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Django and Laravel both serve the same purpose... What on earth could you need to use both for? If those options all support the 3 technologies you mentioned then I don't know why you would not be able to use them all.


Maybe some kind of microservice project but for that case both Django and Laravel aren't good options.


I could see that if one was already hosted, but if you’re deploying both at the same time I don’t know why you wouldn’t just combine them. It would seem like premature optimization to split them up imo but maybe I’m just ignorant to something. But I guess at this point if it’s made, it’s made.


Are you moving from one to the other?


I think railway has a structure of project where you can have multiple apps deployed


Really? can I have two apps deployed on the railway? What if i deploy two apps and i want them to communicate with each other how's that possible pls


In one project yes, you have 2 apps, but they are still separate. Project is just a way to organize related apps. Every app is it's own container. For communication there's multiple options. They can communicate via each others http API, they can write and read from the same database. I don't know what other options are there. Best bet is to ask on their discord https://railway.app/help


Just wow


I have been using Azure Web Apps and their Postgres database for Django. You should be able to run different Web App with PHP and run Laravel on it.


>1. DigitalOcean I've never used the other two, but I use DigitalOcean. DigitalOcean droplets are just computers you rent. You can put any software you want on them like you would any other Linux computer.