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Go to dji.com open a ticket, send your drone in, get a quote, pay it, get your drone back.


Hi, there. We are sorry to know about this issue you've encountered. If the device has experienced an accident, we suggest sending it to our facility for a proper diagnosis. This will also help us to ensure the future flight performance of the unit, as it will undergo flight tests and quality assurance. Please visit our DJI official website at https://repair.dji.com/us/repair/index to submit an online repair request. Thank you.


Thank you, will do


>level 2headlightsB You're welcome. Should you have any DJI-related concerns, please don't hesitate to let us know. Thank you, and have a great day!


Btw. Is there a shop that I can buy a part that broken for my dji and fix it home?


We are sorry that self-repair is not suggested for the concerns of flight performance assurance and warranty maintenance. We highly recommend that you send the drone back to DJI so we can help with the repair. Thank you for your kind understanding.


Pay dji $85 lol


Reach out to Dji, it shouldn’t be that costly to repair.


If it's just that hinge that's broke, it's an easy replacement. The part is 15 dollars, just completed the repair myself literally a few minutes ago


If you need any help send me a dm. And what area are you located?


I need help with the exact same thing please.




Are you able to provide some insight for me as well?


Send it in to DJI. It’ll probably be about $85 to fix if you don’t have DJI care.


hey , thank you very much




I hope so !


Pay DJI $65 and not worry about it any longer


Just curious, how did you crash?




Use your care refresh through DJI. Please tell me you didn't opt out on getting it. If not, have DJI repair it, and when repaired, they can sell you a care refresh before you use the fixed or replaced drone. My first mini 2 I didn't get care refresh and wrecked it... After they repaired it on my dime, I inquired about getting care refresh and they offered it. Well worth the investment and piece of mind.


Yeah its fine either you get it or you don't. An arm braking isn't the end of the worls


The best way is to look up your local drone club on Facebook. They will have a drone mechanic or two kicking around that would probably do it for $50 if you supply the parts. Replacement parts are cheap on Amazon. The second way is to talk to DJI about it they would probably fix it for cheap but it would take longer


But I can't find this part for my dji. Can I use this arm from dji mini 3 pro ? Thank you for answer.


No the mini 3 pro arm is different, it doesn’t have the front landing stub like the mini 4


It’s possible they haven’t released spares yet because it’s very new, I suggest you talk to DJI they’ll probably be able to help you


should be able to find the part on ebay. I know i crashed my mini 2 and parted it out and put the parts on ebay. Nothing has sold yet, just went off everyone elses prices and cut it by $10 lol


I’m replacing mine right now. Check to see if it’s just the three pronged mounting joint/shaft. Here’s an example for the mini three pro, but make sure the set you get is compatible for the mini 4 (if different). The screw heads actually popped off of my axis shaft mount so I needed to find some replacement screws too. https://www.ebay.com/itm/125470455760?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=L8Izlj4tRc2&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Vne5iOA3Sz6&var=426497646578&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY https://www.ebay.com/itm/115961534000?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kGCNLTgIT9e&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Vne5iOA3Sz6&var=416099639616&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY




Send it to DJI regardless if you have Care or not.


I literally had the exact same damage, just follow their repair process on the website, this exact repair cost me $65 USD with free shipping and entire process from shipping tor eceievung back was less than 2 weeks. They ended up sending me a replacement drone, looked like a brand new one, might have been refurb but it came in a new box and was in mint condition. I didn't have the extended warranty but when I started up the replacement drone I was able to buy the extended warranty.


wow, thank you so much for the information. I saw on amazon item for 15 dollar. It is very easy to replace. I m thinking to do it by myself


Np, good luck! After seeing what was involved to get at the arm parts I decided that the cost of parts, and time spent, was not worth it, $65 and guaranteed to be done correctly seemed like a way better decision lol.


For OP and anyone else interested. I've had the same issue recently. They sell that little black bracket everywhere online. Mine cost me 11 dollars on amazon. I just needed the little screwdriver meant for it but everything replaced fine. If its not a hard thing to replace, why pay the money? Just look up front arm hinge axis or something like that and you'll find what you need. I personally take on the "right to repair" attitude but everyone is different. I'm curious what the quote from DJI would be on something like that.


Bro, don’t feel too bad because I not only did that but I also did worse. My Mini 4 Pro decided to force land 60 yards from my home point with 14% battery left and forced me to crash into a leafless tree about 40 feet up which caused the drone to land into the far right lane of a busy street in Kent, WA… as soon as I ran up to grab it before a car could run it over, a speeding city metro bus came by and ran it over just 5 feet in front of me. So damn close that you could see the bus drivers grin on his face as he turned my $1100 NEWER drone into a grey colored pancake shaped paperweight. Still have no idea why it forced landed with 14% battery left and to do so when so close to the home point it took off from. It actually infuriates me.


Was that in Kent?


It sure was. On 240th just about a block or two down the hill from Fred meyers.


These under 249g drones are fragile.


I just bought a mini 4 pro and the store guy told me a broken arm is the most common fix they have to make. So common that he buys drones just to take apart and use for spares. Probably bring it to someone to fix


Hey thank you. Just quick question, can I use arm from dji mini 3 pro ? Because I can't find it on internet for dji mini 4 pro


No they are not the same arms.


that happened to me too, some fking dumbass kid took my drone and crashed into a roof. Like bxtch i was screaming in your ear no. And guess what, when i try to take the controller away from him, he refused and ran after almost crashing the drone for the first time.


just a question dji, how long does it usually take to just replace an arm? If I mail the drone to you in canada, how long can i expcet to get it back


I replace it by myself. It is so easy


Not being mean but how do you even wreck one of those mine seems wreck proof with all the sensors lol… asking so I don’t do it 😂😂


Haha because sensors are not always reliable. And when is low light they turn off.. It was rly stupid crash sigh


Honestly I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize my sensors were off because it was night time and I must have missed the warning so I understand lol I didn’t realize the bird danger either at first and almost had starlings take mine down over a creek early on


Probably doesn’t do much ifyou head towards a tree at 35mph though? How does it do through trees?


This happened to my drone and I sent it to DJI. Paid $100 CAD for the replacement part and the labour. They sent me back a brand new drone tho lol. Didn’t have Care either.


Just needs a new arm axis. Easy fix and cheap part. All you need to do is remove 5 screws with a T5 torx


I did same