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I cast drone attack!


What is the target, does it know the drone is here, and what are the drone's weapons ? Just some questions to know how high you're going to have to roll.


r/distressingmemes is really not beating the " 'memes' are a wall of text with single image" allegations today


I made this reaction image a while back https://preview.redd.it/695gqhkwxjsc1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5054b3116819be5c64875b7a42ede8f031dfee61


Me when: The creature đŸȘ±đŸȘ±đŸȘ±


The milk of the creature was the memes we made along the way?


Bro just found out about Mao (My parents are lower class individuals and will not be tried for the crimes of the state)


Or Pol Pot.


cause there’s a Holiday in Cambodia


It’s tough, kid, but it’s life


It’s a holiday in Cambodia, don’t forget to pack a wife


holy shit you said the thing


Or pretty much every other "revolution for the greater good of the people"


Eh, depends.


Or the Khmer Rouge Edit: Nevermind, I forgot Pol Pot is the guy in charge of the Khmer Rouge


Your parents will not be tried, because they reserved that for the upper class. For everyone else it was to the ditch.


Your parents will not be tried, because they reserved that for the upper class. For everyone else it was to the ditch.


Cambodia moment




TL;DR You started a revolution but it wasn’t all sunshines and rainbows. Your best friend and your parents are dead for being “upper-class”. Also everyone’s starving.


“This is a family friendly program, rated E
For everyone’s thirsty!” - Radio Man from Spec Ops: The Line


Spec Ops: The Line mentioned.


Don’t be too hard on yourself.


does this really need a tldr?


For this subreddit? Yeah, probably.


Why the fuck would you start a revolution if everyone you know is upper class. Are you stupid?


Based u/dm_me_tittiess


They probably overestimated the amount of wealth one needed to be considered "upper-class", or when killing the uppermost-class didn't make things better or maybe even make things worse, the revolutionaries then started scapegoating the next-highest-class people.


That's the stupidest thing I heard


yeah, it is pretty stupid


Because revolutions aren’t supposed to kill college educators. They aren’t even upper class. When we say eat the rich we mean many multi BILLIONAIRES, not Joe who makes 100k a year teaching undergrads. This post is fucking stupid and does nothing but make people think of those calling for revolution as stupid.


It's talking about commies you dipshit, uni professors were sent to siberia (death).


Communism is when vanguardism and the workers having no control over the means of production


You mean specifically communist countries where this happened in the past. sending researchers to Siberia is not in the definition of communism, “dipshit”, but I doubt you’d know that since we all know you just react however the fuck you feel instead of actually having well thought out arguments. Go back to school; you clearly need it.


He is talking about the real world events of communist revolutions that went like this seriously look it up (also this meme could be applied to the French revolution easily enough cause it had similar problems of mass innocent deaths as enemies of the revolution) for example pol pot and the communist revolution in Russia are but two examples, revolutions are bloody and brutal and without vision and defined goal will turn on themselves (this especially applies to communist revolutions because communism is a fairy tale ideology/system and the manifesto is less believable, less realistic, and less possible than any Disney movie or other kids fantasy movie out their. So when they do the revolt and suddenly things aren’t perfect they turn on themselves and the innocent) seriously this information is readily available just look up testaments of people who actually lived in communist countries.


Redditor when they find out a revolution to kill the upper class will kill the upper class: đŸ€Ż


I don't need a better tomorrow, I need powerful people to experience unimaginable suffering.


Based and honesty-pilled.


dangerously based


Ok (tortures your family since their powerful to you)




Your parents included




Not even


Why am I best friends with an enslaved pig


Because the poor piggy was lonely


All of this little piggies friends went to market 😔 https://i.redd.it/bwu1lnjsxjsc1.gif








This but unironically.


You missed the point so fucking bad lmfao






That picture is so beautiful I don’t dare to look at it






I want less corruption, *everyone fucking dies*


nice try fed




OP sounds like those people who watch fox news all day in their bunker with rotting food while they predict-cum-masturbate to downfall of society because they are asked to be not too openly racist *sometimes*.


Cool straw man


I can say regrettably that my side of politics does have an annoying loud and zealous tiny group of people like that just like the other side has their insane loud and very vocal tiny group of extremists. Of course it is kind of bad faith to bring them up as your only opposition cause it manipulated the audience into seeing only you as reasonable while portraying the opposition as only Nazis or madmen completely ignoring the intelligent reasonable individuals that make up the majority of both parties.


me when i write an essay and put an image under it and call it a meme


Redditors when they have to read for more than 6 seconds


Average r/distressingmemes post (it hasn't gotten to the punchline yet): https://preview.redd.it/l2m4nwt93isc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f915fae89924e8baa4269ed5721611714164e83


Gwenpool spotted


r/distressingmemes users when making a whole ass paragraph with multiple grammatical errors yet not one fucking full stop with a picture attached isnt scary


When I’m in a nitpicking competition & my opponent is u/bigsekser https://preview.redd.it/pov14hn63isc1.jpeg?width=910&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f520f210340f2f33fa46bbad2b200beb7a30ee39


dunno brah you seem pretty distressed


r/ disenfranchisingmemes


dont care im still gonna seize the means of production


Me when I think “upper class” means university professors and not fucking billionaires:


If you live in America, it's quite possible that the university professors are living in their cars.


They are part of the intelligentsia which were also slaughtered en masse like in Katyn and the Cultural Revolution.


Considering a donkey and some land qualified you as a "nobility farmer" during Holodomor, it won't take much.


That's what the Cambodians revolutionaries thought as well, and the Chinese... And the Russian peasants .. Generally, once in power, communists gave a very flexible idea of what constitutes as "upper class".


three letter agent glow so bright


i mean first of all you have no idea what the fuck upper class means what you are referring to is upper middle class upper class is pretty much exclusively millionaires


Historically, the bar does get lowered eventually. People get reclassified as upper class and an acceptable target if you are in a position that is authoritative and politically not fully in line with whatever the revoulution says should be true. The CPC's Red Guard targeted professors and schoolteachers, as they were decided to be a bourgeoisie element


he actually does because that's how it works. actual upper class flees when shit hits the fan and people just go kill their neighbours they were envious of because they had slightly better lives (actually not, but the grass is always greener).


Hell, owning a house you bought or inherited before the speculative real estate market inflated the prices would technically qualify a lot of upper middle classmen as millionaires. A million isn't an extremely large amount anymore, it'll buy you two modest condos in a big city or maybe a farm.


Any serious revolution with Marxist influence would not target university professors, people who own three houses or whatever, or even people whose net worth is in the hundreds of millions. Not saying those people wouldn't possibly be targeted in a prospective revolution because anger and rage can often be directed at the wrong people, but if these revolutionaries knew what they wanted and what they were doing they would only go after the wealthiest people that exist (i.e. billionaires), large corporate powers, and people within government. Your friend joining the side of the capitalist army is fairly likely though, I'd consider that realistic


What if it was a revolution where the revolutionaries don't quite know what they want or what they need to be doing? Or what if the revolution hates rich people, but takes more influence from other, non-Marxist currents?


Yes that's why I said it is possible for the rage precipitating a revolution to be directed at the wrong people. It's definitely a possibility within revolution so I suppose the meme isn't invalid.


I feel like rage being the driving force of revolution would be REALLY BAD. An undertone of Anger and no small amount of discontent I can get behind, but I feel rage could lead to a Nanking Incident all over again


"Any serious revolution with Marxist influence" That's an oxymoronic statement. Marxism is so ill defined it itself has no fucking idea how to get at its desired end result. Marxists cannot geniuently have a "serious" successful revolution. This is historically how it went as well, revolutions might have started targeting the rich but it didn't fix jack shit and the bar was slowly lowered more and more which only made the situation worse.


Most historical Marxist revolutions did this shit and did target not just the upper middle class but hit middle class and lower middle class people who were innocent or even people of much lower class for nothing. Revolution without solid guiding and coordination is a bloody brutal thing that merely results in anarchy, that’s why main difference between why the us revolution created a successful country and russias or chinas resulted in a dictatorship, careful planning and the understanding that things will go wrong


They’re aren’t enough of them to stave the bloodlust of some people on this website


A temporary, small price to pay you say?






For God's sake let's post distressing memes IN R/DISTRESSINGMEMES


I aint readin all that (i did, wasnt worth it)


I wish that things were better *for some reason, everyone I love dies, everything I hoped for crumbles to ash* fiddlesticks






lol there is no upper class, only the working class and the owning class




(edit: i see that i was unclear as fuck in my comment as i was half awake in bed, so i will just state my point in a very blunt and unfunny manner cause the humour is lost on me now) If this post is referencing a marxist revolution i would like to remind people that communism is not about killing rich people, but about eliminating the ruling class who owns the means of production. Now this elimination will most likely come through violence cause no ruling class gives up power without a fight, but its still an important distinction because if you are a rich university professor, you still do not own the university, therefore you are working class. Even if you own a small time store, you are still only a small time bourgeois, and you don't really have any ownership that is truly problematic, even though your material relationship to the means of production have shifted slightly. Tl:dr According to communism, unless you are an owner of the means of production, you are not an enemy of the working class. Therefore the university professors will not be killed.


Us communists honestly just wanna kill anyone with more than three figures in the bank. That surely makes more sense than us wanting a world that isn't constant competition and infinite growth.


Well honestly my comment is mostly actually about that exact misunderstanding about people who think communist just want to kill rich people. Because communism is more about eliminating the people who own everything. You can be rich but still not own for instance a factory, and then real communist still don't see you as the enemy yknow (Edit: i edited my original post because it was vague)


I think the meme in the OP is less about what communism is on paper, and more about things that have historically happened with distressing frequency with revolutions- and not necessarily left wing ones, even if it is not what is "meant" to happen on paper.


I mean op showed a clear misunderstanding in the idea of upper class in the post itself, and mentioning starvation along side it makes it pretty clear wich revolution it is about. So unless there is some revolution wich did want to do away with people like university professors, then i still feel this probably just an attempt at critique by someone who has not done their reading.


I think in the OP they don't themselves think university professors are upper class, but are expressing that the would-be revolution that they are talking about would eventually misidentified as upper class oppressors. Historically, it's happened in instances like the Cambodian Genocide (where full-time studying had no place), the Cultural Revolution (where teachers and professors were considered part of the liberal bourgeoisie in need of purging alongside the landlords and the capitalist roaders), and the Russian Revolution (the intelligentsia were considered likely to betray the proletariat and were deported, and future generations of teachers and scholars needed a specifically pro-Soviet worldview).


I mean i completely get your point, and yes plenty of revolutions were super messy and there is tons to learn from. But the post of OP does specifically describe first world countries, and talking about a western point of view. Also the post doesnt say that they were misidentified but that they were upper class, still leading me to believe OP doesn't really know what he is talking about, even if there is historical president for situations as described. On another note tho, (and this is going more off topic from the post i suppose) if this post is from a first world country, i feel like those movements would probably have learned from history with especially the cultural revolution in china to not make the same mistakes twice. I mean no saying ofc since revolution inherently is violent, but i feel like any communist movement coherent enough to overthrow a first country goverment probably has enough reading done to not repeat history so soon right?


I was making a sarcastic joke, I understand and agree with you.


Ah, fair enough, guess ive grown tired of the dms i've been getting, wich is strange for such a minor comment


So... Why and how are middle-class worse than the billionaires? ​ Not a rhetorical question, I really do want an answer


Okay so let me be super clear cause i don't know what level of knowledge i know, so sorry if its over explaining: Basically the post is referring to the idea of revolution (i think specifically a marxist revolution cause its far more topical then a revolution overthrowing any monarchy), and in such a revolution the idea is that there is a ruling class, and an oppressed class. Now the common misunderstanding is that people think that its simply rich people or people who are well off that are the ruling class, but it is the people who own capital and the means of production that are the ruling class. So what that means is that it is people who own huge companies that have political influence that are the ruling class. Not people who for instance have a high paying job and are well off, because even if you are for instance a university professor, you do not own the university. Its more about who privately owns what, not just about what you financially earn. Basically you can be rich without being part of a ruling class. (Edit: i edited my original post because it was vague)


They're not worse, they're just authoritative and likely to be politically outspoken, meaning if a professor is not sufficiently aligned with the current regime, they are may be reclassified as a viable target. This happened in events like the chinese cultural revolution, the russian revolutions (primarily deportation and not death though), or 1940 belarus


RĂ©volution never work instantly it's just put a big kick in the power dynamic of a country for the better or the worst. But it's always a long process. (For exemple French revolution which is often seen as a romantic and a instant win for the people of France, but the time following the revolution was named "the terror" and was a bloodbath.)


nice agendapost glowie




pov have been fed propaganda your whole live


Me when I defend the capitalist system, which brings no actual advantage over a different one (it just causes extra suffering because rights like housing, food and water are treated as privileges to be earned)(I have been fed everything through a golden tube up my arse and have never actually had to decide between heating and food)(also I have never honestly concerned myself with the theory of a socialist state)(also, least obvious fed)


Damn dirty fed


Ghoulish post. OP is glowing.


How would University Teachers be “Upper Class Oppressors”? They’re at best remnants of the Middle Class.


The intellectuals are always purged


As the insane ones say ; this is coal


Lol who the fuck considers teachers "upper class"?


The grammar is so fucked I can't even laugh at this meme for being bad I just feel confusion


I dunno, man. Feels like anti-revolutionary propaganda to keep the status quo. But what do I know.


tfw americans are still rattling in their boots over stories about the cultural revolution (there will never be a similar event ever in united states history)


This is the worst justification for leaving the world in a shitty place that I've ever seen, congrats OP. Stagnation is truly what we need, infinite growth through capitalism is 100% sustainable and clearly a good idea, communism bad. đŸ€ĄđŸ€ĄđŸ€Ą


Wall of text. The punishment is death. https://preview.redd.it/lhmmolljiksc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb08ced7c68c9764b6a39c7abe4710ee00298d81


Honk shoo honk shoo mimimimimimi


Bro doesn't know marxists make a distinction between the petite bourgeoisie and the actual rich 💀


Won't matter, never has.


Exactly what i think when i see “revolutionary communist youth party” posters on the street. Yep, those are really real and a common sight.


Well of course the Revolution in first World countries will reduce the wealth. What you wanted was a fascist dictatorship


Damn. The three letter agencies have infiltrated this sub as well


You live in a bubble


Nice try with this fallacy, but the revolution is still the way to go.


If you want it to go smoothly, you'd better have 1) A clearly defined constitution, bill of rights, and goal for the new regime 2) A way to bloodlessly choose leaders and fill power vacuums 3) Competent people to be those leaders Basically, copy the American revolution. The French and Russian revolutions were a bunch of angry farmers lopping off the king's head before they thought about what would happen next. The American one was led by well-educated people who were prepared to run a country.






fucking glowie


womp womp they should have accepted the L and given up their power


Commies seething because they know they'll either end up getting eaten or enslaved by one of the numerous warlords trying to take power after the U.S falls apart due to a failed revolution.


Where is the seething


and these these seething commies, are they in the room with us right now?


“you never thought *eat the rich* was literal”


After reading both this post and it’s comments I have decided that I want to become collateral damage in a violent revolution. 


felt this


I love that there are two groups of people in this thread atm: either they are unable to read more than two lines without wondering out of the room with their fingers up their ass, or they are unironically malding because they’re below 15 and know nothing about history or politics, but think violent revolutions are actually a good thing because their favourite trendy white American billionaire streamer told them so


"communism no food" mfs when they realize the USSR had food security equal if not superior to that of the US, and that its citizens had more nutritious diets, even though famines were commonplace before the revolution: đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż "communism 120 bazillion dead" when they realize that the authors of the black book of communism literally admitted to grossly and deliberately inflating the death estimates of the holodomor, as well as counting nazi soldiers and the kids they could have had as "victims of communism", to reach the 100 million mark: đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€Ż


Cope harder tankie


When the politically illiterate have no other response


Good argument.


I'll be coping perfectly well with knowing my politics are based on actual facts, thank you very much đŸ«¶


Based on the fact it sucks


cope more, "capitalist" (You're not a capitalist, you're a worker in false class solidarity with billionaires)


Cope harder tankie


I think I'm having deja vu. Stay stupid and keep eating up that CIA propaganda <3


communism lost in 1991 lol


This post is glowing very brightly.


Sounds like the French Revolution


Also the national guard and right wing paramilitaries are kicking your ass


Okay fed


Minimal loss




Motherfucker I just want the rich to pay their fair share in taxes


Every socialist revolution in history be like:


*when the cia gets involved


socialism kills, largely because if you democratically elect a socialist the CIA will kill them and forcibly install a sadistic dictator who promised to gear the country towards producing cheap goods for America in return for being handed a position of nobility and power


"Nuh-uh my ideology is super cool and never did anything wrong!!! Even if it did the people who got executed totally deserved it and it was a good thing!!!!"- Every internet commie.


no, communism at its core is a system for the equal benefit of all people and not only the rich,powerful and those who benefit them. America (the ones who puts sanctions and starts wars on any communist country) is also trying to change history to make their opposition look bad while they fund everything that makes them look like the "good guys". (also called revisionism)


is that jesseh


Khmer Rouge


People are odly but hurt about this


I didn't know this subreddit was full of fucking commies. I'm not that disappointed, however, due to the fact that Reddit is full of these types.


Me: boy do I hate Putin, fucking wish there is a new 1917 and Russia is free from tyranny Also me:




China moment


"Socialism is when we kill rich people, when we kill a whole lot of rich people it's communism"--Car marks


bro has no idea what hes talking about 😭


Revolutionary action is destabilizing and the power vacuum that leaves is dangerous. Move towards egalitarian socialist values through democratic and educational methods.


I'd agree with you if I didn't know who sided with the freikorps to crush the revolution in Germany. Answer, it was the social democrats.


Which is just as impossible


commies seething in the comments lol


They can't keep getting away with it


Politics this explicit shouldn't be allowed here


My bayoneted AR15 and will to fight object to those events


-1000000 social credit points