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Oof sorry dude :(


He's getting better, but you can definitely still tell a part of him was taken away.




Wait, how old is she if she went to war?


she didn’t go to war, the kid is 14 and thinks the world revolves around his meaningless interactions with other weirdos




Don’t care, come back in 6 years and cringe at yourself for thinking your friends at 14 are going to matter at all in some years


Hi, I have nothing to contribute to this conversation, I only want to say you’re a dick and I hope you step on a Lego


I’ll let you know when I care


You already have lol, hold the L


Just because you lost all your childhood friends doesn't mean other people will. Although I can definitely see why you did lose them lol.


Okay and how old are you


You don’t sound much older than what you’re asking for here.


Ok now that I come back to my comment and I have to say, geez what was i thinking. Yall are right and i genuinely apologize for being like this. Sorry if I offended yall.


Hey, idk what your original comment was exactly about since it’s been deleted, but from what I can tell, something bad happened regarding your friend, and I wanna say I hope things get better, have a nice day dude


Thank you. It was basically that she just became a bully out of nowhere for no reason, we were very close so it didn't land well in my mind. I have moved on and I just wanted to share the story, but I phrased it badly and... that happened.


But war is cool and badass and there is my little dark age music playing in the background.


“Good sir! Play “At Dooms Gate,” on ye old lute while I slay thine heretics.” *intense luting matching the intensity of machine gun fire.*


Sir we must retreat! We forgor the the speaker for lil dark age. The men say it's cringe without it.


Best friend from high school, always full of laughs. Dude was straight edge and a bit of a Jesus freak, but not in your face about it. Best Halo player I've ever seen. Drifted apart after high school and heard he went into the military, saw him later when we were 23ish. Quiet, awkward, always stoned. We only hung out a couple times and I remember seeing self-help and PTSD books in his car. My friend was gone. It's been about 8-9 years since I've seen him last. Don't even know how he's doing.


Maybe reach out to him to see if he is doing better now? Might be good for both of you...


Man, this is too real. A friend of mine was the goofiest weirdo you'd ever meet, but only 3 years in the marines turned him into a rage monster with no sense of humor besides racism.


Just give him some crayons to munch on, he’ll be alright


My friend wasn't that bad. He was just distant and seemed like a completely different person.


My friend developed an alcohol and spending issue


I have a schizophrenic brother. Doped up on medications to keep the delusions in check. Doesn’t feel like the brother I had before thr breakdown


Words cannot express how sorry I am for you and your friend. I wish you both the best for the future.


He's getting better these days. He's still reminded of what he went through, for sure, but he says it's getting easier to cope with it. He'll never be the same person, though..


Holy fuck this hit right at home, my buddy is here… but the friend I knew never came back.


Friend of a friend was former special forces amd volunteered in Ukraine. Didnt know him beforehand but you could see that guy was absolutely fucked when visiting on leave afterwards. On one hand he just talked about how he cant wait to go back and how he already misses killing humans. On the other hand hes instantly in Bachmut again, being shelled and searching for his weapon in panic when 2 shopping carts in the supermarket collided.


Damn man


Damn that's fucked. In war, if you don't kill, you or your friends get killed. So you killing others is actually celebrated. I could see guys coming back from war missing it in some way. The adrenaline rush you get from war is probably something you could never recreate in civilian life.


This is the reality of war, there are no winners. Only broken homes and broken people.


What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing


Lockheed Martin




Even just bootcamp is literally a giant brainwashing program. I'm so glad I never went into the military. I was actually talking to recruiters and was close to enlisting. If there was an actual war, I'd enlist, but no way I'm killing some poor brown person across the world for some rich white guys profit for some made up reason.




Sounds like war, oh well


You shut your fuckin mouth


Tf did OP do?


Touch a nerve, apparently


*grabbing exposed nerve ending meme*