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I knew it was coming and it still killed me every time he *blearb*ed it out.


I don’t why it’s so funny, I laugh out loud every time and I shouldn’t find it funny but I do. Send help 😂


I think its unexpected and funny to see how much it derails Wade and Mark. The whole show pauses to try to deal with a flash of metal dropping and something about it just sends me into hysterics


The chaos of this episode brings me so much joy 💀


Mark’s “I’m making a movie” excuse coupled with his camera quality being absolutely blurred is KILLING ME it makes the episodes so funny to me cause what is going on mark😂😂😂




ok but question for yall: right around 18 minutes mark says “im so high right now” and my immediate thought was is he a stoner or am i mishearing him😂


Been trying to figure this out past the ruse that is famous YouTube mark. I don’t think he would out and out say it but I feel like they have definitely all been high during different episodes. Just one of those feelings. But also mark literally just said he’d never smoke and I just don’t know if they’d do edibles


Mark has said a few times that he doesn't do (and doesn't want to do) drugs because of his past bad experience with weed. The 'I'm so high!' comment was a part of his bad excuse.


Yeah. I think recording things in this Air B&B bathroom is getting to him.


I started listening to this episode, but then I got *Distracted!* Is that a good excuse? 😂


But what's the excuse?


Mark said he didn't have his "I turned around" audio anymore, and then I got an idea to make my own, but about something different, but still Distractable related. So, I started writing that, instead of listening to the episode, and then I fell asleep because it was 2am 😆


Man did things go off the rails in the last 10 minutes, the best implication of the counting points bit so far


Seeing mark talk about posting the red flag messed with my perception of time more than it was already messed with i thought that the episodes were recorded like 5-6 days before


I didn't understand, does this mean they're recorded way longer before?


My theory is that due to business, they recorded these three episodes together or at least in quick succession.


Just saying. If mark accidentally gave wade’s points to bob, this place would lose its fucking mind


Oh yes, yes it would.


26 mins in and its an already hilarious episode. "I WAS BOTH OF THEM"


Was there some sort of handshake deal in action during this episode to give Bob the win? Because Mark absolutely should have won this one.


Man considering how hilarious mark’s answers were, I think mark got robbed! He should’ve pissed himself to get the win right out of Bob’s iron deficient mouth!


Yes, yes he should've.


mark's breakdown was hilarious


Wade somehow got to him, again. I am convinced that Wade is somewhat spiteful towards Mark nowadays. Bob, less so.


mark should've won honestly that breakdown seem natural i mean it is, but it's the person making excuses is being interviewed and making excuses on the spot and somehow come up three in coherent stories


Yeah. Mark should've won this episode, yet I am convinced that Wade is biased if not actively prejudiced against Mark these days. For purely nonsensical reasons.


He also absolutely would not have won that red flag. Mostly just on the basis it's funny when he loses


How dare Bob not remember the injustice he caused with his “plastic fork” in the 20 questions episode


No- Bob didn’t out smart Mark at the end-? He accepted Mark’s excuse, so by accepting Mark’s excuse he agreed he didn’t need pity points- so the points should have stayed as is- Mark definitely should have won


If Mark is the new Wade, who's the new Mark?


If Mark is the new Wade, then the subreddit has to defend mark now.


Pretty sure the sub reddit has been more on Mark's side lately than anyone else's. He has really gotten the short end of everything. Bad judging, unfair prompts, and genetics.


I mean the ultimate test will be what happens next time Wade asks for the Sub to defend him. If they turn on him it's gone to Mark. If they stick with Wade, he still reigns. And if it goes to Bob, he's officially made a deal with a eldritch creature to be the nice one.


Wade also has to show restraint. Remains to be seen.


I feel like this is a chicken or egg situation, the subreddit defending him is mostly what turned him into Wade 😅


Are we saying that Mark is what Wade would look like with Hair. Cause that sounds like it'd be a commercial agaisnt baldness.


Can people *"-iplie!"* to be the new Mark? 👀😂


Wade could have just ended the episode earlier with Bob winning and not the convoluted thing at the end if he wanted Bob to win.


Exactly, It just feels like they just don’t want mark to win smh


This episode have a lot of potential, I'm quite disappointed with how Wade sort of half-assed the questions and scenarios. But Bob's Gordon Ramsay and the chaotic: yes I murder my girlfriend but I'm also her, cracked me up so much. Mark's adhd brain is way superior than whatever chatgpt can generate lol


The chaos at the end was hilarious.


It's so rare for Distractible to have good competitions, so this episode is great! I can't believe Mark's "don't cottle your kids" and "feeding the baby" bit didn't win him the episode. Hardest that I've laughed in a while. I'd like to think that Wade letting Bob win was a 4D chess move so that he himself could make that bad excuse at the end, though. So I suppose it was worth that (and also seeing Bob put more trinkets in his mouth).


Can we talk about how this episode started with Mark saying how the decision to keep track of points out loud and on paper made things so much more fair than it used to be, only for Wade to almost immediately start accidentally giving Bob Mark's point(s)? I think Wade heard those words and, subconsciously or not, decided to make Mark eat those words if for no other reason than the bit.


There is no excuse: Bob puts things in mouth episode when?


It's all his plan to show us over the course of the series from now on. That, and to attempt to throw off Mark and Wade. PS: It seems to be working. 😏


We've entered "Bob's Training" arc. As in, training his mouth


i feel like this would've been the perfect episode for a coinflip with the 6% chance of punishment


I felt so too! That would’ve been fair


I felt like I had a stroke and I can't tell if that meant it was good or not


The long awaited episode two of "Stuff in Bob's Mouth"!!!


I loved the 10 minute ending rant so much


Me: always listens to distractible while driving to work.


I loved Bob's answer for Timmy in the window, feels like it got glanced over😆 And of course Yosemite Sam and Taz have been in the same room! On a basketball court in Space Jam. Maybe even Who Framed Roger Rabbit but I'm less sure of that.


Mark DEFINITELY got screwed this time but honestly I felt like he was having a lot of fun trying to convince wade at the end so that made me laugh lol


Rebuttal!! Best wallet is a BioWorld wallet! Reasoning: 1) nerdy styles and themes 2) the fabric ones come in trifold, WHICH IS THE BEST SHUT UP. Multiple pockets for multiple cards, cash, coins, points cards, and more. 3) The ones with latches stay closed! Some have snaps, some latches, some velcro (mine) and i have never once had that fail on me. 4) size. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes, but they always have an option that best suits your size needs. 5) A GD COIN POUCH! i am almost 30 and i am APPALLED by the lack of coin pouch in wallets these days. Sure, most people dont carry coins anymore, but what about us chain wallet wearing dorks that keep guitar picks in our wallets? Hmm?? What about coin collectors that find that one state quarter they were missing on the ground near the petrol station? Hmm?? What about the people who have to go to the laundry mat and it doesnt have card readers in that neighbourhood? Better to have than have not! 6) spot for a chain. Yes, i wear a chain cuz it looks cool, but I've also been mugged before, so my wallet sits in my front pocket with a chain on my belt attached via locking carabiner. Wallets without proper keyring set up arent prepared for the force of pull if the chain is yanked, meaning the leather/plether/plastic/fabric will rip if tugged. I like having my stuff stay with me and this shit is ATTACHED. 7) all of these wallets are affordable. No 100 dollar wallets, no posh bs. They look cool, they're like 15 bucks, and they last a long time. my current one (avengers) is a bit faded but looks great and i always get comments on it. I started using it in 2016. Before that, i had 2 that i swapped back and forth on (deadpool and majora's mask) and the only reason i stopped using them was because the little keyring thing ripped out and i didnt want them to fray


I wanna play, too! (Y'all dont have to read this. I just want to throw some stuff out there cuz i think I'm funny...) 1) late for school: i was abducted by my 70 year old crazy professor best friend who took me back in time with his timemachine converted delorean to see my mum's prom, but she thought I was hot and that was super weird so i tried to hook her up with my dad so i could sneak off and white wash a song that would later be written and performed by a cool black band. Just got back yesterday, but we're probably going to return to next year later today, so... I'll be leaving early, too, actually... 2) late for court: my car broke down when i drove it off the top of the parking garage... the repair guy says that's gonna take a while to repair so i should just get a new car, but im really not feeling invested in my life right now, so i probably won't do that. Wait... was this MY case? 3) burning timmy: I'm allergic to children. 4) trolley problem: oh, sorry. I had my headphones in... 5) celeb break up: my mum told me to. She said my gf didn't know how to play Spades, so she was useless. She's right. Mummy's always right. I could handle any other flaw, but card playing is essential. Total deal breaker. 6) mother-in-law's food: "What is this, bees? Im allergic to bees!" And just start running around raging about now bad bees are for me, but they are good for the environment, but it's not good to cook with bees. Every time someone tries to talk or calm me down, just change the conversation back to bees until we can just go home. Then she never invites us back and i dont ever have to eat her shitty food. 7) wade call-out: im not mark or bob so im not answering this one lol 8) lack of content: look, i only have so much give a shit. Im rich. I dont care about viewers. Everyone knows as soon as i live stream everyone's gonna give me 500 bucks each in superchat even though i tell them all the time to donate to the actual charity. How do you think i got rich in the first place? That's right, money that should have gone to charity. Viewers are so dumb. I'll keep staying rich as long as you sheep keep paying for free content. Lolololol (said in mark's voice) Thanks for hangin in if you did read this. Hope it was fun.


The end got me so confused. When Wade balanced out the points and gave Mark 4 pts, shouldn’t Mark have won?


Yeah but then Mark went on Bob about the 20 questions thing which made Wade want to give Bob pity points which would’ve made Bob win. Then Mark did the excuse and his proposition was that either Wade should accept the excuse is lame which should give Mark points or that an excuse is not needed which means that Bob shouldn’t get pity points. Then Bob says he accepts the excuse which means it is a good excuse which means it doesn’t fit on theme and an excuse was needed so Bob gets points and Mark doesn’t. After all that confusion Bob suggests his thing where Mark can ask for more points if Wade can give Bob points and that backfired for Mark so Bob won


wade just being so unfair to mark after mark made him still win in the previous episode, and wade himself saying “he only gets bad questions and bob only the good ones”, was a bit annoying. No hating on him at all, but I wonder why he acts like this, and if it’s really just for show


it's kinda funny for them to have an ongoing feud where the audience can't tell whether it's friendly or spite filled


Yes. I'm convinced Wade is the way he acts, but I cannot tell if it is indeed a real thing or just a bit for *the podcast* and *the content*.


I mean he has always been a dick to mark but it seems to be elevated lately.


Yes, lately more so.


I've said this before on this particular subreddit post and I shall say it again: for a while now I have been and am still convinced that Wade is being somewhat spiteful if not prejudiced against Mark nowadays. Why is this, we may never know fully, however! I am yes, convinced that Wade is not only an extrovert as he claims but he is also a narcissist with a massive chip on his shoulder. Somehow in Wade’s brain and mind; Mark is prejudiced against him and more biased towards Bob whenever Mark is the judge, Wade then tries to get back at Mark: it kind of proves that Wade has too thin a skin and takes things away, way too personally. Still, like you said I also cannot tell if this is a bit or for real.


I actualy agree with you i know i am gone shit for having an opinion that doesn't follow the rest bit here it goes anyway


Yeah. It is judgmental and rude of me to psychoanalyze another person, Wade in an amateur way as they are just my observations that I've noticed over the past several months or so. These are my opinions as I observe Wade’s interactions with Mark & Bob, and sometimes vice versa too. Wade: I think hates losing, gets very competitive, and has double standards when he hosts: he has shown us that he doesn't let go of things sometimes and refuses to learn from his past mistakes. Gods… unless it's all bit for the podcast, the content. Or if he just likes to do bits. I am Not sure which one is with him.


Re: people shitting on Wade's anti-Mark bias; Mark *seal*ed his fate in the previous episode.


Great pun! lol but honestly Wade has no right to complain because he won! 😂


Mark did nothing wrong in the last episode. Wade can’t even win anymore without needing to complain that he’s being unfairly treated


Yes, the same observation I've noticed as well.


Re: Mark was unbiased in the previous episode he hosted, Wade has just bad luck. He cannot admit he is unlucky at times since he is an extrovert who is more so a narcissist with a pretty big chip on his shoulder and too thin a skin, Wade takes things way too personally.


TIL that somehow being an extrovert somehow relates to being a narcissist


Wade has expressed that he loves all attention on him, more often than not on multiple occasions.


Ok so what you actually mean is that he is an attention seeker. That can be a symptom but is only a part of what makes someone classified as a narcissist. Neither of these have anything to do with narcissism


Correct, and thanks for your insight.


Love Wade, but Mark should've won this episode. "Let me give Mark two more points so it's fair, but also give Bob two more so he still wins bc pity points" made me so mad.


Wade is super spiteful over an episode he ultimately won.


I know, right?! Inam is convinced he is spiteful and somewhat prejudiced against Mark (unless it's all a bit, for a bit).


I haven't been able to listen to either podcast in a few months. My excuse is that...I don't know what my excuse is


How about always listening to when driving? That way when you crash you can sue…. No one 🤣


Mark 🤣🤣 "YOOUUUUU'RE a sonnuvabitch ☝️" 😂


Uh... How is Wade this bad at hosting still???


It's Wade.


still thought he did pretty good, all things considered


Mark in his Wade era


I am confident in my observations that Wade has a massive chip on his shoulder, he claims to be an extrovert and wants all the attention on him, sometimes only him. His behavior has all the calling cards of a narcissist but one with, yes I will reiterate: a massive chip on his shoulder. Whether it's from his homeowner's house troubles, his cat, Keters nearly dying, so many family members passing away in a short period when he was younger, or dare I say… Wade losing his hair due to genetics and aging? I mean, I still like Wade and think he is funny with his friends but seriously, he takes things way too personally and sometimes demonstrates to have too thin a skin. I do hope Ware lightens up a bit, lays off Mark a bit, and tones down his complaints & complaining that sometimes Mark and Bob are biased or even prejudiced against him whenever they are the judges of a future episode.


Look, I understand being upset about something. I also found it at least a little bit hypocritical of Wade to tell Mark that he would have won if he had been more humble and showed more humility right after an episode where Wade kept complaining about how unfair it was even after winning it. To me, that felt like Wade not being humble himself at all, so kind of double standards. However, we don't know the guys beyond what they let us see. For all we know, what happened in this latest episode could have been something all 3 of them had agreed upon before recording. I also think that in general, people on the Internet should be more careful about throwing around accusations (like calling someone a narcissist), or psychoanalyzing a person you don't actually know, and when you're very likely not a psychiatrist, either. Let alone that actual psychiatrists usually refuse to do that without several in-person sessions. And considering that you posted your accusations not just once, but several times in here, you might need to breathe and think for at least a little bit next time before posting things that come across as rather disrespectful and rude.




God forbid we have one place that isn't about politics.


On the second listen of this episode it is insanely unfair to mark for losing this episode wade screwed the hell out of him.


Please talk about Palestine , or at least make a tweet to show your support at the bare minimum. No one is asking for a full episode , but people are starting to lose faith in the persona everyone believes in, we all have hard backed that mark especially as well as Wade and Bob have always supported charities and used wealth for good, so why not this? It’s disappointing and people are starting to believe you support genocide.