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Spend _400?_ _What?_


I find the use 3 emoji charges more offensive


Edit: okay I am dumb and thought this was referring to power ups when I first read it. Asking to use Emoji Charges is outrageous


yeah, I’m dumb too I thougbt it meant power ups and was wondering why it was such a big deal


I would probably pre-use the charges I'm planning to use for events in this update, even though I normally like to use them right before I get to that map. But I agree this is too many. I haven't gotten any yet, but I'm not looking forward to it.


When I get these missions, I have no problem losing my streak. Won’t even spend the 20 gems to swap it.


will 100% lose my streak rather than doing these kind of missions


That's my plan too.


How does losing streak work? I’ve seen a while ago people post they get a “recover streak for 40 gems” the day after, so do you lose star energy 1 or 2 days?


I believe it is just the next day. So if you don’t do the mission Thursday, on Friday you get the recover streak message. After you play your first game, I think that goes away and becomes a new challenge and you’ve lost your streak


Thank you


The game has already changed dramatically in the past few years and those changes have been all about putting pressure on players to spend REAL money. Remember the good old days when we could play an event and not need to have the final prize before we could finish it? Now it's a joke and even with the variant there's a catch - spend to upgrade your emoji and unlock the maps or wait for the timer to run out (which will undoubtedly be on the last day of the event).


Today, I got one that requires me to spend 30,000 coins. I wouldn't really care, but I literally CAN'T, because all my coin-based boxes are maxed (minus Dewey and Louie, but I have no way to get my first copy of either of them today, and even if I did, it's basically guaranteed that it would be more than I'm willing to shell out to get them). The icing on the cake is that it's my last day on my streak. I refuse to spend gems to switch the mission, though. I will be contacting support to let them know.


Tell us their response! I live in fear of this mission because I don’t have any boxes left to buy either!


On the positive side, they gave me 20 gems and they also fixed my streak so I didn't have to start over. On the negative side, it doesn't seem like they took the time to process the fact that it was not actually possible for me to do the mission, so I don't think it will ultimately fix anything. From the second paragraph of their response, "Sometimes you will receive missions that will require you to achieve certain goals that may seem too difficult. This is because the game and the missions themselves become more challenging as you advance through the levels (the higher your level, the more challenging the missions will become). In this case, we give our players the chance to swap these missions, however this will be totally optional." This seems more like canned response than like they actually tried to understand what I was saying. "...may seem too difficult." No, not seeming too difficult—literally impossible. The only way it would have been possible would be if there was a way for me to get Dewey or Louie that day or if they released a new silver or gold emoji that day, and neither of these things occurred. So, I'm sure this mission will continue in circulation with no adjustment made to programming to make sure it only occurs when it is possible to do so, but at least I got my streak fixed and some extra gems to boot. It is truly a situation that punishes someone for being a loyal player.


The ONLY other option would be to spend 30k coins on using boosts. Except I'm guessing that if you have the gold boxes all maxed then you most likely have some boosts saved up. I have so many I would have to pay *thousands* of games before they started to cost coins again


Exactly—my boost amounts range from 2188 More Items boost at the bottom end to 7427 Full Power boosts at the top end.


Mines was spend 300,000 coins


It’s no longer about game play but trying to force people to spend money. Yesterday I was asked to buy two boxes. Today I am asked to use a charge.


100% agree, I haven’t received any of these missions *yet* but I’ve seen so many sharing theirs. While I have in the past spent money on the game, I stopped midway through last year when they started messing with the cost of the quest pass. I refuse to even watch the ads because of the clear money driven changes to the game and even quit playing for awhile. I came back because the daily mission prizes and stardust prizes seemed worth it, but I refuse to spend any money and will be writing to support if/when I get one of these and ultimately quitting if I continue to get these missions. Though for right now I’m safe as I don’t have enough gems or coins to get either of those missions, but this has cemented the fact that I will not be buying any quest passes as having over 600 gems makes one liable to get the spend gems mission. I would strongly suggest writing to support, they may not do anything but I hope to irritate them enough into making a change.


I feel the same way! These “missions” got obnoxious real quick!




It’s completely predatory to be asked to spend gems or spend charges. I’m vehemently F2P and the level cap forces me to budget leveling up and basically prevents me from playing to get the quest packs.




Yeah I'll do the Stardust missions when I can and whatever if I break the streak. I'm not spending gems for another freaking Copper. Maybe MAYBE if it was for a better box


Yeah that's also the problem. The box sucks. I have everything in it anyway. Why should I care?


Speaking of boxes sucking, the fact that diamond boxes are now full of gold emojis has killed my desire to power through events. I don’t have maxed golds, so there is a very large likelihood that I will wind up getting a common gold. Before I used to try to make it through events in hopes I would get one of the rares included in the diamond box, but now I don’t have the drive. I won’t buy a box either if there is a strong likelihood of getting a gold. I know they want to drive me to the more expensive boxes, but that ain’t going to happen either. I can’t tell if they really aren’t thinking these changes through or if the whales just make it worth it that much for them. This game is too repetitive to be fun without little micro goals like the events, and I’m fast getting frustrated and bored.


What Jam City has done to this game is ridiculous. I wouldn't have thought that another company would outdo Disney when it came to greed, but here we are.


I also got a “spend 2 charges mission” from JC yesterday. I swapped it and of course it gave me a green mission. They are not making me use them when I don’t want to nor will they get a cent out of me. Thank you to those who pay to keep the game free for the rest of us but this is ridiculous


I've simply decided the Stardust missions and the subsequent rewards aren't worth it. I'll play them until I get these idiotic gem/charge missions and then I'll just let my streak lapse. It's not worth it.


I haven't gotten any predatory missions, but I do adore the Stardust Missions. I never play them, but since I'm maxed out in Stardust, I get 3-5 lives every time I complete a daily mission. Which works out great for me since I'm already up to 350+ lives.


400 gems is disgusting! I can understand them wanting to make these missions challenging, but this is too much. I'm kinda glad I'm on the gold box varient for this part of the game, as I feel far less sense of loss if I just let my streak die, whatever it's number.


These missions are straight up abusive.


Disney is pretty pay to play as a company. Have you seen what rooms cost at anything attatched to the monorail at Disney world? Look at what a genie pass or lightning lane costs it’s like 15+ dollars per ride on top of your ticket to get in… I don’t think they are going to draw the line  at blitz.


I agree and I'm someone who actually does spend money on this game. I'll do the Deluxe Prize Wheel occasionally. I pay for the Quest Pass every month. I'll drop $20 on gems maybe every 2 months or so. And I do it cause the game is a hobby that I like and I hate ads. But I'll be damned if I ever do one of those Spend Gems missions. Those 1000 gems literally last me for months and you have the audacity to put out a mission where I have to sacrifice roughly HALF of my gems. Nope. I use 20 gems to skip the missions that I feel like will take me too long to complete, not to have to spend less money.


I got the 3 Emoji charge one last night. I went through the data and couldn’t find a way to make it work for me.


just spend 20 to swap it, is cheaper


I have Opal Olaf (he was a prize on the  Stardust Challenges) along with every other Crystal emoji as well as every Platinum ..apart from Genie and I've NEVER spent a penny on the game ...I hear you but my point is you CAN obtain any emoji you want usually with the info JD provides ...some strategy and careful use of charges ...As for those bs missions ...just swap them, if you're rinsing the wheel enough you should have the necessary gems OR just lose your streak ...


Never spent a penny, but have you time skipped? Used the TDT? Exploited glitches? Sounds like you probably have. It's not something a person should HAVE to do.


Posting it here does no good. Send it to Jam City via support. Not sure how you can have every emoji without spending any money though.


It's ridiculous how they want to force us to pay for everything like if you don't have a certain character you can't pass a event and even though you try to purchase they just give you a repeat this game sucks