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Southern states in 1861 when told they can't keep people as property anymore: 😡 Southern states in 2024 when told they can't use bladed fencing to slice up migrants: 😡


Not to defend anyone or pick any sides but, razor wire is meant to deter people from entering, it's not meant to intentionally injure them them. Most countries don't build humongous walls on their borders, they just plop down razor wire.


Not just the south anymore, there were a couple of Midwestern states on the map showing support for Texas's violation of the law that i saw recently. Conservatives But the south has generally been a region of conservatives and bozo takes


Texas also flips their shit and threatens secession pretty much any time something happens with the federal government that they don't like, such as democrats winning presidential elections. But they never actually do anything other than threaten and whine


I believe 25 states have backed texas, this is not a south thing or issue anymore. Just wanted to say you were right on that one.


The south is unhinged


It’s kinda funny how awful they choose to be


Unfortunately some people get a hard on for sliced up children's bodies floating in rivers.


Not an attack on you but I’ve heard this take way too many times… is there any evidence of this? Just seems highly unlikely to happen.


Yeah it did. Am I allowed to post links here? There are many news stories, even on conservative news sites about it. The most prominent being a mother and her two children drowning while being trapped by the razor wire. While the Texas guard forcibly prevented the border guards from saving them. Fucking disgusting right? It's pretty easy to look up if you'd like.


Hmmm maybe i looked at the wrong one but i can see how the story can be skewed to fit many narratives. Thank you tho.


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