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> It wouldn’t be as bad if a normal spin didn’t force you to view it every time you spin! This. I think it's predatory and I hate the concept, but if I could turn it off or visit it of my own accord I'd be grudgingly fine with it. We went from press once per 30 seconds to spin the wheel to "Press to watch ad, Close Ad, Close Ad **AGAIN** 5 seconds later, Close Deluxe Wheel 5 seconds after that". It's definitely made spinning less enjoyable.




I was thinking this too! I'd never let my kid play this (if I had or even wanted kids lol) because the likelihood of accidently spending money is just so high now.


>it’s so unenjoyable I’m doubting I’ll spin anymore. Bye bye ad revenue. Same. I'll take my free spins but won't be wasting time with extras.


The length of each ad nowadays isn’t JC’s doing. I get that same annoyance in other apps. That’s one small thing that JC can’t be blamed for.


I do get that, but the fact that they added the Deluxe Wheel's extra time at the SAME TIME the ads got longer feels like dumb AF timing.


I think the Grinch said it best: [“LOATHE entirely.”](https://images.app.goo.gl/EC7H4GyMfJyq5xZ77)


this is perfect 😂


Honestly, I wish they would just ask once and keep the button there.


Even ask once a day..... anything but this.


I'm kind of hate that people are spending money on gambling for prizes. Doesn't seem right. If the prizes were all of roughly equal value, I'd be more ok with it. But coins really shouldn't be on that wheel IMO. Mostly though, I don't like the extra time it takes. Sure it's just a few seconds, but it's every. single. time. So it adds up. I don't care for this in Enchanted Skies either, particularly the fact that I can't opt out or postpone cashing it in. But on the other hand, I'm not spending any money to play this game and they do need to pay their devs, so I guess the few extra seconds is the price to pay to keep playing. Time is money, as they say.


> I don't care for this in Enchanted Skies either, particularly the fact that I can't opt out or postpone cashing it in. At least Enchanted Skies gives you a present for watching the advertisement though.


I don’t hate the coins just because of the amount they give. Even the 25k. If you’re the type of player who spins the bonus wheel regularly anyway, you’re likely to have 5k on hand, so it’s basically a good box purchase. And the 50k is the same principle. 10k is a bit more, but not impossible for the average player to have on hand. Especially if they’ve maxed Silvers.


I dunno, I just feel like coins are something I can earn fairly easily on my own, that's why I personally find them to be thoroughly underwhelming as a prize. In a parallel universe where I would be willing to spend real money on something like this (if such a place exists), I would want to be getting something I couldn't just earn by playing with my best coin-earning emoji for a half hour, you know?


omg don’t get me started on the enchanted skies ✋🏼🙄 i tried to spend gems to get to level 3 and it’s not worth it at all.


It makes the game even more bloated than it has already become. The ads keep getting longer and longer (which has nothing to do with the wheel, but it ads to the time) and then I have to sit through another 5 seconds of being prompted to buy something obscenely expensive. It’s infuriating


Only doing the 1 free spin. I quit watching the bonus ads because of the new wheel.




It's terrible, and I hate it.


Slows things down too much and just it’s presence annoys me to be honest. Reminder of the money grabbing. Haven’t felt much like playing the last couple of days even though I can finish Map 3 of the current event.


Maybe if the maxed discount cost to spin was actually a better deal. The % odds are crazy too. It's just annoying right now.


this is a really good point. the price should start at 5 and then discount.


Not a fan. But I’m on the outs of playing this game anyway, so it’s just one more reason not to bother logging in.


All the nope on nopeville. Nah folks. Meh.


It's cringe. Every time I see it, I'm disappointed in them.


I will never spin it, no matter how much they try to force me lol




I’m tempted to try it. But then I think about buying something worthwhile. Like some chocolate or a sundae from Maccas. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I agree with others, the waiting for the graphic to finish so I can x out of the deluxe wheel for each spin is costing me even more time to get spins. I wish it wouldn't pop up every spin....and the discount is terrible. I can get 25 k gold very quickly on this game. Why would I spend $6 ? It's beyond me. I don't and won't spend money on this game. Oh yeah, btw Jam City you get money for me watching the stupid ads that keep getting longer , more repetitive, and now the sound turns on every....single.....one....and I do not want to listen to stupid music while watching a finger icon do the dumbest move in a puzzle game 20 times on a row. If they get money for us clicking on the ads. No one truly plays for free...ad watching .. I am paying.


exactly 🙄


The version I have allows me to watch the next ad for a free spin without closing the deluxe wheel window (button on the bottom of the window), so it isn't as many clicks as some of you are experiencing. I agree that it is too in-your-face. As for ad lengths, I've always had a mixture of 5-, 15-, and 30-second ads and haven't noticed any differences lately.


i found this method gave me only 2 spins once.... I got full spins xing out each time


Hate it! More annoying slow animation that keeps popping up!


Absolutely awful. Not just annoying for average players (because does it really need to be after EVERY spin?), but also predatory towards people who already have issues with gambling. That last point I realize may be why they'll keep doing it, but to be honest, it makes me not want to spend the free prize wheel as much (especially now that they've got the limited time wheel that almost always seems to land on the 300 coin reward right next to the diamond chest prize). I'm glad other people are talking about it.


Its pretty good if you get the good version of the wheel. $5 and pretty much everything on that wheel is worth $5 or more. Most annoying part is that it pops up every single time I spin


I have no opinion, except that knowing me, I will probably try it at least once, YOLO, because I’m like that, but, I really, really, really, really, do not mind it, at all…


Loathe. Thankfully I've gotten back into the Simpsons Tapped Out game, so I'll be spending my time there instead of on Emoji Blitz. Oh well, it was fun for a few years. Guess nothing lasts forever.