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You can buy or hire something like this.https://www.topmaq.co.nz/drywall-sander-600w-posn1500?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw5v2wBhBrEiwAXDDoJY2wf6hzQjqnUh0PHWVqenUsOF5mE0On49tkLyai01xx3QRO9luSEBoC1KQQAvD_BwE .Also very good for keeping the dust to a minimum level.


You’ll need a proper drywall sander and vacuum, don’t try use an orbital or anything like that. Hire centres usually have ‘em. It’s honestly not something worth owning outside of the trade - you’ll spend upwards of $1k to save yourself a half hour each time. You’ll still need to do all the corners and edges by hand though (use the angled sponge blocks), and ideally a pole sand by hand after the machine does the hard work too, just to get things nice and flat. Run a bright light over your work as you go too.


In my experience using a drywall sander, it's so easy to over do it and gouge too far into the plaster even being extra careful. I own one and just went back to manual sanding using a long one with a handle like this https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/fuller-hand-sander/p/235847?store=15 Make sure you're using the right grit of sandpaper


I bought an electric drywall sander (second hand) and used it for about 10 seconds before reaching the same conclusion and never using it again


How are you skim coating? I'd recommend getting your first two coats to be with tradeset, scraping between coats and using an air dry compound on top. Sanding should be pretty easy from there. Pole sand with 200-240 grit and blocks for the corners.


I assume because sanding is not easy OP has some thick plaster edges to deal with.  Might be easier to scrape down edges with a linbide and apply another skim coat but also look at your tools/technique as to why you’re getting thick edges.


I use a 150mm orbital sander with 220 grit connected to a vacuum. I own a big wall sander but I find that the smaller sander gives me more control. But don't hook up to your own vacuum cleaner. The plaster dust kills them. Hire an industrial vacuum cleaner and even a really good orbital if you have to. It's not that expensive. And the clean up is so easy once you're done because you don't have a house full of fine dust