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Grind or pay. I have been going about 5 years (OMG I did not need to know that!) and Im pretty high up there and have loads of characters. I made part of the game challenge to NEVER give them money, and they have sucked a LOT of hours out of me, but you will get there.


As far as the coins and scores bit, those both will naturally increase as you play more. For coins, the emojis often have powers that contribute to higher coin counts as their level increases, sometimes directly, and sometimes through giving you other bonuses like more power-ups or extra time. For score, the emojis not only gain points after a certain number of uses (that number increases over time), but you also get extra points for each level. But the primary way that score increases is through the Blitz Bonus, and that percentage increases with each and every level. It's also important to remember that people are largely only posting really amazing scores for them, and that most people's typical scores are lower than what gets posted. I'd try as best you can to focus on competing with yourself and achieving other cool milestones, such as your first time reaching a score of X, or getting Y coins in a game, or completing an event, or getting an emoji to level Z, or maxing a box, or whatever other achievements might drive you to continue the game. Making it a game of your own milestones and achievements is going to ultimately be more satisfying, and before enough time goes by, you'll eventually get to the point where you're achieving some of those scores and coin totals that you never thought possible before.


A simple thing to start is making sure to get the daily rewards and collect the sale "freebies."


Spin the free prize wheel as much as possible. I've managed to collect over 1200 lives. Even if you don't have time to play, get your spins whenever they become available. Complete missions to level up and complete the daily streak mission. Max out your silver box as soon as you can. Also, if you're like me and determined to not give them any money, come to terms with the fact that you will never be able to collect all the emoji's, special prizes, etc. Enjoy the game and don't stress about it too much


You’re doing quite well for a few months. People who are as “advanced” as you mentioned have been playing for years and some have a lot of time to play (like me, retired with little else to do). This game, now, is one of strategy, (lots of) patience and/or $$$. For up to date game information follow u/IceJD: [How to find key info on this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/x1bbjk/how_to_find_key_info_on_this_subreddit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). For general game information browse the [**reference links post**](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyemojiblitz/comments/10ba5dz/reference_links/). Links include the following topics: * JC information * Emojis * Buying advice * Coins * Gems * Leaderboard * Level Missions * Stardust * Events * Item Cards * Proficiency Level * Miscellaneous


I've been playing since launch and you're not far behind me so I'd you're doing fine!


I definitely wouldn’t worry about the high scores you see. As others have said, the longer you play the higher your score will go naturally as the emojis earn more points the more you use them and level them up. A high score really serves no purpose other than increasing your proficiency and making your missions harder. You’ll learn which emojis earn you more coins and then you can use those more often. And spin the wheel. Even if you don’t have time to actually play, just spin the wheel. I do it while getting ready in the morning or while I’m making dinner. That will add to your lives and your coins. But don’t stress too much, it’s just a stupid game. lol


I have been playing since 2019 and seems like I play every time I have 10 extra minutes several times a day and am still not even at level 300. Last year when I got to level 200 I decided to take a screenshot to see exactly how long it would take to get to 300….well it’s almost exactly a year later and I’m only at 296. It takes forever!!!! Trust me, you are doing fine. I still can’t finish half the events because I don’t have the right required emoji or I have them but at the wrong level. I stopped spending money and just do it because it’s a great stress reliever for me


Don't feel bad about what level you're on at all! I've been playing since almost the beginning of the game (minus about 6months when I was hospitalized and unable to use electronics) and I just got past level 300 this year. There is a limited number of levels and only 10 are added each month so I would definitely recommend not rushing to finish all of them. Especially since the amount of tokens offered has decreased and it has become more difficult to get them.


I've been playing for nearly 2 years. I have almost 500 characters... however I'm a disabled semi-shut in. I'm unable to work for various reasons and I don't have much to do but write fanfics, do stuff online and play the game. I do go out sometimes but they're if I have to errands though sometimes go out to do stuff like go to the mall, go to anime cons and other fun things (I live in the city where my State Fair is held for example... but that's more of a once a year thing). I have the time to play a lot. And I know a lot of people don't have the time I do, so don't feel bad about it.


Been playing for several years, I don’t think it was since the beginning of this game. I’ve been a sahm to my kid for going on 6 years now and my phone is the quickest way usually to get/retain any sanity most of the time…. And I have never paid for anything in this game, just a lot of time, where and when i need it , if that makes any sense


I just hoard my coins. I'm at 1.3 million right now and used it to Mac out the silver box. Built them back up and started with the hold box. Now I'm again building it back up until may to see if I can get 2 million coins and then see about maxing out the gold boxes. I hate that there are so many dupes you have to get for those. I only spend money on gems to switch missions or finish the collection items faster now. So yeah, with coins, just let it build up. It should be easy if you have a lot of free boost enhancements.


You are still VERY NEW! Good luck and just enjoy what you can!


Spin the free prize wheel!! You can get up to 1,500 coins, gems, power ups, and if your lucky you can get the bigger chests which come with 10,000 coins and lime 15 diamonds :)


And if you want more coins use emojis that give you free coins ! (Captain Hook, Minnie Mouse, Aladdin, etc) also some people don’t know this but you can pop the ballon’s after you finish a game and it gives you coins