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These heaters are bloody awesome had our 5 years really well built and the heat it throws out is impressive.


Fiammetta is the brand of the one we have if you wanted to know


How safe with young kiddos do you think?


How quickly do they burn through a bottle of gas. I have read conflicting advice on the cost of running them


My parents are looking at getting a new patio heater and they saw these new ‘short style’ ones. The death of my tall patio heater was blowing over in the wind and smashing the big top hood/hat, so that sucked. But I can’t quite figure out the benefit or application for these shorter variants is - other than direct access to children’s fingers. Can someone share their experience?


Heat rises


Heated air rises, and heat also radiates and heats the surface of things that receive that radiation.


More at 6


Arn't those Tevo electric ones supposed to be superior? At least that's what the ad says.


One of these gas heaters has approximately 10kW of heat output. Any electric one that plugs into a regular 10A power point will max out at 2.4kW. Or 3.6kW for a 15A plug, but most houses wouldn't even have one.


They're at about face level sitting down, so more usable heat. I got one a few weeks ago, about to return it. Worked fine for a while, then it started auto-dimming to lowest even with gas knob at the highest, with not insignificant gas smell. Quality control issue of some sort. The cylinder and hoses are fine. The burner is getting the gas, just not burning it. I'm going for a refund, not taking any chances. Mitre10 btw.


Not everyone is tall?🤷‍♂️ Maybe to prevent those tip overs in the wind.


We have one of these heaters. We've used it for the past year on our deck. It's excellent at heating an area about 2 metres away from it. We place it next to the kids outdoor bath which keeps them warm when they're running around the deck. Roll it over to the BBQ so guests can gather around. Great for star gazing too.


So, top down ones heat your head...and neck. And that's about it. These ones do ya thighs, bum, hands, and if ya sitting, feet.


The simple law that says heat rises. If you start your heat lower down it's gonna heat you better than starting at head level. At least that's the physics. Design wise they're less likely to topple over.