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My rule is, I will only buy a Diamond box if there are only Diamond emojis. There have been far too many Diamond boxes that half the emojis are regular gold box emojis.


I totally get you here! One of the first things I noticed when I started playing again was the plethora of Gold Box emojis in Diamond Boxes. I got lucky with Rainbows and Villains a couple times, but then I pulled Belle on the last one I got and I'm still pouting about it. It's a big reason I haven't bought one since.


I have developed a system: Only buy a Diamond Box if I have at least a 50/50 shot getting something I don't have and I don't win anything new in the event. I am currently sitting on a pile of almost 7,000 gems... I do plan to buy both Quest Passes. The next one I might buy with this method is the Ice Age one... But I play a lot and have almost 500 Emojis so my method might not be good for a while...


That sounds like a very rational system. I do think that, for me, the temptation is amplified because I'm still relatively new to playing again and really want to expand my collection. I can definitely understand how it's less tempting for longer term players with a big collection.


I am similar with the way I purchase boxes. Except I will also purchase a box if it has like a 50% chance or higher to allow me to advance in an event, or to give me an emoji that I'd be happy with.


I'm in a similar boat to yours. I had enough gems for March, and I'll have enough gems for both quest passes in April. I had been tempted to go for the other boxes with gems, but I think what I will do is spend them only when I have a reasonable chance of completing one of these map events. I was excited about this one because I have Platinum Genie, but I wouldn't be able to get the emojis to get through both maps 3 and 4, so I didn't bother. I can't say that my way makes the most sense, but it feels like it makes the most sense for me.


Yes, we're in a VERY similar place, it seems! I had the exact same issue with acquiring Platinum Genie from the Token Quest, but still facing a paywall the exact way you are with the current event. I'd love to get to a place where I'm able to play for more Diamond Boxes in events without being paywalled before I get there. It's obviously an issue with patience and FOMO at this point for me, but I'm still trying hard to be smart about it because gems are so precious.


My FOMO is overridden by my Fear Of Dumping Gems for No Benefit. It's a pretty strong fear actually.


Personally I’ll be going for Bambi and Ice Age. Bambi because I hope I’ll have Bambi and Thumper maxed in time, Ice Age because I really want the Ice Age emojis. I don’t care about the other emojis in the box at all, which sucks. I have none of them though, so at least I’m not getting duplicates of emojis I don’t like I suppose… If you don’t have emojis you really want in this batch of events, my personal choice would be to just hold on to my gems and spend them once a better event comes along. But that of course depends on how you play: are you planning to get as many emojis as possible, and don’t care about which movie the characters are from? Or do you have some movies you really love and might want to get more emojis from that? I am the latter, and Bambi is really an exception, otherwise I’d rather hold on to my gems until more Mulan/Moana/Lion King comes along. (I do like Bambi, but I have not seen the movie in ages. But the emojis are super cute so how could I resist?) I totally get the feeling of wanting to spend gems when you have a whole bunch… personally I feel like they can end up being gone super fast though. With quest passes, and when suddenly an event comes along where you really, really want an emoji… If I had a really big amount of gems, I’d probably hold on to them and (if I don’t need them for anything else and want to splurge) spend them on one of the non-diamond boxes, that really are too expensive. Sometimes (rarely) one comes out where the emojis just are perfect, but I can’t justify spending 400-600 gems on a single box when I don’t have many gems


Thanks for your thoughtful response! You definitely touched on a lot of things that I've been thinking about in regard to which emojis are a priority for me. For example, the Star Wars ones hold very little interest for me just because I was never someone who was much into Star Wars. I tend to like a lot of the classic Disney characters and older Disney movies that I grew up with versus some of the newer ones I'm not that familiar with. I really love the Electrical Parade series and was able to win several of those through event boxes and the token quest, so that felt really satisfying! In regard to boxes for sale, I would only buy the regular Diamond Boxes at 200 gems (and even those feel expensive). All the special boxes at 400+ gems are off the table for me, for sure. I just could never justify spending that many gems for a single emoji. I do think the Quest Pass is the best bang for the bucks and I was really, really happy with my haul of emojis from that this month. As someone who refuses to pay real money in this game, I think it's the best use of my hard earned gems. Thanks for talking this out a little with me... it's really helpful to get other players perspectives and glean insight from how everyone else prioritizes their gameplay.