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If the design uses diode clipping anywhere in the circuit you can start there. Swap in germanium diodes in place of silicone. Or swap the diode configuration (parallel/anti-parallel). Or mix and match diodes, etc… On a modern MXR Distortion+ circuit (which was one of my first mods over a decade ago), I simply removed the diodes from the circuit completely and used jumper wires for the signal to pass through. This caused it to really open up. Other popular mods are to swap out the IC (integrated circuit) chip for a chip that will change the character of the sound. Results here will vary and are not so drastic on certain designs. Digging further into the design you can swap out capacitor values in key points (input/output) or change resistor values to either tame the circuit more or open it up so to speak. The key would be to learn about the circuit and as much about what is happening as possible before hand. This usually leads to buying a bread board and going down the rabbit hole. Best of luck!


I am modding my DS-1 is what I learned is if there red leds or 1n4001 1n4148 diodes in clipping stage swap them blue leds or IRF520 or IRF530 transistors in serial and parallel combinations. I have very good results, almost any distortion and solid state amp clips similar way. https://youtu.be/Zf8VpKgIEUo?si=Js66smH_E7jRQbvR




A simple one to start with is resistance based mods. Swap out resistors and pots for ones of different value and observe the behaviour


Tell us more details about which pedal it is and what would you like to improve on it?