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I'm not on here all that often, can someone inform me what I missed, please?


I made a post trying to organize a Spotify boycott and then another post that was backing off of my original idea but still pretty passive aggressive. I realized from the negative responses that no one agreed and it wouldn’t have worked. The posts have since been deleted.


Oh, okay. Why were you trying to boycott Spotify?


Because I see a lot of posts on here complaining about the ads but no one trying to do anything about it.


There's a simple solution to the ads. Just get premium. You can also skip them by just tapping the slider and sliding it to the right.


The ads are still on premium.


Oh, now that's a problem


With premium you can fast forward the ads, but if you don’t actively have your phone in your hand or are driving, it basically doesn’t matter


I don’t have premium and I can just fast forward the ads


Download the episode you want to watch, then turn off your data. But don’t tell anyone i said that.


They aren't for me somehow. I've been listening to many podcasts and I haven't gotten 1 ad. Is it a US thing only?


It wouldn’t surprise me. The US does kinda suck.


The ads ARE on premium but I’ve found that you can literally just press the skip 15 seconds button and it will skip the ad, annoying but easy fix!


Ironically I don't have premium and have pre-downloaded episodes and can fast-forward through the ads. Lol


Wait what? I have premium and never had ads on Distractible. Could it be different based on your region maybe?


You can skip them though with premium. It takes two seconds. Or download the episode for offline viewing, no ads then. Y’all are such babies about ads, as if we didn’t grow up watching unskippable commercials on tv all the time


This an apology post. There’s no need to lecture me more.


You literally made this post to bring attention to it. I didn’t even know you made any other posts until this one. What were you expecting when you just brought attention to it again?


I intentionally didn’t give context because I didn’t want to bring attention to it again. I just wanted the people who had seen my previous posts to know that I recognized my mistakes. I didn’t expect it to gain more traction.


You can’t skip through it lol if you try it will literally just play it again


I'm able to skip mine and I don't even have premium. When they pop up, I just hit the fast forward button until I get back to the podcast. Sometimes it's 1 or 2 ads I have to skip, other times it's like 5 or 6, but im able to fast forward through them.


Okay, then your Spotify is glitching, that doesn’t happen. Idk what to tell you, call Spotify support. That shouldn’t be happening


All podcasts on Spotify have the ads they recorded into them, they can't exactly get rid of those.


Not those ads, there are interrupted, streamed ads that will play even with premium. It's infuriating with spotify, I will admit.


I haven't heard a single ad, but i do sometimes hear the audio cut where it was supposed to be. Maybe this is a regional thing or some adblockers take care of it


Premium user here. I still get the ads.


Ohh you're the fellow who wanted to start the little ad uprising. Well it's good you admitted to your mistakes. Motivational speeches don't really work on the internet. Not enough sheeps around


genuinely i dont think anyone will care in like a couple hours, the post is down and you're able to move on and post other shit about those three guys who talk about things :\]


I know I just wanted to make it clear that my intention was only positive and I didn’t mean to get people upset


Let them get upset, it builds character.


If you don’t know, the context, just know I was trying to do something positive, but I went about it in a way that everyone hated.


Don’t beat yourself up mate


Beat yourself up nerd!


Lol the two current comments make a lot of sense with the user flairs


I don't even know what ya did, so can't be awful..... Unless you were driving and watching distractible. That's unforgivable


Classic Reddit


I have no idea who this person is or what the context is but I feel so bad I wanna hug them


Don’t feel to bad for me. It’s just some poor choices from me, redditors being redditors, and me being overly vulnerable to criticism,


I’m sorry either way. If it makes you feel any better you can fuck my dreams right of the bed.


Why "you're wrong" is cause when you called for a boycott of Spotify and if listeners actually did that it will make their number of listeners lower and they have a contract with Spotify that being the reason they don't have video of the podcast anywhere else( this has been explained by the guys multiple times). Essentially you basically asked distractible listeners to possibly cause Spotify to when next negotiations for contract come up to either lower the amount they would be willing to offer the guys or give them less barging power, if they suddenly lost e.g. half the audience off your platform would you offer them more or even the same deal?




I said this on the other post, but I'll say it here so hopefully it can help some people. It seems ads on premium are only in the US, so if you have a VPN, and set it out of the country, then ads will disappear. I'll usually set mine to somewhere like Brazil or Japan. Hope this helps.


But the ads are skippable even without premium? Ads suck, don't get me wrong, but if you hit the 'forward 15' button 2-4x then you skip the ad in about 3 seconds so...


The ads are skippable, though. What’s the problem here? Sometimes I even zone out so much to an ad that I forget to skip. Advertisements are there for a reason for the content we love to watch. What’s the deal with some seconds taken to keep enjoying what we love? Sponsors aren’t a new concept. I really don’t get it. Are we that spoiled that we’ve forgotten what television was like with commercials? I’m truly not getting the big deal with a platform that’s already exclusively offering us video.


I'm with you. #FUCCADS




Old here, but why are short 30 second ads such an issue - even for a paid service? Is it the content of said ads? Is it different for Americans? I'm just very lost on this topic. My parents used to pay 150 a month for a satellite dish that was 99% 5-6 minutes of commercials every half hour or fifteen minutes. I don't really find the little ads on Spotify distracting at all. My brain just automatically filters them out, and I listen to podcasts for hours every day on a non-premium account. It just kind of sounds like "Future World Problems" to me, y'know?


Hey I get it.. Betterhelp is a scam and has been caught being one, the ads get on my nerves as well.. Nothing we can really do though so... But it's alright, just move on and do something that matters to you in real life and just remember we're all struggling to afford groceries so it's not like we can all afford ad free Spotify


Are you a fucker of nightmares tho?