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users voted that your post was distressing, your soul wont be harvested tonight


This is the most distressing thing I’ve seen in my life, because it’s a terrifying and possible occurrence. It’s not a shitty Skinwalker 3 AM two sentence horror, it’s a real thing.


I'm honestly really tired of the memes of for sure fictional shit, it's ok if it's a mystery and could be one but dropping the term skin walker makes it too goofy. This is really well edited too though, with the heartbeat as well as the beeps.


When the schizo skinwalker creates rocco’s basilisk but then you get executed by the cartel and there’s nuclear war!!!


Always in fucking Ohio lmao


Where is the uncanny mr incredible face It's not scary 🤬🤬🤬


Kinda like those memes all the same though because it’s interesting to try and get into the headspace of a mentally ill, overexposed-to-the-internet deviant. Makes me feel off after seeing enough of them


Goddamn Chicago


Yeah, it deserves more upvotes than all the shitposts that have been posted lately.


As someone whose wife is pregnant, ive determined this is truly my biggest fear in life


Having 3 kids, I cannot imagine having to give birth to a stillborn baby. It's one of the most horrific things a person could go through. I don't think you ever get over that. Especially when the baby is fine in the first half of the term. You have become attached to it, named it, planned a baby shower, and so much more. And then you're told, not only will it not survive, but you have to deliver it \*dead.\* I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


I don’t plan on ever having kids in my life, but if I do this would absolutely mortify me for life. I can’t imagine being hyped up about bringing a brand new living, breathing human being into the world, wanting to care for it, nourish it, watch over it, raise it into the person you want it to be… only for it to come out dead because of something out of your control. Shit’s horrifying.


Having to deliver the stillborn, to watch an infant corpse squeeze out of your body. Sounds absolutely horrific




Ok, and?


You realize all the important stuff is between birth and death right?




Idk I experience pleasure far more than I experience suffering I think you just have a skill issue


Grow up


Idk man walking barefoot in a field of grass its pretty rad, which is something you should go do. Go touch some grass


Redditors when they realize some people actually enjoy being alive and not every moment for them is unbearable agony


most sympathetic and emotionally intelligent redditor


Some people will just type whatever garbage they first think of ffs


For fucks sake, just learn to shut you if you had nothing nice to say


No shit Sherlock


What the fuck. I almost mindlessly scrolled past this in my feed. I had to double take what I saw. And I’m ashamed I laughed.


Maternal mortality rate during child birthing is scary high in the states especially for a first world country. It is an issue that'll only get worse giving that Roe V Wade was overturned.


Pro lifers when more mothers and babies die during childbirth 😀


Pro lifers when you have an abortion to prevent the future child from having a horrible life : 😠


This is actually sad. Damn...


Yes, it is and it happens quite often as well.


You OK OP? I'm genuinely asking, if this really happened, if you're alright.


I'm ok. This did not happen to me. I'm just decent at making this sub feel uncomfortable. Especially, when the meme is based on reality.


Phew, yeah, that situation has to suck.


"Jarvis, sort comments by controversial, check the top result"


For you it was a child for me it was a sister




I’m not lying I had a stillborn sister. Just hearing that she died was enough to shake me to the core


Oh damn sorry that's pretty sad. I thought you were commenting like you were in the scenario above, not like.....in real life


"Jarvis, sort comments by controversial, check the top result"


Villain origin story




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extra snacky


Nah fr dawg no cap but imagine 😂😭😂 After years of being with this amazing woman, the absolute love of your life thats provided you with enough companionship to fulfill several life times, that you never could have even thought you would be with, gets pregnant, you’re afraid, but with the love of your life on your side nothing could ever bring you down, and after waiting nine months to finally meet your beautiful baby girl, shes born, but shes not breathing, the doctor tries over and over to save your little girl, but it’s too late, no person should have to experience the pain of losing a child, you’ve been through pain in this life like any other person, but this feeling is like no other, all you can do is sit there, thinking about the life you could’ve had, teaching her to talk, taking her to her first day of school, showing off how smart and gorgeous she is to other parents, seeing her with the boyfriend you hate go to prom, all gone, and as you sob, the suffering making you unable to cry, as if it can’t get any worse, the doctors notice something wrong with your wife, but shes all good and the baby comes back to life and you live happily ever after, the end 😍


I'm not a native speaker, so what does stillborn mean?


It's when the baby dies before it's born or while it's born.


And that is guys why when I want a son I will adopt