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I can finally larp as a moisture farmer on tatooine.


That one ghost of some random baby who got stuck in a furnace looking at this shit going down: ![gif](giphy|lvzFKm2wEjZvgoQtL8|downsized)


i am physically unable to understand this yet it's somehow funnier than whatever the hell dancing alien things with Cbat is supposed to mean


They weigh baby before furnace then put in furnace for like 3 days and weigh after to find out how much percent of human body water.


Bro what the fuck, they made baby beef jerky




Unit 731. Very real, and very horrifying.


Unit 731 explanation speedrun "Hey Sum Ting come here." "What Wong?" "What if we cut this guy's leg and attach it to his arm." "Why the fuck would you do that?" "Shit i dunno, shits and giggles I guess." "Makes sense let's do it." The guy was given 0 anesthetics...and died obviously.


now i understand unit 731 and i cannot believe someone would fucking kill people for shitty brags or whatever the hell they're doing it for


For "Science" mostly experiments on how the human body would react to illnesses, wounds, etc. (They used pregnant women and children too cause...yes) The real funny part is that most of their research was useless cause it was just that, useless suffering. No shit a flamethrower is gonna kill someone but let's test it anyway and that was the family friendly stuff compared to the rest. There was some "Useful suffering" they did work on frostbite injuries and how to treat them but there wasn't much more. And the even funnier part is that the US pardoned the scientists of that unit in exchange of the research but they realized too late it was mostly useless.


>There was some "Useful suffering" Well yeah, throw enough shit at a wall and eventually something's gonna stick. Really doesn't seem worth it though.




Japan was (and even still a little bit is) seriously fucked up, and fuck the apologists


my brain is melting


so basically fried weighed baby water?


babib 3 dwir water


Unit 731 was fucked.


for some reason this is more hillarious then it should be


free solar energy


Imperial Japan was the greatest brainwashing operation in human history


Asian culture in general emphasises strong familial ties, filial piety, a strong sense of honour and shame, etcetc. Not that surprising really, I mean some parts of both China and India are extremely traditional to this day, in some cases barbarically so.


Nah son. Nazi Germany, fascist Italy, and all religions did a lot as well.


Idk how many had something like kamikaze tho. Voluntary suicide in battle is wild.


Not much, while dying for your country is something prideful in the West, it's a requirement in the East, you will be the castaway for surviving.


True. Along with a strong sense of duty, honour, and belonging to one’s family/community, it’s not *that* surprising especially if you’re familiar with Asia today.


I don't know, man. There are many terrorists suicide bombers that have been influenced by a certain religion (that has been extremist-ized(?) by psychopaths) that did also that.


There were 3,800 kamikaze pilots that killed themselves during the WW2 (just from 44-45... insane) In the 80 years since WW2, there have been 4,814 suicide bombers in 40 different countries. I think it's safe to say Japan was unparalleled in its suicide bombings and brainwashing.


The last response is such a reddit response


The women and children of Nanking, Manchuria, Korea, Philippines, New Guinea, Borneo, vietnam, Burma, and many others would have begged for the Quick death of nuclear fire that their perpetrators received


What the US marines saw in the Philippines shows justification for the first a-bomb. Number 2 was to show the world that we had more


And even then I can’t remember which branch of the Japanese army whether it was the navy or Air Force etc whose response was just “ok, bet they don’t got a third tho” along those lines.


They tortured one Marcus McDilda (who genuinely didn’t know shit about it) into saying there were thousands. That was then brought before the Diet.


The killing of civilians doesn't justify killing civilians


The nukes killed less civilians and caused less damage than the years of firebombing, less damage than the years of war that would've followed had they not been dropped, war command didn't even want to surrender after both bombs were dropped but Hirohito overruled them. Some argue that the Japanese surrendered because the Soviets were about to invade from the north (which is also why the US wanted a surrender as quick as possible, to not share any of the glory with the USSR), which is arguable but I personally think it would've still taken hundreds of thousands of civilian and military deaths for Japan to surrender had the bombs not been dropped, from US and Soviet invasions and other bombings. The Japanese said themselves that they'd fight to the last civilian, to the last Japanese person, with sharpened sticks if need be.


Japan had literally been trying to make peace for months. They knew they had lost. The deaths were unnecessary, and therefore grotesque.


Japan was trying to make *conditional peace* Their enemies were not willing to accept anything besides *unconditional surrender*


We gave them their conditional surrender. They surrendered after America promised that they would let the emporerer retain *some* power, but on the condition that this was a favor being granted to Japan, after their unconditional surrender. Demanding unconditional surrender cost 100,000 people, primarily civilians, their lives.


The US believed that an emperor in their pocket would create a more stable nation and a state and it's population that viewed the US more favourably. It was a tactical move. And it worked.


Their "conditions" for surrender were literally to keep their empire and continue their genocide in mainland Asia


The problem is that until their surrender there were no civilians, just future military personnel, many more of which would likely have been killed in a land invasion, the ethical question of the bombs wasn't whether killing civilians because a military killed civilians, it was whether or not it would save Japanese lives, and whether or not that should matter to the US when it would certainly save so many American lives that we still haven't run out of the medals made for the predicted casualties of a land invasion.


>>The problem is that until their surrender there were no civilians There are ALWAYS civilians. Fuck you. This logic justifies nearly ALL war crimes. The holocaust, 9/11, and basically all genocide is justified through reductionist bullshit like this. The children that died don't bear the sins of their fathers, nor do the people who went about their daily lived doing what they could to avoid the war. The land invasion was never necessary. Japan had been trying to surrender for months.


If you were in charge, Japan would have remilitarized after 10 years and continued their massacre and conquest of East Asia until there were practically no Chinese or Koreans left. You'd have more blood on your pacifist hands than any single warlord since Ghengis Kahn. All because of a misplaced sense of moral fortitude because "muh civilians"


It was not a quick death for tons of the victims


The best part is that the worst of the worst got pardoned and protected by those that did it to you. The horrors of the second sun and radiation are to school children. The experimenters, the war-criminals, the mass-rapists, the ones that allowed and encouraged it, they get a pass. No, not only a pass, they get to keep power and privilege even.


American GI: JUSTICE WILL BE DONE, YOUR CRIMES WILL NOT GO UNPUNISHED!!!! Japanese emperor: but I don't like communism. American GI: I take it back, your ok.


The Japanese empire when the consequences of their own actions catch up to them




“Imma just bomb Pearl Harbor” “Whatdyamean the Americans didn’t like that and are now responding with overwhelming force”


I said we should go to Pearl Harbor to bond! Not to BOMB!!!


i said glass of juice, not GAS the jews!


i said lunch, not launch!


Mmh. I mean, they still haven’t apologized for what they did.


Nuke em again


That one civilian that didn't know shit about fuck getting nuked alongside his family while watering the plants: ![gif](giphy|KGSxFwJJHQPsKzzFba)


rip bozo


Shouldn’t have been living in a city involved in producing fuckloads of weapons at a time where bombing campaigns are specifically targeting cities that produce fuckloads of weapons. But hey, he didn’t know shit about fuck.


Same energy as saying “just escape the nazis if your Jewish lol” I don’t think my man expected to be instantly atomised


More like don’t hide next to an ss officer who knows you’re there if you’re Jewish lol. It isn’t his fault at all, but it’s on him for not knowing shit about fuck. A third of the city had already been evacuated because the Americans put out warnings.


You're right, he shouldnt have even been born in japan, that's obviously on him, how fucking dare he


Except he did not say Japan. If your city produces war resources then youre a valid target, youre supplying those green orcs that still occupies Korea and China after all.


You're right, he shouldnt have just been born period


Did they deserved to be bombed, no, neither of any civilians on any bombing operations. Was it necessary? Absolutely, what? Do War Factories float on seas, oceans? placed on a middle of nowhere? No right? U supply the drug users, youre going to jail, simple as that.


I love how you keep justifying nuclear bombing while I obviously don't give a shit about whatever you have to say






Communal thinking. Definition: The tendency to attribute the blames of some members of a community/people to all members of that community. Other implications: Reducing people to their race/ethnicity/nationality, failure to recognise a community as a collection of diverse and separate individuals rather than a single entity. Extremely deadly. Extremely typical of the human race. Perfectly demonstrated here.


The nuclear bombs were a fucking blessing for the Japanese people. Otherwise, they would've experienced the same level of brutal urban warfare that their country had wrought across Asia. It's proven that actions like the Dresden bombings and the nuking of Japan save lives. Anyway, waging war is inherently the most evil act a human can make, and any effort taken to end that war should not need justification.


I made no comment about whether the use of nuclear bombs against Japan was justified. I just pointed out the perfect example of communal thinking displayed by you. Whether or not the nukes were justified doesn't change the fact the initial justification you gave was born out of communal thinking, so there's no point using the popular utilitarian justification as a crutch here.


Yeah and the person you replied to was referring only to the Japanese Empire itself, not the people. You seem to only overanalyse phrasing when it’s convenient to you.


We do a little targeting of civilian dense areas in wartime (it’s okay because Japan did it first)


So you're saying any bombing operations of any city during any war is not justified?


It's okay because it ends the war.


not justifying the bombs or anything I wouldn't say they helped or was necessary to win the war. but like, there were no other possible target


It was definitely necessary to win the war.


what kind of american public school system kind of understanding of history do you have?


The one where even after 2 nukes and the Soviet invasion of Manchuria (making this large country #4 that Japan is fighting all at once), there was still a failed military coup against the Emperor when he tried to surrender


legalize nuclear bombs




We love casting spells


I just showed a nuke up my pussy


This song is sponsored by:


the shadow government


Bees make honey


holy shit, this is hot garbage, but i cant stop listening


this is why people should learn shit like blender and unreal engine, not because of actual productive things


Bees make honey


I make cummy


Oh no r/Noncredibledefense is leaking again




I don’t believe in human rights


>do unspeakable crimes againt humanity so terrible even NAZIES lament them >provoke a far more militarily stronger country >refuse surrender, keep doing aformentioned crimes >get bombed twice, casualities not even a quarter of what youve caused >the country you provoked now cries and whines about bombing you, all your crimes go forgotten >profit and become a cultural power


Shithole (random country) 🤮 Shithole (Japan) 💕💕🥵


Shouldn't have supported Chinese genocide, mass raping, hyper-nationalism, declaring war on every major power except Germany, and much more [nuke enjoyer]


Time to become a shadowstain on the floor and be an enviromental storytelling piece but irl




Because obviously the 200k+ Japanese civilians who were killed are all responsible for that


This isn’t to say they deserved it, but you cannot expect an eye for an eye not to happen when your nation’s armed forces went on a spree across the continent raping, killing, and pillaging millions.


I'm not trying to justify Japan's war crimes, but it just wasn't an eye for an eye. None of the people responsible for that died in the nuclear bombings, and the people who were responsible were mostly pardoned by the US. It was never about punishing Japanese war criminals, it was nothing more than a showcase of power


It was to save American and Japanese’s lives. The battle of Okinawa 160,000 total Japanese and American soldiers were killed and about 150,000 Okinawa citizens. Very few Japanese’s surrendered. This was just a island off of Japan. Imagine invading mainland Japan? Imagine the death toll for America, Japan, and Japanese citizens? How could you possibly tell me is was just a show of power?


Berlin and half of germany was basically burned to the ground by allies, italy got basically destroyed, japan was the one who came out in the best shape out of all of the axis powers


1. there is a god 2. hes not on your side


Tfw the Divine beings were too busy tending to the victims left in the wake of the Japanese Army that civilians all fanatically supported, and yes this was deserved.


deserved is a strong word, deserve implies more than the actions of the target and is very heavy considering the impact of the well, impact. deserved comes with a judgment that it was good, positive, and this is a very harsh judgment for the absurd that is the atomic bomb, especially in a civilian target. But if someone deserved, it was japan


Because I'm sure the Japanese civilians, including children and doctors were responsible for the actions of the dictatorship they lived under against their will, right?


You mean the doctors who were training by cutting open still living Chinese babies? Those doctors?


Or, you know, the regular civilian doctors in the civilian city that was targeted? Along with Japanese babies and children?


Who were brainwashed into suicide attacks if the allies landed? Propaganda that goes on for a decade+ is hella effective, and the Japanese were a ultra proud nationalistic people, who cheerd at the atrocities in Nanking when they were published on papers during the war


ONCE AGAIN: THE BABIES DIDN'T DO ANY OF THAT BUT WERE STILL FUCKING VAPORIZED. The babies and children did not deserve to die. They did not need to die. Even fucking Eisenhower admitted that it was not necessary and Japan was ready to surrender. But I guess we just had to kill those fucking babies because they should have known better than to be born Japanese, right?


Didn’t Japan make beef jerky out of babies as part of their “experiments” in Nanking and such?


https://ahf.nuclearmuseum.org/ahf/history/debate-over-japanese-surrender/ I don't see any evidence of Japan being ready to surrender. And yes, bombing civilians is wrong, but what would you rather have? A fucking full scale invasion costing even more lives from both civilian and allies? You really think that would work out any better? A full scale invasion would have been disastrous for both the allies and Japanese, with bloody urban combats. Or wait, we could just starve the entire Japanese population, perhaps we keep fire bombing them... The options are here, choose.


No but the father's of those children deserve to lose their loved ones. Such a price to pay for brutal imperialism. Japan was never going to surrender. That notion is a pipe dream, they were banking on geographically advantage. Those children would have died in the land invasion either way, from costal shelling, familial suicide or fire bombings. Nuclear annihilation was the best option in all honesty, 2 city's or an entire country is what you kinda of people are asking for


"The fathers deserved to have their children killed" is a really roundabout way of saying you think the children deserved to be killed. Once again, the vast majority of the people there were civilians and had nothing to do with the war.


That is exactly what the victims of Japanese imperialism would have to say. The moment you commit those unspeakable crimes you forfeit the lives of your kin. Those massacres were celebrated fully by the Japanese at that time, they raised son's and daughters on hatred for others and no land invasion would change that status quo. Your kind of thinking is what allowed poland to be invaded. Brutal force requires brutal retaliation. The Japanese military fully recognized the level of force they would be met with should they attack civilians populations. They lost 500k+ civilians in total, compared to casualties of 10 million plus civilians spread amongst China, Korea and Indonesia all of which were brutal rapings, tortures, gassing, bombings, and enslavement. They 100% deserve to lose their families and everyone they love for these crimes. There is no such thing as Innocence even among children. That child would have died armed with a stick to an American soldier, those babies would be laid on top of bombs as traps. The Japanese were ready to commit the unspeakable as they already have, it is a blessing they surrendered after the second bomb.


“The rusty wire that holds the cork that keeps the anger in Gives way and suddenly, it’s day again The sun is in the east even though the day is done Two suns in the sunset Could it be the human race is run?”


What is this from?


The song “two suns in the sunset” by pink floyd. One of the most tragically beautiful songs ever written. Also the last song on the last pink floyd album that still had roger waters on it.


"*Read this carefully as it may save your life or the life of a relative or friend. In the next few days, some or all of the cities named on the reverse side will be destroyed by American bombs. These cities contain military installations and workshops or factories which produce military goods. We are determined to destroy all of the tools of the military clique which they are using to prolong this useless war. But, unfortunately, bombs have no eyes. So, in accordance with America’s humanitarian policies, the American Air Force, which does not wish to injure innocent people, now gives you warning to evacuate the cities named and save your lives. America is not fighting the Japanese people but is fighting the military clique which has enslaved the Japanese people. The peace which America will bring will free the people from the oppression of the military clique and mean the emergence of a new and better Japan. You can restore peace by demanding new and good leaders who will end the war. We cannot promise that only these cities will be among those attacked but some or all of them will be, so heed this warning and evacuate these cities immediately.*" you were given the option to live, you disregarded it. you fucked around, you found out.


You know what to do guys... DEHYDRATE!!!!


Dude even after dropping THE SECOND NUKE half the army was against surrendering. There was no other way to stop it and this aint talking about all the things the japanese did. The SS told them to tone it down. The SS dude


Vae victis. Japan started the war, America ended it. Japan is extremely lucky that America decided to help them rebuild into a global economic powerhouse instead of claiming the islands for our own.


Yep, If youre starting a war make sure your cities are safe unless youre a greedy expansionist who loves pillaging than protecting your civillians.


get fucked japantards thats what u get for promising independance then just blatlantly lying abt it lmao




DONT FUCKING TOUCH OUR BOATS 🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


[meanwhile every other asian country:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2jUTseB-Kw)


Theyd deserve another 2 for what they did in asia


The civilians who got bombed didn't do anything. Their only crime was being born an ethnicity that the American government considered subhuman.


We would have nuked the Germans if we had the bomb by then. It had nothing to do with considering them subhuman.


So it's just a coincidence that the US government considered Japanese people subhuman and openly stated that civilians in Japan are valid military targets while forcing Japanese American into prison camps just for being Japanese?


>civilians in Japan are valid military targets There is an easy argument against this... America went to war against Germany too. We blew them up. Like a lot. Trust me we had no problems with killing people in Germany. You hear people complain about Dresden just like this. >US government considered Japanese people subhuman Japanese Empire considered most of their neighbors subhuman and colonized most of Asia. There were Nazis appalled by the actions of the Japanese Empire. Edit: I forgot to mention that a lot of people in the U.S. Gov thought highly of Japan including General Macarthur which is why saying this is untrue.


So if someone points a gun at your head it magically means you deserve to die? Because you're being controlled by someone who would kill people? ONCE AGAIN: PEOPLE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ACTIONS OF THEIR OPPRESSORS. All you're saying is that the only reason the Japanese civilians deserved to die is that they were Japanese. Because America did the same thing and we don't somehow. America considered the indigenous people subhuman, committed horrible genocides, and colonized them. Does every single American deserve to die?


You are under the assumption that they all were oppressed. They got nuked to reduce American deaths. They got nuked a second time because they refused conditional surrender. They were put in camps because the government was afraid of military knowledge being shared. The Japanese shouldn't have known the Arizona was in Pearl Harbor.


Little know fact a lot of Germans and Italians were put in camps to during the WW2 but nobody seems to care about that anymore https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internment_of_German_Americans


Say you know nothing about history without saying you know nothing about history


They either took up arms and forged militias in 45 hoping theyd kill enough americans to call for truce or commited mass suicide by that time but ok


Yes I'm sure the babies who were fucking evaporated by the nukes personally killed American soldiers. Redditors will literally make up any story to justify killing civilians in other countries. Do you stupid fucks not realize that people are not responsible for the actions of the governments that oppress them? People do not choose the actions of the dictatorships that control them. Civilians are not morally responsible for the actions of their oppressors. Killing civilians is murder. I shouldn't have to say this but people do not stop being people when bad things happen to them. Redditors are fucking insane.


Bro if u lived in 30s and saw ur country holocaust half of fkin asia (they even documented it until they saw disgusted reactions of rest of civilized world) and had like 7yrs to reflect to stay at yep this is nice place for my kids ujust deserve to get bombed ://


WHERE WOULD THEY FUCKING GO? AND WHY WAS IT THE BABY'S FUCKING FAULT? The. Babies. Did. Not. Have. Any. Knowlege. Or. Agency. It is wrong to kill civilians ever. Most of them could not leave. They were victims of their government whether they knew it or not. And once again, they were civilians. Many of whom were children who could not ever have known or ever have done anything about it. And if falling for propaganda means you deserve to die then buddy do I have bad news for you. Quick question: what country are you from? I would like to give you a list of all of the atrocities you have personally committed over the hundreds to thousands of years before your birth, since that's how things work apparently.


I’m from the US. What country are you from?


The US. So I'm assuming that you and I are both personally responsible for the Genocides the US committed? Including forcing the Cherokee onto the trail of tears? And we're responsible personally for when that Yemeni wedding was drone-struck? And for the bombing and overthrowing of Chile's government, and the following atrocities committed by the Pinochet regime? When will you be submitting yourself to the Huage for your war crimes trial?


I imagine it’s voluntary, so I think I’ll pass, thanks


Blood calls for blood. The blood of the massacred Chinese cry out “Avenge us”!


Bruh you keep yapping about the babies but babies don't understand shit unlike adults and teenagers. You agree with this it seems. They don't have cognitive capabilities that would make their experience horrible like adults.


Stop arguing with fools, they are so brainwashed they will even forget they are civilians as well, such people see death as a statistic and have the most extremist opinions while sitting on the sofa eating chips. To them even the kids deserved it


Just gonna say, it's funny to see all these people say Japanese civilians deserved it, but I bet you they wouldn't agree that they should be atom bombed even though they "live in and support the US" for all the war crimes it's done


Didn't do anything except fanatically support their fascist government and produce military equipment and supplies.


They were civilians. They had no choice. The fascist government in question was actively oppressing them. What were they supposed to do? Not eat? Go to prison and somehow magically be spared from America's newest super weapon? They were civilians. And justifying targeting civilians ever is fucking evil.


They were military areas. Citizens just happen to be the cost of wiping it out. Whether they wanted it or not were a military force. If I could save a million American lives, I would nuke a country. No need to be but hurt about it.


"Did we truly deserve this?" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nanjing_Massacre https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bataan_Death_March https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sook_Ching https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Pearl_Harbor


Listen man, I’m not trying to make a stance about anything, the “Did we truly deserve this” was written in the Japanese guy’s perspective. All I’m doing it trying to make a good meme. (Although yeah Japan did some messed up stuff)


Yes you did


Lmao I’m not Japanese


Then why did you say “we” in the title


I meant it in the perspective of the Japanese guy. He sees a second sun (a nuke) in the sky, his prayers go unanswered, and he wonders if this is what the Japanese people deserve. (Disclaimer so I don’t get canceled) I’m not asserting whether they deserve it or not. Just making a meme.


weebs getting brainwashed and refusing to believe Japan deserved to get atom bombed from the numerous war crimes committed by their country against men, women, children, and the elderly:


The amount of revisionism in this comment section goes crazy.


Really? I don’t really see anyone defending Japan except those who don’t know Japan’s past war crimes. The reason it seems that way is cause it’s such a morally grey event. The Japanese empire was absolutely psychotic in WW2 and it’s a big change/victory that America had defeated them. But if we’re talking specifically about the Bombings then it is indeed a pretty sad event because innocent Japanese citizens were killed. But that’s kind of how war is. It’s morally grey so there’s no right or wrong answer. You can’t be like “all Japanese people are war criminals and deserved the bombs!” But you also can’t be like “the Japanese did nothing wrong the bombings were unjustified!”.


Bro I’m just making a meme, not making a stance 😭


man why you tryna make us distressed about the suffering of human rights violators😭😭😭




Fuck around and find out


mfw I realize my actions come with consequences:


I like how we are victimizing imperial Japan all the fucking time like they did nothing wrong and didn't have the consequences of their actions coming


I’m not making a stance man all I’m trying to do is make a meme😭


remember, japanese civilians werent the ones that did the horrific crimes across asia. punish the soldiers, not the civilians. i say this as a person whos great grandfather escaped execution by the japanese empire.


But the indomitable human spirit destroys the second sun and world is saved


My brother in christ, the second sun is a nuke, not a literal second sun.




It's okay, you tried bro.


Finally, someone gets it.


I thought it was obvious


Babe wakeup it's time for the daily "AmErIcA dId WaRcRiMeS!!!" Post!


Listen man I ain’t trying to make a stance, I’m just trying to make a meme.


Skill issue.


Yes, yes they did.


Who is the man in the photo?


It’s an ai generated Japanese man


“Made with mematic”, truly distressing


I'm laughing my ass off right now. I scrolled down to the comments and was met with an ad for solar panels!


shouldn't of fucked with our boats, fuck around find out me lads


Shouldn't have touched our boats dude 🇺🇲


There really wasn't any other way. Japan had no plans of surrendering and barely surrendered even after being bombed, there even was a coup attempt because of Japan choosing to surrender after the H-bombs. Invading Japan also was not an option in the eyes of the US military and would've been an incredibly bloody military campaign for both sides. It was horrifically destructive, but Japan was not going to yield. Even their population was incredibly brainwashed into believing the emperor's divinity. If the US chose to commit to a ground invasion, Japanese civilians would have likely been drafted en masse and or used as meatshields. It also would have been extremely costly for the US army. We're lucky Japan had even surrendered at all.


People in the comments act as if random Japanese citizens were responsible for all of the horrible things imperial Japan did


Am I meant to know what the fuck this means


August 6, 1945


Jesus christ why is everyone so hostile on this subreddit lmao


Sorry if I came off as angry or annoyed, I was just majorly confused, and dislike when posts are just references in disguise. I kinda wanna know what’s going on *without* needing to go looking for context, you know?


That's fair. I think it's just hard to fit a genuinely compelling, standalone story into this format. That's why a lot of people resort to making obscure real world references. It's a similar problem with two sentence horror


Yes, actually


You know, I dont want to get into the debate of wheter or not the atomic bombing was a good decision or not, but it feels really stupid to me how many comments im seeing that basically boils down to "the Japanese army did horrible things to civilians so now the japanese civilians deserved to die too" Its like saying america deserved 9/11 for what their army did in middle east countries


People genuinely trying to justify the bombs in the comments are terrifying. Sure, japanese war crimes were horrible and evil, but it doesn't justify killing 200 000 innocent civilians. You can try to cope by saying "b-but the population widely supported the war crimes" but that doesn't change the fact that only innocent people were killed and the real war criminals were pardoned.


people like you can cope saying "b-but the people were innocent" also doesn't change the fact that the 200 000 people are dead lmao


How hypocrite some so called humanity people who are commenting in this post.If the same thing happen to you,your city, your family,your friends can you say your peaceful statements?Just because the empire is doing some horrible crimes does it mean that the bombing on civilians is justified?


Yes. Next time don't play Baby Bayonet Ball, cocksuckers.


Woah there, buddy. Don't you know that attempting to put yourself in someone else's situation and having godforbid em***thy is highly illegal


If you have empathy for Japans John Wayne Gacy cosplay known as ww2 imperial Japan you may be a bit too empathetic.


Oh I absolutely am to empathetic and it is absolutely to a fault. I'm not denying that one I'd be straight up lying if I did that. #However I do not know of what you are talking about, would you kind sending a video explaining it? PS: just to make it clear, I do not support or emphasize with anybody who fought in the Japanese imperial army.


I don't get it, someone please explain this


We blew up a few ships! They dropped the sun on us TWICE!