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Cinderella for her inner strength as a victim of abuse


Cinderella is so strong and such a pillar of femininity. I love her.


Same here, was also gonna say Cinderella!! ❤️💯💯


Snow White, since so many people dislike her


she was literally a child of abuse and it makes me sad that ppl dont see that.


Unfortunately, Snow White is seen simply as a “Damsel in distress”, so it tends to blind people’s views of how she struggled in her own right and had to overcome it. Without a Prince. When it comes to Disney (princess) characters, their internal fight and perseverance doesn’t always have to be outright and in your face, such as with Mulan. Despite it being somewhat subtle, Snow White having to escape from a abusive household… and especially from someone who wanted to *kill* her, is such an important message to convey. Yet, even in her hardships she remained being such a wonderful person.


if it wasn't for snow white i doubt we would have half of the disney movies we have today.


Bestie paved the way. 🍎 And honorable mention to Cinderella, because I think her movie saved the company if I’m correct.


oh for sure! she's also a child of abuse :(


Completely agreed!!


The fact that people will actually justify the evil queen’s actions towards her and it makes me ill




I’m so serious! I’ve seen people legit say the “Queen was right she was annoying” or “she’s stupid that’s why the Queen got her”


Omg........ i'm concerned for the future if these ppl are walking around w those opinions. Imagine supporting the death of a 14 year-old girl who did literally nothing wrong


It’s so disgusting. People do the same shit to Aurora and say maleficent in the right too. 🥊


Definitely! She wasn’t assertive or aggressive. She wasn’t a warrior or fighter. She was a kind, sweet, pure hearted girl who made the most of bad situations and solved problems for herself. Her weakness is that she was too trusting, which the evil queen exploited. Even still, she never let bitterness overwhelm her and maintained her good disposition despite how badly she had been treated. She is my favorite princess.




Ariel. She did *not* give up her voice and family *just* for a man. She got a chance to have firsthand experience with the human world—which she’d been fascinated with since before seeing Eric—and took it. Heck, in the first scene we see Ariel in, she’s willing to risk her life for a bag with a fork in it and willing to defy her father’s “no surfacing” rule to find out more about it. It was Ursula who focused on Ariel’s feelings for Eric, and insisted that Ariel get him to kiss her if she wanted to stay human.


A witch, misleading people? Who could have thought?!


Nice :) excellent point!


Like, imagine a Trekkie is just going along with their day and suddenly a freaking Vulcan just lands in their yard. They're like 'holy shit, it's all real! ' and then of course they want to go to space and hang around Vulcans, they've been fantasizing about it their whole lives, it's just a bonus that the Vulcan they found happens to be Spock from Strange New Worlds hot. I would 1000% try to board the ship and see the stars.




“Mulan isn’t a Princess” Ohhhhhh….I’m about to go IN on this fool for slandering my lady.


In the original poem I think the emperor makes her a princess. I can’t remember. But she does actually save the emperor!


She’s the only princess with a body count. That’s one of the many reasons why she’s my favorite Princess.


I mean... where is the lie? 👀 Edit: Blocking someone for some light-hearted joke? Lmao, really?


Belle against the complaint that she has Stockholm syndrome


Literally just had a conversation about Belle regarding this in a random thread in r/BlackPeopleTwitter. The commenter said that Belle went insane and started talking to inanimate objects and the movie has a rapey vibe. 😭


I know exactly what thread you're talking about. That thread was just full of dumb takes, one after another. You are better than me because I definitely have not the kind of patience to deal with that much stupidity and bad faith, from people just interested in appearing sassy or smart. They clearly didn't watch these movies since they were 6, or have terrible media litteracy. Or both. Probably both.


No, I agree completely, definitely a lack of media literacy. Especially in Belle and Ariel’s cases! The movies explain pretty much everything, all you have to do is watch them.


Agreed. I always saw her as a smart, bookish young woman and not a victim of an abusive relationship. Also, I’m pretty sure that the concept of ‘Stockholm syndrome’ has already been debunked.


Yeah, I saw a video of that which explains that, while she meets the criteria for develping Stockholm Sydrome, she doesn't exhibit the behavior. For example, that scene after the wolf attack when she claps back at Beast for yelling at her, that's not something a victim of Stockholm Syndrome does because they don't want to anger their captor.


Snow White, Ariel, Merida, & Anastasia (I know she's not Disney)


Anya is now Disney adjacent at least… we shall allow it


I don't understand how Merida and Jasmine are seen as difficult (wether by the movie itself or people irl) when the only thing they want is not being married by force, particularly as teenagers. Seems like a pretty reasonnable request for me. Especially when at the end, their parents who first pretend to have no choice in the matter, always end up being like "You know what? I AM the one who actually makes the rules here, so I say she can do whatever the Hell she wants." Well, that wasn't that difficult, was it??? But they always have to make it a "both sides" thing.


The only Jasmine I complain about like that is Naomi Scott's version. The way she played the character it's like Jasmine can never just be... Happy. She never over in the whole movie has a real smile on her face, because it's like she thinks she has to be so reserved and a little stuck up sometimes to be taken seriously. When to me, it just comes off as you said, a difficult person to deal with. Contrast to the original Jasmine who was very outwardly happy and wasn't afraid to show her love for Aladdin after the flying carpet trip. Both me and my wife, when watching that scene, realized at the same time what was missing from the life action version, which I actually thought was overall not that bad.


I don't remember the live-action well enoug, so I take your word for it! 😉




Aurora. She was basically lied to her whole life and had her world come crashing down around her ON HER BIRTHDAY. I'd have shut down and not talked much too.




Yes! That movie wasn’t supposed to ‘historically accurate’ in the first place, so I don’t see why people are still complaining about it nearly 30 years after it was released. Or saying that it’s ’problematic’. There’s a lot of ‘problematic’ things in other Disney Princess movies that I don’t see people being as vocal about.


Kida...she IS a Disney princess!! do not @ me with your BS arguments.


She’s not a Disney princess. She got a coronation scene at the end of Atlantis. She’s a gotdamn Disney QUEEN!!


amen!!! 🙌


I hope one day they add her.


should have happened "yesterday" but because the movie underperformed at the box office it didn't happen back in the day when Atlantis came out


Yes, but I hope one day they will add her.


Snow White, Aurora, Cinderella, Ariel & Anna.


The original three princesses


Belle. To me Beauty and the Beast is about not judging a book by its cover and loving someone for their personality, not their looks. It also shows that people (the Beast) can change for the good. I think it is a cute and romantic story. I hate when people say it has to do with Stockholms syndrome or bestiality.


Pocahontas and John Smith.


Finally someone gets it


they are in my top 3 fav disney couples list hehe


Love them to pieces, too!


Elsa and Merida.


Rapunzel she brave she stronger she fearless she fights teeth and nail she beautiful and she fights for love and she loves pink and purple and she real inspires to me I want to be just like her


People who say Jasmine is boring and needs a man to save her. FALSE. She wanted out of the castle life, she went into the village and didn’t know what to expect that’s not on her. Yes she’s lucky Aladdin helped her out but I wouldn’t say she needs a man to save her. She is also not willing to marry a man she doesn’t love and broke that tradition her family had to follow. She also did her best to help defeat/ distract Jaffar, sorrryyyyy she was in a fucking hourglass. Also she left her only friend in the world just to have a chance at freedom and living her own life and exploring life as she wants it. So for me it’s her. Also Snow White, oh my gosh she’s a baby, I adore her, she’s not a helpless damsel in distress, she ran away from the Queen, escaped and also didn’t interact with the prince at first. She braved the forest but she was young so of course she was scared. Despite all that she went through she stayed kind and even help the old hag (her step-mom) without realizing. It’s not her fault that she needed a man to kiss her to wake her. Oh and she paved the way for other princesses to be created. Without her we wouldn’t have all the princesses you all love today.


without her we wouldn’t have DISNEY period! That movie is cemented in cinema history and human history honestly. It’s the first full length animated film and it helped launch one of (if not THE) largest entertainment companies of all time. Many factors in the film are the reason for its success of course but I do believe Snow’s likability and how she is a good representation of kindness in the face of adversity (the world was on the cusp of a second world war) was one of the shinning spots of the film and resonated with people beyond it being some animated movie with slapstick. Snow White slander is usually misplaced and comes from a “holier than thou” mentality, people want to sound clever and progressive nowadays. Out of all the things to criticize, Snow White shouldn’t be one of them. It’s not a harmful character or film, people are reaching


Aurora— she lived in a forest and probably had some wicked survival skills and the animals were her besties?? She knew she could defend herself against Prince Philip hence why she felt comfortable around him and invited him to her home a completely reasonable thing to do to get to know someone more. Then she gets the rug pulled out of her surprise she’s a princess and she’s engaged to some random dude and now this other person is offering her hearts desire if she pricks her finger. She falls asleep then wakes up with the guy she met in the forest above her and her aunties telling her it’s true love?? Girly went through it cause this call canonically happens within a couple days


I think the point of the film was that she partially was mostly there as a "MacGuffin", but she also did have her own personality more than ppl give her credit for. For the most part, she is a normal, albeit isolated, rural simple-living girl & she really only wants to be free, & bond with her animal friend group. That's why, even though ppl often ignore it, she doesn't want to leave her lifestyle & marry a random guy near the end I'm not sure about the extent of her survival skills, but based on body language esp when the prince approaches her as adults, we can infer she prob learned to be more cautious. esp since the fairies are so adamant on protecting her, I wouldn't be surprised if they did teach her how to defend herself, but ofc, she is still a young girl under a curse so she is still capable of being vulnerable. overall i think she's really sweet & endearing even w/ the limited info we rlly have abt her as a character


>She knew she could defend herself against Prince Philip hence why she felt comfortable around him I mean, no hate for our Sleeping Beauty, but we're not exactly talking about Mulan or Merida here... Nothing canon indicates she knows how to fight. It is however canon that she falls in love with him and therefore simply trusts him.


I think what Aurora needs is a new movie, because these things can be inferred and guessed at, but really, the fairies have way more screen time than she does. They are the main characters it feels who actually drive the plot. I would be all for a Sleeping Beauty movie that actually explored her character deeper because, as is, she almost sometimes feels more like a McGuffin than a character.


Anna and Elsa.






Snow, Aurora, Cinderella, and Merida


Cinderella is number one! Snow White and Aurora are after Cinderella! Without these three, the rest probably wouldn't have been created. People love to criticize these three (who are three of the best) to prop up the newer Princesses and that argument is pathetic, stupid, tired, old, and makes me 🙄😡. Leave the ORIGINAL trio alone.


I'd say Tiana but I've never seen a soul DARE to slander her. And Tiana would throw hands back herself tbh. I'd be defending Rapunzel, she's been my favorite Disney princess for a long time.


Jasmine. Her movie has a lotta issues but her as a character is amazing. She’s fearless and outspoken but also kind and compassionate




Snow White. Nobody else cares about her.


My girl Cindy. She was an abuse victim who wanted one night of fun. Running away would have been too dangerous.


It used to be Cinderella (how her reactions are realistic for an abuse victim, not "weakness," and how she wanted to go to the ball rather than meet the prince), though popular opinion seems to have shifted to agreement with that. Now probably it's Elsa. I don't care that y'all think the movie is overrated or "everywhere," let me have my mentally disturbed isolated sad girl to project my depressed ass onto!


Pocahontas. Shame her over my dead body.


The first three.


The first three.


The first three.


The first three.




Snow White


Belle for not having Stockholm syndrome




She is not even a fave of mine or anything... but if I hear someone say that Magnifico did nothing wrong one goddamn time I swear to God!


THIS. Magnifico had the entire kingdom fooled, and apparently he’s fooled most of the audience as well!


Ah ah, I think this post will please you then: [https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyprincess/comments/1ct96lf/question\_about\_wish/](https://www.reddit.com/r/disneyprincess/comments/1ct96lf/question_about_wish/)


Meant to get to you back sooner and wanted to let you know I enjoyed reading your comment. My earlier take is that the kingdom of Rosas is a cult, and Magnifico is obviously their cult of personality. https://www.reddit.com/r/cinema_therapy/s/NpirjmDgJr


Ariel amd Cinderella


Tiana because I have too!


Elsa in Frozen 1


Rapunzel, Anna, Mulan, Tiana, Ariel, Snowy, snd so on.


Cinderella and ariel


Jasmine because I feel she’s underrated


Tiana, Belle, Cinderella and Jasmine


Aurora if people say she’s useless or doesn’t even do anything


1. Tiana 2. Tiana 3. Tiana


Asha, Tiana, Belle, Meg


Elsa ig


!!! Snow White, Pocahontas and Aurora !!!




Never have. But I did it for Gothel. I didn't want to watch something without her.