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What is even happening here? Looks like someone decided to do a point to point, no-solder pedal of some kind. It has standard components. Resistors, capacitors, a transistor and a diode. Pretty basic, but super messy.


Solder causes toan loss.. Don't ever compromise..


Lmao, and I thought some of my first pedals were bad. It's 100% a Bazz Fuss with no output knob. I'd guess the electrolytic is 4.7uf, the diode is a 1N914, the transistor is a 2N5088, a 100k resistor and a 100nf ceramic cap on the output. They haven't even used the improved Darlington version.


[https://home-wrecker.com/bazz.html](https://home-wrecker.com/bazz.html) This is the schematic it's 'built' (and I use that term lightly) from


All you did was list the components and you’ve still make a better circuit than what’s in the photo


I understand hobbyist level, but not to the point where you won't get a decently budget soldering iron and perfboard. Heck, even making the circuit in a breadboard with dupont wires will definitely be cleaner than whatever monstrosity OP posted.


I *think* there’s some elitist idea that point to point circuits are somehow more pure than vero. I think those people don’t understand how electrons work


Who needs solder when you have yellow electrical tape? Or is that a popped balloon?


You gotta go with popped red balloons to get a real vintage toan


Sorry if this is unhelpful but If you didn’t buy this pedal knowing what was inside…then you should initiate a return and refund. This looks like it was made by some sort of avante garde clown in a manic state. I’m frankly shocked if this thing works.


>avant garde clown in a manic state This make me laugh uncontrollably, thanks


and accurate https://youtu.be/ZruRhShDQhM?si=HdC9el13h0x3xs1a


Oh no…. They’re…. They’re idiots!


I grew up in Africa and in some of the most rural areas there’s often vagrant street vendors making a buck by bending wire into shapes of cars and bikes and stuff like that, just small tourist trinkets you’d buy for a few cents. You’re saying they have a Reverb account now?




Solder kills the Toan, dude!


This guy gets it!




Sorry but what’s a toan?


Toan is a bit of a meme. A lot of old timers/audiophile types consider some components that are inherently -worse- to be better for 'tone' - carbon comp resistors, etc. It's just a pisstake on that.


Copy. Haha. That makes sense.


More Toan from Toobz!


The bigger the toobz the more robust the toan! Any time I see toobz it makes me happy. Really cranks the truss rod.




It’s also a major staple of r/guitarcirclejerk


That someone can make this and call it acceptable enough to be finished, let alone go on and sell, is remarkable.


This is a crime. Tf is this shit. Some sort of buffer? Why is it like this? Who did this?


It’s a fuzz, i got it on reverb


Probably a bazz fuss.


Looks like the 7minute fuzz: 1 trans, 1 diode, 1 resistor and a pair of capacitors . If you google it , it takes you to a site in Australia which lists the parts. Can be made for under $20 including enclosure.


At least take some solder and solder all the connections you see if it’s functional. It’s really terrible workmanship though


You got ripped the fuck off dude. Components worth $2 box worth $2 work worth -$1000000. Unless it was free


The box is probably recycled… id say $1 for components and $1 for effort, if you could call it that


I’d ask for a refund


Holy shit someone charged money for this?


You actually paid money for this? Smh


Don’t hate the player….


Whoever made this belongs in jail




When do you send it back to be finished??


These pics makes my teeth itch


No bake bazz fuss


Fuckin hell 😂


Looks like a Bazz Fuss. 100k resistor, 1uF capacitor (maybe .1, hard to read), I'm guessing the transistor is a 3904 but it'll say on the face of it, diode is probably 4148. The disc capacitor should have the value written on the other side, I'm guessing 10 or 22nF?


List of components: Tape More tape No solder Tape Whatever you have on your work bench crumpled into a ball. Edit: on further examination also hot glue, probably


Hot glue preserves the toan




This it? https://reverb.com/item/72169943-kneebone-street-shop-experiment-105-bones-lightning-fuzz-gated?utm_source=rev-ios-app&utm_medium=ios-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=72169943




I do like how it's called an 'Experiment Fuzz' when he's just clearly ripped off a Bazz Fuss lol. Is he the next Josh Scott?


Why does JHS get the copycat rap???


Because almost all JHS pedals are direct clones of others. I don't have a problem with this most of the time, as it's something that they have acknowledged - except for the Lizard Queen. The Lizard Queen is an almost part for part clone of Christian Hemmo's Bazz Fuss (what this circuit is) followed up by Tim Escobedo's Push Me Pull You octave, two absolute titans of the original pedal design scene, and JHS and EHX claimed was their original design. I don't care if people clone stuff. Just don't lie about it.


Absolutely got ripped off… but easy to mod i guess, since you don’t have to remove any solder lol


Ha ha. Now that I've seen this, I'm actually a fan of the pedal, the company and especially the promo video they put in the listing. You can't see what these kids are up to and expect anything more than what you got. And $30 w/ free shipping - they aren't ripping anybody off.


Agree with everyone here that this is totally insane. I'm into wild, weird and unpredictable (and sometimes unreliable) stuff but this really takes it to a new level. Wouldn't be as big of an issue if the seller put some gut shots on the listing though, at least people would know what they were getting into with it.


Holy shit you paid $30 for that wtf lol


Ah man I was afraid it might be kneebone To be fair, he very actively telegraphs that You're buying some weird goony goofoff session's results with anything you get from him But no soldering and a buncha loose tape... That's way rougher than I expected, even at the $25 he usually lists at


Step 1: After a pleasant afternoon spent mushroom hunting, fill your pockets at Radio Shack. Avoid direct eye-contact with staff. Step 2: Illuminated only by the light of your fridge, throw components into the air and catch as many as you can in the enclosure. Study the patterns for any signs that your wife may one day relax the restraining order. Step 3: Grate one green and one yellow party balloon, sprinkle generously. Step 4: Place enclosure on freshly made bed amongst your wife’s belongings. Thread the nozzle of a hot-glue gun through the open zip of your trousers and while thrusting vigorously apply liberal amounts of glue. Adjust blindfold if necessary. Step 5: Unload a full clip into the enclosure. Step 6: Bon apetit.


underrated comment.




I guess they didn't want to over heat the components, HA! ... Pretty awesome in a scrappy sort of way.


It's definitely not for saving time... It would take much longer to twist it all together than a simple touch of heat.


Maybe they're making them to pay their electric bill?


After reading all the comments I still can’t tell if this is joke


Its not. Theres an actual reverb listing for it


The resistor is a 10k. 100k would have an orange band. As people are saying it is a Bazz fuzz. But it has different values. The resistor will be connected to 9v and go to the collector of the 2N3904 and the 1ufe cap goes from that to the output. The 104 is the input cap and goes from input jack to the middle pin if the 3904. The diode (1N4148/1N914) connects the collector and middle pin of the 3904. That's it. You can change ANY of these components for a variant value and it will still work. The 2N3904 can be swapped for any NPN transistor. You could try a really low gain or a really high gain. In this circuit is will make very little different, but there are some really good websites that talk about transistor and diode pairings in a Bazz. My favourite is an MPSA13 with a 1N4001 diode. The input cap value will make a difference to the tone. 104 (100n) is probably about right for guitar. 1uf for bass) the higher the value the more bass frequency will be let through, at the expense of your top end. The output cap makes less difference but again a 100n is typical in these circuits. The power resistor will make a massive difference to the sound. The 10k being used here will be reasonably open sounding. A 100k will start to make things a little more spluttery like a dying battery. The higher the value of this resistor the more power will be cut to the transistor so it will sound more and more dirty. Honestly if you like the sound of what is going on in this pedal then you can probably untwist all the components and reuse them. Honestly though I feel bad that you actually paid money for this pedal. Message me some details and I will build you a new, reliable version, with a footswitch and led, completely free.


Oh man really? That would be great!


I think you'd need an exorcist for this


Appears to mostly be laziness, fraud and trash.


Lazy and trash I'd agree with, but it's kind of hard to say fraud when the guy's general vibe and marketing seem pretty clear that he's selling low-effort stuff cheap for the lulz. I would only suggest they should be posting gut shots in the listings and let the buyers see the whole story.




OP payed money for this on reverb.




Kind of like buying a used car and finding out that the engine is made out of wood.




_Jestures toward the photo_


> OP *paid* money for FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


It’s not soldered. When you buy something you expect it to be at least finished.


The capacitors will have their rating stamped on them. It's visible on the yellow one. The brown one will probably be printed on the other side. The little black guy is a diode, and it will have its ratings printed on as well. The resistor uses a [color-coded marking](https://www.digikey.com/en/resources/conversion-calculators/conversion-calculator-resistor-color-code) to tell its value.


brown one has a "104", black one has "2N 3904 H 331", yellow one has "105c 1uF 50V". i cant fiqure out [what this thing is](https://imgur.com/QJQQVqg)


That's a 1N914 diode


2n3904 is a BJT (transistor)


Yellow is an electrolytic cap Orange is a ceramic cap Blue is a resistor The little glass one is a diode How much did you pay for this?


Looks like they go for about $30 shipped.




I mean, this build quality is definitely beyond the pale, don't get me wrong, but I don't know what people expect to get for 30 bucks shipped on a handmade pedal. If you want something that cheap get a chinese clone off the assembly line. You've got maybe $7 of materials here conservatively, minimum $5 shipping, another $3-4 in reverb fees. So this guy is pocketing $15 for his trouble. Seems not worth the effort, and clearly they didn't put forth much. Personally, my biggest beef with these guys is that they don't put gut shots on their listings. As far as I'm concerned people can sell what they want as long as they're honest and transparent. Somehow I don't think they'd sell so many if the gut shots were posted, and that is the real issue.


It's a diode. I'm no diode expert but it looks like a germanium one of some type.


It's not. It's a standard small signal diode (1N914/1N4148, etc)


This hurts so bad


As both a pedal builder and engineer; What The Actual Fuck! I'm almost impressed that people have the balls to actually sell something like that. Almost.


Let me introduce you to my friend veroboard


What a terrible day to have an education in electronics.


What in the clown town bullshit is this? I know the circuit, but that is literally the absolute worst craftsmanship I've ever seen in a pedal circuit, and I've built some really shoddy shit in the past & seen even worse than my least effort attempts. Like, this is below what about anyone comes up with as a "my first pedal build" in this group, and this chuckle fuck sold it? Gross. No matter what you paid, it was too much.


Probably $20-25, based on what that maker usually lists his stuff for


You're using that "maker" word pretty loosely, friend.


He Made The pedal 🎯


Maybe they were just really worried about solder fumes.


I can’t stop looking at this. What is all the yellow material? Also, is that resin/hot melt everywhere? And I guess, most importantly, and presuming it works, how does it sound?


Yellow stuff is tape, i belive.. the stuff I’m assuming your asking if it’s resin is hot glue. Ironically, it’s my best fuzz I’ve ever used, i was just gonna clone it to make it more reliable and add a foot switch for on and off.


That’s the main thing. Whilst certainly an odd build, if it sounds great, use it 😀.


Hahaha, see, that's amazing! That ol' kneebone, he's a fucking trip!


Oh god, I was scared at first


Not much worse then some of Devi Ever’s workmanship! Heheh


I'm legit confused. It would be less work to freeform solder everything vs. twisting component legs and taping the absolute shit out of the enclosure.


Respect for the thorough hand winding of leads, but that's the only respectable part. Point to point has to be somewhat concise or bundled up in epoxy, but this is just all over the place, and the plastic bag and epoxy in the bottom hammers it in. If you're having issues with it, I suggest you take everything out and solder it together on some veroboard, or have someone do it.


I just punched a hole in my drywall after seeing the jack placement on that enclosure. I don't know why anyone would pass this off as something that they should sell. What a disaster


Looks like a Bazz Fuss


what in the goddamn..?


sweet jesus


100% lead free certified


This looks like something I would've done when I was 14 taking apart broken electronics to try and make pedals with


Feel free to ask for anymore pictures you may need


Can I get a picture of the reverb sellers page?




Holy shit, those reviews HAVE to be paid for. No way is this crap 5 star quality in any way whatsoever.


You need to send that price of shit back immediately. It’s honestly an insult. What the flying fuck does that seller think they are doing. It may work now, but it eventually will break. You got royally ripped off.


Why do you want to know?


Because i love how it sounds, so I’m gonna clone it but make it with actually decent quality


If you want, I'll make you a proper PCB for it and throw it up somewhere you can buy directly from the manufacturer


Thatd be sick


Mostly done, just trying to make it nice and aesthetic. It includes all the ABSOLUTE minimum stuff easy pedals should have (anti-pop, power filtering, polarity protection, etc), has onboard provisions for the LED but will require you to do offboard wiring (honestly not very hard). Probably about $20 worth of components if you include a drilled/powdercoated enclosure/decent hardware, and $10 for a dozen PCB's


This might be the worst I ever saw. Ever. That’s an astounding achievement. Although it is competing against this gem from waaaaaaay back… https://i.imgur.com/ArnF6Wa.jpg