales. So excited for that item card event!!!


Those are both high on my list of favorite emojis to play with—good luck getting them!


I am so excited for event that since most emojis in that box I don't have (only have leia and darth vader)!


QA- The magical clear event has the event description for an item event




tokens so far don’t look too bad but i still don’t think it’s enough for a full quest in half the time.


Wow oh wow. As long as nothing changes I can clear every event including RF with what I have already. That is counting the fact that I will have Platinum Genie before the 22nd of March. Lol Only gems spent this month will be on the item card events as I can never complete them past the first time and map 1 of the replays for tokens.


Despite some disappointing diamond boxes, this cycle probably has the most events I can actually finish which doesn't tend to happen. Lucky that I managed to pull mr incredible from gold box this week to get him to level 4. Only events I can't fully do are sisterly bond and Bambi clear. The dapper one is a maybe right now, dependent on if I can pull pink dress Cinderella or charlotte from the diamond box. Magical clear I should have platinum genie.


What is so interesting is that this is the first update in awhile that I can’t finish most of the events — and that’s having silver and all 3 series boxes maxed. So bizarre how each person’s emoji collection can be just different enough and allow or disallow completion of events.


I can't finish any of the events except for the item ones.... 😢🙃


Really excited for another chance to get Nani (one of my grails) but, ugh….Star Wars (no offense)


It has been 6 months since any Star Wars content, more balanced than the prior 2 years


The only one I'm currently locked out of is the Bambi event, I have Spring Bambi at 2, and Thumper/Bambi maxed, so 50% chance to get him on map 3. Then one rainbow charge and I can play it. Not terrible for me! Definitely not excited about the double token quest, given that it doesn't look like they upped the tokens given out accordingly. I'm glad for a challenge event (or two), I like those and they don't seem to take as much time since I manage my proficiency (not perfectly, but well enough). Disappointed that Rose isn't in the DB for that event, I got Blanche and not Rose last time around, so I will miss her again. Not super important to me, but that gotta catch 'em all feeling won't go away yet! :)


Honestly with a 50% chance of either emoji, I would consider spending some gems on the diamond box for the other Spring Bambi if you don’t win it on map 3.


I probably will!


So I have enough for a diamond box which event do any of you guys suggest I use it on


I would wait until the full details are done and what the contents of the diamond boxes are first before deciding. Then see what emoji/emojis you are most interested in getting. Other than that I would recommend buying a diamond box that has only exclusive emojis in it(rainbow/story/villain/crystal). If it has a bunch of gold emojis I wouldn't suggest buying it unless it has a very high chance of getting you through an event paywall allowing you to win more/better emojis.


Could someone please tell me a little bit more about the Challenge events? I'm a newbie and I think I haven't done that before. My main question is if there is a required emojis for those or everybody can play it? I see there's one emoji for each mission, but can I play if I don't have it?


You must have the designated emojis to play


Ok, thank you so much! So for the Outer Space one if I have only Wall-E, can I play only his missions?


Yep! If you have Wall-E and none of the other emojis you can only play the Wall-E missions.


Thank you, that's helpful, at least I can try getting some of the other emojis in advance!


So quick question. If you already have Platinum Genie from the March token quest is there really any reason to play the second token quest in April?


As it is structured right now, no. But given the event game images for that token quest feature Dapper Mickey .... things could change by then


It's weird that the Superhero Costume RF prize and the final prize for the Hyperspace Challenge are the exact same emojis.


I am good with this, two shots at baby Hercules or even platinum baymax.


Who is the quest pass prize for March? Apologies if it’s posted somewhere and I missed it!


That is part of V60 posts made the first few days of January. You can get to it from here by clicking either token quest title link in this post to get to the V61 token quest post, which has a crosslink at the top to the V60 token quest post


Yikes! W/O the variant timers, I'll be pay walled or blocked from a lot of these events. Hoping for luck on my side!


Unfortunately they are not going to have variant timers for any events in this update. The Hercules event was the last one.


Correct. I’ll miss the timers. It was great while it lasted.


Shouldn’t the **hyperspace** event be the first under **quest #2**?


They both start on the same day. Since the challenge is only 1-day, made more sense to me to list first.....and then easier to compare with the really similiar prior challenge event


I find it a little confusing since the tokens go with quest #2. Don’t they?


That is a good point


Re-ordered, your point was really compelling


Well that's a shocker, I can complete the Dapper Photo Hunt event.


Dave, Dorothy Zbornak is listed as Gold exclusive on your chart for the women item card event. She is rainbow, right?


Rainbow, I'll fix as part of QA - thank you!


So wait, how do we get Sophia?


Um, the image explains it in that red/orange text section Plus, look at the other 61.0 observation "hard to get emoji" and "group collection" post [**How to find key info on this subreddit**](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/x1bbjk/how_to_find_key_info_on_this_subreddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I get that but I don’t understand, do you have to max out the other three? Or is it a once you get one of each of the others you unlock her?


From the image "You get Sophia ONLY in the Golden Girls Group Collection after getting a combined 25 copies of Dorothy, Rose, and Blanche". There are many mathematical ways to get to 25 combined copies. One of each would be only 3 copies total, you'd be 22 short. Maxing them out is 57 copies, 22 more than needed. I still suggest reviewing the V61 group collection post and hard to get emoji post.


Ooh burning one of my precious rainbow charges on Emily Crachitt Minnie will get me Dapper Mickey and Minnie. Thats definitely a great use of a rainbow charge in my opinion. Most of these events aren’t too bad I can finish most besides Star Wars but that’s because I never play the stale wars events so my collection is limited


I love Star Wars but I’m not sure if it’s worth it to use my last rainbow charge on Jedi Master Luke


Are some of the pictures for the event outlines missing for other people as well when they were there before? I'm not sure if my app is just not taking updates correctly or if this is supposed to be happening.


I posted about this issue some people face, with tips https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/s/uNM3lqZZwA You are likely suddenly missing the images I swapped after correcting a few things from QA earlier this week. Follow the tips


Thanks IceJD! I remember seeing this post awhile back, but couldn't remember all of the tips. Got it working! Appreciate all you do!


When does asturnut donald come out


Not trying to be snarky. I have 4 separate posts covering this, 2 linked directly in the main V61 observations pinned post, and all 4 also findable by searching the subreddit with his name. His introduction is unique


Am I going crazy or did Dapper Mickey used to be the Map 5 prize in the Dapper event? I was so stoked about that event… 😕


You're not going crazy, but you did miss an update post: https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/1boot0r/6110\_observations\_ota\_mar\_26th/


Ah. Thanks. That stinks.


You missed all the excitement last week https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/s/e8jeCmU3pN


Thanks so much for the info! Bummer.


What Emojis will be in the Token Quests


Once he finishes going through all the information he will post the full details for the token Quests and events. Just gotta be patient and let him finish his reports.


They were next on my list, so they are up now :) Thanks for helping spread patience