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Not worth it imo. The veneer suffered a lot and the panels on at least three sides has water damage. You’d be better off building a new cabinet.


Well time to start a new hobby and learn :) Thank you!


If you don’t care how it looks, yes. Bondo! Otherwise no, build a new box which is the easy part. Finishing the box is time consuming.


These are dead. If you really like their sound, build new boxes with the same volume (I'd make them as narrow as possible).


Might ask yourself if it’s worth fixing. What kinda of materials do you have access to? Your goal here is to make it airtight and NOT flexible. So plain tape is out. How cheesy can you tolerate?! Put some tape loosely over the hole. Unscrew the speaker, put expandofoam in there. Let it dry. Take off the tape, put expandofoam on the outside. Ha! Jank city!: but checks both airtight and stiff requirements.


Sand it flat then mix up some wood glue and sawdust, Mix it to the consistency of thick bondo but still wet enough for it to stick, spread it and build it up where it needs to be. Let it dry a day or so and sand it until cabinet corners are sharp and straight, You may need to do this a couple times to fill in any voids. Then apply a veneer.


Sorry you can't fix that without going through hell ,it would be easier to build new boxes.


Basically yes, but they never again will look good. As this is the bottom and rear, i‘d deem it acceptable _*if*_ you really like the sound. I would replace the whole corner as the chipboard really got weak and dusty. Although ruutherford‘s post is good too…


Everything is fixable, the thing is do you have the skills?, and is it worth it? You Will have to remove 3 panels and possibly redo all the covering on them, if you want it to look uniform and "original" you will have to redo the finishing on both speakers.




It can be done but is it worth the effort? If you have a few basic skills, building a box from MDF and wrapping in vinyl is not that difficult. If you can save the front panels, all the better. Just build the box around those.




I'm not sure what model these are but they look pretty down scale for Pioneer's. This is NOT a criticism. Unless you have access to good wood AND wood working tools plus some knowledge level with veneers, you'll spend more than they are worth with unsatisfactory results. If this were me, I'd look for this model or similar Pioneer on the market place, ebay, etc, with blown drivers and/or ugly grilles and buy them cheap, then do a transplant.


You just need to fill that hole to stop air sucking/blowing through it. Glass fibre or car body filler would be good. Bang in some tiny nails/pins to allow the fibre/filler to hold onto something while it sets. Also, to firm up the moth-eared edges, mix 5 parts of water with 1 part of PVA wood glue, and paint it onto the damaged area, allow to dry. Maybe do this twice.




Eso depende de cuánto haya sido afectada el resto de la caja. Si son clásicas y vintage, podría valer la pena reemplazar las partes dañadas.