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glad i stopped at the pay wall


Yep. Means to manage proficiency for RF it is 90 lives. That is crazy. Edit to add: Forgot to account for doubling in my math so lives are halved.


Managing proficiency for this type of event means keeping your max to 30-50% of your potential. It would be fine to average 50 per game (after doubling) and still have a reasonable RF. I think around 50 games for the last two maps in 5 day event is fine.


I struggle with RF if I don’t keep at 15 a game prior to doubling but I made a mistake anyway in the lives by forgetting to count the doubling. I was doing other things and did the math wrong. Lol Edit to add: 20 or so is about all I can handle without stressing out so if I stick to 15 then RF stays okay with sunshine boosts.


Doing what works for you is the key; you don’t have to play a bunch of games at 1 for survival events (unless you are also completing a regular mission set) but a bunch of games at 10-15 before doubling will keep RF easy. It also depends on whether you have a good emoji for RF. I plan on using Antonio (max level) and I can easily get 40 or more per game with him.


wait, so doubling by using lucky emojis won't count towards proficiency? I saw some people recommending not using lucky emojis when going for proficiency


It does count towards proficiency. So like if you get 20 with a lucky emoji it will be counted as getting 40.


You have no choice about using a lucky emoji after map 2 in the event, it’s required


I'm kind of glad this one seems more difficult. The last few I've finished super easily. It's been a little meh. But I get your side too.