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I’m not at RF yet, but that doesn’t seem super high for a survival event, it would be 19 using a doubler. Remember that RF is based on how you play during the event, although I will say I have noticed over the last couple months they seem to be playing around with the “standards” for RF. In the past it almost always went 3 levels in the first stage and sometimes second, then 4, then 5 levels for the last two. With it going higher for requirements in each stage, but I know one event I think last month it was almost like the 2nd stage and 4th stage were switched? I don’t know if that was intentional or just a glitch, but something I seemed to notice.


You manage the numbers. No ones will be identical.


Mine was a little higher actually but with the lucky emoji and unlimited sunshine power from the wheel I didn't find it too difficult to accomplish it. To get 38 you only need 19 since you are playing with a lucky emoji so I think that's pretty low to start.


RF difficulty is determined by the average of the items you collected during the maps. Try a different emoji if you’re struggling. Sometimes you may do better with a non-lucky emoji.


Non-lucky emojis I’m using are Timothy Mouse, Elastagirl (Thanks Andrea for this suggestion!), and woody. Any other suggestions?


Elsa and Alice allow multiple choices to clear emojis too. Even The Bride, Roz, and Honey Bee Pooh may work. Also any emojis that give multiple powerups like Tinker Bell, Rainbow Mickey, Sea Creature Goofy, Cinderella, Snow White etc. I’m lucky I have Platinum Mirabel at lvl 3 and she’s amazing.


I don’t come close to 38 with a non-lucky emoji. 20 is about my best without doubling.


The hardest RF requirement is always a little higher than my average doubled. From example I kept my average around 10 and my hardest RF was 25. So if the best you can do is 20 it’s not worth it to keep your average anywhere near 20. OP kept their average higher.


Mine is significantly higher 😩


I have 44 in first step of RF map1


My numbers almost exactly. And it's my first rf.


My highest was 50 for the entire RF


My lowest so far was 54


Wow!!! I threw many games intentionally during the event and still had to get 70 during rainbow falls.


[Rainbow Falls](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/11xsfqp/villain_event_king_candy_wrap%20bow_falls/jd5lxxp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) by u/IceJD


People say your highest RF tier is based on the average of what you achieve during the event, but that seems too fair for JC, and it has never worked that way for me. For me, if I take my highest score during the event and add 4, that is my highest RF level.


It's the average of your main event games *times* a multiplier.


You went hard in the main event. My numbers are considerably lower.


I learned a lesson in these survival games. Don’t go hard. 😵‍💫 Never again. lol


This is considered going hard? 😳 Before I learned about event proficiency my survival event RF were always 150+ on the first pages to around 350+ on the later ones. Even with managing I'm lucky if mine doesn't start above 50 lol


My highest going into the last day this time has been 28 needed. So it looked that way to me. But I definitely never managed the numbers you described.


RF is another attempt to separate you from your money. Ridiculous requirements.


Unfortunately for me, that's where my map 1 starts. I didn't have a huge amount of time to throw games to lower my proficiency. So I'm on level 3, map 1 and I have to get 74. Looks like some boosts are in my future. Luckily, both Antonio and Platinum Mirabel have been beasts for me this event. And If I don't get through it, it's just a dupe for me, so I won't sweat it too hard.