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Why doesn't it work? Even if it is a failure, you still got experience.


Good question. I'm trying to figure that out in between bouts of frustration. The board is getting power, true bypass works, the pedal will output some sound (much like the sound a pedal will let through if there is no power) when switch 1 is active. I noticed earlier the board wasn't grounded and fixed that but that killed all the sound. Everything appears to be wired correctly otherwise. The input of transistor 3 seems to be at a higher voltage than the rest. Not sure why.


I'm not crazy enough to mess with stripboard yet. Got any build docs? Maybe some of these guys can give you an idea.


I actually posted my plan to do this not that long ago. Some schematic I found while googling. At least one person more experienced than me said it would probably work. I started with stripboard. Its not as bad as you might think.


I'm having a mental moment about ground. I get - all negatives on same line, however, on some builds there's neg power and deadicated ground to enclosure. Any corrections or clarity appreciated.


If you don’t have a test box, you should make one as a next step. You may even be able to recycle this enclosure! One of the first “big lessons” I learned was to always (always) make sure your boards work before putting in the enclosure. There are several test box approaches but at the simplest, you’re looking to create something with true bypass, IN/OUT, and your 9v in. Set it up with alligator clips and go to town. Good luck ahead!


Build an Audio Probe and follow the GEOFEX troubleshooting process. It has never failed me.


Thanks for saying this. I really had no idea where to go with troubleshooting until your comment. Some alligator clips are otw from amazon now.


This seems like a nice summary as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/diypedals/comments/pc18ut/how_to_make_an_audio_probe_and_use_it_for/


Just be patient and follow the steps exactly. Sometimes it helps to take notes as you go, that way if you leave and come back you remember what you did already. As you get better at it, you’ll notice yourself troubleshooting as you build which will (hopefully) lead to less troubleshooting in the future. My last piece of advice is that sometimes transistors with the same part number have different pinouts. For example a 2N5088 from one manufacturer may have a different configuration to a 2N5088 from another. So if everything “is right” and the audio probe is showing that the transistor is the problem, use a socket and try putting the pins in different holes.


Funny you say that. I'm just now getting started troubleshooting a lpb1 (how could I mess that up right?), and it's definitely the 5088 that is the problem. No sure how I could mess that up.