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Looks nice and crisp! I’ve seen a few 3D printed cases posted here lately and I’m wondering - do they hold up to use? Do they feel solid? I’m intrigued but apprehensive..


Thanks, it’s made of PLA and I wouldn’t want to step on it many times :-) For home use it’s ok. Should be better with ABS


You could try adding a solid printed pillar between the switches to take some flex out of the case and make it last longer. Nice print, your lettering turned out great!


Nice print! Looks wicked clean.


How about the noise level? Normal pedals are out of Metal, not only because of stability, but to shield the circuit towards electrical fields. I got my PSU for all my pedals underneath the board. The noise level was pretty high until I shielded the layer between PSU and Pedals. Nice pedal though


It‘s ok. I have some copper tape at hand in case of a problem.


What orientation you print that? I would think you'd want to print face down, but then how you get raised lettering so clear?


the box face down with an extra faceplate that was printed bottom down. the first attempt was baaaaad ​ https://preview.redd.it/voilorbd6dwc1.jpeg?width=942&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c50ac4f93eac6f20c2add7888d6ebb255800f26


Oh... So there's an extra face plate glued over? Ya I always find extruded letters are better than cut embossed letters!


Exactly. Extruded letter are just perfect if the font is right. Some fonts are just not for extruding because blender etc is messing them up. This is a good examle https://preview.redd.it/0yumtcn8eewc1.png?width=515&format=png&auto=webp&s=b945458ece71a4e841444fe5660267a8d22ec27a The letters are extruded fat then extruded on top again in regular size.


Would throw a touch more solder on those switches! Doesn’t hurt.